27,284 research outputs found

    Exploring motivations, constraints, and perceptions toward sport consumers\u27 smartphone usage.

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    Today’s technology trend in the United States is influenced by the growing population of 182.6 million smartphone users (Statista Inc., 2015). The technology trend has also affected the sport consumption behaviors in terms of how they obtain information, share similar interests, and purchase goods in support of their fandom. The range of efforts varies depending on sport consumers’ level of fandom and their technological comfort level towards using a smartphone. Thus, understanding the relationship between sport and technology provides benefits for sport managers to discover innovative ways to further engage current fans and attract new consumers using smartphones. Considering the benefits associated with smartphone technology, the primary purpose of this study was to examine motivations, constraints, and technological perceptions toward smartphones as it relates to sport consumers’ fan identification. Specifically, the study examined (a) primary communication channels (b) factors that influence users (c) factors that prevent users from consuming sport (d) smartphonespecific technological perceptions, and (d) the differences in sport consumers’ motivations, constraints, and technological perceptions to follow sport based on sex, age, and fan identification, and (e) factors that predict actual usage, all based on sport consumers’ smartphone usage. Using a cross-sectional survey design, data were collected from the tech-savvy Amazon MTurk users (N = 372) living in the United States. The results of this study revealed three unique factors of motivations (i.e. intrinsic, social, diversion), three factors of constraints (i.e. personal, security, technology), and two factors of technological perceptions (i.e. hedonic, utilitarian) for smartphone usage in sport context. Among these factors, intrinsic motivations, personal constraints, hedonic perceptions and utilitarian perceptions were found to significantly predict actual usage. Further analysis also revealed that sport consumers’ behaviors significantly differed based on the level of fan identification (i.e. high or low). The sport consumers also identified that they connected to the official sites the most followed by sport-related apps, and social media sites. In sports they followed, NFL was ranked the highest, followed by MLB, and NCAA Football, and within these sports, they followed their favorite team the most, leagues the second, and players the third. The result of current study provided a holistic view towards understanding sport consumption behaviors by considering motivations, constraints, and technological perceptions associated with smartphone usage. The information captured in this study is particularly useful when designing a mobile marketing campaign to better engage current fans and attract new fans. In addition, sport managers will be able to further encourage sport consumers’ motivating factors, while reducing the constraining factors by considering technological perceptions of the smartphones. Furthermore, the current study’s proposed scale could be used to assess motivations, constraints, and technological perceptions associated with actual usage to reflect upon specific characteristics of the fan identification

    Technology behavior of Millennials: an approach through the uses and gratifications theory

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Análise Económica e Estratexia Empresarial. 5033V01[Resumen]La tesis está estructurada en un prefacio a modo de introducción y tres capítulos que se corresponden respectivamente con los tres artículos de investigación que fueron realizados para la misma. Los tres capítulos tienen una estructura similar. En primer lugar se realiza un resumen del artículo en el cual se introduce el mismo, se explica su propósito, se informa de los hallazgos obtenidos, se valora su importancia y se ofrecen unas palabras clave relacionadas con el artículo para facilitar búsquedas. En segundo lugar se realiza una breve introducción en la cual se explica el problema planteado y se formulan las preguntas que se esperan responder. En tercer lugar se expone el marco teórico del artículo y la metodología investigadora empleada. Por último se ofrecen los resultados obtenidos y se proponen una serie de conclusiones extraídas de los mismos así como potenciales líneas de investigación. Para la realización de los artículos de la investigación se llevo a cabo de forma previa a los mismos un cuestionario de carácter aleatorio. Los participantes en dicho cuestionario fueron contactados en diferentes campus universitarios así como en centros comerciales, así mismo se realizo la misma encuesta a través de Internet distribuyéndose mediante correo electrónico. Technology behavior of Millennials: An approach through the uses & gratifications theory. Page 116 Los lugares en los que se recogieron los datos fueron seleccionados al azar y se obtuvieron los diferentes permisos para llevar a cabo la investigación en dichos lugares. Los participantes rellenaron la encuesta voluntariamente sin que se ofreciesen incentivos por la participación. En el cuestionario se incluyó una pregunta previa a la evaluación para verificar la edad de los participantes de modo que solo los cuestionarios de individuos con edades comprendidas entre 20 y 30 años y de individuos con edades comprendidas entre 35 y 50 años de edad fueron tenidos en cuenta para realizar el estudio. Con carácter previo a la realización de la encuesta la misma se probó con un pequeño subconjunto de la población a fin de determinar si el instrumento de investigación era válido y confiable. Se verificó de este modo la redacción del cuestionario, el orden de las preguntas y la capacidad de los participantes para comprender el significado de las mismas..

    Alter ego, state of the art on user profiling: an overview of the most relevant organisational and behavioural aspects regarding User Profiling.

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    This report gives an overview of the most relevant organisational and\ud behavioural aspects regarding user profiling. It discusses not only the\ud most important aims of user profiling from both an organisation’s as\ud well as a user’s perspective, it will also discuss organisational motives\ud and barriers for user profiling and the most important conditions for\ud the success of user profiling. Finally recommendations are made and\ud suggestions for further research are given

    Post-Adoption Behavior of Digital Media: The Merge of U&G Theory and Affect Event Theory

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    We incorporate two streams of IS research: 1) the quality of the systems in determining systems success and 2) the effects of online incidents including online waiting interruptions and service failures on consumer behaviors, to understand three post-adoption behaviors in the use of digital media; continuance intention, recommendation, and complaint. We investigate digital media use from the perspectives of affective events theory and U & G motivations. The results of PLS analysis with 415 responses from an online survey suggest that usage behaviors are determined by perceived site quality and cognitive appraisal of incidents handling (CAIH) and satisfaction mediated the effect of positive and negative affects to post-adoption behaviors. Information and Entertainment motivations are two salient motivations of digital media use. However, interactivity shows no effect to satisfaction of digital media use. CFA and path analysis attest the dimensionality of constructs and the structure relationships of the integrated model

    What Determines the Adoption of Digital Innovations by Digital Natives? – The Role of Motivational Affordances

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    Previous IS research analyzing the adoption of digital innovations has not yet distinguished between digital natives and digital immigrants. Thus, there is still a limited understanding of the special needs regarding digital innovation design and the adoption behavior of individuals identified as digital natives. Therefore, we used a motivational theory perspective from psychological studies to examine the individual needs of digital natives concerning the design of a digital innovation. We conducted a mental simulation experiment with 637 participants. Our findings shed light on the importance of digital nativeness as a predictor of attitudes towards using digital innovations, and the relevance of applying socio-psychological design principles for developing digital innovations

    Artificial intelligence in credit scoring : digitalization in the banking landscape in Germany

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    AI is rapidly transforming markets and challenging old business models. This dissertation examines the AI-readiness of German banks, specifically in credit scoring. For this purpose, three different data types were collected. A literature review shed light on the current credit system in Germany and, as a comparison, in China. Furthermore, expert interviews disclosed the potential chances and risks of AI-driven credit assessments. A quantitative survey complemented the expert opinions with those of potential users. The results indicated that the overall readiness of AI in the German credit sector is relatively low. Experts suggested that drivers to use this technology are risk optimization and cost reduction. The identified main barrier complicating the implementation stems from regulatory requirements. While advancements are low, the collected customer data showed that most survey participants would agree to an AI-driven creditworthiness assessment. A scenario analysis combined all collected insights and demonstrated potential future developments. From a management perspective, German banks need to be faster in their technological transformation, in order to not loose competitiveness in the future.A IA está a transformar rapidamente os mercados e a desafiar velhos modelos de negócio. Esta dissertação examina a prontidão da AI dos bancos alemães, especificamente na pontuação de crédito. Para este fim, foram recolhidos três tipos de dados diferentes. Uma análise bibliográfica lança luz sobre o actual sistema de crédito na Alemanha e, como comparação, na China. Além disso, entrevistas de peritos revelaram as potenciais hipóteses e riscos das avaliações de crédito orientadas para a gripe aviária. Um inquérito quantitativo complementou as opiniões dos peritos com as dos potenciais utilizadores. Os resultados indicaram que a prontidão geral da AI no sector de crédito alemão é relativamente baixa. Os peritos sugeriram que os factores que impulsionam a utilização desta tecnologia são a optimização do risco e a redução de custos. A principal barreira identificada que complica a implementação deriva de requisitos regulamentares. Embora os avanços sejam baixos, os dados recolhidos dos clientes mostraram que a maioria dos participantes no inquérito concordariam com uma avaliação de solvabilidade orientada para a gripe aviária. Uma análise de cenários combinou todas as percepções recolhidas e demonstrou potenciais desenvolvimentos futuros. De uma perspectiva de gestão, os bancos alemães precisam de ser mais rápidos na sua transformação tecnológica, a fim de não perderem competitividade no futuro

    Latent segmentation of older adults in the use of social networks and e-banking services

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    Introduction. This study analyses heterogeneity in the online behaviour of elderly people. Previous research has centred on the socio-demographic segmentation of the elderly regarding their Internet use. Method. The novelty that this study adds is in determining this segmentation through variables that have been especially chosen for studies of the elderly and which are related to their utilitarian use of e-banking, compared to the more hedonic nature of using online social networks. Analysis. The sample was collected using 474 students over 55 years old enrolled in a class of experience in a University in the South of Europe (Spain). We use a latent class cluster model which is appropriate in situations of a posterior segmentation. Results. In dealing with such behaviour in situations of the elderly using these technologies, we have detected the presence of five groups or segments with highly differentiated use-related profiles concerning the variables analysed: venturesomeness, technology anxiety and selfconfidence in information and communication technologies use. Conclusion. We discover the existence of heterogeneity in the behaviour of the elderly regarding services available in Internet. The results support the idea proposed. The stereotype of the elderly cut off from technology is mistaken, as is shown by the different segments found

    Broadcasting services amendment (Media Ownership) Bill 2006 and related bills

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    To help better explore the potential implications associated with the proposed legislation, we conducted a survey of 919 WA television viewers drawing from our TV Panel of 3000 viewers. Our panel has been recruited from a variety of sources including through lists acquired through marketing research firms, as well as direct mail and newspaper advertising recruitment drives. In many ways, our panel is better informed regarding future possibilities because they participate in regular studies where such scenarios are tested. In this way, the panel is better positioned to understand potential futures