11 research outputs found

    Haptic Board

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    International audienceWe define the haptic board as the component of a real time system for multi-sensory interaction that plays the role of a communication interface between the computer (e.g. in the case of simulation, the machine computing the simulated model) and the haptic device at hand

    Gesture and motion (encoding of)

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    International audienceIn the context of virtual reality systems, with the development of haptic systems and motion capture systems, and with the need of inter-communication of virtual reality systems through control data, the questions of gesture and motion data, and of their encoding, becomes more and more important

    Mimesis : Interactive interface for mass-interaction modeling

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    International audienceWhile 3D graphics software and 3D shapes modeling developed considerably, there is still a need for integrated physics-based tools. This would ideally require an integrated, coherent, usable, generic, physical modeling formalism, and a dedicated software, preferably to a collection of one shot models or animation techniques. This article introduces MIMESIS, a end-user software based on mass-interaction modeling. In MIMESIS, the mass-interaction paradigm (and, more generally, animation) is the core of the creation process at hand. It joins together a comprehensible, user-friendly modeler, various simulators, various coating means for visualizing synthesized movements and a growing set of pedagogical examples and library of models

    Implantation temps réel sur GPU d'un écran d'épingles dynamique

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    Actes: http://liris.cnrs.fr/publis/?id=4183National audienceCet article prĂ©sente une implantation temps rĂ©el sur processeur graphique de la mĂ©thode dite de l’écran d’épingles dynamique inspirĂ© de la mĂ©thode de gravure d’Alexandre AlexeĂŻeff. Cette mĂ©thode initialement, proposĂ©e par [HL02] et fondĂ©e sur un formalisme masses- interactions, Ă©tait trop coĂ»teuse pour pouvoir s’insĂ©rer dans une application interactive. Cet article rĂ©sout ce frein majeur Ă  l’exploration des possibilitĂ©s dynamiques de la mĂ©thode. Il prĂ©sente alors un certain nombre d’applications obtenues en temps-rĂ©el : (1) la visualisation de modĂšles particulaires simulĂ©s sur une machine amont en temps rĂ©el ou en temps diffĂ©rĂ©, (2) l’utilisation de l’écran d’épingles dynamique comme modĂšle physique pour des scĂšnes 3D complexes, (3) une gravure directe par l’intermĂ©diaire de la souris

    Technologies de la Simulation Interactive de ModĂšles Physiques Multisensoriels

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    This thesis presents my research activity on multisensory interactive simulation (gesture, sound and image), in technological and conceptual aspects. This interdisciplinary research concerns three fields : 1/ physical modeling for simulation, 2/ hardware and software architectures for real time computation, 3/ interactive gestural interfaces (with force feedback). Work done in these three fields is presented chronologically.Ce mĂ©moire prĂ©sente mon activitĂ© de recherche sur la simulation interactive multisensorielle (geste, son et image), dans ses aspects technologiques et conceptuels. C’est une recherche interdisciplinaire qui concerne trois domaines : 1/ modĂ©lisation physique pour la simulation, 2/ architectures matĂ©rielles et logicielles pour le calcul temps rĂ©el, 3/ interfaces gestuelles interactives (Ă  « retour d’effort »). Les travaux effectuĂ©s dans ces trois domaines sont exposĂ©s de maniĂšre chronologique

    A basic gesture and motion format for virtual reality multisensory applications

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    Abstract: The question of encoding movements such as those produced by human gestures may become central in the coming years, given the growing importance of movement data exchanges between heterogeneous systems and applications (musical applications, 3D motion control, virtual reality interaction, etc.). For the past 20 years, various formats have been proposed for encoding movement, especially gestures. Though, these formats, at different degrees, were designed in the context of quite specific applications (character animation, motion capture, musical gesture, biomechanical concerns
). The article introduce a new file format, called GMS (for ‘Gesture and Motion Signal’), with the aim of being more low-level and generic, by defining the minimal features a format carrying movement/gesture information needs, rather than by gathering all the information generally given by the existing formats. The article argues that, given its growing presence in virtual reality situations, the “gesture signal ” itself must be encoded, and that a specific format is needed. The proposed format features the inner properties of such signals: dimensionality, structural features, types of variables, and spatial and temporal properties. The article first reviews the various situations with multisensory virtual objects in which gesture controls intervene. The proposed format is then deduced, as a mean to encode such versatile and variable “gestural and animated scene”.

    Technologies logicielles de la modélisation, de la simulation et de l'interaction multisensorielles instrumentales pour la création

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    The presented works have firstly questioned the possible inter-relations between physics-based modelling and simulation on the one hand, and creation and creativity on the other. More specifically, the possibility and fundamental interests of rooting creative activities onto physics-based modelling have been considered.This theme was approached from a Computer Sciences perspective, through the invention and the design of a new family of software environments aimed at creation with masses-interactions physics-based networks. In particular: GENESIS for musical creation, and MIMESIS for movement and computer graphics animation.These software environments empower the artist with innovative and complete creation processes, centred on physical modelling activities.Each and all of these environments are characterized by a specific “software environment paradigm”: dedicated features, software architecture specificities, adequate and necessary human-computer interaction means (interfaces and languages), and particular usage protocols (in our case: modelling and creative processes).These elements have been situated in the scientific and technological history of computer creation tools, and in the state of the art of the various concerned scientific domains. This work has in particular led to analysing the properties of masses-interactions physical networks (modularity, generic potential, calculability, usability, 
), in relation with other categories of algorithms, models and formalisms used nowadays to address human sensori-motor skills. It also accompanied the demonstration that the building of physical models by an artist can be deeply relevant. This relevance lies in the qualities of the phenomena that are finally generated, but also, which is more original, and probably more essential, in the modelling/creation processes themselves.Finally, the works have been extended to various other axes: contributions to synchronous real-time simulation architecture and software for multisensory interaction, including force-feedback, sound, and image, by means of physics-based simulation; experimental modelling works; contributions to the evolutions of the formal basis of the physics networks paradigm; contributions to graphical representation of punctual movements, etc.These past works and the achieved results altogether lead to introduce new research perspectives, which we name software technologies of multisensory instrumental interaction, with, as a far end view, the foundation of a new “science of the multisensory computer” and the possibility of a “multisensory art”.Les travaux prĂ©sentĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© pour l’essentiel traversĂ©s par un questionnement sur les relations liant modĂ©lisation et simulation physiques et crĂ©ation ou, plus spĂ©cifiquement, sur la possibilitĂ© et l’intĂ©rĂȘt fondamental d’appuyer une activitĂ© de crĂ©ation sur la modĂ©lisation. Ce thĂšme a Ă©tĂ© abordĂ© sous l’angle de l’informatique appliquĂ©e (en anglais, les « computer sciences »), au moyen de l’invention et de la rĂ©alisation d’une nouvelle famille d’environnements logiciels pour la crĂ©ation avec les rĂ©seaux physiques masses-interactions, dont en particulier les modeleurs-simulateurs GENESIS pour la crĂ©ation musicale, puis MIMESIS pour la crĂ©ation du mouvement et l’image animĂ©e. Ces environnements permettent Ă  l’artiste d’organiser des processus de crĂ©ation complets et novateurs, fondĂ©s sur l’activitĂ© de modĂ©lisation physique.Ils sont chacun, et dans leur ensemble, caractĂ©risĂ©s par un paradigme d’environnement logiciel nouveau : des fonctionnalitĂ©s, des caractĂ©ristiques en matiĂšre d’architecture logicielle, des ergonomies nĂ©cessaires, adĂ©quates et spĂ©cifiques, ainsi que des protocoles d’utilisation – ici des processus de modĂ©lisation et de crĂ©ation – qui leur sont propres. Ces propriĂ©tĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© situĂ©es dans l’histoire scientifique et technologique des outils de crĂ©ation et dans les Ă©tats de l’art des communautĂ©s scientifiques concernĂ©es. Ce travail a notamment donnĂ© lieu Ă  une Ă©tude des propriĂ©tĂ©s des rĂ©seaux physiques masses-interactions (gĂ©nĂ©ricitĂ©, modularitĂ©, calculabilitĂ©, utilisabilitĂ©, gĂ©nĂ©ralitĂ©...) en vis-Ă -vis des catĂ©gories d’algorithmes, modĂšles et formalismes utilisĂ©s pour adresser la sensori-motricitĂ© humaine. Il s’est de plus accompagnĂ© d’une analyse du fait que l’activitĂ© de construction de modĂšles physiques peut prĂ©senter une pertinence profonde pour l’artiste – pertinence qui se joue non seulement dans les qualitĂ©s des phĂ©nomĂšnes gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s, mais encore, de façon plus originale et peut-ĂȘtre plus essentielle, dans le processus de modĂ©lisation/crĂ©ation lui-mĂȘme.Enfin, les travaux se sont Ă©tendus Ă  plusieurs autres axes d’études : contributions aux logiciels de simulation temps rĂ©el pour l’interaction multisensorielle incluant le retour d’effort, le son et l’image, au moyen de la simulation physique ; travaux expĂ©rimentaux en modĂ©lisation ; contributions Ă  l’amĂ©lioration du cadre formel des rĂ©seaux physiques masses-interactions ; contributions aux procĂ©dĂ©s de mise en forme visuelle de mouvements ponctuels ; travaux de positionnement thĂ©orique ; etc.L’expĂ©rience et les rĂ©sultats acquis conduisent Ă  introduire de nouvelles perspectives de recherche, sous le fil conducteur des technologies logicielles de l’interaction multisensorielle instrumentale, avec en ligne de mire la fondation d’une « science de l’ordinateur multisensoriel » et la possibilitĂ© d’un « art multisensoriel »

    A system for the analysis of musical data

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    The role of music analysis is to enlighten our understanding of a piece of music. The role of musical performance analysis is to help us understand how a performer interprets a piece of music. The current work provides a tool which combines music analysis with performance analysis. By combining music and performance analysis in one system new questions can be asked of a piece of music: how is the structure of a piece reflected in the performance and how can the performance enlighten our understanding of the piece's structure? The current work describes a unified database which can store and present musical score alongside associated performance data and musical analysis. Using a general purpose representation language, Performance Mark-up Language (PML), aspects of performance are recorded and analysed. Data thus acquired from one project is made available to others. Presentation involves high-quality scores suitably annotated with the requested information. Such output is easily and directly accessible to musicians, performance scientists and analysts. We define a set of data structures and operators which can operate on musical pitch and musical time, and use them to form the basis of a query language for a musical database. The database can store musical information (score, gestural data, etc.). Querying the database results in annotations of the musical score. The database is capable of storing musical score information and performance data and cross-referencing them. It is equipped with the necessary primitives to execute music-analytical queries, and highlight notes identified from the score and display performance data alongside the score

    ”Haptic Processor Unit” : vers une Plate-Forme Transportable pour la Simulation Temps-RĂ©el Synchrone Multisensorielle

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    This work is related to the field of Human-Computer Interaction, and particularly to the field of multisensory instrumental simulation, as conceptualized by the research group ACROE & ICA, and which needs a strong coupling between the human and the instrument.The first part of this thesis presents various degrees of the integration of gesture in computer uses, then develops a functional approach of force feedback technologies. This analysis elicits the mainstreams that are currently sharing the field of haptics research. We then present a study of the hardware and software components that are used in haptic simulation, and the various approaches used to connect a force feedback device to a real time modelling system. The analysis of the role of each of the components in the simulation chain and their relationships allowed us to conceptualize the “Haptic Processor Unit”. This component guarantees in particular the conditions of reactivity that are required for multisensory simulation. The new simulation architecture that we designed in this work, named ERGON_X, implements the concept of HPU. ERGON_X is a compact and transportable simulator, and handles simulation frequencies up to 44 100Hz. The third part presents the validation of the simulation platform ERGON_X. It mainly focuses on the design of new models, which were used in the framework of the research carried on by ACROE & ICA about instrumental interaction. The “E” is a model demonstrating the capabilities of the ERGOS technology, which is now fully exploitable thanks to this new simulation architecture. The models of tapping and of deformable paste allowed us to bring new results on human-object interaction, and validate the simulator as a tool for psychophysical experimentation. The Enactive Emblematic Scenarii “Ergotic Sounds” and “Pebble Box” illustrate the conception of Enaction. They validate the use of our simulation architecture as an experimental platform and lead us to a paradigm shift from “instrumental interaction” to “enactive interaction”Ce travail se situe dans le domaine de l’Interaction Personne-SystĂšme, et plus particuliĂšrement dans celui de la simulation instrumentale multisensorielle telle que conceptualisĂ©e par le groupe de recherche ACROE & ICA, qui nĂ©cessite un couplage fort homme-instrument.La premiĂšre partie de cette thĂšse prĂ©sente les diffĂ©rents degrĂ©s d’intĂ©gration du geste dans l’ordinateur, puis propose une approche fonctionnelle des technologies pour le retour d’effort. Nous dĂ©gageons de cette analyse les grandes approches qui se partagent actuellement le champ de la recherche « haptique ».Nous prĂ©sentons ensuite une Ă©tude sur les diffĂ©rents composants matĂ©riels et logiciels nĂ©cessaires Ă  la chaĂźne de simulation haptique, ainsi que les diffĂ©rentes approches utilisĂ©es pour connecter un systĂšme Ă  retour d’effort Ă  un processus de simulation en temps rĂ©el. L’analyse du rĂŽle des composants de la chaĂźne de simulation et de leurs relations permet de formaliser le concept de « Haptic Processor Unit ». Ce composant permet en particulier de garantir les conditions de rĂ©activitĂ© propres Ă  la simulation multisensorielle. La nouvelle architecture de simulation multisensorielle que nous avons rĂ©alisĂ©e, ERGON_X, met en Ɠuvre le concept de HPU.ERGON_X est un simulateur compact et transportable, et permet d’utiliser des frĂ©quences de simulation jusqu’à 44 100Hz. La derniĂšre partie prĂ©sente la validation de la plate-forme de simulation ERGON_X. Elle est essentiellement orientĂ©e vers l’implantation de nouveaux modĂšles, utilisĂ©s dans le cadre d’un travail de recherche sur la situation instrumentale mĂ©diatisĂ©e. Le « E » est un modĂšle de dĂ©monstration des performances de la technologie ERGOS que la nouvelle architecture de simulation permet d’exploiter pleinement. Les modĂšles de tapping (percussion) et de pĂątes dĂ©formables ont permis d’avancer des rĂ©sultatssur l’interaction homme-objet, et valident le simulateur comme un outil pour l’expĂ©rimentation psychophysique. Les Enactive Emblematic Scenarii « Ergotic Sounds » (frottement d’archet) et « Pebble Box » (la boĂźte Ă  cailloux) sont des illustrations du concept de l’Enaction. Elles valident l’utilisation de l’architecture de simulation comme une plate-forme pour l’expĂ©rimentation et ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives de recherche sur l’enaction et la notion de prĂ©sence en simulation interactive