17 research outputs found

    On computing fixpoints in well-structured regular model checking, with applications to lossy channel systems

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    We prove a general finite convergence theorem for "upward-guarded" fixpoint expressions over a well-quasi-ordered set. This has immediate applications in regular model checking of well-structured systems, where a main issue is the eventual convergence of fixpoint computations. In particular, we are able to directly obtain several new decidability results on lossy channel systems.Comment: 16 page

    On model checking data-independent systems with arrays without reset

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    A system is data-independent with respect to a data type X iff the operations it can perform on values of type X are restricted to just equality testing. The system may also store, input and output values of type X. We study model checking of systems which are data-independent with respect to two distinct type variables X and Y, and may in addition use arrays with indices from X and values from Y . Our main interest is the following parameterised model-checking problem: whether a given program satisfies a given temporal-logic formula for all non-empty nite instances of X and Y . Initially, we consider instead the abstraction where X and Y are infinite and where partial functions with finite domains are used to model arrays. Using a translation to data-independent systems without arrays, we show that the u-calculus model-checking problem is decidable for these systems. From this result, we can deduce properties of all systems with finite instances of X and Y . We show that there is a procedure for the above parameterised model-checking problem of the universal fragment of the u-calculus, such that it always terminates but may give false negatives. We also deduce that the parameterised model-checking problem of the universal disjunction-free fragment of the u-calculus is decidable. Practical motivations for model checking data-independent systems with arrays include verification of memory and cache systems, where X is the type of memory addresses, and Y the type of storable values. As an example we verify a fault-tolerant memory interface over a set of unreliable memories.Comment: Appeared in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, vol. 4, no. 5&6, 200

    Multiply-Recursive Upper Bounds with Higman's Lemma

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    We develop a new analysis for the length of controlled bad sequences in well-quasi-orderings based on Higman's Lemma. This leads to tight multiply-recursive upper bounds that readily apply to several verification algorithms for well-structured systems

    Generalizing the Paige-Tarjan Algorithm by Abstract Interpretation

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    The Paige and Tarjan algorithm (PT) for computing the coarsest refinement of a state partition which is a bisimulation on some Kripke structure is well known. It is also well known in model checking that bisimulation is equivalent to strong preservation of CTL, or, equivalently, of Hennessy-Milner logic. Drawing on these observations, we analyze the basic steps of the PT algorithm from an abstract interpretation perspective, which allows us to reason on strong preservation in the context of generic inductively defined (temporal) languages and of possibly non-partitioning abstract models specified by abstract interpretation. This leads us to design a generalized Paige-Tarjan algorithm, called GPT, for computing the minimal refinement of an abstract interpretation-based model that strongly preserves some given language. It turns out that PT is a straight instance of GPT on the domain of state partitions for the case of strong preservation of Hennessy-Milner logic. We provide a number of examples showing that GPT is of general use. We first show how a well-known efficient algorithm for computing stuttering equivalence can be viewed as a simple instance of GPT. We then instantiate GPT in order to design a new efficient algorithm for computing simulation equivalence that is competitive with the best available algorithms. Finally, we show how GPT allows to compute new strongly preserving abstract models by providing an efficient algorithm that computes the coarsest refinement of a given partition that strongly preserves the language generated by the reachability operator.Comment: Keywords: Abstract interpretation, abstract model checking, strong preservation, Paige-Tarjan algorithm, refinement algorith

    Generalized Strong Preservation by Abstract Interpretation

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    Standard abstract model checking relies on abstract Kripke structures which approximate concrete models by gluing together indistinguishable states, namely by a partition of the concrete state space. Strong preservation for a specification language L encodes the equivalence of concrete and abstract model checking of formulas in L. We show how abstract interpretation can be used to design abstract models that are more general than abstract Kripke structures. Accordingly, strong preservation is generalized to abstract interpretation-based models and precisely related to the concept of completeness in abstract interpretation. The problem of minimally refining an abstract model in order to make it strongly preserving for some language L can be formulated as a minimal domain refinement in abstract interpretation in order to get completeness w.r.t. the logical/temporal operators of L. It turns out that this refined strongly preserving abstract model always exists and can be characterized as a greatest fixed point. As a consequence, some well-known behavioural equivalences, like bisimulation, simulation and stuttering, and their corresponding partition refinement algorithms can be elegantly characterized in abstract interpretation as completeness properties and refinements

    Sampling-based motion planning with deterministic u-calculus specifications

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    In this paper, we propose algorithms for the online computation of control programs for dynamical systems that provably satisfy a class of temporal logic specifications. Such specifications have recently been proposed in the literature as a powerful tool to synthesize provably correct control programs, for example for embedded systems and robotic applications. The proposed algorithms, generalizing state-of-the-art algorithms for point-to-point motion planning, incrementally build finite transition systems representing a discrete subset of dynamically feasible trajectories. At each iteration, local -calculus model-checking methods are used to establish whether the current transition system satisfies the specifications. Efficient sampling strategies are presented, ensuring the probabilistic completeness of the algorithms. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach on simulation examples.Michigan/AFRL Collaborative Center on Control Sciences, AFOSR (grant no. FA 8650-07-2-3744

    A Deductive Approach towards Reasoning about Algebraic Transition Systems

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    Algebraic transition systems are extended from labeled transition systems by allowing transitions labeled by algebraic equations for modeling more complex systems in detail. We present a deductive approach for specifying and verifying algebraic transition systems. We modify the standard dynamic logic by introducing algebraic equations into modalities. Algebraic transition systems are embedded in modalities of logic formulas which specify properties of algebraic transition systems. The semantics of modalities and formulas is defined with solutions of algebraic equations. A proof system for this logic is constructed to verify properties of algebraic transition systems. The proof system combines with inference rules decision procedures on the theory of polynomial ideals to reduce a proof-search problem to an algebraic computation problem. The proof system proves to be sound but inherently incomplete. Finally, a typical example illustrates that reasoning about algebraic transition systems with our approach is feasible

    Quasipolynomial Set-Based Symbolic Algorithms for Parity Games

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    Solving parity games, which are equivalent to modal ÎŒ\mu-calculus model checking, is a central algorithmic problem in formal methods. Besides the standard computation model with the explicit representation of games, another important theoretical model of computation is that of set-based symbolic algorithms. Set-based symbolic algorithms use basic set operations and one-step predecessor operations on the implicit description of games, rather than the explicit representation. The significance of symbolic algorithms is that they provide scalable algorithms for large finite-state systems, as well as for infinite-state systems with finite quotient. Consider parity games on graphs with nn vertices and parity conditions with dd priorities. While there is a rich literature of explicit algorithms for parity games, the main results for set-based symbolic algorithms are as follows: (a) an algorithm that requires O(nd)O(n^d) symbolic operations and O(d)O(d) symbolic space; and (b) an improved algorithm that requires O(nd/3+1)O(n^{d/3+1}) symbolic operations and O(n)O(n) symbolic space. Our contributions are as follows: (1) We present a black-box set-based symbolic algorithm based on the explicit progress measure algorithm. Two important consequences of our algorithm are as follows: (a) a set-based symbolic algorithm for parity games that requires quasi-polynomially many symbolic operations and O(n)O(n) symbolic space; and (b) any future improvement in progress measure based explicit algorithms imply an efficiency improvement in our set-based symbolic algorithm for parity games. (2) We present a set-based symbolic algorithm that requires quasi-polynomially many symbolic operations and O(d⋅log⁥n)O(d \cdot \log n) symbolic space. Moreover, for the important special case of d≀log⁥nd \leq \log n, our algorithm requires only polynomially many symbolic operations and poly-logarithmic symbolic space.Comment: Published at LPAR-22 in 201

    Model checking with abstraction refinement for well-structured systems

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    Abstraction plays an important role in the verification of infinite-state systems. One of the most promising and popular abstraction techniques is predicate abstraction. The right abstraction, i.e. the one that is sufficiently precise to prove or disprove the property under consideration, is automatically constructed by iterative abstraction refinement. The abstract-check-refine loop is not guaranteed to terminate in general. This results in the construction of semi-algorithms that may not terminate on some inputs. For the class of well-structured transition systems, a large class of infinitestate systems, general decidability results hold. These are transition systems equipped with a well-quasi ordering on the set of states which is compatible with the transition relation. In particular coverability, i.e. reachability of an upward-closed set, is known to be decidable for this class of systems. In this work we study the verification of well-structured systems w.r.t. the coverability property by means of predicate abstraction and refinement. We investigate the conditions under which the abstract-check-refine loop is guaranteed to terminate on instances of this class, provide a model checking method based on predicate abstraction and abstraction refinement and prove its completeness for this class of systems.nicht vorhande