377 research outputs found

    Characterizations of competition multigraphs

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    AbstractThe notion of a competition multigraph was introduced by C. A. Anderson, K. F. Jones, J. R. Lundgren, and T. A. McKee [C. A. Anderson, K. F. Jones, J. R. Lundgren, and T. A. McKee: Competition multigraphs and the multicompetition number, Ars Combinatoria 29B (1990) 185–192] as a generalization of the competition graphs of digraphs.In this note, we give a characterization of competition multigraphs of arbitrary digraphs and a characterization of competition multigraphs of loopless digraphs. Moreover, we characterize multigraphs whose multicompetition numbers are at most m, where m is a given nonnegative integer and give characterizations of competition multihypergraphs

    The double competition multigraph of a digraph

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    In this article, we introduce the notion of the double competition multigraph of a digraph. We give characterizations of the double competition multigraphs of arbitrary digraphs, loopless digraphs, reflexive digraphs, and acyclic digraphs in terms of edge clique partitions of the multigraphs.Comment: 9 page

    Digraphs with Isomorphic Underlying and Domination Graphs: Pairs of Paths

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    A domination graph of a digraph D, dom (D), is created using thc vertex set of D and edge uv ϵ E (dom (D)) whenever (u, z) ϵ A (D) or (v, z) ϵ A (D) for any other vertex z ϵ A (D). Here, we consider directed graphs whose underlying graphs are isomorphic to their domination graphs. Specifically, digraphs are completely characterized where UGc (D) is the union of two disjoint paths

    Competition graphs of degree bounded digraphs

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    If each vertex of an acyclic digraph has indegree at most ii and outdegree at most jj, then it is called an (i,j)(i,j) digraph, which was introduced by Hefner~{\it et al.}~(1991). Whereas Hefner~{\it et al.} characterized (i,j)(i,j) digraphs whose competition graphs are interval, characterizing the competition graphs of (i,j)(i,j) digraphs is not an easy task. In this paper, we introduce the concept of i,j\langle i,j \rangle digraphs, which relax the acyclicity condition of (i,j)(i,j) digraphs, and study their competition graphs. By doing so, we obtain quite meaningful results. Firstly, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for a loopless graph being an i,j\langle i,j \rangle competition graph for some positive integers ii and jj. Then we study on an i,j\langle i,j \rangle competition graph being chordal and present a forbidden subdigraph characterization. Finally, we study the family of i,j\langle i,j \rangle competition graphs, denoted by Gi,j\mathcal{G}_{\langle i,j \rangle}, and identify the set containment relation on {Gi,j ⁣:i,j1}\{\mathcal{G}_{\langle i,j \rangle}\colon\, i,j \ge 1\}

    Triangle-free mm-step competition graphs

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    Given a digraph DD and a positive number mm, the mm-step competition graph of DD is defined to have the same vertex set as DD and an edge joining two distinct vertices uu and vv if and only if there exist a (u,w)(u,w)-directed walk and a (v,w)(v,w)-directed walk both having length mm for some vertex ww in DD. We call a graph an mm-step competition graph if it is the mm-step competition graph of a digraph. The notion of mm-step competition graph was introduced by Cho \emph{et al.} \cite{cho2000m} as one of the variants of competition graph which was introduced by Cohen \cite{Cohen} while studying predator-prey concepts in ecological food webs. In this paper, we first extend a result given by Helleloid \cite{helleloid2005connected} stating that for all positive integers mnm \geq n, the only connected triangle-free mm-step competition graph on nn vertices is the star graph. We show that the result is true for arbitrary positive integer m2m \geq 2 as long as it is the mm-step competition graph of a digraph having a source. We go further to completely characterize the digraphs each of whose weak components has a source and whose mm-step competition graphs are triangle-free for some integer m2m \ge 2. We also compute the number of digraphs with a source whose mm-step competition graphs are connected and triangle-free for some integer m2m \ge 2