4 research outputs found


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    The amount of researchers and scientific papers rapidly grows, annually. The metrics to analyze the quality and quantity of these publications have consolidated in the academic world. A bibliometric mapping of scientific papers on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) published between 2007 and 2016 was carried out. The sample analyzed 2,053 papers, extracted from twenty journals of the Web of Science Core Collection platform. The following were evaluated: total number of publications, production by area of knowledge and by country, authors, periodicals and the most cited words. The results shows that 2012 and 2013 were the most productive periods, and that the annual growth rate of publication was 1.8%. The most significant academic areas were Geography, Computer Science, Physical Geography, and Environmental Sciences/Ecology. The three major publishing clusters were North America, Western Europe, and Eastern Asia. The International Journal of Geographic Information Science was considered the most important journal. The most relevant topics were cellular automata, relationship between GIS and users, integration of GIS with remote sensing, different land use classification methods, and critical reflections on technologies and GIS

    Considerações sobre mapeamento bibliométrico de artigos científicos internacionais sobre “uso do solo urbano”

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    O mapeamento bibliométrico permite verificar a estrutura e a dinâmica dos diversos campos de pesquisa disponíveis, representando as conexões intelectuais entre os artigos científicos. Para avaliar a ocorrência do termo “uso do solo urbano” em artigos internacionais de língua inglesa foram utilizados a plataforma digital “Web of Science” (WOS) e o programa VOSviewer. Dos 1.286 artigos selecionados, de 1952 a 2016, observou-se que: o número de documentos publicados sobre o tema apresentou considerável aumento a partir do ano de 2000; os principais periódicos citados foram “Landscape and Urban Planning” e “Remote Sensing of Environment”; a palavra chave mais utilizada foi “urbanização” e o autor mais citado foi Robert Blair, com o artigo “Land use and avian species diversity along an urban gradient”, publicado em 1996.

    Aspects and Dimensions in Collaborative Approach: To Improve Research Discovery in Digital Arts and Digital Humanities

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    ABSTRACT Utilizing casual local area assessment and insight contraptions, as well as the improvement of the field of automated workmanship since 2013, this paper expects to look at the design, examples, and subjects of cross-public joint efforts in Digital Humanities research. This contains works from the Web of Science Core Collection as of December 2018 in the field of computerized humanities. The discoveries demonstrate the fact that there is a lot of global cooperation in the field of computerized humanities research; the conveyance among nations is lopsided. In this article, we explicitly audited the accounts and discoveries that have been made during the advancement of this specific field of examination, looking at how much they can or ought to be re-examined considering the post-computerized culture where we get ourselves as a part of post-humanistic thinking. This study utilized various informatics procedures and advances to distinguish the examples, subjects, and designs of the global joint effort in digital humanities research and digital art

    Mapping the scholarly research on restaurants: a bibliometric analysis

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    Given the recent surge in restaurant research, there is a need for timely reviews employing quantitative methods to portray the intellectual structure of the field. This paper aims to address this gap by conducting a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of restaurant research on the Web of Science database. The research investigates the dynamic evolution of the restaurant literature during three critical stages between 1995 and 2021. Based on 1146 journal articles published by 1849 authors, the paper analyzes different bibliometric networks, including co-citation, keyword co-occurrence, and collaboration networks. The study additionally highlights the most influential scholars and publications in the restaurant field. Results indicate that restaurant research has grown exponentially over the last five years. Findings also show that consumer behavior, consumer satisfaction, consumer-brand relationships, corporate social responsibility, and green restaurants represent the contemporary hotspots in restaurant research. Finally, the study provides practical implications and some opportunities for future research