1,616 research outputs found

    Object Detection from a Vehicle Using Deep Learning Network and Future Integration with Multi-Sensor Fusion Algorithm

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    Accuracy in detecting a moving object is critical to autonomous driving or advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). By including the object classification from multiple sensor detections, the model of the object or environment can be identified more accurately. The critical parameters involved in improving the accuracy are the size and the speed of the moving object. All sensor data are to be used in defining a composite object representation so that it could be used for the class information in the core object’s description. This composite data can then be used by a deep learning network for complete perception fusion in order to solve the detection and tracking of moving objects problem. Camera image data from subsequent frames along the time axis in conjunction with the speed and size of the object will further contribute in developing better recognition algorithms. In this paper, we present preliminary results using only camera images for detecting various objects using deep learning network, as a first step toward multi-sensor fusion algorithm development. The simulation experiments based on camera images show encouraging results where the proposed deep learning network based detection algorithm was able to detect various objects with certain degree of confidence. A laboratory experimental setup is being commissioned where three different types of sensors, a digital camera with 8 megapixel resolution, a LIDAR with 40m range, and ultrasonic distance transducer sensors will be used for multi-sensor fusion to identify the object in real-time

    Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Management of Future Motorway and Urban Traffic Systems 2022

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    The 4th Symposium on Management of Future Motorway and Urban Traffic Systems (MFTS) was held in Dresden, Germany, from November 30th to December 2nd, 2022. Organized by the Chair of Traffic Process Automation (VPA) at the “Friedrich List” Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences of the TU Dresden, the proceedings of this conference are published as volume 9 in the Chair’s publication series “Verkehrstelematik” and contain a large part of the presented conference extended abstracts. The focus of the MFTS conference 2022 was cooperative management of multimodal transport and reflected the vision of the professorship to be an internationally recognized group in ITS research and education with the goal of optimizing the operation of multimodal transport systems. In 14 MFTS sessions, current topics in demand and traffic management, traffic control in conventional, connected and automated transport, connected and autonomous vehicles, traffic flow modeling and simulation, new and shared mobility systems, digitization, and user behavior and safety were discussed. In addition, special sessions were organized, for example on “Human aspects in traffic modeling and simulation” and “Lesson learned from Covid19 pandemic”, whose descriptions and analyses are also included in these proceedings.:1 Connected and Automated Vehicles 1.1 Traffic-based Control of Truck Platoons on Freeways 1.2 A Lateral Positioning Strategy for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Lane-free Traffic 1.3 Simulation Methods for Mixed Legacy-Autonomous Mainline Train Operations 1.4 Can Dedicated Lanes for Automated Vehicles on Urban Roads Improve Traffic Efficiency? 1.5 GLOSA System with Uncertain Green and Red Signal Phases 2 New Mobility Systems 2.1 A New Model for Electric Vehicle Mobility and Energy Consumption in Urban Traffic Networks 2.2 Shared Autonomous Vehicles Implementation for a Disrupted Public Transport Network 3 Traffic Flow and Simulation 3.1 Multi-vehicle Stochastic Fundamental Diagram Consistent with Transportations Systems Theory 3.2 A RoundD-like Roundabout Scenario in CARLA Simulator 3.3 Multimodal Performance Evaluation of Urban Traffic Control: A Microscopic Simulation Study 3.4 A MILP Framework to Solve the Sustainable System Optimum with Link MFD Functions 3.5 On How Traffic Signals Impact the Fundamental Diagrams of Urban Roads 4 Traffic Control in Conventional Traffic 4.1 Data-driven Methods for Identifying Travel Conditions Based on Traffic and Weather Characteristics 4.2 AI-based Multi-class Traffic Model Oriented to Freeway Traffic Control 4.3 Exploiting Deep Learning and Traffic Models for Freeway Traffic Estimation 4.4 Automatic Design of Optimal Actuated Traffic Signal Control with Transit Signal Priority 4.5 A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Dynamic Traffic Light Control with Transit Signal Priority 4.6 Towards Efficient Incident Detection in Real-time Traffic Management 4.7 Dynamic Cycle Time in Traffic Signal of Cyclic Max-Pressure Control 5 Traffic Control with Autonomous Vehicles 5.1 Distributed Ordering and Optimization for Intersection Management with Connected and Automated Vehicles 5.2 Prioritization of an Automated Shuttle for V2X Public Transport at a Signalized Intersection – a Real-life Demonstration 6 User Behaviour and Safety 6.1 Local Traffic Safety Analyzer (LTSA) - Improved Road Safety and Optimized Signal Control for Future Urban Intersections 7 Demand and Traffic Management 7.1 A Stochastic Programming Method for OD Estimation Using LBSN Check-in Data 7.2 Delineation of Traffic Analysis Zone for Public Transportation OD Matrix Estimation Based on Socio-spatial Practices 8 Workshops 8.1 How to Integrate Human Aspects Into Engineering Science of Transport and Traffic? - a Workshop Report about Discussions on Social Contextualization of Mobility 8.2 Learning from Covid: How Can we Predict Mobility Behaviour in the Face of Disruptive Events? – How to Investigate the Mobility of the FutureDas 4. Symposium zum Management zukünftiger Autobahn- und Stadtverkehrssysteme (MFTS) fand vom 30. November bis 2. Dezember 2022 in Dresden statt und wurde vom Lehrstuhl für Verkehrsprozessautomatisierung (VPA) an der Fakultät Verkehrswissenschaften„Friedrich List“ der TU Dresden organisiert. Der Tagungsband erscheint als Band 9 in der Schriftenreihe „Verkehrstelematik“ des Lehrstuhls und enthält einen Großteil der vorgestellten Extended-Abstracts des Symposiums. Der Schwerpunkt des MFTS-Symposiums 2022 lag auf dem kooperativen Management multimodalen Verkehrs und spiegelte die Vision der Professur wider, eine international anerkannte Gruppe in der ITS-Forschung und -Ausbildung mit dem Ziel der Optimierung des Betriebs multimodaler Transportsysteme zu sein. In 14 MFTS-Sitzungen wurden aktuelle Themen aus den Bereichen Nachfrage- und Verkehrsmanagement, Verkehrssteuerung im konventionellen, vernetzten und automatisierten Verkehr, vernetzte und autonome Fahrzeuge, Verkehrsflussmodellierung und -simulation, neue und geteilte Mobilitätssysteme, Digitalisierung sowie Nutzerverhalten und Sicherheit diskutiert. Darüber hinaus wurden Sondersitzungen organisiert, beispielsweise zu „Menschlichen Aspekten bei der Verkehrsmodellierung und -simulation“ und „Lektionen aus der Covid-19-Pandemie“, deren Beschreibungen und Analysen ebenfalls in diesen Tagungsband einfließen.:1 Connected and Automated Vehicles 1.1 Traffic-based Control of Truck Platoons on Freeways 1.2 A Lateral Positioning Strategy for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Lane-free Traffic 1.3 Simulation Methods for Mixed Legacy-Autonomous Mainline Train Operations 1.4 Can Dedicated Lanes for Automated Vehicles on Urban Roads Improve Traffic Efficiency? 1.5 GLOSA System with Uncertain Green and Red Signal Phases 2 New Mobility Systems 2.1 A New Model for Electric Vehicle Mobility and Energy Consumption in Urban Traffic Networks 2.2 Shared Autonomous Vehicles Implementation for a Disrupted Public Transport Network 3 Traffic Flow and Simulation 3.1 Multi-vehicle Stochastic Fundamental Diagram Consistent with Transportations Systems Theory 3.2 A RoundD-like Roundabout Scenario in CARLA Simulator 3.3 Multimodal Performance Evaluation of Urban Traffic Control: A Microscopic Simulation Study 3.4 A MILP Framework to Solve the Sustainable System Optimum with Link MFD Functions 3.5 On How Traffic Signals Impact the Fundamental Diagrams of Urban Roads 4 Traffic Control in Conventional Traffic 4.1 Data-driven Methods for Identifying Travel Conditions Based on Traffic and Weather Characteristics 4.2 AI-based Multi-class Traffic Model Oriented to Freeway Traffic Control 4.3 Exploiting Deep Learning and Traffic Models for Freeway Traffic Estimation 4.4 Automatic Design of Optimal Actuated Traffic Signal Control with Transit Signal Priority 4.5 A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Dynamic Traffic Light Control with Transit Signal Priority 4.6 Towards Efficient Incident Detection in Real-time Traffic Management 4.7 Dynamic Cycle Time in Traffic Signal of Cyclic Max-Pressure Control 5 Traffic Control with Autonomous Vehicles 5.1 Distributed Ordering and Optimization for Intersection Management with Connected and Automated Vehicles 5.2 Prioritization of an Automated Shuttle for V2X Public Transport at a Signalized Intersection – a Real-life Demonstration 6 User Behaviour and Safety 6.1 Local Traffic Safety Analyzer (LTSA) - Improved Road Safety and Optimized Signal Control for Future Urban Intersections 7 Demand and Traffic Management 7.1 A Stochastic Programming Method for OD Estimation Using LBSN Check-in Data 7.2 Delineation of Traffic Analysis Zone for Public Transportation OD Matrix Estimation Based on Socio-spatial Practices 8 Workshops 8.1 How to Integrate Human Aspects Into Engineering Science of Transport and Traffic? - a Workshop Report about Discussions on Social Contextualization of Mobility 8.2 Learning from Covid: How Can we Predict Mobility Behaviour in the Face of Disruptive Events? – How to Investigate the Mobility of the Futur

    A Systematic Survey of Control Techniques and Applications: From Autonomous Vehicles to Connected and Automated Vehicles

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    Vehicle control is one of the most critical challenges in autonomous vehicles (AVs) and connected and automated vehicles (CAVs), and it is paramount in vehicle safety, passenger comfort, transportation efficiency, and energy saving. This survey attempts to provide a comprehensive and thorough overview of the current state of vehicle control technology, focusing on the evolution from vehicle state estimation and trajectory tracking control in AVs at the microscopic level to collaborative control in CAVs at the macroscopic level. First, this review starts with vehicle key state estimation, specifically vehicle sideslip angle, which is the most pivotal state for vehicle trajectory control, to discuss representative approaches. Then, we present symbolic vehicle trajectory tracking control approaches for AVs. On top of that, we further review the collaborative control frameworks for CAVs and corresponding applications. Finally, this survey concludes with a discussion of future research directions and the challenges. This survey aims to provide a contextualized and in-depth look at state of the art in vehicle control for AVs and CAVs, identifying critical areas of focus and pointing out the potential areas for further exploration

    Quality of Information in Mobile Crowdsensing: Survey and Research Challenges

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    Smartphones have become the most pervasive devices in people's lives, and are clearly transforming the way we live and perceive technology. Today's smartphones benefit from almost ubiquitous Internet connectivity and come equipped with a plethora of inexpensive yet powerful embedded sensors, such as accelerometer, gyroscope, microphone, and camera. This unique combination has enabled revolutionary applications based on the mobile crowdsensing paradigm, such as real-time road traffic monitoring, air and noise pollution, crime control, and wildlife monitoring, just to name a few. Differently from prior sensing paradigms, humans are now the primary actors of the sensing process, since they become fundamental in retrieving reliable and up-to-date information about the event being monitored. As humans may behave unreliably or maliciously, assessing and guaranteeing Quality of Information (QoI) becomes more important than ever. In this paper, we provide a new framework for defining and enforcing the QoI in mobile crowdsensing, and analyze in depth the current state-of-the-art on the topic. We also outline novel research challenges, along with possible directions of future work.Comment: To appear in ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN

    Large-scale Analysis and Simulation of Traffic Flow using Markov Models

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    Modeling and simulating movement of vehicles in established transportation infrastructures, especially in large urban road networks is an important task. It helps with understanding and handling traffic problems, optimizing traffic regulations and adapting the traffic management in real time for unexpected disaster events. A mathematically rigorous stochastic model that can be used for traffic analysis was proposed earlier by other researchers which is based on an interplay between graph and Markov chain theories. This model provides a transition probability matrix which describes the traffic's dynamic with its unique stationary distribution of the vehicles on the road network. In this paper, a new parametrization is presented for this model by introducing the concept of two-dimensional stationary distribution which can handle the traffic's dynamic together with the vehicles' distribution. In addition, the weighted least squares estimation method is applied for estimating this new parameter matrix using trajectory data. In a case study, we apply our method on the Taxi Trajectory Prediction dataset and road network data from the OpenStreetMap project, both available publicly. To test our approach, we have implemented the proposed model in software. We have run simulations in medium and large scales and both the model and estimation procedure, based on artificial and real datasets, have been proved satisfactory. In a real application, we have unfolded a stationary distribution on the map graph of Porto, based on the dataset. The approach described here combines techniques whose use together to analyze traffic on large road networks has not previously been reported

    Real-time motion planning methods for autonomous on-road driving: state-of-the-art and future research directions

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    Currently autonomous or self-driving vehicles are at the heart of academia and industry research because of its multi-faceted advantages that includes improved safety, reduced congestion, lower emissions and greater mobility. Software is the key driving factor underpinning autonomy within which planning algorithms that are responsible for mission-critical decision making hold a significant position. While transporting passengers or goods from a given origin to a given destination, motion planning methods incorporate searching for a path to follow, avoiding obstacles and generating the best trajectory that ensures safety, comfort and efficiency. A range of different planning approaches have been proposed in the literature. The purpose of this paper is to review existing approaches and then compare and contrast different methods employed for the motion planning of autonomous on-road driving that consists of (1) finding a path, (2) searching for the safest manoeuvre and (3) determining the most feasible trajectory. Methods developed by researchers in each of these three levels exhibit varying levels of complexity and performance accuracy. This paper presents a critical evaluation of each of these methods, in terms of their advantages/disadvantages, inherent limitations, feasibility, optimality, handling of obstacles and testing operational environments. Based on a critical review of existing methods, research challenges to address current limitations are identified and future research directions are suggested so as to enhance the performance of planning algorithms at all three levels. Some promising areas of future focus have been identified as the use of vehicular communications (V2V and V2I) and the incorporation of transport engineering aspects in order to improve the look-ahead horizon of current sensing technologies that are essential for planning with the aim of reducing the total cost of driverless vehicles. This critical review on planning techniques presented in this paper, along with the associated discussions on their constraints and limitations, seek to assist researchers in accelerating development in the emerging field of autonomous vehicle research

    Modeling and Monitoring of the Dynamic Response of Railroad Bridges using Wireless Smart Sensors

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    Railroad bridges form an integral part of railway infrastructure in the USA, carrying approximately 40 % of the ton-miles of freight. The US Department of Transportation (DOT) forecasts current rail tonnage to increase up to 88 % by 2035. Within the railway network, a bridge occurs every 1.4 miles of track, on average, making them critical elements. In an effort to accommodate safely the need for increased load carrying capacity, the Federal Railroad Association (FRA) announced a regulation in 2010 that the bridge owners must conduct and report annual inspection of all the bridges. The objective of this research is to develop appropriate modeling and monitoring techniques for railroad bridges toward understanding the dynamic responses under a moving train. To achieve the research objective, the following issues are considered specifically. For modeling, a simple, yet effective, model is developed to capture salient features of the bridge responses under a moving train. A new hybrid model is then proposed, which is a flexible and efficient tool for estimating bridge responses for arbitrary train configurations and speeds. For monitoring, measured field data is used to validate the performance of the numerical model. Further, interpretation of the proposed models showed that those models are efficient tools for predicting response of the bridge, such as fatigue and resonance. Finally, fundamental software, hardware, and algorithm components are developed for providing synchronized sensing for geographically distributed networks, as can be found in railroad bridges. The results of this research successfully demonstrate the potentials of using wirelessly measured data to perform model development and calibration that will lead to better understanding the dynamic responses of railroad bridges and to provide an effective tool for prediction of bridge response for arbitrary train configurations and speeds.National Science Foundation Grant No. CMS-0600433National Science Foundation Grant No. CMMI-0928886National Science Foundation Grant No. OISE-1107526National Science Foundation Grant No. CMMI- 0724172 (NEESR-SD)Federal Railroad Administration BAA 2010-1 projectOpe
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