13 research outputs found

    LeggedWalking on Inclined Surfaces

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    The main contribution of this MS Thesis is centered around taking steps towards successful multi-modal demonstrations using Northeastern's legged-aerial robot, Husky Carbon. This work discusses the challenges involved in achieving multi-modal locomotion such as trotting-hovering and thruster-assisted incline walking and reports progress made towards overcoming these challenges. Animals like birds use a combination of legged and aerial mobility, as seen in Chukars' wing-assisted incline running (WAIR), to achieve multi-modal locomotion. Chukars use forces generated by their flapping wings to manipulate ground contact forces and traverse steep slopes and overhangs. Husky's design takes inspiration from birds such as Chukars. This MS thesis presentation outlines the mechanical and electrical details of Husky's legged and aerial units. The thesis presents simulated incline walking using a high-fidelity model of the Husky Carbon over steep slopes of up to 45 degrees.Comment: Masters thesi

    A Biologically Inspired Controllable Stiffness Multimodal Whisker Follicle

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    This thesis takes a soft robotics approach to understand the computational role of a soft whisker follicle with mechanisms to control the stiffness of the whisker. In particular, the thesis explores the role of the controllable stiffness whisker follicle to selectively favour low frequency geometric features of an object or the high frequency texture features of the object.Tactile sensing is one of the most essential and complex sensory systems for most living beings. To acquire tactile information and explore the environment, animals use various biological mechanisms and transducing techniques. Whiskers, or vibrissae are a form of mammalian hair, found on almost all mammals other than homo sapiens. For many mammals, and especially rodents, these whiskers are essential as a means of tactile sensing.The mammalian whisker follicle contains multiple sensory receptors strategically organised to capture tactile sensory stimuli of different frequencies via the vibrissal system. Nocturnal mammals such as rats heavily depend on whisker based tactile perception to find their way through burrows and identify objects. There is diversity in the whiskers in terms of the physical structure and nervous innervation. The robotics community has developed many different whisker sensors inspired by this biological basis. They take diverse mechanical, electronic, and computational approaches to use whiskers to identify the geometry, mechanical properties, and objects' texture. Some work addresses specific object identification features and others address multiple features such as texture and shape etc. Therefore, it is vital to have a comprehensive discussion of the literature and to understand the merits of bio-inspired and pure-engineered approaches to whisker-based tactile perception.The most important contribution is the design and use of a novel soft whisker follicle comprising two different frequency-dependent data capturing modules to derive more profound insights into the biological basis of tactile perception in the mammalian whisker follicle. The new insights into the biological basis of tactile perception using whiskers provide new design guidelines to develop efficient robotic whiskers

    Bio-Inspired Robotics

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    Modern robotic technologies have enabled robots to operate in a variety of unstructured and dynamically-changing environments, in addition to traditional structured environments. Robots have, thus, become an important element in our everyday lives. One key approach to develop such intelligent and autonomous robots is to draw inspiration from biological systems. Biological structure, mechanisms, and underlying principles have the potential to provide new ideas to support the improvement of conventional robotic designs and control. Such biological principles usually originate from animal or even plant models, for robots, which can sense, think, walk, swim, crawl, jump or even fly. Thus, it is believed that these bio-inspired methods are becoming increasingly important in the face of complex applications. Bio-inspired robotics is leading to the study of innovative structures and computing with sensory–motor coordination and learning to achieve intelligence, flexibility, stability, and adaptation for emergent robotic applications, such as manipulation, learning, and control. This Special Issue invites original papers of innovative ideas and concepts, new discoveries and improvements, and novel applications and business models relevant to the selected topics of ``Bio-Inspired Robotics''. Bio-Inspired Robotics is a broad topic and an ongoing expanding field. This Special Issue collates 30 papers that address some of the important challenges and opportunities in this broad and expanding field

    Control of Bio-Inspired Sprawling Posture Quadruped Robots with an Actuated Spine

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    Sprawling posture robots are characterized by upper limb segments protruding horizontally from the body, resulting in lower body height and wider support on the ground. Combined with an actuated segmented spine and tail, such morphology resembles that of salamanders or crocodiles. Although bio-inspired salamander-like robots with simple rotational limbs have been created, not much research has been done on kinematically redundant bio-mimetic robots that can closely replicate kinematics of sprawling animal gaits. Being bio-mimetic could allow a robot to have some of the locomotion skills observed in those animals, expanding its potential applications in challenging scenarios. At the same time, the robot could be used to answer questions about the animal's locomotion. This thesis is focused on developing locomotion controllers for such robots. Due to their high number of degrees of freedom (DoF), the control is based on solving the limb and spine inverse kinematics to properly coordinate different body parts. It is demonstrated how active use of a spine improves the robot's walking and turning performance. Further performance improvement across a variety of gaits is achieved by using model predictive control (MPC) methods to dictate the motion of the robot's center of mass (CoM). The locomotion controller is reused on an another robot (OroBOT) with similar morphology, designed to mimic the kinematics of a fossil belonging to Orobates, an extinct early tetrapod. Being capable of generating different gaits and quantitatively measuring their characteristics, OroBOT was used to find the most probable way the animal moved. This is useful because understanding locomotion of extinct vertebrates helps to conceptualize major transitions in their evolution. To tackle field applications, e.g. in disaster response missions, a new generation of field-oriented sprawling posture robots was built. The robustness of their initial crocodile-inspired design was tested in the animal's natural habitat (Uganda, Africa) and subsequently enhanced with additional sensors, cameras and computer. The improvements to the software framework involved a smartphone user interface visualizing the robot's state and camera feed to improve the ease of use for the operator. Using force sensors, the locomotion controller is expanded with a set of reflex control modules. It is demonstrated how these modules improve the robot's performance on rough and unstructured terrain. The robot's design and its low profile allow it to traverse low passages. To also tackle narrow passages like pipes, an unconventional crawling gait is explored. While using it, the robot lies on the ground and pushes against the pipe walls to move the body. To achieve such a task, several new control and estimation modules were developed. By exploring these problems, this thesis illustrates fruitful interactions that can take place between robotics, biology and paleontology

    Soft Robotic Grippers

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    Advances in soft robotics, materials science, and stretchable electronics have enabled rapid progress in soft grippers. Here, a critical overview of soft robotic grippers is presented, covering different material sets, physical principles, and device architectures. Soft gripping can be categorized into three technologies, enabling grasping by: a) actuation, b) controlled stiffness, and c) controlled adhesion. A comprehensive review of each type is presented. Compared to rigid grippers, end-effectors fabricated from flexible and soft components can often grasp or manipulate a larger variety of objects. Such grippers are an example of morphological computation, where control complexity is greatly reduced by material softness and mechanical compliance. Advanced materials and soft components, in particular silicone elastomers, shape memory materials, and active polymers and gels, are increasingly investigated for the design of lighter, simpler, and more universal grippers, using the inherent functionality of the materials. Embedding stretchable distributed sensors in or on soft grippers greatly enhances the ways in which the grippers interact with objects. Challenges for soft grippers include miniaturization, robustness, speed, integration of sensing, and control. Improved materials, processing methods, and sensing play an important role in future research

    Animal-Robot Interactions: Electrocommunication, Sensory Ecology, and Group Dynamics in a Mormyrid Weakly Electric Fish

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    Mormyrid weakly electric fish possess a specialized electrosensory system. During the process of active electrolocation, these animals perceive self-generated electric organ dis-charges (EOD) and are thereby able to detect objects in their nearby environment. The EOD is a short, biphasic pulse, which is simultaneously used to communicate with conspe-cifics. There are two principles according to which information exchange occurs during electrocommunication. The waveform of the EOD constitutes a relatively stable identity marker that signals species, gender, and status of an individual. In contrast, the temporal sequence of inter-discharge intervals (IDI) is highly variable and encodes context-specific information. Modifications of IDI-duration not only alter the instantaneous discharge fre-quency but also enable the generation of specific signaling patterns and interactive dis-charge sequences. One such interactive discharge behavior is the so-called echo response, during which a fish responds with a constant latency of only a few milliseconds to the EOD of a conspecific. Animals can synchronize their signaling sequences by mutually generating echoes to each other's signals over a coherent period. Although active electrolocation and electrocommunication are mediated by different types of electroreceptor organs and neural pathways, an unambiguous assignment of electromotor behavior to only one of the two functions is often problematic. In this thesis, the significance of IDI-based signaling sequences during motor and electro-motor interactions of the mormyrid fish Mormyrus rume proboscirostris were investigated. To this end, different electrical playback sequences of species-specific EODs were generated via mobile fish dummies, and the motor and electromotor responses of live fish were analyzed. In Part One of this thesis, electrocommunication strategies of the fish were analyzed, and particularly the functions of double pulses, discharge regularizations, and echo responses were examined in an adaptive context. Double pulses were classified as an aggressive mo-tivation signal, whereas regularizations may have a communicative function during the early stages of the sequential assessment of a potential opponent. In this context, discharge synchronization by means of echo responses may enable a mutual assessment for the net benefit of both contestants. Because echo responses occur in various behavioral contexts, and artificial echoes of the dummy evoked increased echoing by the fish, it was hypothesized that the echo response serves a more general purpose by enabling mutual allocation of social attention between two fish. In Part Two of this thesis, a biomimetic robotic fish was designed to investigate the senso-ry basis on which fish followed the dummy. It was shown that electrical playback signals induced following-behavior in live fish, whereas biomimetic motility patterns had no ef-fect. By subsequently reducing the mobile dummy to only the electric signaling sequence from the perspective of the fish, it could be shown that passive perception of electrical communication signals is also involved in mediating the spatial coordination of social in-teractions. This passive perception is likely mediated by the same electroreceptor organs that are used during electrocommunication. The EOD can therefore be considered to be an essential social stimulus that makes it possible to integrate a dummy into a group of weak-ly electric fish as an artificial conspecific. The influence of an interactively signaling mobile dummy fish on small groups of up to four individuals was investigated in Part Three of this thesis. Typical schooling behavior was a rare occurrence in this context. However, EOD-synchronizations through mutual echo responses between two fish, or between a fish and the interactive dummy, were fre-quently observed during social interactions in small groups. Motor interactions during synchronization episodes supported the hypothesis that mormyrids may use discharge synchronizations between individuals to allocate social attention, and the echo response may thus adopt a particularly useful function during communication in groups.Schwach elektrische Fisch aus der Familie der Mormyriden verfügen über ein spezialisier-tes elektrosensorisches Sinnessystem. In einem Prozess, der als aktive Elektroortung be-zeichnet wird, sind diese Tiere in der Lage, selbstgenerierte elektrische Organentladungen (EOD) wahrzunehmen, und dadurch Objekte in ihrer unmittelbaren Nähe zu detektieren. Das EOD ist ein kurzer bipolarer Puls, der gleichzeitig auch zur Kommunikation mit Artge-nossen dient. Informationsaustausch während der Elektrokommunikation basiert auf zwei verschiedenen Prinzipien: Die Wellenform des EOD stellt einen relativ konstanten Identi-tätsmarker dar, der beispielsweise Art, Geschlecht und Status eines Individuums signali-siert. Die zeitliche Abfolge der Intervalle zwischen den EODs ist hingegen höchst variabel und kodiert kontextspezifische Information. Durch Modifikation der Intervalldauer ändert sich nicht nur die Entladungsfrequenz, sondern es können auch spezifische Signalmuster und interaktive Entladungssequenzen generiert werden. Ein interaktives Entladungsver-halten stellt beispielsweise die Echoantwort dar, bei der ein Fisch mit einer konstanten Latenz von wenigen Millisekunden auf das EOD eines Artgenossen reagiert. Zwei Tiere können ihre Entladungssequenzen synchronisieren, indem sie ihre Signale über einen kohärenten Zeitraum gegenseitig mit Echos beantworten. Obwohl aktive Elektroortung und Elektrokommunikation über unterschiedliche Rezeptororgansysteme und neuronale Pfade vermittelt werden, ist eine eindeutige Zuordnung der elektromotorischen Verhal-tensäußerungen der Fische zu nur einer der beiden Funktionen oft problematisch. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Bedeutung intervallbasierter EOD-Sequenzen für motorische und elektromotorische Interaktionen des Mormyriden Mormyrus rume proboscirostris erforscht. Hierzu wurden verschiedene elektrische Playbacksequenzen artspezifischer EODs generiert und durch mobile Fischattrappen wiedergegeben. Die mo-torischen und elektromotorischen Verhaltensreaktionen der Fische wurden analysiert. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurden Elektrokommunikationsstrategien der Fische analysiert und die adaptive Funktion insbesondere von Doppelpulsen, Entladungsregularisierungen und Echoantworten untersucht. Doppelpulse wurden als aggressives Motivationssignal kategorisiert, wohingegen die Kommunikationsfunktion von Regularisierungen im gegen-seitigen Einschätzen zu Beginn einer kompetitiven Begegnung zu liegen scheint. Entla-dungssynchronisation durch gegenseitige Echoantworten kann dabei eine Einschätzung des Gegenübers zum Vorteil beider Parteien erleichtern. Da Echoantworten in verschiede-nen Verhaltenssituationen auftreten und artifizielle Echoantworten der Attrappe vermehrt zu Echos vonseiten der Fische führten, wurde postuliert, dass die Echoantwort eine generellere Funktion bei der Fokussierung gegenseitiger sozialer Aufmerksamkeit über-nehmen kann. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde ein biomimetischer Fischroboter konstruiert, um zu untersuchen, auf welcher sensorischen Grundlage die Fische der Attrappe folgen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass elektrische Playbacksignale, nicht aber biomimetische Bewe-gungsmuster, Folgeverhalten der Fische induzieren. In einem weiteren Schritt konnte durch die Reduktion der Attrappe auf die elektrischen Signalsequenzen aus der Perspektive der Versuchsfische gezeigt werden, dass passive Wahrnehmung elektrischer Kommu-nikationssignale auch bei der räumlichen Koordination sozialer Interaktionen von Bedeu-tung ist. Dies wird mutmaßlich über die gleichen Rezeptororgane vermittelt, die auch für die Elektrokommunikation verantwortlich sind. Das EOD kann daher als ein soziales Signal betrachtet werden, das es ermöglicht, eine Attrappe als künstlichen Artgenossen in eine Gruppe schwach elektrischer Fische zu integrieren. Der Einfluss einer elektrisch interaktiven mobilen Fischattrappe auf kleine Gruppen von bis zu vier Individuen wurde im dritten Teil der Arbeit getestet. Typisches Schwarmver-halten konnte in diesem Zusammenhang nur selten beobachtet werden. In kleinen Gruppen kam es während sozialer Interaktionen jedoch häufig zu EOD-Synchronisationen durch Echoantworten zwischen zwei Fischen, oder zwischen einem Fisch und der interaktiven Attrappe. Motorische Verhaltensinteraktionen im Zeitraum dieser Synchronisationen stützen die Hypothese, dass Mormyriden durch elektrische Entladungssynchronisation soziale Aufmerksamkeit zwischen Individuen herstellen können, und die Echoantwort somit besonders in Gruppen eine nützliche Kommunikationsfunktion übernehmen kann

    Wearable exoskeleton systems based-on pneumatic soft actuators and controlled by parallel processing

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    Human assistance innovation is essential in an increasingly aging society and one technology that may be applicable is exoskeletons. However, traditional rigid exoskeletons have many drawbacks. This research includes the design and implementation of upper-limb power assist and rehabilitation exoskeletons based on pneumatic soft actuators. A novel extensor-contractor pneumatic muscle has been designed and constructed. This new actuator has bidirectional action, allowing it to both extend and contract, as well as create force in both directions. A mathematical model has been developed for the new novel actuator which depicts the output force of the actuator. Another new design has been used to create a novel bending pneumatic muscle, based on an extending McKibben muscle and modelled mathematically according to its geometric parameters. This novel bending muscle design has been used to create two versions of power augmentation gloves. These exoskeletons are controlled by adaptive controllers using human intention. For finger rehabilitation a glove has been developed to bend the fingers (full bending) by using our novel bending muscles. Inspired by the zero position (straight fingers) problem for post-stroke patients, a new controllable stiffness bending actuator has been developed with a novel prototype. To control this new rehabilitation exoskeleton, online and offline controller systems have been designed for the hand exoskeleton and the results have been assessed experimentally. Another new design of variable stiffness actuator, which controls the bending segment, has been developed to create a new version of hand exoskeletons in order to achieve more rehabilitation movements in the same single glove. For Forearm rehabilitation, a rehabilitation exoskeleton has been developed for pronation and supination movements by using the novel extensor-contractor pneumatic muscle. For the Elbow rehabilitation an elbow rehabilitation exoskeleton was designed which relies on novel two-directional bending actuators with online and offline feedback controllers. Lastly for upper-limb joint is the wrist, we designed a novel all-directional bending actuator by using the moulding bladder to develop the wrist rehabilitation exoskeleton by a single all-directional bending muscle. Finally, a totally portable, power assistive and rehabilitative prototype has been developed using a parallel processing intelligent control chip

    A Biologically Inspired Jumping and Rolling Robot

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    Mobile robots for rough terrain are of interest to researchers as their range of possible uses is large, including exploration activities for inhospitable areas on Earth and on other planets and bodies in the solar system, searching in disaster sites for survivors, and performing surveillance for military applications. Nature generally achieves land movement by walking using legs, but additional modes such as climbing, jumping and rolling are all produced from legs as well. Robotics tends not to use this integrated approach and adds additional mechanisms to achieve additional movements. The spherical device described within this thesis, called Jollbot, integrated a rolling motion for faster movement over smoother terrain, with a jumping movement for rougher environments. Jollbot was developed over three prototypes. The first achieved pause-and-leap style jumps by slowly storing strain energy within the metal elements of a spherical structure using an internal mechanism to deform the sphere. A jump was produced when this stored energy was rapidly released. The second prototype achieved greater jump heights using a similar structure, and added direction control to each jump by moving its centre of gravity around the polar axis of the sphere. The final prototype successfully combined rolling (at a speed of 0.7 m/s, up 4° slopes, and over 44 mm obstacles) and jumping (0.5 m cleared height), both with direction control, using a 0.6 m spherical spring steel structure. Rolling was achieved by moving the centre of gravity outside of the sphere’s contact area with the ground. Jumping was achieved by deflecting the sphere in a similar method to the first and second prototypes, but through a larger percentage deflection. An evaluation of existing rough terrain robots is made possible through the development of a five-step scoring system that produces a single numerical performance score. The system is used to evaluate the performance of Jollbot.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo