728 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Location Management Schemes in Wireless ATM Networks

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    Mobility is the cornerstone of wireless networks. Supporting mobility requires some form of tracking to locate mobile terminals within the network. In the wireline ATM network, the terminal is fixed and the terminal is located by identifying the terminal and following the routing information provided at each switch along the path. As terminals become mobile, the path to the mobile becomes dynamic; the terminal and the path are no longer synonymous. Signalling traffic incurred in tracking mobile users and delivering enhanced services causes an additional load in the Wireless ATM (WArM) network. Efficient database and location management schemes are needed to meet the challenges from high density and mobility of users, and various service scenarios. In this thesis the three "natural" Location Management Strategies, i.e., Timer-Based, Location Area Based and Movement Based are studied and analysed for a W ATM network. The model used for depicting user motion and call arrival is Brownian motion with drift process and Poisson arrival process, respectively. The Timer-Based location management strategy is one in which the user updates its location periodically after an "optimum" interval of time. This optimum interval of time is based upon the user's mobility and call arrival characteristics and is therefore best suited for that particular mobile. In the Adaptive Location Area Based strategy, the user updates its location on each LA boundary crossing. The size of the LA changes according to the user' s mobility characteristics. The objective is to minimise the combined average signalling cost of both paging and registration for each individual mobile user such that the overall system-wide signalling cost for location tracking can be minimised

    Mobility modeling and management for next generation wireless networks

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    Mobility modeling and management in wireless networks are the set of tasks performed in order to model motion patterns, predict trajectories, get information on mobiles\u27 whereabouts and to make use of this information in handoff, routing, location management, resource allocation and other functions. In the literature, the speed of mobile is often and misleadingly referred to as the level of mobility, such as high or low mobility. This dissertation presents an information theoretic approach to mobility modeling and management, in which mobility is considered as a measure of uncertainty in mobile\u27s trajectory, that is, the mobility is low if the trajectory of a mobile is highly predictable even if the mobile is moving with high speed. On the other hand, the mobility is high if the trajectory of the mobile is highly erratic. Based on this mobility modeling concept, we classify mobiles into predictable and non-predictable mobility classes and optimize network operations for each mobility class. The dynamic mobility classification technique is applied to various mobility related issues of the next generation wireless networks such as location management, location-based services, and energy efficient routing in multihop cellular networks

    Enhanced distance-based location management of mobile communication systems using a cell coordinates approach

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    In managing the locations of mobile users in mobile communication systems, the distance-based strategy has been proven to have better performance than other dynamic strategies, but is difficult to implement. In this paper, a simple approach is introduced to implement the distance-based strategy by using the cell coordinates in calculating the physical distance traveled. This approach has the advantages of being independent of the size, shape, and distribution of cells, as well as catering for the direction of movement in addition to the speed of each mobile terminal. An enhanced distance-based location management strategy is proposed to dynamically adjust the size and shape of location area for each individual mobile terminal according to the current speed and direction of movement. It can reduce the location management signaling traffic of the distance-based strategy by half when mobile terminals have predictable directions of movement. Three types of location updating schemes are discussed, namely, Circular Location Area, Optimal Location Area, and Elliptic Location Area. Paging schemes using searching techniques such as expanding distance search based on the last reported location and based on the predicted location, and expanding direction search are also explored to further reduce paging signal traffic by partitioning location areas into paging areas.published_or_final_versio

    Location and resource management for quality of service provisioning in wireless/mobile networks

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    Wireless communication has been seen unprecedented growth in recent years. As the wireless network migrates from 2G to 2.5G and 3G, more and more high-bandwidth services have to be provided to wireless users. However, existing radio resources are limited, thus quality-of-service (QoS) provisioning is extremely important for high performance networKing In this dissertation, we focus on two problems crucial for QoS provisioning in wireless networks. They are location and resource management. Our research is aimed to develop efficient location management and resource allocation techniques to provide qualitative services in the future generations of wireless/mobile networks. First, the hybrid location update method (HLU) is proposed based on both the moving distance and the moving direction of mobile terminals. The signaling cost for location management is analyzed using a 2D Markov walk model. The results of numerical studies for different mobility patterns show that the HLU scheme outperforms the methods employing either moving distance or moving direction. Next, a new dynamic location management scheme with personalized location areas is developed. It takes into account terminal\u27s mobility characteristics in different locations of the service area. The location area is designed for each individual mobile user such that the location management cost is minimized. The cost is calculated based on a continuous-time Markov chain. Simulation results acknowledge a lower cost of the proposed scheme compared to that of some known techniques. Our research on the resource management considers the dynamic allocation strategy in the integrated voice/data wireless networks. We propose two new channel de-allocation schemes, i.e., de-allocation for data packet (DASP) and de-allocation for both voice call and data packet (DASVP). We then combine the proposed de-allocation methods with channel re-allocation, and evaluate the performance of the schemes using an analytic model. The results indicate the necessity of adapting to QoS requirements on both voice call and data packet. Finally, a new QoS-based dynamic resource allocation scheme is proposed which differentiates the new and handoff voice calls. The scheme combines channel reservation, channel de-allocation/re-allocation for voice call and packet queue to adapt to QoS requirements by adjusting the number of reserved channels and packet queue size. The superiority of the propose scheme in meeting the QoS requirements over existing techniques is proved by the experimental studies

    Probabilistic approaches to the design of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks

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    The emerging wireless technologies has made ubiquitous wireless access a reality and enabled wireless systems to support a large variety of applications. Since the wireless self-configuring networks do not require infrastructure and promise greater flexibility and better coverage, wireless ad hoc and sensor networks have been under intensive research. It is believed that wireless ad hoc and sensor networks can become as important as the Internet. Just as the Internet allows access to digital information anywhere, ad hoc and sensor networks will provide remote interaction with the physical world. Dynamics of the object distribution is one of the most important features of the wireless ad hoc and sensor networks. This dissertation deals with several interesting estimation and optimization problems on the dynamical features of ad hoc and sensor networks. Many demands in application, such as reliability, power efficiency and sensor deployment, of wireless ad hoc and sensor network can be improved by mobility estimation and/or prediction. In this dissertation, we study several random mobility models, present a mobility prediction methodology, which relies on the analysis of the moving patterns of the mobile objects. Through estimating the future movement of objects and analyzing the tradeoff between the estimation cost and the quality of reliability, the optimization of tracking interval for sensor networks is presented. Based on the observation on the location and movement of objects, an optimal sensor placement algorithm is proposed by adaptively learn the dynamical object distribution. Moreover, dynamical boundary of mass objects monitored in a sensor network can be estimated based on the unsupervised learning of the distribution density of objects. In order to provide an accurate estimation of mobile objects, we first study several popular mobility models. Based on these models, we present some mobility prediction algorithms accordingly, which are capable of predicting the moving trajectory of objects in the future. In wireless self-configuring networks, an accurate estimation algorithm allows for improving the link reliability, power efficiency, reducing the traffic delay and optimizing the sensor deployment. The effects of estimation accuracy on the reliability and the power consumption have been studied and analyzed. A new methodology is proposed to optimize the reliability and power efficiency by balancing the trade-off between the quality of performance and estimation cost. By estimating and predicting the mass objects\u27 location and movement, the proposed sensor placement algorithm demonstrates a siguificant improvement on the detection of mass objects with nearmaximal detection accuracy. Quantitative analysis on the effects of mobility estimation and prediction on the accuracy of detection by sensor networks can be conducted with recursive EM algorithms. The future work includes the deployment of the proposed concepts and algorithms into real-world ad hoc and sensor networks

    Design of personalized location areas for future Pcs networks

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    In Global Systems for Mobile Communications (GSM), always-update location strategy is used to keep track of mobile terminals within the network. However future Personal Communication Networks (PCS) will require to serve a wide range of services (digital voice, video, data, and email) and also will have to support a large population of users. Under such demands, determining the exact location of a user by traditional strategies would be difficult and would result in increasing the signaling load imposed by location-update and paging procedures. The problem is not only in increasing cost, but also in non-efficient utilization of a precious resource, i.e., radio bandwidth; In this thesis, personalized Location Areas (PLAs) are formed considering the mobility patterns of individual users in the system such that the signaling due to location update and paging is minimized. We prove that the problem in this formulation is of NP complexity. Therefore we study efficient optimization techniques able to avoid combinatorial search. Three known classes of optimization techniques are studied. They are Simulated Annealing, Tabu Search and Genetic Search. Three algorithms are designed for solving the problem. Modeling does not assume any specific cell structure or network topology that makes the proposal widely applicable. The behavior of mobile terminals in the network is modeled as Random Walk with an absorbing state and the Markov chain is used for cost analysis; Numeric simulation carried out for 25 and 100 hexagonal cell networks have shown that Simulated Annealing based algorithm outperforms other two by indicators of the runtime complexity and signaling cost of location management. The ID\u27s of cells populating the calculated area are provided to the mobile terminal and saved in its local memory every time the mobile subscriber moves out its current location area. Otherwise, no location update is performed, but only paging. Thus, at the expense of small local memory, the location management is carried more efficiently

    An Information-Theoretic Framework for Optimal Location Tracking in Multi-System 4G Wireless Networks

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    Abstract — An information-theoretic framework is developed for optimal location management in multi-system, fourth generation (��) wireless networks. The framework envisions that each individual sub-system operates fairly independently, and does not require public knowledge of individual sub-network topologies. To capture the variation in paging and location update costs in this heterogeneous environment, the location management problem is formulated in terms of a new concept of weighted entropy. The update process is based on the Lempel-Ziv compression algorithms, which are applied to a vector-valued sequence consisting of both the mobile’s movement pattern and its session activity state. Three different tracking strategies which differ in their degrees of centralized control and provide trade off between the location update and paging costs, are proposed and evaluated. While both the proposed centralized and distributed location management strategies are endowed with optimal update capability, the proposed selective location management heuristic also offers a practical trade off between update and paging costs. Simulation experiments demonstrate that our proposed schemes can result in more than � % savings in both update and paging costs, in comparison with the basic movement-based, multisystem location management strategy. These update strategies can be realized with only modest amounts of memory ( – � Kbytes) on the mobile

    Design of implicit routing protocols for large scale mobile wireless sensor networks

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    Strathclyde theses - ask staff. Thesis no. : T13189Most developments in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) routing protocols address static network scenarios. Schemes developed to manage mobility in other mobile networking implementations do not translate effectively to WSNs as the system design parameters are markedly different. Thus this research focuses on the issues of mobility and scalability in order to enable the full potential of WSNs to self-organise and co-operate and in so doing, meet the requirements of a rich mix of applications. In the goal of designing efficient, reliable routing protocols for large scale mobile WSN applications, this work lays the foundation by firstly presenting a strong case supported by extensive simulations, for the use of implicit connections. Then two novel implicit routing protocols - Virtual Grid Paging (VGP) and Virtual Zone Registration and Paging (VZRP) - that treat packet routing from node mobility and network scalability viewpoints are designed and analysed. Implicit routing exploits the connection availability and diversity in the underlying network to provide benefits such as fault tolerance, overhead control and improvement in QoS (Quality of Service) such as delay. Analysis and simulation results show that the proposed protocols guarantee significant improvement, delivering a more reliable, more efficient and better network performance compared with alternatives.Most developments in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) routing protocols address static network scenarios. Schemes developed to manage mobility in other mobile networking implementations do not translate effectively to WSNs as the system design parameters are markedly different. Thus this research focuses on the issues of mobility and scalability in order to enable the full potential of WSNs to self-organise and co-operate and in so doing, meet the requirements of a rich mix of applications. In the goal of designing efficient, reliable routing protocols for large scale mobile WSN applications, this work lays the foundation by firstly presenting a strong case supported by extensive simulations, for the use of implicit connections. Then two novel implicit routing protocols - Virtual Grid Paging (VGP) and Virtual Zone Registration and Paging (VZRP) - that treat packet routing from node mobility and network scalability viewpoints are designed and analysed. Implicit routing exploits the connection availability and diversity in the underlying network to provide benefits such as fault tolerance, overhead control and improvement in QoS (Quality of Service) such as delay. Analysis and simulation results show that the proposed protocols guarantee significant improvement, delivering a more reliable, more efficient and better network performance compared with alternatives

    Intelligent Advancements in Location Management and C-RAN Power-Aware Resource Allocation

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    The evolving of cellular networks within the last decade continues to focus on delivering a robust and reliable means to cope with the increasing number of users and demanded capacity. Recent advancements of cellular networks such as Long-Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE-advanced offer a remarkable high bandwidth connectivity delivered to the users. Signalling overhead is one of the vital issues that impact the cellular behavior. Causing a significant load in the core network hence effecting the cellular network reliability. Moreover, the signaling overhead decreases the Quality of Experience (QoE) of users. The first topic of the thesis attempts to reduce the signaling overhead by developing intelligent location management techniques that minimize paging and Tracking Area Update (TAU) signals. Consequently, the corresponding optimization problems are formulated. Furthermore, several techniques and heuristic algorithms are implemented to solve the formulated problems. Additionally, network scalability has become a challenging aspect that has been hindered by the current network architecture. As a result, Cloud Radio Access Networks (C-RANs) have been introduced as a new trend in wireless technologies to address this challenge. C-RAN architecture consists of: Remote Radio Head (RRH), Baseband Unit (BBU), and the optical network connecting them. However, RRH-to-BBU resource allocation can cause a significant downgrade in efficiency, particularly the allocation of the computational resources in the BBU pool to densely deployed small cells. This causes a vast increase in the power consumption and wasteful resources. Therefore, the second topic of the thesis discusses C-RAN infrastructure, particularly where a pool of BBUs are gathered to process the computational resources. We argue that there is a need of optimizing the processing capacity in order to minimize the power consumption and increase the overall system efficiency. Consequently, the optimal allocation of computational resources between the RRHs and BBUs is modeled. Furthermore, in order to get an optimal RRH-to-BBU allocation, it is essential to have an optimal physical resource allocation for users to determine the required computational resources. For this purpose, an optimization problem that models the assignment of resources at these two levels (from physical resources to users and from RRHs to BBUs) is formulated