3,770 research outputs found

    The geography of taste: analyzing cell-phone mobility and social events

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    This paper deals with the analysis of crowd mobility during special events. We analyze nearly 1 million cell-phone traces and associate their destinations with social events. We show that the origins of people attending an event are strongly correlated to the type of event, with implications in city management, since the knowledge of additive flows can be a critical information on which to take decisions about events management and congestion mitigation

    Training of Crisis Mappers and Map Production from Multi-sensor Data: Vernazza Case Study (Cinque Terre National Park, Italy)

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    This aim of paper is to presents the development of a multidisciplinary project carried out by the cooperation between Politecnico di Torino and ITHACA (Information Technology for Humanitarian Assistance, Cooperation and Action). The goal of the project was the training in geospatial data acquiring and processing for students attending Architecture and Engineering Courses, in order to start up a team of "volunteer mappers". Indeed, the project is aimed to document the environmental and built heritage subject to disaster; the purpose is to improve the capabilities of the actors involved in the activities connected in geospatial data collection, integration and sharing. The proposed area for testing the training activities is the Cinque Terre National Park, registered in the World Heritage List since 1997. The area was affected by flood on the 25th of October 2011. According to other international experiences, the group is expected to be active after emergencies in order to upgrade maps, using data acquired by typical geomatic methods and techniques such as terrestrial and aerial Lidar, close-range and aerial photogrammetry, topographic and GNSS instruments etc.; or by non conventional systems and instruments such us UAV, mobile mapping etc. The ultimate goal is to implement a WebGIS platform to share all the data collected with local authorities and the Civil Protectio

    From Social Data Mining to Forecasting Socio-Economic Crisis

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    Socio-economic data mining has a great potential in terms of gaining a better understanding of problems that our economy and society are facing, such as financial instability, shortages of resources, or conflicts. Without large-scale data mining, progress in these areas seems hard or impossible. Therefore, a suitable, distributed data mining infrastructure and research centers should be built in Europe. It also appears appropriate to build a network of Crisis Observatories. They can be imagined as laboratories devoted to the gathering and processing of enormous volumes of data on both natural systems such as the Earth and its ecosystem, as well as on human techno-socio-economic systems, so as to gain early warnings of impending events. Reality mining provides the chance to adapt more quickly and more accurately to changing situations. Further opportunities arise by individually customized services, which however should be provided in a privacy-respecting way. This requires the development of novel ICT (such as a self- organizing Web), but most likely new legal regulations and suitable institutions as well. As long as such regulations are lacking on a world-wide scale, it is in the public interest that scientists explore what can be done with the huge data available. Big data do have the potential to change or even threaten democratic societies. The same applies to sudden and large-scale failures of ICT systems. Therefore, dealing with data must be done with a large degree of responsibility and care. Self-interests of individuals, companies or institutions have limits, where the public interest is affected, and public interest is not a sufficient justification to violate human rights of individuals. Privacy is a high good, as confidentiality is, and damaging it would have serious side effects for society.Comment: 65 pages, 1 figure, Visioneer White Paper, see http://www.visioneer.ethz.c

    Science for Disaster Risk Reduction

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    This thematic report describes JRC's activities in support to disaster management. The JRC develops tools and methodologies to help in all phases of disaster management, from preparedness and risk assessment to recovery and reconstruction through to forecasting and early warning.JRC.A.6-Communicatio

    Wildfire in the West: An Initial Analysis of Wildfire Impacts on Hydrology and Riverbed Grain Size in Relation to Salmonid Habitat

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    Historically wildfires have been beneficial to forests, however, human developments have encroached on forests when wildfire was artificially suppressed by federal and state agencies. The area burned by wildfire each year has increased twenty-fold in the past three decades. Large, high severity fires pose increased threats to human and aquatic communities within and downstream of the burned area due to post-wildfire effects on flooding and sedimentation. We need to understand the impacts of wildfires to be able to mitigate their damages and to recognize their potential benefits. This research addresses the questions: 1) Do wildfires impact rural and urban economies differently and what are managers doing to adapt management strategies? 2) Do floods increase after wildfire, and if so, by how much? 3) Do wildfires affect fish habitat, and if so, how? Chapter 2 provides insight into both positive and negative economic impacts on rural and urban economies after a wildfire, and brings to light manager’s inability to change their management strategies due to constraints such as budget limitations. Chapter 3 measures how floods change in nine basins after a wildfire occurred, and reveals that floods may increase up to 880 percent after a fire. Chapter 4 demonstrates that fish habitat is significantly altered after wildfires and why change is harmful to the fish. This work shows that wildfire significantly changes the burned and surrounding area, and that more work is needed for a better understanding of how to predict how a specific area will respond to wildfire

    Technology Resources for Earthquake Monitoring and Response (TREMOR)

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    Earthquakes represent a major hazard for populations around the world, causing frequent loss of life, human suffering, and enormous damage to homes, other buildings, and infrastructure. The Technology Resources for Earthquake Monitoring and Response (TREMOR) proposal is designed to address this problem. This proposal recommends two prototype systems integrating space-based and ground technology. The suggested pilot implementation is over a 10-year period in three focus countries – China, Japan, and Peru – that are among the areas in the world most afflicted by earthquakes. The first proposed system is an Earthquake Early Warning Prototype System that addresses the potential of earthquake precursors, the science of which is incomplete and considered controversial within the scientific community. We recommend the development and launch of two small satellites to study ionospheric and electromagnetic precursors. In combination with ground-based precursor research, the data gathered will improve existing knowledge of earthquake-related phenomena. The second proposed system is an Earthquake Simulation and Response Prototype. An earthquake simulator will combine any available precursor data with detailed knowledge of the affected areas using a Geographic Information System (GIS) to identify those areas that are most likely to experience the greatest level of damage. Mobile satellite communication hubs will provide telephone and data links between response teams, while satellite navigation systems will locate and track emergency vehicles. We recommend a virtual response satellite constellation composed of existing and future high resolution satellites. We also recommend education and training for response teams on the use of these technologies. The two prototypes will be developed and implemented by a proposed non-profit nongovernmental organization (NGO) called the TREMOR Foundation, which will obtain funding from government disaster management agencies and NGOs. A for-profit subsidiary will market any spin-off technologies and provide an additional source of funding. Assuming positive results from the prototype systems, Team TREMOR recommends their eventual and permanent implementation in all countries affected by earthquakes.Postprint (published version

    Strategic Roadmaps and Implementation Actions for ICT in Construction

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