72 research outputs found

    Quantum multipartite entangled states, classical and quantum error correction

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    Studying entanglement is essential for our understanding of such diverse areas as high-energy physics, condensed matter physics, and quantum optics. Moreover, entanglement allows us to surpass classical physics and technologies enabling better information processing, computation, and improved metrology. Recently, entanglement also played a prominent role in characterizing and simulating quantum many-body states and in this way deepened our understanding of quantum matter. While bipartite entanglement is well understood, multipartite entanglement is much richer and leads to stronger contradictions with classical physics. Among all possible entangled states, a special class of states has attracted attention for a wide range of tasks. These states are called k-uniform states and are pure multipartite quantum states of n parties and local dimension q with the property that all of their reductions to k parties are maximally mixed. Operationally, in a k-uniform state any subset of at most k parties is maximally entangled with the rest. The k = bn/2c-uniform states are called absolutely maximally entangled because they are maximally entangled along any splitting of the n parties into two groups. These states find applications in several protocols and, in particular, are the building blocks of quantum error correcting codes with a holographic geometry, which has provided valuable insight into the connections between quantum information theory and conformal field theory. Their properties and the applications are however intriguing, as we know little about them: when they exist, how to construct them, how they relate to other multipartite entangled states, such as graph states, or how they connect under local operations and classical communication. With this motivation in mind, in this thesis we first study the properties of k-uniform states and then present systematic methods to construct closed-form expressions of them. The structure of our methods proves to be particularly fruitful in understanding the structure of these quantum states, their graph-state representation and classification under local operations and classical communication. We also construct several examples of absolutely maximally entangled states whose existence was open so far. Finally, we explore a new family of quantum error correcting codes that generalize and improve the link between classical error correcting codes, multipartite entangled states, and the stabilizer formalism. The results of this thesis can have a role in characterizing and studying the following three topics: multipartite entanglement, classical error correcting codes and quantum error correcting codes. The multipartite entangled states can provide a link to find different resources for quantum information processing tasks and quantify entanglement. Constructing two sets of highly entangled multipartite states, it is important to know if they are equivalent under local operations and classical communication. By understanding which states belong to the same class of quantum resource, one may discuss the role they play in some certain quantum information tasks like quantum key distribution, teleportation and constructing optimum quantum error correcting codes. They can also be used to explore the connection between the Antide Sitter/Conformal Field Theory holographic correspondence and quantum error correction, which will then allow us to construct better quantum error correcting codes. At the same time, their roles in the characterization of quantum networks will be essential to design functional networks, robust against losses and local noise.El estudio del entrelazamiento cuántico es esencial para la comprensión de diversas áreas como la óptica cuántica, la materia condensada e incluso la física de altas energías. Además, el entrelazamiento nos permite superar la física y tecnologías clásicas llevando a una mejora en el procesado de la información, la computación y la metrología. Recientemente se ha descubierto que el entrelazamiento desarrolla un papel central en la caracterización y simulación de sistemas cuánticos de muchos cuerpos, de esta manera facilitando nuestra comprensión de la materia cuántica. Mientras que se tiene un buen conocimiento del entrelazamiento en estados puros bipartitos, nuestra comprensión del caso de muchas partes es mucho más limitada, a pesar de que sea un escenario más rico y que presenta un contraste más fuerte con la física clásica. De entre todos los posibles estados entrelazados, una clase especial ha llamado la atención por su amplia gama de aplicaciones. Estos estados se llaman k-uniformes y son los estados multipartitos de n cuerpos con dimensión local q con la propiedad de que todas las reducciones a k cuerpos son máximamente desordenadas. Operacionalmente, en un estado k-uniforme cualquier subconjunto de hasta k cuerpos está máximamente entrelazado con el resto. Los estados k = n/2 -uniformes se llaman estados absolutamente máximamente entrelazados porque son máximamente entrelazados respecto a cualquier partición de los n cuerpos en dos grupos. Estos estados encuentran aplicaciones en varios protocolos y, en particular, forman los elementos de base para la construcción de los códigos de corrección de errores cuánticos con geometría holográfica, los cuales han aportado intuición importante sobre la conexión entre la teoría de la información cuántica y la teoría conforme de campos. Las propiedades y aplicaciones de estos estados son intrigantes porque conocemos poco sobre las mismas: cuándo existen, cómo construirlos, cómo se relacionan con otros estados con entrelazamiento multipartito, cómo los estados grafo, o como se relacionan mediante operaciones locales y comunicación clásica. Con esta motivación en mente, en esta tesis primero estudiamos las propiedades de los estados k-uniformes y luego presentamos métodos sistemáticos para construir expresiones cerradas de los mismos. La naturaleza de nuestros métodos resulta ser muy útil para entender la estructura de estos estados cuánticos, su representación como estados grafo y su clasificación bajo operaciones locales y comunicación clásica. También construimos varios ejemplos de estados absolutamente máximamente entrelazados, cuya existencia era desconocida. Finalmente, exploramos una nueva familia de códigos de corrección de errores cuánticos que generalizan y mejoran la conexión entre los códigos de corrección de errores clásicos, los estados entrelazados multipartitos y el formalismo de estabilizadores. Los resultados de esta tesis pueden desarrollar un papel importante en la caracterización y el estudio de las tres siguientes áreas: entrelazamiento multipartito, códigos de corrección de errores clásicos y códigos de corrección de errores cuánticos. Los estados de entrelazamiento multipartito pueden aportar una conexión para encontrar diferentes recursos para tareas de procesamiento de la información cuántica y cuantificación del entrelazamiento. Al construir dos conjuntos de estados multipartitos altamente entrelazados, es importante saber si son equivalentes entre operaciones locales y comunicación clásica. Entendiendo qué estados pertenecen a la misma clase de recurso cuántico, se puede discutir qué papel desempeñan en ciertas tareas de información cuántica, como la distribución de claves criptográficas cuánticas, la teleportación y la construcción de códigos de corrección de errores cuánticos óptimos. También se pueden usar para explorar la conexión entre la correspondencia holográfica Anti-de Sitter/Conformal Field Theory y códigos de corrección de errores cuánticos, que nos permitiría construir mejores códigos de corrección de errores. A la vez, su papel en la caracterización de redes cuánticas será esencial en el diseño de redes funcionales, robustas ante pérdidas y ruidos locales

    Multipartite entanglement and quantum algorithms

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    [eng] Quantum information science has grown from being a very small subfield in the 70s until being one of the most dynamic fields in physics, both in fundamentals and applications. In the theoretical section, perhaps the feature that has attracted most interest is the notion of entanglement, the ghostly relation between particles that dazzled Einstein and has provided fabulous challenges to build a coherent interpretation of quantum mechanics. While not completely solved, we have today learned enough to feel less uneasy with this fundamental problem, and the focus has shifted towards its potential powerful applications. Entanglement is now being studied from different perspectives as a resource for performing information processing tasks. With bipartite entanglement being largely understood nowadays, many questions remain unanswered in the multipartite case. The first part of this thesis deals with multipartite entanglement in different contexts. In the first chapters it is studied within the whole corresponding Hilbert space, and we investigate several entanglement measures searching for states that maximize them, including violations of Bell inequalities. Later, focus is shifted towards hamiltonians that have entangled ground states, and we investigate entanglement as a way to establish a distance between theories and we study frustration and methods to efficiently solve hamiltonians that exhibit it. In the practical section, the most promised upcoming technological advance is the advent of quantum computers. In the 90s some quantum algorithms improving the performance of all known classical algorithms for certain problems started to appear, while in the 2000s the first universal computers of few atoms began to be built, allowing implementation of those algorithms in small scales. The D-Wave machine already performs quantum annealing in thousands of qubits, although some controversy over the true quantumness of its internal workings surrounds it. Many countries in the planet are devoting large amounts of money to this field, with the recent European flagship and the involvement of the largest US technological companies giving reasons for optimism. The second part of this thesis deals with some aspects of quantum computation, starting with the creation of the field of cloud quantum computation with the appearance of the first computer available to the general public through internet, which we have used and analysed extensively. Also small incursions in quantum adiabatic computation and quantum thermodynamics are present in this second part.[cat] La informació quàntica ha crescut des d'un petit subcamp als anys setanta fins a esdevenir un dels camps més dinàmics de la física actualment, tant en aspectes fonamentals com en les seves aplicacions. En la secció teòrica, potser la propietat que ha atret més interès és la noció d'entrellaçament, la relació fantasmagòrica entre partícules que va deixar estupefacte Einstein i que ha suposat un enorme desafiament per a construir una interpretació coherent de la mecànica quàntica. Sense estar totalment solucionat, hem après prou per sentir-nos menys incòmodes amb aquest problema fonamental i el focus s'ha desplaçat a les seves aplicacions potencials. L'entrellaçament s'estudia avui en dia des de diferents perspectives com a recurs per realitzar tasques de processament de la informació. L'entrellaçament bipartit està ja molt ben comprès, però en el cas multipartit queden moltes qüestions obertes. La primera part d'aquesta tesi tracta de l'entrellaçament multipartit en diferents contextos. Estudiem l'hiperdeterminant com a mesura d'entrellaçament el cas de 4 qubits, analitzem l'existència i les propietats matemàtiques dels estats absolutament màximament entrellaçats, trobem noves desigualtats de Bell, estudiem l'espectre d'entrellaçament com a mesura de distància entre teories i estudiem xarxes tensorials per tractar eficientment sistemes frustrats. En l'apartat pràctic, el més prometedor avenç tecnològic del camp és l'adveniment dels ordinadors quàntics. La segona part de la tesi tracta d'alguns aspectes de computació quàntica, començant per la creació del camp de la computació quàntica al núvol, amb l'aparició del primer ordinador disponible per al públic general, que hem usat extensament. També fem petites incursions a la computació quàntica adiabàtica i a la termodinàmica quàntica en aquesta segona par

    Percolation Theories for Quantum Networks

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    Quantum networks have experienced rapid advancements in both theoretical and experimental domains over the last decade, making it increasingly important to understand their large-scale features from the viewpoint of statistical physics. This review paper discusses a fundamental question: how can entanglement be effectively and indirectly (e.g., through intermediate nodes) distributed between distant nodes in an imperfect quantum network, where the connections are only partially entangled and subject to quantum noise? We survey recent studies addressing this issue by drawing exact or approximate mappings to percolation theory, a branch of statistical physics centered on network connectivity. Notably, we show that the classical percolation frameworks do not uniquely define the network's indirect connectivity. This realization leads to the emergence of an alternative theory called ``concurrence percolation,'' which uncovers a previously unrecognized quantum advantage that emerges at large scales, suggesting that quantum networks are more resilient than initially assumed within classical percolation contexts, offering refreshing insights into future quantum network design

    Fundamental Limitations within the Selected Cryptographic Scenarios and Supra-Quantum Theories

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    The following submission constitutes a guide and an introduction to a collection of articles submitted as a Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Gda\'nsk. In the dissertation, we study the fundamental limitations within the selected quantum and supra-quantum cryptographic scenarios in the form of upper bounds on the achievable key rates. We investigate various security paradigms, bipartite and multipartite settings, as well as single-shot and asymptotic regimes. Our studies, however, extend beyond the derivations of the upper bounds on the secret key rates in the mentioned scenarios. In particular, we propose a novel type of rerouting attack on the quantum Internet for which we find a countermeasure and benchmark its efficiency. Furthermore, we propose several upper bounds on the performance of quantum (key) repeaters settings. We derive a lower bound on the secret key agreement capacity of a quantum network, which we tighten in an important case of a bidirectional quantum network. The squashed nonlocality derived here as an upper bound on the secret key rate is a novel non-faithful measure of nonlocality. Furthermore, the notion of the non-signaling complete extension arising from the complete extension postulate as a counterpart of purification of a quantum state allows us to study analogies between non-signaling and quantum key distribution scenarios.Comment: PhD Thesis, University of Gda\'nsk, July 202