1,532 research outputs found

    Kinematically optimal hyper-redundant manipulator configurations

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    “Hyper-redundant” robots have a very large or infinite degree of kinematic redundancy. This paper develops new methods for determining “optimal” hyper-redundant manipulator configurations based on a continuum formulation of kinematics. This formulation uses a backbone curve model to capture the robot's essential macroscopic geometric features. The calculus of variations is used to develop differential equations, whose solution is the optimal backbone curve shape. We show that this approach is computationally efficient on a single processor, and generates solutions in O(1) time for an N degree-of-freedom manipulator when implemented in parallel on O(N) processors. For this reason, it is better suited to hyper-redundant robots than other redundancy resolution methods. Furthermore, this approach is useful for many hyper-redundant mechanical morphologies which are not handled by known methods

    Dynamics of the Orthoglide parallel robot

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    Recursive matrix relations for kinematics and dynamics of the Orthoglide parallel robot having three concurrent prismatic actuators are established in this paper. These are arranged according to the Cartesian coordinate system with fixed orientation, which means that the actuating directions are normal to each other. Three identical legs connecting to the moving platform are located on three planes being perpendicular to each other too. Knowing the position and the translation motion of the platform, we develop the inverse kinematics problem and determine the position, velocity and acceleration of each element of the robot. Further, the principle of virtual work is used in the inverse dynamic problem. Some matrix equations offer iterative expressions and graphs for the input forces and the powers of the three actuators

    An algebraic method to check the singularity-free paths for parallel robots

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    Trajectory planning is a critical step while programming the parallel manipulators in a robotic cell. The main problem arises when there exists a singular configuration between the two poses of the end-effectors while discretizing the path with a classical approach. This paper presents an algebraic method to check the feasibility of any given trajectories in the workspace. The solutions of the polynomial equations associated with the tra-jectories are projected in the joint space using Gr{\"o}bner based elimination methods and the remaining equations are expressed in a parametric form where the articular variables are functions of time t unlike any numerical or discretization method. These formal computations allow to write the Jacobian of the manip-ulator as a function of time and to check if its determinant can vanish between two poses. Another benefit of this approach is to use a largest workspace with a more complex shape than a cube, cylinder or sphere. For the Orthoglide, a three degrees of freedom parallel robot, three different trajectories are used to illustrate this method.Comment: Appears in International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference , Aug 2015, Boston, United States. 201

    Workspace and Singularity analysis of a Delta like family robot

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    Workspace and joint space analysis are essential steps in describing the task and designing the control loop of the robot, respectively. This paper presents the descriptive analysis of a family of delta-like parallel robots by using algebraic tools to induce an estimation about the complexity in representing the singularities in the workspace and the joint space. A Gr{\"o}bner based elimination is used to compute the singularities of the manipulator and a Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition algorithm is used to study the workspace and the joint space. From these algebraic objects, we propose some certified three dimensional plotting describing the the shape of workspace and of the joint space which will help the engineers or researchers to decide the most suited configuration of the manipulator they should use for a given task. Also, the different parameters associated with the complexity of the serial and parallel singularities are tabulated, which further enhance the selection of the different configuration of the manipulator by comparing the complexity of the singularity equations.Comment: 4th IFTOMM International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics, Jun 2015, Poitiers, France. 201

    Kinematic calibration of Orthoglide-type mechanisms from observation of parallel leg motions

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    The paper proposes a new calibration method for parallel manipulators that allows efficient identification of the joint offsets using observations of the manipulator leg parallelism with respect to the base surface. The method employs a simple and low-cost measuring system, which evaluates deviation of the leg location during motions that are assumed to preserve the leg parallelism for the nominal values of the manipulator parameters. Using the measured deviations, the developed algorithm estimates the joint offsets that are treated as the most essential parameters to be identified. The validity of the proposed calibration method and efficiency of the developed numerical algorithms are confirmed by experimental results. The sensitivity of the measurement methods and the calibration accuracy are also studied

    Kinematic Performance Measures and Optimization of Parallel Kinematics Manipulators: A Brief Review

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    This chapter covers a number of kinematic performance indices that are instrumental in designing parallel kinematics manipulators. These indices can be used selectively based on manipulator requirements and functionality. This would provide the very practical tool for designers to approach their needs in a very comprehensive fashion. Nevertheless, most applications require a more composite set of requirements that makes optimizing performance more challenging. The later part of this chapter will discuss single-objective and multi-objectives optimization that could handle certain performance indices or a combination of them. A brief description of most common techniques in the literature will be provided
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