4 research outputs found

    A Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the Multi-Vehicle Traveling Purchaser Problem with Pairwise Incompatibility Constraints

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    We introduce a problem where a fleet of vehicles is available to visit suppliers offering various products at different prices and quantities, with the aim to select a subset of suppliers so to satisfy products demand at the minimum traveling and purchasing costs. Vehicles have a predefined capacity and pairs of products may be incompatible to be carried simultaneously on a same vehicle. We call this problem the multi-vehicle traveling purchaser problem with pairwise incompatibility constraints. We show how a three-index one-commodity flow formulation for the problem is easy to implement with a common MILP solver, but highly nonefficient when solving large size instances. We concentrate on a formulation using connectivity constraints to exclude subtours and introduce a branch-and-cut framework using a preprocessing routine and the separation of different valid inequalities. We also propose a four-step heuristic based on the solution of different subproblems and use it to provide an initial feasible solution. We run computational tests on a large set of instances with up to 50 suppliers, 100 products, and 20% of crossed incompatibility between products. Results show that two different streamlined versions of the proposed exact method largely outperform the plain solution by the commercial solver Cplex 12.3. Also, the heuristic approach is observed to be rather effective and efficient providing a valid solving alternative

    A Branch-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for the Capacitated Multiple Vehicle Traveling Purchaser Problem with Unitary Demand

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    The multiple vehicle traveling purchaser problem (MVTPP) consists of simultaneously selecting suppliers and routing a fleet of homogeneous vehicles to purchase different products at the selected suppliers so that all product demands are fulfilled and traveling and purchasing costs are minimized. We consider variants of the MVTPP in which the capacity of the vehicles can become binding and the demand for each product is one unit. Corresponding solution algorithms from the literature are either branch-and-cut or branch-and-price algorithms, where in the latter case the route-generation subproblem is solved on an expanded graph by applying standard dynamic-programming techniques. Our branch-price-and-cut algorithm employs a novel labeling algorithm that works directly on the original network and postpones the purchasing decisions until the route has been completely defined. Moreover, we define a new branching rule generally applicable in case of unitary product demands, introduce a new family of valid inequalities to apply when suppliers can be visited at most once, and show how product incompatibilities can be handled without considering additional resources in the pricing problem. In comprehensive computational experiments with standard benchmark sets we prove that the new branch-price-and-cut approach is highly competitive

    Mathematical formulations and optimization algorithms for solving rich vehicle routing problems.

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    Objectives and methods of study: The main objective of this work is to analyze and solve three different rich selective Vehicle Routing Problems (VRPs). The first problem is a bi-objective variant of the well-known Traveling Purchaser Problem (TPP) in which the purchased products are delivered to customers. This variant aims to find a route for which the total cost (transportation plus purchasing costs) and the sum of the customers’s waiting time are simultaneously minimized. A mixed integer bi-objective programming formulation of the problem is presented and tested with CPLEX 12.6 within an ǫ-constraint framework which fails to find non-dominated solutions for instances containing more than 10 nodes. Therefore, a heuristic based on relinked local search and Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) is proposed to approximate the Pareto front for large instances. The proposed heuristic was tested over a large set of artificial instances of the problem. Computational results over small-sized instances show that the heuristic is competitive with the ǫ-constraint method. Also, computational tests over large-sized instances were carried out in order to study how the characteristics of the instances impact the algorithm performance. The second problem consists of planning a selective delivery schedule of multiple products. The problem is modeled as a multi-product split delivery capacitated team orienteering problem with incomplete services, and soft time windows. The problem is modeled through a mixed integer linear programming formulation and approximated by means of a multi-start Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search (ALNS) metaheuristic. Computational results show that the multi-start metaheuristic reaches better results than its classical implementation in which a single solution is build and then improved. Finally, an Orienteering Problem (OP) with mandatory visits and conflicts, is formulated through five mixed integer linear programming models. The main difference among them lies in the way they handle the subtour elimination constraints. The models were tested over a large set of instances of the problem. Computational experiments reveal that the model which subtour elimination constraints are based on a single-commodity flow formulation allows CPLEX 12.6 to obtain the optimal solution for more instances than the other formulations within a given computation time limit. Contributions: The main contributions of this thesis are: • The introduction of the bi-objective TPP with deliveries since few bi-objective versions of the TPP have been studied in the literature. Furthermore, to the best of our knowledge, there is only one more work that takes into account deliveries in a TPP. • The design and implementation of a hybrid heuristic based on relinked local search and VNS to solve the bi-objective TPP with deliveries. Additionally, we provide guidelines for the application of the heuristic when different characteristics of the instances are observed. • The design and implementation of a multi-start adaptive large neighborhood search to solve a selective delivery schedule problem. • The experimental comparison among different formulations for an OP with mandatory nodes and conflicts