5 research outputs found

    Negative Total Float to Improve a Multi-Objective Integer Non-Linear Programming for Project Scheduling Compression

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    This paper presents Multi-Objective Integer Non-Linear Programming (MOINLP) involving Negative Total Float (NTF) for improving the basic model of Multi-Objective Programming (MOP) in case the optimization of the additional cost for Project Scheduling Compression (PSC). Using the basic MOP to solve the more complex problems is a challenging task. We suspect that Negative Total Float (NTF) having an indication to make the basic MOP to solve the more general case, both simple and complex of PSC. The purpose of this research is identifying the conflicting objectives in PSC problem using NTF and improving MOINLP by involving the NTF parameter to solve the PSC problem. The Solver Application, which is an add-in of MS Excel, is used to perform optimization process to the model developed. The results show that NTF has an important role to identify the conflicting objectives in PSC. We define NTF is an automatic maximum value of the activity duration reduction to achieve due date of PSC. Furthermore, the use of NTF as a constraint in MOINLP can solve the more general case for both simple and complex PSC problem. Base on the condition, we state that the basic MOP is still significant to solve the PSC complex problems using MOINLP as a sophisticated MOP technique

    Obtaining properly Pareto optimal solutions of multiobjective optimization problems via the branch and bound method

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    In multiobjective optimization, most branch and bound algorithms provide the decision maker with the whole Pareto front, and then decision maker could select a single solution finally. However, if the number of objectives is large, the number of candidate solutions may be also large, and it may be difficult for the decision maker to select the most interesting solution. As we argue in this paper, the most interesting solutions are the ones whose trade-offs are bounded. These solutions are usually known as the properly Pareto optimal solutions. We propose a branch-and-bound-based algorithm to provide the decision maker with so-called ϵ\epsilon-properly Pareto optimal solutions. The discarding test of the algorithm adopts a dominance relation induced by a convex polyhedral cone instead of the common used Pareto dominance relation. In this way, the proposed algorithm excludes the subboxes which do not contain ϵ\epsilon-properly Pareto optimal solution from further exploration. We establish the global convergence results of the proposed algorithm. Finally, the algorithm is applied to benchmark problems as well as to two real-world optimization problems

    Solving multiobjective mixed integer convex optimization problems

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    Multiobjective mixed integer convex optimization refers to mathematical programming problems where more than one convex objective function needs to be optimized simultaneously and some of the variables are constrained to take integer values. We present a branch-and-bound method based on the use of properly defined lower bounds. We do not simply rely on convex relaxations, but we built linear outer approximations of the image set in an adaptive way. We are able to guarantee correctness in terms of detecting both the efficient and the nondominated set of multiobjective mixed integer convex problems according to a prescribed precision. As far as we know, the procedure we present is the first deterministic algorithm devised to handle this class of problems. Our numerical experiments show results on biobjective and triobjective mixed integer convex instances

    A branch-and-bound based heuristic algorithm for convex multi-objective MINLPs

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    We study convex multi-objective Mixed Integer Non-Linear Programming problems (MINLPs), which are characterized by multiple objective functions and non linearities, features that appear in real-world applications. To derive a good approximated set of non-dominated points for convex multi-objective MINLPs, we propose a heuristic based on a branch-and-bound algorithm. It starts with a set of feasible points, obtained, at the root node of the enumeration tree, by iteratively solving, with an \u3b5-constraint method, a single objective model that incorporates the other objective functions as constraints. Lower bounds are derived by optimally solving Non-Linear Programming problems (NLPs). Each leaf node of the enumeration tree corresponds to a convex multi-objective NLP, which is solved heuristically by varying the weights in a weighted sum approach. In order to improve the obtained points and remove dominated ones, a tailored refinement procedure is designed. Although the proposed method makes no assumptions on the number of objective functions nor on the type of the variables, we test it on bi-objective mixed binary problems. In particular, as a proof-of-concept, we tested the proposed heuristic algorithm on instances of a real-world application concerning power generation, and instances of the convex biobjective Non-Linear Knapsack Problem. We compared the obtained results with those derived by well-known scalarization methods, showing the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Nonconvex and mixed integer multiobjective optimization with an application to decision uncertainty

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    Multiobjective optimization problems commonly arise in different fields like economics or engineering. In general, when dealing with several conflicting objective functions, there is an infinite number of optimal solutions which cannot usually be determined analytically. This thesis presents new branch-and-bound-based approaches for computing the globally optimal solutions of multiobjective optimization problems of various types. New algorithms are proposed for smooth multiobjective nonconvex optimization problems with convex constraints as well as for multiobjective mixed integer convex optimization problems. Both algorithms guarantee a certain accuracy of the computed solutions, and belong to the first deterministic algorithms within their class of optimization problems. Additionally, a new approach to compute a covering of the optimal solution set of multiobjective optimization problems with decision uncertainty is presented. The three new algorithms are tested numerically. The results are evaluated in this thesis as well. The branch-and-bound based algorithms deal with box partitions and use selection rules, discarding tests and termination criteria. The discarding tests are the most important aspect, as they give criteria whether a box can be discarded as it does not contain any optimal solution. We present discarding tests which combine techniques from global single objective optimization with outer approximation techniques from multiobjective convex optimization and with the concept of local upper bounds from multiobjective combinatorial optimization. The new discarding tests aim to find appropriate lower bounds of subsets of the image set in order to compare them with known upper bounds numerically.Multikriterielle Optimierungprobleme sind in diversen Anwendungsgebieten wie beispielsweise in den Wirtschafts- oder Ingenieurwissenschaften zu finden. Da hierbei mehrere konkurrierende Zielfunktionen auftreten, ist die Lösungsmenge eines derartigen Optimierungsproblems im Allgemeinen unendlich groß und kann meist nicht in analytischer Form berechnet werden. In dieser Dissertation werden neue Branch-and-Bound basierte Algorithmen zur Lösung verschiedener Klassen von multikriteriellen Optimierungsproblemen entwickelt und vorgestellt. Der Branch-and-Bound Ansatz ist eine typische Methode der globalen Optimierung. Einer der neuen Algorithmen löst glatte multikriterielle nichtkonvexe Optimierungsprobleme mit konvexen Nebenbedingungen, während ein zweiter zur Lösung multikriterieller gemischt-ganzzahliger konvexer Optimierungsprobleme dient. Beide Algorithmen garantieren eine gewisse Genauigkeit der berechneten Lösungen und gehören damit zu den ersten deterministischen Algorithmen ihrer Art. Zusätzlich wird ein Algorithmus zur Berechnung einer Überdeckung der Lösungsmenge multikriterieller Optimierungsprobleme mit Entscheidungsunsicherheit vorgestellt. Alle drei Algorithmen wurden numerisch getestet. Die Ergebnisse werden ebenfalls in dieser Arbeit ausgewertet. Die neuen Algorithmen arbeiten alle mit Boxunterteilungen und nutzen Auswahlregeln, sowie Verwerfungs- und Terminierungskriterien. Dabei spielen gute Verwerfungskriterien eine zentrale Rolle. Diese entscheiden, ob eine Box verworfen werden kann, da diese sicher keine Optimallösung enthält. Die neuen Verwerfungskriterien nutzen Methoden aus der globalen skalarwertigen Optimierung, Approximationstechniken aus der multikriteriellen konvexen Optimierung sowie ein Konzept aus der kombinatorischen Optimierung. Dabei werden stets untere Schranken der Bildmengen konstruiert, die mit bisher berechneten oberen Schranken numerisch verglichen werden können