5 research outputs found

    Automaták, fák és logika = Automata, trees and logic

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    Elemi idejű exponenciális algoritmus adtunk meg reguláris szavak ekvivalenciájának eldönthetőségére. Általánosítottuk Kleene tételét végtelen szavakat is felismerő súlyozott automatákra. Kifejlesztettünk egy algebrai módszert, amellyel a CTL logika számos szegmense estén eldönthető, hogy egy reguláris fanyelv definiálható-e a szegmensben. Vizsgáltuk a faautomaták algebrai tulajdonságait, megadtuk a felismerhetőség egy algebrai jellemzését. Definiáltunk a multi-leszálló fatranszformátort és megmutattuk, hogy ekvivalens a determinisztikus reguláris szűkítésű felszálló fatranszformátorral. Meghatároztuk a lineáris multi-leszálló osztály számítási erejét. Megmutattuk, hogy az alakmegőrző leszálló fatranszformátorok ekvivalensek az átcímkézőkkel és bebizonyítottuk, hogy az alakmegőrző tulajdonság eldönthető. Megadtuk a kavics makró fatranszformációk egy felbontását és megmutattuk, hogy a különböző cirkularitási tulajdonságok eldönthetők. Ugyancsak megadtuk a felbontást erős kavics kezelés estén is. Általánosítottuk J. Engelfriet hiararchia tételét súlyozott fatranszformátorokra. Súlyozott faautomatákra definiáltuk a termátíró szemantikát és megmutattuk, hogy ekvivalens az algebari szenmatikával. Algoritmust adtunk annak eldöntésére, hogy egy polinomiálisan súlyozott faautomata véges költségű-e. Vizsgáltuk a súlyozott faautomata különböző változatait: fuzzy faautomata, multioperátor monoid feletti faautomata, Ez utóbbi esetre általánosítottuk a Kleene tételt. | We gave an elementary algorithm for deciding the equivalence of regular words. We generalized Kleene's theorem to weighted automata processing infinite words. We developed an algebraic method that, for several segments of the CTL logic, can be applied to decide if a regular tree language can be defined in that segment. We examined algebraic properties of tree automata, and gave an algebraic characterization of recognizability. We defined multi bottom-up tree transducers and showed that they are equivalent to top-down tree transducers with regular look-ahead. We determined the computation power of the linear subclass. We showed that shape preserving bottom-up tree transducers are equivalent to relabelings. We proved that the shape preserving property is decidable. We gave a decomposition for pebble macro tree transducers and showed that certain circularity properties are decidable. We also gave a decomposition for the strong pebble handling. We have generalized the hierarchy theorem of J. Engelfriet to weighted tree transducers. We defined the term rewrite semantics of weighted tree transducers and showed that it is equivalent to the algebraic semantics. We gave a decision algorithm for the finite cost property of a polynomially weighted tree automata. We defined different versions of weighted tree automata: fuzzy tree automata, weighted tree automata over a multioperator monoid. For the latter we generalized Kleene's theorem

    Multiple Context-Free Tree Grammars: Lexicalization and Characterization

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    Multiple (simple) context-free tree grammars are investigated, where "simple" means "linear and nondeleting". Every multiple context-free tree grammar that is finitely ambiguous can be lexicalized; i.e., it can be transformed into an equivalent one (generating the same tree language) in which each rule of the grammar contains a lexical symbol. Due to this transformation, the rank of the nonterminals increases at most by 1, and the multiplicity (or fan-out) of the grammar increases at most by the maximal rank of the lexical symbols; in particular, the multiplicity does not increase when all lexical symbols have rank 0. Multiple context-free tree grammars have the same tree generating power as multi-component tree adjoining grammars (provided the latter can use a root-marker). Moreover, every multi-component tree adjoining grammar that is finitely ambiguous can be lexicalized. Multiple context-free tree grammars have the same string generating power as multiple context-free (string) grammars and polynomial time parsing algorithms. A tree language can be generated by a multiple context-free tree grammar if and only if it is the image of a regular tree language under a deterministic finite-copying macro tree transducer. Multiple context-free tree grammars can be used as a synchronous translation device.Comment: 78 pages, 13 figure

    Compositions of extended top-down tree transducers

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    Abstract. Unfortunately the class of transformations computed by nondeleting and linear extended top-down tree transducers [Graehl, Knight: Training Tree Transducers. HLT-NAACL 2004] is not closed under composition. It is shown that the class of transformations computed by nondeleting and linear bimorphisms actually coincides with the previously mentioned class. Moreover, every nondeleting and linear bimorphism with an ε-free input-homomorphism can straightforwardly be implemented by a multi bottom-up tree transducer [Fülöp, Kühnemann, Vogler: A Bottom-up Characterization of Deterministic Top-down Tree Transducers with Regular Look-ahead. Inf. Proc. Letters 91, 2004]. The class of transformations realized by the latter devices is shown to be closed under composition and is included in the composition of the class of transformations realized by top-down tree transducers with itself.

    Look-ahead removal for total deterministic top-down tree transducers

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    Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog