1,753 research outputs found

    Izbor dobavljača primjenom metode višekriterijskog odlučivanja

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    In the present conditions of market globalization and thus increased market competition, the purchasing department and management structure of the company, in addition to answering questions what, how many and when to buy at what price, has also to be answered the question about an appropriate supplier. Supplier selection as well as the efficient inventory control can bring significant savings to a company. For the purpose of systematic evaluation of suppliers, criteria and multiple criteria AHP model (analytic hierarchy process) for selecting the best supplier have been proposed in the paper. The model is illustrated by the example of supplier selection to purchase parts for assembly of the agricultural machine. Multiple criteria and systematic quantitative approach to the supplier selection problem, significantly improve the decision-making process.U današnjim uvjetima globalizacije tržišta, a time i povećanja tržišnog natjecanja, služba nabave i upravljačke strukture u poduzeću, pored odgovora na pitanja što, koliko i kada nabaviti, te po kojoj cijeni, moraju znati i odgovor na pitanje od koga nabaviti. Izbor dobavljača, uz učinkovito upravljanje zalihama, može donijeti značajne uštede poduzeću. S ciljem sustavnog i objektivnog vrednovanja dobavljača, u radu su predloženi kriteriji i višekriterijski AHP model (analitički hijerarhijski proces) za izbor najpovoljnijeg dobavljača. Model je ilustriran na primjeru izbora najpovoljnijeg dobavljača dijelova za montažu poljoprivrednog stroja. Višekriterijskim i sustavnim kvantitativnim pristupom problemu, olakšano je donošenje objektivne odluke

    Dynamic small-series fashion order allocation and supplier selection: a ga-topsis-based model

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    The fashion industry is currently confronted with significant economic and environmental challenges, necessitating the exploration of novel business models. Among the promising approaches is small series production on demand, though this poses considerable complexities in the highly competitive sector. Traditional supplier selection and production planning processes, known for their lengthy and intricate nature, must be replaced with more dynamic and effective decision-making procedures. To tackle this problem, GA-TOPSIS hybrid model is proposed as the methodology. The model integrates Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) evaluation into the fitness function of Genetic Algorithm (GA) to comprehensively consider both qualitative and quantitative criteria for supplier selection. Simultaneously, GA efficiently optimizes the order sequence for production planning. The model's efficacy is demonstrated through implementation on real orders, showcasing its ability to handle diverse evaluation criteria and support supplier selection in different scenarios. Moreover, the proposed model is employed to compute the Pareto front, which provides optimal sets of solutions for the given objective criteria. This allows for an effective demand-driven strategy, particularly relevant for fashion retailers to select supplier and order planning optimization decisions in dynamic and multi-criteria context. Overall, GA-TOPSIS hybrid model offers an innovative and efficient decision support system for fashion retailers to adapt to changing demands and achieve effective supplier selection and production planning optimization. The model's incorporation of both qualitative and quantitative criteria in a dynamic environment contributes to its originality and potential for addressing the complexities of the fashion industry's supply chain challenge


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    Reducing costs, increasing speed and leveraging the intelligence of partners involved during product design processes are important benefits of Internet-enabled collaborative product design and realization environments. The options for cost-effective product design, re-design or improvement are at their peak during the early stages of the design process and designers can collaborate with suppliers, manufacturers and other relevant contributors to acquire a better understanding of associated costs and product viability. Collaboration is by no means a new paradigm. However, companies have found distrust of collaborative partners to be the most intractable obstacle to collaborative commerce and Internet-enabled business especially in intellectual property environments, which handle propriety data on a constant basis. This problem is also reinforced in collaborative environments that are distributed in nature. Thus trust is the main driver or enabler of successful collaborative efforts or transactions in Internet-enabled product design environments. Focus is on analyzing the problem of ¡®trust for services¡¯ in distributed collaborative service provider assessment and selection, concentrating on characteristics specific to electronic product design (e-Design) environments. Current tools for such collaborative partner/provider assessment are inadequate or non-existent and researching network, user, communication and service trust problems, which hinder the growth and acceptance of true collaboration in product design, can foster new frontiers in manufacturing, business and technology. Trust and its associated issues within the context of a secure Internet-enabled product design & realization platform is a multifaceted and complex problem, which demands a strategic approach crossing disciplinary boundaries. A Design Environment Trust Service (DETS) framework is proposed to incorporate trust for services in product design environments based on client specified (or default) criteria. This involves the analysis of validated network (objective) data and non-network (subjective) data and the use of Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methodology for the selection of the most efficient service provision alternative through the minimization of distance from a specified ideal point and interpreted as a Dynamic (Design) Trust Index (DTI) or rank. Hence, the service requestor is provided with a quantifiable degree of belief to mitigate information asymmetry and enable knowledgeable decision-making regarding trustworthy service provision in a distributed environment

    Sustainable and agile manufacturing outsourcing partner selection: a literature review

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    [EN] Outsourcing to third party to manage non-core activities helps the firm to focus on core activities. Manufacturing firms are outsourcing product development, manufacturing, logistics, customer care etc. to enhance production capacity and flexibility, and to reduce operational costs, which in turn can improve profitability and competitive advantage of the enterprise. Sustainability in operations and supply chain is gaining momentum due to increased global environmental concern, pressures from consumers and communities, and enforced regulations. Volatile and uncertain business environment necessitates the adoption of agility and flexibility to effectively manage manufacturing and supply chain. Globalisation has made the market very competitive and hence manufacturing firms are adopting manufacturing outsourcing to third parties. Selecting a sustainable and agile manufacturing outsourcing partner (MPS) is crucial as it will improve sustainability, efficiency, and effectiveness of the supply chain and competitive advantage to the firm. Detailed literature review on sustainable and agile manufacturing outsourcing partner selection has been carried out from EBSCO data base and Goggle scholar. Selection criteria used are classified into agile, operational, economic, environmental and social. The techniques use are mostly multi criteria decision making methods (MCDM) while few have adopted programming techniques. Discussion, implication and the scope of future work is also provided.Akhtar, M. (2022). Sustainable and agile manufacturing outsourcing partner selection: a literature review. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering. 10(2):143-158. https://doi.org/10.4995/ijpme.2022.1680714315810

    An integrated system to design machine layouts for modular special purpose machines

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    This thesis introduces the development of an integrated system for the design of layouts for special purpose machines (SPMs). SPMs are capable of performing several machining operations (such as drilling, milling, and tapping) at the same time. They consist of elements that can be arranged in different layouts. Whilst this is a unique feature that makes SPMs modular, a high level of knowledge and experience is required to rearrange the SPM elements in different configurations, and also to select appropriate SPM elements when product demand changes and new layouts are required. In this research, an integrated system for SPM layout design was developed by considering the following components: an expert system tool, an assembly modelling approach for SPM layouts, an artificial intelligence tool, and a CAD design environment. SolidWorks was used as the 3D CAD environment. VisiRule was used as the expert system tool to make decisions about the selection of SPM elements. An assembly modelling approach was developed with an SPM database using a linked list structure and assembly relationships graph. A case-based reasoning (CBR) approach was developed and applied to automate the selection of SPM layouts. These components were integrated using application programing interface (API) features and Visual Basic programming language. The outcome of the application of the novel approach that was developed in this thesis is reducing the steps for the assembly process of the SPM elements and reducing the time for designing SPM layouts. As a result, only one step is required to assemble any two SPM elements and the time for the selection process of SPM layouts is reduced by approximately 75% compared to the traditional processes. The integrated system developed in this thesis will help engineers in design and manufacturing fields to design SPM layouts in a more time-effective manner

    Manufacturing Quality Function Deployment: Literature Review and Future Trends

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    A comprehensive review of the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) literature is made using extensive survey as a methodology. The most important results of the study are: (i) QFD modelling and applications are one-sided; prioritisation of technical attributes only maximise customer satisfaction without considering cost incurred (ii) we are still missing considerable knowledge about neural networks for predicting improvement measures in customer satisfaction (iii) further exploration of the subsequent phases (process planning and production planning) of QFD is needed (iv) more decision support systems are needed to automate QFD (v) feedbacks from customers are not accounted for in current studies