1,530 research outputs found

    Rock falls impacting railway tracks. Detection analysis through an artificial intelligence camera prototype

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    During the last few years, several approaches have been proposed to improve early warning systems for managing geological risk due to landslides, where important infrastructures (such as railways, highways, pipelines, and aqueducts) are exposed elements. In this regard, an Artificial intelligence Camera Prototype (AiCP) for real-time monitoring has been integrated in a multisensor monitoring system devoted to rock fall detection. An abandoned limestone quarry was chosen at Acuto (central Italy) as test-site for verifying the reliability of the integratedmonitoring system. A portion of jointed rockmass, with dimensions suitable for optical monitoring, was instrumented by extensometers. One meter of railway track was used as a target for fallen blocks and a weather station was installed nearby. Main goals of the test were (i) evaluating the reliability of the AiCP and (ii) detecting rock blocks that reach the railway track by the AiCP. At this aim, several experiments were carried out by throwing rock blocks over the railway track. During these experiments, the AiCP detected the blocks and automatically transmitted an alarm signal

    An Iterative Classification and Semantic Segmentation Network for Old Landslide Detection Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images

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    Huge challenges exist for old landslide detection because their morphology features have been partially or strongly transformed over a long time and have little difference from their surrounding. Besides, small-sample problem also restrict in-depth learning. In this paper, an iterative classification and semantic segmentation network (ICSSN) is developed, which can greatly enhance both object-level and pixel-level classification performance by iteratively upgrading the feature extractor shared by two network. An object-level contrastive learning (OCL) strategy is employed in the object classification sub-network featuring a siamese network to realize the global features extraction, and a sub-object-level contrastive learning (SOCL) paradigm is designed in the semantic segmentation sub-network to efficiently extract salient features from boundaries of landslides. Moreover, an iterative training strategy is elaborated to fuse features in semantic space such that both object-level and pixel-level classification performance are improved. The proposed ICSSN is evaluated on the real landslide data set, and the experimental results show that ICSSN can greatly improve the classification and segmentation accuracy of old landslide detection. For the semantic segmentation task, compared to the baseline, the F1 score increases from 0.5054 to 0.5448, the mIoU improves from 0.6405 to 0.6610, the landslide IoU improved from 0.3381 to 0.3743, and the object-level detection accuracy of old landslides is enhanced from 0.55 to 0.9. For the object classification task, the F1 score increases from 0.8846 to 0.9230, and the accuracy score is up from 0.8375 to 0.8875

    A Hyper-pixel-wise Contrastive Learning Augmented Segmentation Network for Old Landslide Detection Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images and Digital Elevation Model Data

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    As a harzard disaster, landslide often brings tremendous losses to humanity, so it's necessary to achieve reliable detection of landslide. However, the problems of visual blur and small-sized dataset cause great challenges for old landslide detection task when using remote sensing data. To reliably extract semantic features, a hyper-pixel-wise contrastive learning augmented segmentation network (HPCL-Net) is proposed, which augments the local salient feature extraction from the boundaries of landslides through HPCL and fuses the heterogeneous infromation in the semantic space from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images and Digital Elevation Model Data data. For full utilization of the precious samples, a global hyper-pixel-wise sample pair queues-based contrastive learning method, which includes the construction of global queues that store hyper-pixel-wise samples and the updating scheme of a momentum encoder, is developed, reliably enhancing the extraction ability of semantic features. The proposed HPCL-Net is evaluated on a Loess Plateau old landslide dataset and experiment results show that the model greatly improves the reliablity of old landslide detection compared to the previous old landslide segmentation model, where mIoU metric is increased from 0.620 to 0.651, Landslide IoU metric is increased from 0.334 to 0.394 and F1-score metric is increased from 0.501 to 0.565

    Predicting Landslides Using Locally Aligned Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Landslides, movement of soil and rock under the influence of gravity, are common phenomena that cause significant human and economic losses every year. Experts use heterogeneous features such as slope, elevation, land cover, lithology, rock age, and rock family to predict landslides. To work with such features, we adapted convolutional neural networks to consider relative spatial information for the prediction task. Traditional filters in these networks either have a fixed orientation or are rotationally invariant. Intuitively, the filters should orient uphill, but there is not enough data to learn the concept of uphill; instead, it can be provided as prior knowledge. We propose a model called Locally Aligned Convolutional Neural Network, LACNN, that follows the ground surface at multiple scales to predict possible landslide occurrence for a single point. To validate our method, we created a standardized dataset of georeferenced images consisting of the heterogeneous features as inputs, and compared our method to several baselines, including linear regression, a neural network, and a convolutional network, using log-likelihood error and Receiver Operating Characteristic curves on the test set. Our model achieves 2-7% improvement in terms of accuracy and 2-15% boost in terms of log likelihood compared to the other proposed baselines.Comment: Published in IJCAI 202

    Landslide mapping from multi-sensor data through improved change detection-based Markov random field

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    Abstract Accurate landslide inventory mapping is essential for quantitative hazard and risk assessment. Although multi-temporal change detection techniques have contributed greatly to landslide inventory preparation, it is still challenging to generate quality change detection images (CDIs) for accurate landslide mapping. The recently proposed change detection-based Markov random field (CDMRF) provides an effective approach for rapid mapping of landslides with minimum user interventions. However, when CDI is generated by change vector analysis (CVA) alone, the CDMRF method may suffer from noise especially when the pre- and post-event remote sensing images are acquired under different atmospheric, illumination, and phenological conditions. This paper improved such CDMRF approach by integrating normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), principal component analysis (PCA), and independent component analysis (ICA) generated CDIs with MRF for landslide inventory mapping from multi-sensor data. To justify the effectiveness and applicability, the improved methods were applied to map rainfall-, typhoon-, and earthquake-triggered landslides from the pre- and post-event satellite images acquired by very high resolution QuickBird, high resolution FORMOSAT-2, and moderate resolution Sentinel-2. Moreover, they were tested on pre-event Landsat-8 and post-event Sentinel-2 datasets, indicating that they are operational for landslide inventory mapping from combined multi-temporal and multi-sensor data. The results demonstrate that the improved δNDVI-, PCA-, and ICA-based approaches perform much better than CVA-based CDMRF in terms of completeness, correctness, Kappa coefficient, and F-measures. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that NDVI, PCA, and ICA are integrated with MRF for landslide inventory mapping from multi-sensor data. It is anticipated that this research can be a starting point for developing new change detection techniques that can readily generate quality CDI and for applying advanced machine learning algorithms (e.g., deep learning) to automatic detection of natural hazards from multi-sensor time series data

    Identifying recurrent and persistent landslides using satellite imagery and deep learning: A 30-year analysis of the Himalaya

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    This paper presents a remote sensing-based method to efficiently generate multi-temporal landslide inventories and identify recurrent and persistent landslides. We used free data from Landsat, nighttime lights, digital elevation models, and a convolutional neural network model to develop the first multi-decadal inventory of landslides across the Himalaya, spanning from 1992 to 2021. The model successfully delineated >265,000 landslides, accurately identifying 83 % of manually mapped landslide areas and 94 % of reported landslide events in the region. Surprisingly, only 14 % of landslide areas each year were first occurrences, 55–83 % of landslide areas were persistent and 3–24 % had reactivated. On average, a landslide-affected pixel persisted for 4.7 years before recovery, a duration shorter than findings from small-scale studies following a major earthquake event. Among the recovered areas, 50 % of them experienced recurrent landslides after an average of five years. In fact, 22 % of landslide areas in the Himalaya experienced at least three episodes of landslides within 30 years. Disparities in landslide persistence across the Himalaya were pronounced, with an average recovery time of 6 years for Western India and Nepal, compared to 3 years for Bhutan and Eastern India. Slope and elevation emerged as significant controls of persistent and recurrent landslides. Road construction, afforestation policies, and seismic and monsoon activities were related to changes in landslide patterns in the Himalaya

    Improving landslide detection from airborne laser scanning data using optimized Dempster-Shafer

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    © 2018 by the authors. A detailed and state-of-the-art landslide inventory map including precise landslide location is greatly required for landslide susceptibility, hazard, and risk assessments. Traditional techniques employed for landslide detection in tropical regions include field surveys, synthetic aperture radar techniques, and optical remote sensing. However, these techniques are time consuming and costly. Furthermore, complications arise for the generation of accurate landslide location maps in these regions due to dense vegetation in tropical forests. Given its ability to penetrate vegetation cover, high-resolution airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) is typically employed to generate accurate landslide maps. The object-based technique generally consists of many homogeneous pixels grouped together in a meaningful way through image segmentation. In this paper, in order to address the limitations of this approach, the final decision is executed using Dempster-Shafer theory (DST) rule combination based on probabilistic output from object-based support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF), and K-nearest neighbor (KNN) classifiers. Therefore, this research proposes an efficient framework by combining three object-based classifiers using the DST method. Consequently, an existing supervised approach (i.e., fuzzy-based segmentation parameter optimizer) was adopted to optimize multiresolution segmentation parameters such as scale, shape, and compactness. Subsequently, a correlation-based feature selection (CFS) algorithm was employed to select the relevant features. Two study sites were selected to implement the method of landslide detection and evaluation of the proposed method (subset "A" for implementation and subset "B" for the transferrable). The DST method performed well in detecting landslide locations in tropical regions such as Malaysia, with potential applications in other similarly vegetated regions

    Sensitivity analysis of automatic landslide mapping: numerical experiments towards the best solution

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    The automatic detection of landslides after major events is a crucial issue for public agencies to support disaster response. Pixel-based approaches (PBAs) are widely used in the literature for various applications. However, the accuracy of PBAs in the case of automatic landslide mapping (ALM) is affected by several issues. In this study, we investigated the sensitivity of ALM using PBA through digital terrain models (DTMs). The analysis, carried out in a study area of Poland, consisted of the following steps: (1) testing the influence of selected DTM resolutions for ALM, (2) assessing the relevance of diverse landslide morphological indicators for ALM, and (3) assessing the sensitivity to landslide features for a selected size of moving window (kernel) calculations for ALM. Ultimately, we assessed the performance of three classification methods: maximum likelihood (ML), feed-forward neural network (FFNN), and support vector machine (SVM). This broad analysis, as combination of grid cell resolution, surface derivatives calculation, and performance classification methods, is the challenging aspect of the research. The results of almost 500 experimental tests provide valuable guidelines for experts performing ALM. The most important findings indicate that feature sensitivity in the case of kernel size increases with coarser DTM resolution; however, the peak of the optimal feature performance for the selected study area and landslide type was demonstrated for a resolution of 20 m. Another finding indicated that in combining a set of topographic variables, the optimal performance was acquired for a DTM resolution of 30 m and the support vector machine classification. Moreover, the best performance of the identification is represented for SVM classification

    Remote Sensing of Natural Hazards

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    Each year, natural hazards such as earthquakes, cyclones, flooding, landslides, wildfires, avalanches, volcanic eruption, extreme temperatures, storm surges, drought, etc., result in widespread loss of life, livelihood, and critical infrastructure globally. With the unprecedented growth of the human population, largescale development activities, and changes to the natural environment, the frequency and intensity of extreme natural events and consequent impacts are expected to increase in the future.Technological interventions provide essential provisions for the prevention and mitigation of natural hazards. The data obtained through remote sensing systems with varied spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions particularly provide prospects for furthering knowledge on spatiotemporal patterns and forecasting of natural hazards. The collection of data using earth observation systems has been valuable for alleviating the adverse effects of natural hazards, especially with their near real-time capabilities for tracking extreme natural events. Remote sensing systems from different platforms also serve as an important decision-support tool for devising response strategies, coordinating rescue operations, and making damage and loss estimations.With these in mind, this book seeks original contributions to the advanced applications of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) techniques in understanding various dimensions of natural hazards through new theory, data products, and robust approaches

    Multi-Aspect Analysis of Object-Oriented Landslide Detection Based on an Extended Set of LiDAR-Derived Terrain Features

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    Landslide identification is a fundamental step enabling the assessment of landslide susceptibility and determining the associated risks. Landslide identification by conventional methods is often time-consuming, therefore alternative techniques, including automatic approaches based on remote sensing data, have captured the interest among researchers in recent decades. By providing a highly detailed digital elevation model (DEM), airborne laser scanning (LiDAR) allows effective landslide identification, especially in forested areas. In the present study, object-based image analysis (OBIA) was applied to landslide detection by utilizing LiDAR-derived data. In contrast to previous investigations, our analysis was performed on forested and agricultural areas, where cultivation pressure has degraded specific landslide geomorphology. A diverse variety of aspects that influence OBIA accuracy in landslide detection have been considered: DEM resolution, segmentation scale, and feature selection. Finally, using DEM delivered layers and OBIA, landslide was identified with an overall accuracy (OA) of 85% and a kappa index (KIA) equal to 0.60, which illustrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach. In the end, a field investigation was performed in order to evaluate the results achieved by applying an automatic OBIA approach. The advantages and challenges of automatic approaches for landslide identification for various land use were also discussed. Final remarks underline that effective landslide detection in forested areas could be achieved while this is still challenging in agricultural areas
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