2,681 research outputs found

    Processing of Electronic Health Records using Deep Learning: A review

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    Availability of large amount of clinical data is opening up new research avenues in a number of fields. An exciting field in this respect is healthcare, where secondary use of healthcare data is beginning to revolutionize healthcare. Except for availability of Big Data, both medical data from healthcare institutions (such as EMR data) and data generated from health and wellbeing devices (such as personal trackers), a significant contribution to this trend is also being made by recent advances on machine learning, specifically deep learning algorithms

    Global text mining and development of pharmacogenomic knowledge resource for precision medicine

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    Understanding patients' genomic variations and their effect in protecting or predisposing them to drug response phenotypes is important for providing personalized healthcare. Several studies have manually curated such genotype-phenotype relationships into organized databases from clinical trial data or published literature. However, there are no text mining tools available to extract high-accuracy information from such existing knowledge. In this work, we used a semiautomated text mining approach to retrieve a complete pharmacogenomic (PGx) resource integrating disease-drug-gene-polymorphism relationships to derive a global perspective for ease in therapeutic approaches. We used an R package, pubmed.mineR, to automatically retrieve PGx-related literature. We identified 1,753 disease types, and 666 drugs, associated with 4,132 genes and 33,942 polymorphisms collated from 180,088 publications. With further manual curation, we obtained a total of 2,304 PGx relationships. We evaluated our approach by performance (precision = 0.806) with benchmark datasets like Pharmacogenomic Knowledgebase (PharmGKB) (0.904), Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) (0.600), and The Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD) (0.729). We validated our study by comparing our results with 362 commercially used the US- Food and drug administration (FDA)-approved drug labeling biomarkers. Of the 2,304 PGx relationships identified, 127 belonged to the FDA list of 362 approved pharmacogenomic markers, indicating that our semiautomated text mining approach may reveal significant PGx information with markers for drug response prediction. In addition, it is a scalable and state-of-art approach in curation for PGx clinical utility

    Knowledge-based Biomedical Data Science 2019

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    Knowledge-based biomedical data science (KBDS) involves the design and implementation of computer systems that act as if they knew about biomedicine. Such systems depend on formally represented knowledge in computer systems, often in the form of knowledge graphs. Here we survey the progress in the last year in systems that use formally represented knowledge to address data science problems in both clinical and biological domains, as well as on approaches for creating knowledge graphs. Major themes include the relationships between knowledge graphs and machine learning, the use of natural language processing, and the expansion of knowledge-based approaches to novel domains, such as Chinese Traditional Medicine and biodiversity.Comment: Manuscript 43 pages with 3 tables; Supplemental material 43 pages with 3 table

    Hybrid Query Expansion on Ontology Graph in Biomedical Information Retrieval

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    Nowadays, biomedical researchers publish thousands of papers and journals every day. Searching through biomedical literature to keep up with the state of the art is a task of increasing difficulty for many individual researchers. The continuously increasing amount of biomedical text data has resulted in high demands for an efficient and effective biomedical information retrieval (BIR) system. Though many existing information retrieval techniques can be directly applied in BIR, BIR distinguishes itself in the extensive use of biomedical terms and abbreviations which present high ambiguity. First of all, we studied a fundamental yet simpler problem of word semantic similarity. We proposed a novel semantic word similarity algorithm and related tools called Weighted Edge Similarity Tools (WEST). WEST was motivated by our discovery that humans are more sensitive to the semantic difference due to the categorization than that due to the generalization/specification. Unlike most existing methods which model the semantic similarity of words based on either the depth of their Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) or the traversal distance of between the word pair in WordNet, WEST also considers the joint contribution of the weighted distance between two words and the weighted depth of their LCA in WordNet. Experiments show that weighted edge based word similarity method has achieved 83.5% accuracy to human judgments. Query expansion problem can be viewed as selecting top k words which have the maximum accumulated similarity to a given word set. It has been proved as an effective method in BIR and has been studied for over two decades. However, most of the previous researches focus on only one controlled vocabulary: MeSH. In addition, early studies find that applying ontology won\u27t necessarily improve searching performance. In this dissertation, we propose a novel graph based query expansion approach which is able to take advantage of the global information from multiple controlled vocabularies via building a biomedical ontology graph from selected vocabularies in Metathesaurus. We apply Personalized PageRank algorithm on the ontology graph to rank and identify top terms which are highly relevant to the original user query, yet not presented in that query. Those new terms are reordered by a weighted scheme to prioritize specialized concepts. We multiply a scaling factor to those final selected terms to prevent query drifting and append them to the original query in the search. Experiments show that our approach achieves 17.7% improvement in 11 points average precision and recall value against Lucene\u27s default indexing and searching strategy and by 24.8% better against all the other strategies on average. Furthermore, we observe that expanding with specialized concepts rather than generalized concepts can substantially improve the recall-precision performance. Furthermore, we have successfully applied WEST from the underlying WordNet graph to biomedical ontology graph constructed by multiple controlled vocabularies in Metathesaurus. Experiments indicate that WEST further improve the recall-precision performance. Finally, we have developed a Graph-based Biomedical Search Engine (G-Bean) for retrieving and visualizing information from literature using our proposed query expansion algorithm. G-Bean accepts any medical related user query and processes them with expanded medical query to search for the MEDLINE database

    Advancements in Personality Detection: Unleashing the Power of Transformer-Based Models and Deep Learning with Static Embeddings on English Personality Quotes

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    Personality detection has garnered significant attention in recent years, with applications ranging from personalized user experiences to psychological analysis. This paper presents advancements in personality detection, focusing on the utilization of Transformer-based models and deep learning models with static embeddings to analyse English personality quotes. The research highlights the capabilities of advanced models such as ELECTRA and META OPT in comprehending contextual dependencies within text. Concurrently, it examines the significance of deep learning and embeddings in capturing semantic information and hidden personality traits. Leveraging the power of modern natural language processing techniques, the study explores the potential of these models in extracting latent personality traits from textual data. A diverse dataset of English quotes with personality dimension along the introversion-extroversion spectrum, supplemented by the concept of ambiverts is curated for training and evaluation, and the model's performance is assessed using accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score. The results reveal that the Transformer-based models significantly enhances personality detection accuracy compared to conventional methods. By exploiting these advanced techniques, the research contributes to a deeper understanding of individual personalities through their textual expressions, bridging the gap between human cognition and artificial intelligence to revolutionize personalized interactions

    Linking genes to literature: text mining, information extraction, and retrieval applications for biology

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    Efficient access to information contained in online scientific literature collections is essential for life science research, playing a crucial role from the initial stage of experiment planning to the final interpretation and communication of the results. The biological literature also constitutes the main information source for manual literature curation used by expert-curated databases. Following the increasing popularity of web-based applications for analyzing biological data, new text-mining and information extraction strategies are being implemented. These systems exploit existing regularities in natural language to extract biologically relevant information from electronic texts automatically. The aim of the BioCreative challenge is to promote the development of such tools and to provide insight into their performance. This review presents a general introduction to the main characteristics and applications of currently available text-mining systems for life sciences in terms of the following: the type of biological information demands being addressed; the level of information granularity of both user queries and results; and the features and methods commonly exploited by these applications. The current trend in biomedical text mining points toward an increasing diversification in terms of application types and techniques, together with integration of domain-specific resources such as ontologies. Additional descriptions of some of the systems discussed here are available on the internet
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