585 research outputs found

    Semantic web service architecture for simulation model reuse

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    COTS simulation packages (CSPs) have proved popular in an industrial setting with a number of software vendors. In contrast, options for re-using existing models seem more limited. Re-use of simulation component models by collaborating organizations is restricted by the same semantic issues however that restrict the inter-organization use of web services. The current representations of web components are predominantly syntactic in nature lacking the fundamental semantic underpinning required to support discovery on the emerging semantic web. Semantic models, in the form of ontology, utilized by web service discovery and deployment architecture provide one approach to support simulation model reuse. Semantic interoperation is achieved through the use of simulation component ontology to identify required components at varying levels of granularity (including both abstract and specialized components). Selected simulation components are loaded into a CSP, modified according to the requirements of the new model and executed. The paper presents the development of ontology, connector software and web service discovery architecture in order to understand how such ontology are created, maintained and subsequently used for simulation model reuse. The ontology is extracted from health service simulation - comprising hospitals and the National Blood Service. The ontology engineering framework and discovery architecture provide a novel approach to inter- organization simulation, uncovering domain semantics and adopting a less intrusive interface between participants. Although specific to CSPs the work has wider implications for the simulation community

    JSB Composability and Web Services Interoperability Via Extensible Modeling & Simulation Framework (XMSF), Model Driven Architecture (MDA), Component Repositories, and Web-based Visualization

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    Study Report prepared for the U. S. Air Force, Joint Synthetic Battlespace Analysis of Technical Approaches (ATA) Studies & Prototyping Overview: This paper summarizes research work conducted by organizations concerned with interoperable distributed information technology (IT) applications, in particular the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and Old Dominion University (ODU). Although the application focus is distributed modeling & simulation (M&S) the results and findings are in general easily applicable to other distributed concepts as well, in particular the support of operations by M&S applications, such as distributed mission operations. The core idea of this work is to show the necessity of applying open standards for component description, implementation, and integration accompanied by aligned management processes and procedures to enable continuous interoperability for legacy and new M&S components of the live, virtual, and constructive domain within the USAF Joint Synthetic Battlespace (JSB). JSB will be a common integration framework capable of supporting the future emerging simulation needs ranging from training and battlefield rehearsal to research, system development and acquisition in alignment with other operational requirements, such as integration of command and control, support of operations, integration of training ranges comprising real systems, etc. To this end, the study describes multiple complementary Integrated Architecture Framework approaches and shows, how the various parts must be orchestrated in order to support the vision of JSB effectively and efficiently. Topics of direct relevance include Web Services via Extensible Modeling & Simulation Framework (XMSF), the Object Management Group (OMG)’s Model Driven Architecture (MDA), XML-based resource repositories, and Web-based X3D visualization. To this end, the report shows how JSB can − Utilize Web Services throughout all components via XMSF methodologies, − Compose diverse system visualizations using Web-based X3D graphics, − Benefit from distributed modeling methods using MDA, and − Best employ resource repositories for broad and consistent composability. Furthermore, the report recommends the establishment of necessary management organizations responsible for the necessary alignment of management processes and procedures within the JSB as well as with neighbored domains. Continuous interoperability cannot be accomplished by technical standards alone. The application of technical standards targets the implementation level of the system of systems, which results in an interoperable solution valid only for the actual 2 implementation. To insure continuity, the influence of updates, upgrades and introduction of components on the system of systems must be captured in the project management procedures of the participating systems. Finally, the report proposes an exemplifying set of proof-of-capability demonstration prototypes and a five-year technical/institutional transformation plan. All key references are online available at http://www.movesinstitute.org/xmsf/xmsf.html (if not explicitly stated otherwise)

    Towards Grid-Wide Modeling and Simulation

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    Modeling and simulation permeate all areas of business, science and engineering. With the increase in the scale and complexity of simulations, large amounts of computational resources are required, and collaborative model development is needed, as multiple parties could be involved in the development process. The Grid provides a platform for coordinated resource sharing and application development and execution. In this paper, we survey existing technologies in modeling and simulation, and we focus on interoperability and composability of simulation components for both simulation development and execution. We also present our recent work on an HLA-based simulation framework on the Grid, and discuss the issues to achieve composability.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    An Object-Oriented Framework for Designing Reusable and Maintainable DEVS Models using Design Patterns

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    Design patterns are well practices to share software development experiences. These patterns allow enhancing reusability, readability and maintainability of architecture and code of software applications. As simulation applies computerized models to produce traces in order to obtain results and conclusions, designers of simulation explored design patterns to make the simulation code more reusable, more readable and easy to maintain, in addition to design complex software oriented simulation modeling. In DEVS (Discrete Event System specification), the designers have successfully designed simulations, frameworks, tools, etc. However, some issues remain still open and should be explored like how a piece of code that implements a set of states, events and transitions may be reused to design a new DEVS model? How may a DEVS model be extended to a new formalism? Etc. In this paper, we address these issues and we propose a set of patterns that may serve as guidelines to designers of DEVS models and its extensions and may contribute to the design of an operational simulation framework. These patterns are inspired partly by the available designs of DEVS community and software engineering developers

    An engine selection methodology for high fidelity serious games

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    Serious games represent the state-of-the-art in the convergence of electronic gaming technologies with instructional design principles and pedagogies. Whilst the selection criteria for entertainment game engines are often transparent, due to the range of available platforms and engines an emerging challenge is the choice of platform for serious games, whose selection often has substantially different objectives and technical requirements depending upon context and usage. Additionally, the convergence of training simulations with serious gaming, made possible by increasing hardware rendering capacity, is enabling the creation of high-fidelity serious games which challenge existing design and instructional approaches. This paper highlights some of the differences between the technical requisites of high-fidelity serious and leisure games, and proposes a selection methodology based upon these emergent characteristics. The case study of part of a high-fidelity model of Ancient Rome is used to compare aspects of the four different game engines according to elements defined in the proposed methodology

    A TOSCA-Based Conceptual Architecture to Support the Federation of Heterogeneous MSaaS Infrastructures †

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    Modeling and simulation (M&S) techniques are effectively used in many application domains to support various operational tasks ranging from system analyses to innovative training activities. Any (M&S) effort might strongly benefit from the adoption of service orientation and cloud computing to ease the development and provision of M&S applications. Such an emerging paradigm is commonly referred to as M&S-as-a-Service (MSaaS). The need for orchestrating M&S services provided by different partners in a heterogeneous cloud infrastructure introduces new challenges. In this respect, the adoption of an effective architectural approach might significantly help the design and development of MSaaS infrastructure implementations that cooperate in a federated environment. In this context, this work introduces a MSaaS reference architecture (RA) that aims to investigate innovative approaches to ease the building of inter-cloud MSaaS applications. Moreover, this work presents ArTIC-MS, a conceptual architecture that refines the proposed RA for introducing the TOSCA (topology and orchestration specification for cloud applications) standard. ArTIC-MS’s main objective is to enable effective portability and interoperability among M&S services provided by different partners in heterogeneous federations of cloud-based MSaaS infrastructure. To show the validity of the proposed architectural approach, the results of concrete experimentation are provided

    Panel on future challenges in modeling methodology

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    This panel paper presents the views of six researchers and practitioners of simulation modeling. Collectively we attempt to address a range of key future challenges to modeling methodology. It is hoped that the views of this paper, and the presentations made by the panelists at the 2004 Winter Simulation Conference will raise awareness and stimulate further discussion on the future of modeling methodology in areas such as modeling problems in business applications, human factors and geographically dispersed networks; rapid model development and maintenance; legacy modeling approaches; markup languages; virtual interactive process design and simulation; standards; and Grid computing

    Kontextsensitive Körperregulierung für redundante Roboter

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    In the past few decades the classical 6 degrees of freedom manipulators' dominance has been challenged by the rise of 7 degrees of freedom redundant robots. Similarly, with increased availability of humanoid robots in academic research, roboticists suddenly have access to highly dexterous platforms with multiple kinematic chains capable of undertaking multiple tasks simultaneously. The execution of lower-priority tasks, however, are often done in task/scenario specific fashion. Consequently, these systems are not scalable and slight changes in the application often implies re-engineering the entire control system and deployment which impedes the development process over time. This thesis introduces an alternative systematic method of addressing the secondary tasks and redundancy resolution called, context aware body regulation. Contexts consist of one or multiple tasks, however, unlike the conventional definitions, the tasks within a context are not rigidly defined and maintain some level of abstraction. For instance, following a particular trajectory constitutes a concrete task while performing a Cartesian motion with the end-effector represents an abstraction of the same task and is more appropriate for context formulation. Furthermore, contexts are often made up of multiple abstract tasks that collectively describe a reoccurring situation. Body regulation is an umbrella term for a collection of schemes for addressing the robots' redundancy when a particular context occurs. Context aware body regulation offers several advantages over traditional methods. Most notably among them are reusability, scalability and composability of contexts and body regulation schemes. These three fundamental concerns are realized theoretically by in-depth study and through mathematical analysis of contexts and regulation strategies; and are practically implemented by a component based software architecture that complements the theoretical aspects. The findings of the thesis are applicable to any redundant manipulator and humanoids, and allow them to be used in real world applications. Proposed methodology presents an alternative approach for the control of robots and offers a new perspective for future deployment of robotic solutions.Im Verlauf der letzten Jahrzehnte wich der Einfluss klassischer Roboterarme mit 6 Freiheitsgraden zunehmend denen neuer und vielfältigerer Manipulatoren mit 7 Gelenken. Ebenso stehen der Forschung mit den neuartigen Humanoiden inzwischen auch hoch-redundante Roboterplattformen mit mehreren kinematischen Ketten zur Verfügung. Diese überaus flexiblen und komplexen Roboter-Kinematiken ermöglichen generell das gleichzeitige Verfolgen mehrerer priorisierter Bewegungsaufgaben. Die Steuerung der weniger wichtigen Aufgaben erfolgt jedoch oft in anwendungsspezifischer Art und Weise, welche die Skalierung der Regelung zu generellen Kontexten verhindert. Selbst kleine Änderungen in der Anwendung bewirken oft schon, dass große Teile der Robotersteuerung überarbeitet werden müssen, was wiederum den gesamten Entwicklungsprozess behindert. Diese Dissertation stellt eine alternative, systematische Methode vor um die Redundanz neuer komplexer Robotersysteme zu bewältigen und vielfältige, priorisierte Bewegungsaufgaben parallel zu steuern: Die so genannte kontextsensitive Körperregulierung. Darin bestehen Kontexte aus einer oder mehreren Bewegungsaufgaben. Anders als in konventionellen Anwendungen sind die Aufgaben nicht fest definiert und beinhalten eine gewisse Abstraktion. Beispielsweise stellt das Folgen einer bestimmten Trajektorie eine sehr konkrete Bewegungsaufgabe dar, während die Ausführung einer Kartesischen Bewegung mit dem Endeffektor eine Abstraktion darstellt, die für die Kontextformulierung besser geeignet ist. Kontexte setzen sich oft aus mehreren solcher abstrakten Aufgaben zusammen und beschreiben kollektiv eine sich wiederholende Situation. Durch die Verwendung der kontextsensitiven Körperregulierung ergeben sich vielfältige Vorteile gegenüber traditionellen Methoden: Wiederverwendbarkeit, Skalierbarkeit, sowie Komponierbarkeit von Konzepten. Diese drei fundamentalen Eigenschaften werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit theoretisch mittels gründlicher mathematischer Analyse aufgezeigt und praktisch mittels einer auf Komponenten basierenden Softwarearchitektur realisiert. Die Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation lassen sich auf beliebige redundante Manipulatoren oder humanoide Roboter anwenden und befähigen diese damit zur realen Anwendung außerhalb des Labors. Die hier vorgestellte Methode zur Regelung von Robotern stellt damit eine neue Perspektive für die zukünftige Entwicklung von robotischen Lösungen dar