15 research outputs found

    Database search vs. information retrieval : a novel method for studying natural language querying of semi-structured data

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    The traditional approach of querying a relational database is via a formal language, namely SQL. Recent developments in the design of natural language interfaces to databases show promising results for querying either with keywords or with full natural language queries and thus render relational databases more accessible to non-tech savvy users. Such enhanced relational databases basically use a search paradigm which is commonly used in the field of information retrieval. However, the way systems are evaluated in the database and the information retrieval communities often differs due to a lack of common benchmarks. In this paper, we provide an adapted benchmark data set that is based on a test collection originally used to evaluate information retrieval systems. The data set contains 45 information needs developed on the Internet Movie Database (IMDb), including corresponding relevance assessments. By mapping this benchmark data set to a relational database schema, we enable a novel way of directly comparing database search techniques with information retrieval. To demonstrate the feasibility of our approach, we present an experimental evaluation that compares SODA, a keyword-enabled relational database system, against the Terrier information retrieval system and thus lays the foundation for a future discussion of evaluating database systems that support natural language interfaces

    Towards a Natural Language Query Processing System

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    Tackling the information retrieval gap between non-technical database end-users and those with the knowledge of formal query languages has been an interesting area of data management and analytics research. The use of natural language interfaces to query information from databases offers the opportunity to bridge the communication challenges between end-users and systems that use formal query languages. Previous research efforts mainly focused on developing structured query interfaces to relational databases. However, the evolution of unstructured big data such as text, images, and video has exposed the limitations of traditional structured query interfaces. While the existing web search tools prove the popularity and usability of natural language query, they return complete documents and web pages instead of focused query responses and are not applicable to database systems. This paper reports our study on the design and development of a natural language query interface to a backend relational database. The novelty in the study lies in defining a graph database as a middle layer to store necessary metadata needed to transform a natural language query into structured query language that can be executed on backend databases. We implemented and evaluated our approach using a restaurant dataset. The translation results for some sample queries yielded a 90% accuracy rate.Delivered at 1st International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Practices (IBDAP), September 25-26th 2020, Bangkok, Thailand

    Програмне забезпечення для підготовки набору даних з кількох джерел за допомогою інструкцій природною мовою

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    У роботі розглянуто проблему створення інтерфейсів для сховищ та баз даних з метою взаємодії за допомогою інструкцій природною мовою. У рамках роботи було досліджено предметну область, а також існуючі дослідження та створені програмні рішення в ній. Під час аналізу було виявлено потребу в розробці зручного інтерфейсу для взаємодії з різними сховищами даних за допомогою голосових інструкцій природною мовою. Запропонований інтерфейс буде значно підвищувати ефективність роботи адміністратора баз даних під час виконання рутинних задач, а також надавати можливість користувачам без технічної підготовки взаємодіяти з базами та сховищами даних з метою побудови вітрин даних з наборів, отриманих з декількох джерел за допомогою інструкцій природною мовою.The paper considers a problem in the field of data storage interfaces and interaction with such interfaces using natural language instructions. As part of the work, the subject area was investigated, as well as existing research and software solutions in the field. During the analysis, the need for a convenient interface for interaction with various data stores using voice instructions in natural language was revealed. On the one hand, such an interface will significantly increase the efficiency of the storage administrator when performing routine tasks. On the other hand, such an interface will enable users without special technical training to interact with data repositories and retrieve data sets from multiple sources using natural language instructions

    Querying knowledge graphs in natural language.

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    Knowledge graphs are a powerful concept for querying large amounts of data. These knowledge graphs are typically enormous and are often not easily accessible to end-users because they require specialized knowledge in query languages such as SPARQL. Moreover, end-users need a deep understanding of the structure of the underlying data models often based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF). This drawback has led to the development of Question-Answering (QA) systems that enable end-users to express their information needs in natural language. While existing systems simplify user access, there is still room for improvement in the accuracy of these systems. In this paper we propose a new QA system for translating natural language questions into SPARQL queries. The key idea is to break up the translation process into 5 smaller, more manageable sub-tasks and use ensemble machine learning methods as well as Tree-LSTM-based neural network models to automatically learn and translate a natural language question into a SPARQL query. The performance of our proposed QA system is empirically evaluated using the two renowned benchmarks-the 7th Question Answering over Linked Data Challenge (QALD-7) and the Large-Scale Complex Question Answering Dataset (LC-QuAD). Experimental results show that our QA system outperforms the state-of-art systems by 15% on the QALD-7 dataset and by 48% on the LC-QuAD dataset, respectively. In addition, we make our source code available

    Industry 4.0 Technological Advancement in the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Industry in South Africa—Bibliometric Analysis via Natural Language Processing

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    The food and beverage (FOODBEV) manufacturing industry is a significant contributor to global economic development, but it is also subject to major global competition. Manufacturing technology evolution is rapid and, with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), ever accelerating. Thus, the ability of companies to review and identify appropriate, beneficial technologies and forecast the skills required is a challenge. 4IR technologies, as a collection of tools to assist technological advancement in the manufacturing sector, are essential. The vast and diverse global technology knowledge base, together with the complexities associated with screening in technologies and the lack of appropriate enablement skills, makes technology selection and implementation a challenge. This challenge is premised on the knowledge that there are vast amounts of information available on various research databases and web search engines; however, the extraction of specific and relevant information is time-intensive. Whilst existing techniques such as conventional bibliometric analysis are available, there is a need for dynamic approaches that optimise the ability to acquire the relevant information or knowledge within a short period with minimum effort. This research study adopts smart knowledge management together with artificial intelligence (AI) for knowledge extraction, classification, and adoption. This research defines 18 FOODBEV manufacturing processes and adopts a two-tier Natural Language Processing (NLP) protocol to identify technological substitution for process optimisation and the associated skills required in the FOODBEV manufacturing sector in South Africa