35 research outputs found

    Minimum Cost Homomorphisms to Locally Semicomplete and Quasi-Transitive Digraphs

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    For digraphs GG and HH, a homomorphism of GG to HH is a mapping $f:\ V(G)\dom V(H)suchthat such that uv\in A(G)implies implies f(u)f(v)\in A(H).If,moreover,eachvertex. If, moreover, each vertex u \in V(G)isassociatedwithcosts is associated with costs c_i(u), i \in V(H),thenthecostofahomomorphism, then the cost of a homomorphism fis is \sum_{u\in V(G)}c_{f(u)}(u).Foreachfixeddigraph. For each fixed digraph H,theminimumcosthomomorphismproblemfor, the minimum cost homomorphism problem for H,denotedMinHOM(, denoted MinHOM(H),canbeformulatedasfollows:Givenaninputdigraph), can be formulated as follows: Given an input digraph G,togetherwithcosts, together with costs c_i(u),, u\in V(G),, i\in V(H),decidewhetherthereexistsahomomorphismof, decide whether there exists a homomorphism of Gto to H$ and, if one exists, to find one of minimum cost. Minimum cost homomorphism problems encompass (or are related to) many well studied optimization problems such as the minimum cost chromatic partition and repair analysis problems. We focus on the minimum cost homomorphism problem for locally semicomplete digraphs and quasi-transitive digraphs which are two well-known generalizations of tournaments. Using graph-theoretic characterization results for the two digraph classes, we obtain a full dichotomy classification of the complexity of minimum cost homomorphism problems for both classes

    Arc-disjoint in- and out-branchings rooted at the same vertex in compositions of digraphs

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    A digraph D=(V,A)D=(V, A) has a good pair at a vertex rr if DD has a pair of arc-disjoint in- and out-branchings rooted at rr. Let TT be a digraph with tt vertices u1,…,utu_1,\dots , u_t and let H1,…HtH_1,\dots H_t be digraphs such that HiH_i has vertices ui,ji,Β 1≀ji≀ni.u_{i,j_i},\ 1\le j_i\le n_i. Then the composition Q=T[H1,…,Ht]Q=T[H_1,\dots , H_t] is a digraph with vertex set {ui,ji∣1≀i≀t,1≀ji≀ni}\{u_{i,j_i}\mid 1\le i\le t, 1\le j_i\le n_i\} and arc set A(Q)=βˆͺi=1tA(Hi)βˆͺ{uijiupqp∣uiup∈A(T),1≀ji≀ni,1≀qp≀np}.A(Q)=\cup^t_{i=1}A(H_i)\cup \{u_{ij_i}u_{pq_p}\mid u_iu_p\in A(T), 1\le j_i\le n_i, 1\le q_p\le n_p\}. When TT is arbitrary, we obtain the following result: every strong digraph composition QQ in which niβ‰₯2n_i\ge 2 for every 1≀i≀t1\leq i\leq t, has a good pair at every vertex of Q.Q. The condition of niβ‰₯2n_i\ge 2 in this result cannot be relaxed. When TT is semicomplete, we characterize semicomplete compositions with a good pair, which generalizes the corresponding characterization by Bang-Jensen and Huang (J. Graph Theory, 1995) for quasi-transitive digraphs. As a result, we can decide in polynomial time whether a given semicomplete composition has a good pair rooted at a given vertex

    Generalizations of tournaments: A survey

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    Arc-disjoint Strong Spanning Subdigraphs of Semicomplete Compositions

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    A strong arc decomposition of a digraph D=(V,A)D=(V,A) is a decomposition of its arc set AA into two disjoint subsets A1A_1 and A2A_2 such that both of the spanning subdigraphs D1=(V,A1)D_1=(V,A_1) and D2=(V,A2)D_2=(V,A_2) are strong. Let TT be a digraph with tt vertices u1,…,utu_1,\dots , u_t and let H1,…HtH_1,\dots H_t be digraphs such that HiH_i has vertices ui,ji,Β 1≀ji≀ni.u_{i,j_i},\ 1\le j_i\le n_i. Then the composition Q=T[H1,…,Ht]Q=T[H_1,\dots , H_t] is a digraph with vertex set βˆͺi=1tV(Hi)={ui,ji∣1≀i≀t,1≀ji≀ni}\cup_{i=1}^t V(H_i)=\{u_{i,j_i}\mid 1\le i\le t, 1\le j_i\le n_i\} and arc set (βˆͺi=1tA(Hi))βˆͺ(βˆͺuiup∈A(T){uijiupqp∣1≀ji≀ni,1≀qp≀np}). \left(\cup^t_{i=1}A(H_i) \right) \cup \left( \cup_{u_iu_p\in A(T)} \{u_{ij_i}u_{pq_p} \mid 1\le j_i\le n_i, 1\le q_p\le n_p\} \right). We obtain a characterization of digraph compositions Q=T[H1,…Ht]Q=T[H_1,\dots H_t] which have a strong arc decomposition when TT is a semicomplete digraph and each HiH_i is an arbitrary digraph. Our characterization generalizes a characterization by Bang-Jensen and Yeo (2003) of semicomplete digraphs with a strong arc decomposition and solves an open problem by Sun, Gutin and Ai (2018) on strong arc decompositions of digraph compositions Q=T[H1,…,Ht]Q=T[H_1,\dots , H_t] in which TT is semicomplete and each HiH_i is arbitrary. Our proofs are constructive and imply the existence of a polynomial algorithm for constructing a \good{} decomposition of a digraph Q=T[H1,…,Ht]Q=T[H_1,\dots , H_t], with TT semicomplete, whenever such a decomposition exists

    Arc-disjoint strong spanning subdigraphs in compositions and products of digraphs

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    A digraph D=(V,A)D=(V,A) has a good decomposition if AA has two disjoint sets A1A_1 and A2A_2 such that both (V,A1)(V,A_1) and (V,A2)(V,A_2) are strong. Let TT be a digraph with tt vertices u1,…,utu_1,\dots , u_t and let H1,…HtH_1,\dots H_t be digraphs such that HiH_i has vertices ui,ji,Β 1≀ji≀ni.u_{i,j_i},\ 1\le j_i\le n_i. Then the composition Q=T[H1,…,Ht]Q=T[H_1,\dots , H_t] is a digraph with vertex set {ui,ji∣1≀i≀t,1≀ji≀ni}\{u_{i,j_i}\mid 1\le i\le t, 1\le j_i\le n_i\} and arc set A(Q)=βˆͺi=1tA(Hi)βˆͺ{uijiupqp∣uiup∈A(T),1≀ji≀ni,1≀qp≀np}.A(Q)=\cup^t_{i=1}A(H_i)\cup \{u_{ij_i}u_{pq_p}\mid u_iu_p\in A(T), 1\le j_i\le n_i, 1\le q_p\le n_p\}. For digraph compositions Q=T[H1,…Ht]Q=T[H_1,\dots H_t], we obtain sufficient conditions for QQ to have a good decomposition and a characterization of QQ with a good decomposition when TT is a strong semicomplete digraph and each HiH_i is an arbitrary digraph with at least two vertices. For digraph products, we prove the following: (a) if kβ‰₯2k\geq 2 is an integer and GG is a strong digraph which has a collection of arc-disjoint cycles covering all vertices, then the Cartesian product digraph Gβ–‘kG^{\square k} (the kkth powers with respect to Cartesian product) has a good decomposition; (b) for any strong digraphs G,HG, H, the strong product G⊠HG\boxtimes H has a good decomposition

    Strong Subgraph Connectivity of Digraphs:A Survey

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