28 research outputs found

    A coding theory foundation for the analysis of general unconditionally secure proof-of-retrievability schemes for cloud storage

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    There has been considerable recent interest in “cloud storage” wherein a user asks a server to store a large file. One issue is whether the user can verify that the server is actually storing the file, and typically a challenge-response protocol is employed to convince the user that the file is indeed being stored correctly. The security of these schemes is phrased in terms of an extractor which will recover or retrieve the file given any “proving algorithm” that has a sufficiently high success probability. This paper treats proof-of-retrievability schemes in the model of unconditional security, where an adversary has unlimited computational power. In this case retrievability of the file can be modelled as error-correction in a certain code. We provide a general analytical framework for such schemes that yields exact (non-asymptotic) reductions that precisely quantify conditions for extraction to succeed as a function of the success probability of a proving algorithm, and we apply this analysis to several archetypal schemes. In addition, we provide a new methodology for the analysis of keyed POR schemes in an unconditionally secure setting, and use it to prove the security of a modified version of a scheme due to Shacham and Waters [Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 5350, Springer (2008), 90–107] under a slightly restricted attack model, thus providing the first example of a keyed POR scheme with unconditional security. We also show how classical statistical techniques can be used to evaluate whether the responses of the prover are accurate enough to permit successful extraction. Finally, we prove a new lower bound on storage and communication complexity of POR schemes. This paper treats proof-of-retrievability schemes in the model of unconditional security, where an adversary has unlimited computational power. In this case retrievability of the file can be modelled as error-correction in a certain code. We provide a general analytical framework for such schemes that yields exact (non-asymptotic) reductions that precisely quantify conditions for extraction to succeed as a function of the success probability of a proving algorithm, and we apply this analysis to several archetypal schemes. In addition, we provide a new methodology for the analysis of keyed POR schemes in an unconditionally secure setting, and use it to prove the security of a modified version of a scheme due to Shacham and Waters under a slightly restricted attack model, thus providing the first example of a keyed POR scheme with unconditional security. We also show how classical statistical techniques can be used to evaluate whether the responses of the prover are accurate enough to permit successful extraction. Finally, we prove a new lower bound on storage and communication complexity of POR schemes

    Cloud Data Auditing Using Proofs of Retrievability

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    Cloud servers offer data outsourcing facility to their clients. A client outsources her data without having any copy at her end. Therefore, she needs a guarantee that her data are not modified by the server which may be malicious. Data auditing is performed on the outsourced data to resolve this issue. Moreover, the client may want all her data to be stored untampered. In this chapter, we describe proofs of retrievability (POR) that convince the client about the integrity of all her data.Comment: A version has been published as a book chapter in Guide to Security Assurance for Cloud Computing (Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015

    Integrity and Privacy of Large Data

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    There has been considerable recent interest in "cloud storage" wherein a user asks a server to store a large file. One issue is whether the user can verify that the server is actually storing the file, and typically a challenge-response protocol is employed to convince the user that the file is indeed being stored correctly. The security of these schemes is phrased in terms of an extractor which will recover the file given any ``proving algorithm'' that has a sufficiently high success probability. This forms the basis of proof-of-retrievability (PoR) and proof-of-data-possession (PDP) systems. The contributions of this thesis in secure cloud storage are as below. 1. We provide a general analytical framework for various known PoR schemes that yields exact reductions that precisely quantify conditions for extraction to succeed as a function of the success probability of a proving algorithm. We apply this analysis to several archetypal schemes. In addition, we provide a new methodology for the analysis of keyed PoR schemes in an unconditionally secure setting, and use it to prove the security of a modified version of a scheme due to Shacham and Waters (ASIACRYPT, 2009) under a slightly restricted attack model, thus providing the first example of a keyed PoR scheme with unconditional security. We also show how classical statistical techniques can be used to evaluate whether the responses of the prover on the storage are accurate enough to permit successful extraction. Finally, we prove a new lower bound on the storage and communication complexity of PoR schemes. 2. We propose a new type of scheme that we term a proof-of-data-observability scheme. Our definition tries to capture the stronger requirement that the server must have an actual copy of M in its memory space while it executes the challenge-response protocol. We give some examples of schemes that satisfy this new security definition. As well, we analyze the efficiency and security of the protocols we present, and we prove some necessary conditions for the existence of these kinds of protocols. 3. We study secure storage on multiple servers. Our contribution in multiple-server PoR systems is twofold. We formalize security definitions for two possible scenarios: (i) when a threshold of servers succeed with high enough probability (worst-case) and (ii) when the average of the success probability of all the servers is above a threshold (average-case). Using coding theory, we show instances of protocols that are secure both in the average-case and the worst-case scenarios

    Multi-prover proof-of-retrievability

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    There has been considerable recent interest in “cloud storage” wherein a user asks a server to store a large file. One issue is whether the user can verify that the server is actually storing the file, and typically a challenge-response protocol is employed to convince the user that the file is indeed being stored correctly. The security of these schemes is phrased in terms of an extractor which will recover the file given any “proving algorithm” that has a sufficiently high success probability. This forms the basis of proof-of-retrievability (PoR) systems. In this paper, we study multiple server PoR systems. Our contribution in multiple-server PoR systems is as follows. 1. We formalize security definitions for two possible scenarios: (i) when a threshold of servers succeed with high enough probability (worst-case) and (ii) when the average of the success probability of all the servers is above a threshold (average-case). We also motivate the study of confidentiality of the outsourced message. 2. We give MPoR schemes which are secure under both these security definitions and provide reasonable confidentiality guarantees even when there is no restriction on the computational power of the servers. We also show how classical statistical techniques used by Paterson, Stinson and Upadhyay (Journal of Mathematical Cryptology: 7(3)) can be extended to evaluate whether the responses of the provers are accurate enough to permit successful extraction. 3. We also look at one specific instantiation of our construction when instantiated with the unconditionally secure version of the Shacham-Waters scheme (Asiacrypt, 2008). This scheme gives reasonable security and privacy guarantee. We show that, in the multi-server setting with computationally unbounded provers, one can overcome the limitation that the verifier needs to store as much secret information as the provers

    An Efficient Method for Realizing Contractions of Access Structures in Cloud Storage

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    In single-cloud storage, ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) allows one to encrypt any data under an access structure to a cloud server, specifying what attributes are required to decrypt. In multi-cloud storage, a secret sharing scheme (SSS) allows one to split any data into multiple shares, one to a single server, and specify which subset of the servers are able to recover the data. It is an interesting problem to remove some attributes/servers but still enable the remaining attributes/servers in every authorized set to recover the data. The problem is related to the contraction problem of access structures for SSSs. In this paper, we propose a method that can efficiently transform a given SSS for an access structure to SSSs for contractions of the access structure. We show its applications in solving the attribute removal problem in the CP-ABE based single-cloud storage and the data relocating problem in multi-cloud storage. Our method results in solutions that require either less server storage or even no additional server storage.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Services Computin

    PoReps: Proofs of Space on Useful Data

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    A proof-of-replication (PoRep) is an interactive proof system in which a prover defends a publicly verifiable claim that it is dedicating unique resources to storing one or more retrievable replicas of a data file. In this sense a PoRep is both a proof of space (PoS) and a proof of retrievability (PoR). This paper is a foundational study of PoReps, exploring both their capabilities and their limitations. While PoReps may unconditionally demonstrate possession of data, they fundamentally cannot guarantee that the data is stored redundantly. Furthermore, as PoReps are proofs of space, they must rely either on rational time/space tradeoffs or timing bounds on the online prover\u27s runtime. We introduce a rational security notion for PoReps called epsilon-rational replication based on the notion of an epsilon-Nash equilibrium, which captures the property that a server does not gain any significant advantage by storing its data in any other (non-redundant) format. We apply our definitions to formally analyze two recently proposed PoRep constructions based on verifiable delay functions and depth robust graphs. Lastly, we reflect on a notable application of PoReps---its unique suitability as a Nakamoto consensus mechanism that replaces proof-of-work with PoReps on real data, simultaneously incentivizing and subsidizing the cost of file storage

    Provable Security for Cryptocurrencies

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    The past several years have seen the surprising and rapid rise of Bitcoin and other “cryptocurrencies.” These are decentralized peer-to-peer networks that allow users to transmit money, tocompose financial instruments, and to enforce contracts between mutually distrusting peers, andthat show great promise as a foundation for financial infrastructure that is more robust, efficientand equitable than ours today. However, it is difficult to reason about the security of cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is a complex system, comprising many intricate and subtly-interacting protocol layers. At each layer it features design innovations that (prior to our work) have not undergone any rigorous analysis. Compounding the challenge, Bitcoin is but one of hundreds of competing cryptocurrencies in an ecosystem that is constantly evolving. The goal of this thesis is to formally reason about the security of cryptocurrencies, reining in their complexity, and providing well-defined and justified statements of their guarantees. We provide a formal specification and construction for each layer of an abstract cryptocurrency protocol, and prove that our constructions satisfy their specifications. The contributions of this thesis are centered around two new abstractions: “scratch-off puzzles,” and the “blockchain functionality” model. Scratch-off puzzles are a generalization of the Bitcoin “mining” algorithm, its most iconic and novel design feature. We show how to provide secure upgrades to a cryptocurrency by instantiating the protocol with alternative puzzle schemes. We construct secure puzzles that address important and well-known challenges facing Bitcoin today, including wasted energy and dangerous coalitions. The blockchain functionality is a general-purpose model of a cryptocurrency rooted in the “Universal Composability” cryptography theory. We use this model to express a wide range of applications, including transparent “smart contracts” (like those featured in Bitcoin and Ethereum), and also privacy-preserving applications like sealed-bid auctions. We also construct a new protocol compiler, called Hawk, which translates user-provided specifications into privacy-preserving protocols based on zero-knowledge proofs

    RESCUE: Evaluation of a Fragmented Secret Share System in Distributed-Cloud Architecture

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    Scaling big data infrastructure using multi-cloud environment has led to the demand for highly secure, resilient and reliable data sharing method. Several variants of secret sharing scheme have been proposed but there remains a gap in knowledge on the evaluation of these methods in relation to scalability, resilience and key management as volume of files generated increase and cloud outages persist. In line with these, this thesis presents an evaluation of a method that combines data fragmentation with Shamir’s secret sharing scheme known as Fragmented Secret Share System (FSSS). It applies data fragmentation using a calculated optimum fragment size and encrypts each fragment using a 256-bit AES key length before dispersal to cloudlets, the encryption key is managed using secret sharing methods as used in cryptography.Four experiments were performed to measure the scalability, resilience and reliability in key management. The first and second experiments evaluated scalability using defined fragment blocks and an optimum fragment size. These fragment types were used to break file of varied sizes into fragments, and then encrypted and dispersed to the cloud, and recovered when required. Both were used in combination of different secret sharing policies for key management. The third experiment tested file recovery during cloud failures, while the fourth experiment focused on efficient key management.The contributions of this thesis are of two ways: development of evaluation frameworks to measure scalability and resilience of data sharing methods; and the provision of information on relationships between file sizes and share policies combinations. While the first aimed at providing platform to measure scalability from the point of continuous production as file size and volume increase, and resilience as the potential to continue operation despite cloud outages; the second provides experimental frameworks on the effects of file sizes and share policies on overall system performance.The results of evaluation of FSSS with similar methods showed that the fragmentation method has less overhead costs irrespective of file sizes and the share policy combination. That the inherent challenges in secret sharing scheme can only be solved through alternative means such as combining secret sharing with other data fragmentation method. In all, the system is less of any erasure coding technique, making it difficult to detect corrupt or lost fragment during file recovery