3 research outputs found

    A Water-Flow Like Algorithm for Solving U-Shaped Assembly Line Balancing Problems

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    A water-flow like algorithm for solving U-shaped assembly line balancing problems

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    The problem of assigning assembly tasks to the stations arranged along a material handling device is known as assembly line balancing. This paper aims to address the U-shaped assembly line balancing problem (UALBP) which arises when a U-shaped assembly line has to be configured. It is widely known that this problem is NP-hard. Accordingly, different meta-heuristics based on a single solution (such as Simulated Annealing) or a population of solutions (such as Genetic Algorithms) have been proposed in the literature. Meanwhile, it has been argued that either of these meta-heuristics with a fixed number of solutions cannot maintain efficient search progress and thus can lead to premature convergence. Thus, this study aims at adopting a novel meta-heuristic algorithm with dynamic population sizes, namely Water Flow-like Algorithm (WFA), inspired by the behaviour of water flows in nature, to address the UALBP. The line efficiency and variation of workload are considered as the primary and the secondary objective, to be optimized, respectively. To verify the efficiency and robustness of the proposed WFA, a real case study taken from an automobile manufacturer as well as a set of standard problems are solved and the results compared with the existing approaches in the literature. The computational results demonstrate the superiority of the WFA, particularly in addressing medium to large-sized problems

    Solving stochastic multi-manned U-shaped assembly line balancing problem using differential evolution algorithm

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    [EN] The U-shaped assembly lines help to have more flexibility than the straight assembly lines, where the operators can perform tasks in both sides of the line, the entrance and the exit sides. Having more than one operator in any station of the line can reduce the line length and thereby affects the number of produced products. This paper combines the U-shaped assembly line balancing problem with the multi-manned assembly line balancing problem in one problem. In addition, the processing times of the tasks are considered as stochastic, where they are represented as random variables with known means and variances. The problem is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming and the cycle time constraints are formulated as chance-constraints. The proposed algorithm for solving the problem is a differential evolution algorithm. 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