4 research outputs found

    Feasibility study of worker safety at highway emergency lane

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    Safety procedures at highways are essential to ensure safe, clean and accessible roads and highways. The workers were often exposed to hazardous situations, as seen by numerous accidents involving highway workers on the road in recent years. Safety technologies in the highway construction work zone may help improve the roadway construction and maintenance workers’ safety. This paper reviews the statistics of road accidents in Malaysia, highway work zone safety problems and existing applications of safety sensor systems as an improvement of safety technology in the construction work zones. As an improvement towards the safety technology, Signal Warning Detector (SWAD) system was developed to increase the safety at highway work zone especially on PLUS highways in Malaysia. The development of the SWAD system’s parameter setting was discussed later in the methodology section of this pape

    Smart Sensing System for Real-time Automatic Traffic Analysis of Highway Rest Areas

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    State transportation agency spends millions of dollars annually to maintain and improve the service provided to the drivers in the highway rest areas. In order to collect traffic data in real-time, Researchers can use the vehicle data in the rest areas. Therefore, it is helpful immensely to update the existing safety policies in the rest areas. Transportation agencies don\u2019t have any automated systems to perform \u201cautomatic\u201d and \u201creal-time\u201d vehicle identification and classification in the highway rest areas. Motivated by a dire need to enhance and modernize the transportation system, the author proposes an advanced modular system that will integrate a smart sensor to extract a rest area traffic pattern in real-time. Currently, Caltrans collects traffic data from Automated Vehicle Classification (AVC) stations and also manual census collected in the specific locations. However, this technology is too expensive, time consuming, and disruptive; therefore it has not been used widely in many different locations. In recent years, There have been many significant improvements in MEMS sensors domain with respect to size, cost and accuracy. Moreover, extreme miniaturization of RF transceivers and low power micro-controllers have motivated researchers to develop small and low power sensors and radio equipped modules. These sensors are gradually replacing traditional wired sensor systems. These modules which are often called \u201csensor mote\u201d (size of a quarter) communicate with other sensor nodes and build an intelligent network of sensors. Because of the miniaturization and low power consumption, these sensor motes are extremely efficient due to their low power budget. The authors propose a wireless MEMS sensor based automatic vehicle classification and identification system for highways rest areas. The author's developed Automatic Vehicle Classification and Identification (AVCI) system consists of two parts, AVCI sensor nodes containing magneto-resistive and accelerometer sensors. These sensors calculate speed and axles respectively. The next part, the system proposes a Access Point (AP) which collects data from sensor motes and calculate speed, axles counts and then it classifies the collected data based on Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) 13-categories Scheme-F[5]. The AP includes a RF transceiver to communicate with the sensor motes and also a GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) shield to transmit aggregated traffic data to the county or regional traffic data collection center

    Розвиток методів енергозбереження в мобільних сенсорних мережах

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    Для досягнення мети в даній роботі вирішуються наступні завдання: - аналіз існуючих способів заощадження електроенергії при роботі датчика БСМ; - опис методу розподіленого кодування джерела; - математичне модулювання модифікованої схеми роботи датчика; - аналіз результатів математичного моделювання та порівняння енергоефективності з іншими схемами роботи датчика.To achieve the goal, the following tasks are solved in this work: - analysis of existing ways of saving electricity during the operation of the BSM sensor; - description of the method of distributed coding of the source; - mathematical modulation of the modified sensor operation scheme; - analysis of the results of mathematical modeling and comparison of energy efficiency with other schemes of sensor operation

    A Wireless Sensor Network-Based Portable Vehicle Detector Evaluation System

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    In an upcoming smart transportation environment, performance evaluations of existing Vehicle Detection Systems are crucial to maintain their accuracy. The existing evaluation method for Vehicle Detection Systems is based on a wired Vehicle Detection System reference and a video recorder, which must be operated and analyzed by capable traffic experts. However, this conventional evaluation system has many disadvantages. It is inconvenient to deploy, the evaluation takes a long time, and it lacks scalability and objectivity. To improve the evaluation procedure, this paper proposes a Portable Vehicle Detector Evaluation System based on wireless sensor networks. We describe both the architecture and design of a Vehicle Detector Evaluation System and the implementation results, focusing on the wireless sensor networks and methods for traffic information measurement. With the help of wireless sensor networks and automated analysis, our Vehicle Detector Evaluation System can evaluate a Vehicle Detection System conveniently and objectively. The extensive evaluations of our Vehicle Detector Evaluation System show that it can measure the traffic information such as volume counts and speed with over 98% accuracy