10 research outputs found

    Applying Dataflow Analysis to Dimension Buffers for Guaranteed Performance in Networks on Chip

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    A Network on Chip (NoC) with end-to-end flow control is modelled by a cyclo-static dataflow graph. Using the proposed model together with state-of-the-art dataflow analysis algorithms, we size the buffers in the network interfaces. We show, for a range of NoC designs, that buffer sizes are determined with a run time comparable to existing analytical methods, and results comparable to exhaustive simulation

    Power Optimization for Mesh Network-on-Chip Architecture: Multilevel Network Partitioning Approach

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    This paper presents a power optimization for mesh Network-on-Chip (NoC) architecture by using Multilevel Network Partitioning approach. Power consumption is reduced by re-dividing the large networks into few smaller partitions. This approach assigns excessively communicated Intellectual Property (IP) cores into the same portion that result the minimal average inter-core distance. The efficiency of this methodology is verified through a System-on-Chip (SoC) application known as Video Object Plan Decoder (VOPD). Experimental results show a promising improvement of 16.59% in the power consumption

    The network calculator for NoC buffer space evaluation

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    In this paper we discuss the problem of choosing the buffer size in the Network-on-Chip routers. This problem is closely related to other problems that arise in NoC's design - choosing of interconnection structure between nodes and data paths in the system. It is a complex multicriteria problem. The design space exploration approach is widely used to solve such problems. In this approach each possible system configuration corresponds to a point in the Design Space. For each point, the user evaluates whether it satisfies its requirements and determine the future direction of motion in Design Space. The network calculators are used to calculate values of the NoC's parameters at each point. We consider the existing methods of buffer sizes calculation, their capabilities and limitations. We suggest the method of buffer space calculation for NoC with arbitrary topology and the algorithm of the corresponding network calculator

    Arquitectura wormhole per a una NoC 2D-Mesh

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    Aquest projecte presenta la implementació d'un disseny, i la seva posterior síntesi en una FPGA, d'una arquitectura de tipus wormhole packet switching per a una infraestructura de NetWork-On-Chip amb una topologia 2D-Mesh. Agafant un router circuit switching com a punt de partida, s'han especificat els mòduls en Verilog per tal d'obtenir l'arquitectura wormhole desitjada. Dissenyar la màquina de control per governar els flits que conformen els paquets dins la NoC,i afegir les cues a la sortida del router (outuput queuing) són els punts principals d'aquest treball. A més, com a punt final s'han comparat ambdues arquitectures de router en termes de costos en àrea i en memòria i se n'han obtingut diverses conclusions i resultats experimentals.Este proyecto presenta la implementación de un diseño, y su posterior síntesis en una FPGA, de una arquitectura de tipo wormhole packet switching para una infraestructura de Network-On-Chip con una topología 2D-Mesh. Tomando un router circuit switching como punto de partida, se han especificado los módulos en Verilog para obtener la arquitectura deseada. Diseñar la máquina de control que gobierna los flits que conforman los paquetes dentro de la NoC, y añadir las colas de salida del router (output queuing) son los puntos principales de este trabajo. Además, como punto final se han comparado ambas arquitecturas del router en términos de costos en área y en memoria obteniendo varias conclusiones y resultados experimentales.This project presents the implementation and synthesis in a FPGA of a wormhole packet switching architecture design for a NetWork-On-Chip structure with 2D-Mesh topology. Taking a circuit switching router as a starting point, the modules have been specified in Verilog in order to achieve the wormhole architecture. The main points of this work are to design the control machine that controls the flits conforming the packets within the NoC, and to include the output queue of the router. Finally, both router architectures have been compared in area and memory costs and some conclusions and experimental outcomes have been drawn

    A buffer-sizing Algorithm for Networks on Chip using TDMA and credit-based end-to-end Flow Control

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    When designing a System-on-Chip (SoC) using a Networkon-Chip (NoC), silicon area and power consumption are two key elements to optimize. A dominant part of the NoC area and power consumption is due to the buffers in the Network Interfaces (NIs) needed to decouple computation from communication. Having such a decoupling prevents stalling of IP blocks due to the communication interconnect. The size of these buffers is especially important in real-time systems, as there they should be big enough to obtain predictable performance. To ensure that buffers do not overflow, endto-end flow-control is needed. One form of end-to-end flowcontrol used in NoCs is credit-based flow-control. This form places additional requirements on the buffer sizes, because the flow-control delays need to be taken into account. In this work, we present an algorithm to find the minimal decoupling buffer sizes for a NoC using TDMA and creditbased end-to-end flow-control, subject to the performance constraints of the applications running on the SoC. Our experiments show that our method results in a 84 % reduction of the total NoC buffer area when compared to the state-ofthe art buffer-sizing methods. Moreover, our method has a low run-time complexity, producing results in the order of minutes for our experiments, enabling quick design cycles for large SoC designs. Finally, our method can take into account multiple usecases running on the same SoC

    A Buffer-Sizing Algorithm for Networks on Chip using TDMA and Credit-Based End-to-End Flow Control

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    When designing a System-on-Chip (SoC) using a Networkon-Chip (NoC), silicon area and power consumption are two key elements to optimize. A dominant part of the NoC area and power consumption is due to the buffers in the Network Interfaces (NIs) needed to decouple computation from communication. Having such a decoupling prevents stalling of IP blocks due to the communication interconnect. The size of these buffers is especially important in real-time systems, as there they should be big enough to obtain predictable performance. To ensure that buffers do not overflow, end-to-end flow-control is needed. One form of end-to-end flow-control used in NoCs is credit-based flow-control. This form of flowcontrol places additional requirements on the buffer sizes, because the flow-control delays need to be taken into account. In this work, we present an algorithm to find the minimal decoupling buffer sizes for a NoC using TDMA and creditbased end-to-end flow-control, subject to the performance constraints of the applications running on the SoC. Our experiments show that our method results in a 84 % reduction of the total NoC buffer area when compared to the state-ofthe art buffer-sizing methods. Moreover, our method has a low run-time complexity, producing results in the order of minutes for our experiments, enabling quick design cycles for large SoC designs. Finally, our method can take into account multiple usecases that are running on the same SoC

    An accurate analysis for guaranteed performance of multiprocessor streaming applications

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    Already for more than a decade, consumer electronic devices have been available for entertainment, educational, or telecommunication tasks based on multimedia streaming applications, i.e., applications that process streams of audio and video samples in digital form. Multimedia capabilities are expected to become more and more commonplace in portable devices. This leads to challenges with respect to cost efficiency and quality. This thesis contributes models and analysis techniques for improving the cost efficiency, and therefore also the quality, of multimedia devices. Portable consumer electronic devices should feature flexible functionality on the one hand and low power consumption on the other hand. Those two requirements are conflicting. Therefore, we focus on a class of hardware that represents a good trade-off between those two requirements, namely on domain-specific multiprocessor systems-on-chip (MP-SoC). Our research work contributes to dynamic (i.e., run-time) optimization of MP-SoC system metrics. The central question in this area is how to ensure that real-time constraints are satisfied and the metric of interest such as perceived multimedia quality or power consumption is optimized. In these cases, we speak of quality-of-service (QoS) and power management, respectively. In this thesis, we pursue real-time constraint satisfaction that is guaranteed by the system by construction and proven mainly based on analytical reasoning. That approach is often taken in real-time systems to ensure reliable performance. Therefore the performance analysis has to be conservative, i.e. it has to use pessimistic assumptions on the unknown conditions that can negatively influence the system performance. We adopt this hypothesis as the foundation of this work. Therefore, the subject of this thesis is the analysis of guaranteed performance for multimedia applications running on multiprocessors. It is very important to note that our conservative approach is essentially different from considering only the worst-case state of the system. Unlike the worst-case approach, our approach is dynamic, i.e. it makes use of run-time characteristics of the input data and the environment of the application. The main purpose of our performance analysis method is to guide the run-time optimization. Typically, a resource or quality manager predicts the execution time, i.e., the time it takes the system to process a certain number of input data samples. When the execution times get smaller, due to dependency of the execution time on the input data, the manager can switch the control parameter for the metric of interest such that the metric improves but the system gets slower. For power optimization, that means switching to a low-power mode. If execution times grow, the manager can set parameters so that the system gets faster. For QoS management, for example, the application can be switched to a different quality mode with some degradation in perceived quality. The real-time constraints are then never violated and the metrics of interest are kept as good as possible. Unfortunately, maintaining system metrics such as power and quality at the optimal level contradicts with our main requirement, i.e., providing performance guarantees, because for this one has to give up some quality or power consumption. Therefore, the performance analysis approach developed in this thesis is not only conservative, but also accurate, so that the optimization of the metric of interest does not suffer too much from conservativity. This is not trivial to realize when two factors are combined: parallel execution on multiple processors and dynamic variation of the data-dependent execution delays. We achieve the goal of conservative and accurate performance estimation for an important class of multiprocessor platforms and multimedia applications. Our performance analysis technique is realizable in practice in QoS or power management setups. We consider a generic MP-SoC platform that runs a dynamic set of applications, each application possibly using multiple processors. We assume that the applications are independent, although it is possible to relax this requirement in the future. To support real-time constraints, we require that the platform can provide guaranteed computation, communication and memory budgets for applications. Following important trends in system-on-chip communication, we support both global buses and networks-on-chip. We represent every application as a homogeneous synchronous dataflow (HSDF) graph, where the application tasks are modeled as graph nodes, called actors. We allow dynamic datadependent actor execution delays, which makes HSDF graphs very useful to express modern streaming applications. Our reason to consider HSDF graphs is that they provide a good basic foundation for analytical performance estimation. In this setup, this thesis provides three major contributions: 1. Given an application mapped to an MP-SoC platform, given the performance guarantees for the individual computation units (the processors) and the communication unit (the network-on-chip), and given constant actor execution delays, we derive the throughput and the execution time of the system as a whole. 2. Given a mapped application and platform performance guarantees as in the previous item, we extend our approach for constant actor execution delays to dynamic datadependent actor delays. 3. We propose a global implementation trajectory that starts from the application specification and goes through design-time and run-time phases. It uses an extension of the HSDF model of computation to reflect the design decisions made along the trajectory. We present our model and trajectory not only to put the first two contributions into the right context, but also to present our vision on different parts of the trajectory, to make a complete and consistent story. Our first contribution uses the idea of so-called IPC (inter-processor communication) graphs known from the literature, whereby a single model of computation (i.e., HSDF graphs) are used to model not only the computation units, but also the communication unit (the global bus or the network-on-chip) and the FIFO (first-in-first-out) buffers that form a ‘glue’ between the computation and communication units. We were the first to propose HSDF graph structures for modeling bounded FIFO buffers and guaranteed throughput network connections for the network-on-chip communication in MP-SoCs. As a result, our HSDF models enable the formalization of the on-chip FIFO buffer capacity minimization problem under a throughput constraint as a graph-theoretic problem. Using HSDF graphs to formalize that problem helps to find the performance bottlenecks in a given solution to this problem and to improve this solution. To demonstrate this, we use the JPEG decoder application case study. Also, we show that, assuming constant – worst-case for the given JPEG image – actor delays, we can predict execution times of JPEG decoding on two processors with an accuracy of 21%. Our second contribution is based on an extension of the scenario approach. This approach is based on the observation that the dynamic behavior of an application is typically composed of a limited number of sub-behaviors, i.e., scenarios, that have similar resource requirements, i.e., similar actor execution delays in the context of this thesis. The previous work on scenarios treats only single-processor applications or multiprocessor applications that do not exploit all the flexibility of the HSDF model of computation. We develop new scenario-based techniques in the context of HSDF graphs, to derive the timing overlap between different scenarios, which is very important to achieve good accuracy for general HSDF graphs executing on multiprocessors. We exploit this idea in an application case study – the MPEG-4 arbitrarily-shaped video decoder, and demonstrate execution time prediction with an average accuracy of 11%. To the best of our knowledge, for the given setup, no other existing performance technique can provide a comparable accuracy and at the same time performance guarantees

    High-Performance and Wavelength-Reused Optical Network on Chip (ONoC) Architectures and Communication Schemes for Manycore Processor

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    Optical Network on Chip (ONoC) is an emerging chip-scale optical interconnection technology to realize the high-performance and power-efficient inter-core communication for many-core processors. By utilizing the silicon photonic interconnects to transmit data packets with optical signals, it can achieve ultra low communication delay, high bandwidth capacity, and low power dissipation. With the benefits of Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM), multiple optical signals can simultaneously be transmitted in the same optical interconnect through different wavelengths. Thus, the WDM-based ONoC is becoming a hot research topic recently. However, the maximal number of available wavelengths is restricted for the reliable and power-efficient optical communication in ONoC. Hence, with a limited number of wavelengths, the design of high-performance and power-efficient ONoC architecture is an important and challenging problem. In this thesis, the design methodology of wavelength-reused ONoC architecture is explored. With the wavelength reuse scheme in optical routing paths, high-performance and power-efficient communication is realized for many-core processors only using a small number of available wavelengths. Three wavelength-reused ONoC architectures and communication schemes are proposed to fulfil different communication requirements, i.e., network scalability, multicast communication, and dark silicon. Firstly, WRH-ONoC, a wavelength-reused hierarchical Optical Network on Chip architecture, is proposed to achieve high network scalability, namely obtaining low communication delay and high throughput capacity for hundreds of thousands of cores by reusing the limited number of available wavelengths with the modest hardware cost and energy overhead. WRH-ONoC combines the advantages of non-blocking communication in each lambda-router and wavelength reuse in all lambda-routers through the hierarchical networking. Both theoretical analysis and simulation results indicate that WRH-ONoC can achieve prominent improvement on the communication performance and scalability (e.g., 46.0% of reduction on the zero-load packet delay and 72.7% of improvement on the network throughput for 400 cores with small hardware cost and energy overhead) in comparison with existing schemes. Secondly, DWRMR, a dynamical wavelength-reused multicast scheme based on the optical multicast ring, is proposed for widely existing multicast communications in many-core processors. In DWRMR, an optical multicast ring is dynamically constructed for each multicast group and the multicast packets are transmitted in a single-send-multi-receive manner requiring only one wavelength. All the cores in the same multicast group can reuse the established multicast ring through an optical token arbitration scheme for the interactive multicast communications, thereby avoiding the frequent construction of multicast routing paths dedicatedly for each core. Simulation results indicate that DWRMR can reduce more than 50% of end-to-end packet delay with slight hardware cost, or require only half number of wavelengths to achieve the same performance compared with existing schemes. Thirdly, Dark-ONoC, a dynamically configurable ONoC architecture, is proposed for the many-core processor with dark silicon. Dark silicon is an inevitable phenomenon that only a small number of cores can be activated simultaneously while the other cores must stay in dark state (power-gated) due to the restricted power budget. Dark-ONoC periodically allocates non-blocking optical routing paths only between the active cores with as less wavelengths as possible. Thus, it can obtain high-performance communication and low power consumption at the same time. Extensive simulations are conducted with the dark silicon patterns from both synthetic distribution and real data traces. The simulation results indicate that the number of wavelengths is reduced by around 15% and the overall power consumption is reduced by 23.4% compared to existing schemes. Finally, this thesis concludes several important principles on the design of wavelength-reused ONoC architecture, and summarizes some perspective issues for the future research

    Deployment and Debugging of Real-Time Applications on Multicore Architectures

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    It is essential to enable information extraction from software. Program tracing techniques are an example of information extraction. Program tracing extracts information from the program during execution. Tracing helps with the testing and validation of software to ensure that the software under test is correct. Information extraction is done by instrumenting the program. Logged information can be stored in dedicated logging memories or can be buffered and streamed off-chip to an external monitor. The designer inspects the trace after execution to identify potentially erroneous state information. In addition, the trace can provide the state information that serves as input to generate the erroneous output for reproducibility. Information extraction can be difficult and expensive due to the increase in size and complexity of modern software systems. For the sub-class of software systems known as real-time systems, these issues are further aggravated. This is because real-time systems demand timing guarantees in addition to functional correctness. Consequently, any instrumentation to the original program code for the purpose of information extraction may affect the temporal behaviors of the program. This perturbation of temporal behaviors can lead to the violation of timing constraints, which may bias the program execution and/or cause the program to miss its deadline. As a result, there is considerable interest in devising techniques to allow for information extraction without missing a program’s deadline that is known as time-aware instrumentation. This thesis investigates time-aware instrumentation mechanisms to instrument programs while respecting their timing constraints and functional behavior. Knowledge of the underlying hardware on which the software runs, enables the extraction of more information via the instrumentation process. Chip-multiprocessors offer a solution to the performance bottleneck on uni-processors. Providing timing guarantees for hard real-time systems, however, on chip-multiprocessors is difficult. This is because conventional communication interconnects are designed to optimize the average-case performance. Therefore, researchers propose interconnects such as the priority-aware networks to satisfy the requirements of hard real-time systems. The priority-aware interconnects, however, lack the proper analysis techniques to facilitate the deployment of real-time systems. This thesis also investigates latency and buffer space analysis techniques for pipelined communication resource models, as well as algorithms for the proper deployment of real-time applications to these platforms. The analysis techniques proposed in this thesis provide guarantees on the schedulability of real-time systems on chip-multiprocessors. These guarantees are based on reducing contention in the interconnect while simultaneously accurately computing the worst-case communication latencies. While these worst-case latencies provide bounds for computing the overall worst-case execution time of applications on chip-multiprocessors, they also provide means to assigning instrumentation budgets required by time-aware instrumentation. Leveraging these platform-specific analysis techniques for the assignment of instrumentation budgets, allows for extracting more information from the instrumentation process