9 research outputs found

    A WSN-Based Tool for Urban and Industrial Fire-Fighting

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    This paper describes a WSN tool to increase safety in urban and industrial fire-fighting activities. Unlike most approaches, we assume that there is no preexisting WSN in the building, which involves interesting advantages but imposes some constraints. The system integrates the following functionalities: fire monitoring, firefighter monitoring and dynamic escape path guiding. It also includes a robust localization method that employs RSSI-range models dynamically trained to cope with the peculiarities of the environment. The training and application stages of the method are applied simultaneously, resulting in significant adaptability. Besides simulations and laboratory tests, a prototype of the proposed system has been validated in close-to-operational conditions.Unión Europea INFSO-ICT-22405

    An End-to-End Early Warning System Based on Wireless Sensor Network for Gas Leakage Detection in Industrial Facilities

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    Existing Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)-detectionsystems are ad-hoc and designed as stand-alone nodes. Thispaper, however, presents an integrated end-to-end Wireless SensorNetwork (WSN) system that integrates hardware and software forearly-warning gas-leakage detection and monitoring applications;fully utilizing the Internet-of-thing (IoT) functionalities andcapabilities in WSNs at the network level such that networkperformance is improved. The proposed system can operate insingle-hop and multi-hop modes depending on the surround-ing radio frequency (RF) environment and network topology.Specifically, we design a per-deployed WSN system for LPG-gas detection/monitoring in residential areas and factories thatcollects, analyzes and forwards the collected information over awireless channel to the monitoring center to take the appropriateaction. To achieve a reliable communication and data delivery, weimplement an efficient communication protocol that organizes thedata exchanges between the different nodes in the network. Theproposed WSN system is deployed and experimentally tested.The data acquired from the various experiments is used toexamine the reliable operation of the implemented system interms of robustness and data-delivery reliability. Robust andreliable performance is demonstrated with packet loss rate as lowas5%. The experimental results also indicate that the proposedsystem can promptly detect gas-leakage within50ms and provideaccurate gas concentration measurements with97%accuracy

    A review of Energy Hole mitigating techniques in multi-hop many to one communication and its significance in IoT oriented Smart City infrastructure

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    A huge increase in the percentage of the world's urban population poses resource management, especially energy management challenges in smart cities. In this paper, the growing challenges of energy management in smart cities have been explored and the significance of elimination of energy holes in converge cast communication has been discussed. The impact of mitigation of energy holes on the network lifetime and energy efficiency has been thoroughly covered. The particular focus of this work has been on energy-efficient practices in two major key enablers of smart cities namely, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). In addition, this paper presents a robust survey of state-of-the-art energy-efficient routing and clustering methods in WSNs. A niche energy efficiency issue in WSNs routing has been identified as energy holes and a detailed survey and evaluation of various techniques that mitigate the formation of energy holes and achieve balanced energy-efficient routing has been covered

    WSN para servicios públicos metropolitanos

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    El avance de la tecnología en materia de comunicaciones, hardware, integración y consumo energético, está dando pie al desarrollo de infinidad de soluciones tecnológicas que, si bien algunas de ellas existían en ámbitos específicos, en la actualidad están comenzando a integrarse a la vida de las personas. En ese sentido, las redes de sensores inalámbricos están tomando un papel preponderante en la expansión hacia la “Internet de cosas”. Dentro de este paradigma, nos interesa focalizarnos dentro del concepto de Ciudades Inteligentes, y en las redes de sensores como condición sine qua non para el desarrollo de megalópolis del futuro. En la actualidad existen numerosos desarrollos y estándares sobre redes de sensores inalámbricas, pero aún no han proliferado de forma masiva en aplicaciones que intervengan en la vida cotidiana, de acuerdo con el potencial que estas presentan. Por estos motivos nos ha resultado interesante investigar el estado del arte, como ha sido el camino transitado y las capacidades reales de estas tecnologías hoy en día, para poder plantear un escenario de futuros trabajos en torno a esta temática.Facultad de Informátic

    WSN para servicios públicos metropolitanos

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    El avance de la tecnología en materia de comunicaciones, hardware, integración y consumo energético, está dando pie al desarrollo de infinidad de soluciones tecnológicas que, si bien algunas de ellas existían en ámbitos específicos, en la actualidad están comenzando a integrarse a la vida de las personas. En ese sentido, las redes de sensores inalámbricos están tomando un papel preponderante en la expansión hacia la “Internet de cosas”. Dentro de este paradigma, nos interesa focalizarnos dentro del concepto de Ciudades Inteligentes, y en las redes de sensores como condición sine qua non para el desarrollo de megalópolis del futuro. En la actualidad existen numerosos desarrollos y estándares sobre redes de sensores inalámbricas, pero aún no han proliferado de forma masiva en aplicaciones que intervengan en la vida cotidiana, de acuerdo con el potencial que estas presentan. Por estos motivos nos ha resultado interesante investigar el estado del arte, como ha sido el camino transitado y las capacidades reales de estas tecnologías hoy en día, para poder plantear un escenario de futuros trabajos en torno a esta temática.Facultad de Informátic

    WSN para servicios públicos metropolitanos

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    El avance de la tecnología en materia de comunicaciones, hardware, integración y consumo energético, está dando pie al desarrollo de infinidad de soluciones tecnológicas que, si bien algunas de ellas existían en ámbitos específicos, en la actualidad están comenzando a integrarse a la vida de las personas. En ese sentido, las redes de sensores inalámbricos están tomando un papel preponderante en la expansión hacia la “Internet de cosas”. Dentro de este paradigma, nos interesa focalizarnos dentro del concepto de Ciudades Inteligentes, y en las redes de sensores como condición sine qua non para el desarrollo de megalópolis del futuro. En la actualidad existen numerosos desarrollos y estándares sobre redes de sensores inalámbricas, pero aún no han proliferado de forma masiva en aplicaciones que intervengan en la vida cotidiana, de acuerdo con el potencial que estas presentan. Por estos motivos nos ha resultado interesante investigar el estado del arte, como ha sido el camino transitado y las capacidades reales de estas tecnologías hoy en día, para poder plantear un escenario de futuros trabajos en torno a esta temática.Facultad de Informátic

    A holistic architecture using peer to peer (P2P) protocols for the internet of things and wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) interact with the physical world using sensing and/or actuation. The wireless capability of WSN nodes allows them to be deployed close to the sensed phenomenon. Cheaper processing power and the use of micro IP stacks allow nodes to form an “Internet of Things” (IoT) integrating the physical world with the Internet in a distributed system of devices and applications. Applications using the sensor data may be located across the Internet from the sensor network, allowing Cloud services and Big Data approaches to store and analyse this data in a scalable manner, supported by new approaches in the area of fog and edge computing. Furthermore, the use of protocols such as the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) and data models such as IPSO Smart Objects have supported the adoption of IoT in a range of scenarios. IoT has the potential to become a realisation of Mark Weiser’s vision of ubiquitous computing where tiny networked computers become woven into everyday life. This presents the challenge of being able to scale the technology down to resource-constrained devices and to scale it up to billions of devices. This will require seamless interoperability and abstractions that can support applications on Cloud services and also on node devices with constrained computing and memory capabilities, limited development environments and requirements on energy consumption. This thesis proposes a holistic architecture using concepts from tuple-spaces and overlay Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks. This architecture is termed as holistic, because it considers the flow of the data from sensors through to services. The key contributions of this work are: development of a set of architectural abstractions to provide application layer interoperability, a novel cache algorithm supporting leases, a tuple-space based data store for local and remote data and a Peer to Peer (P2P) protocol with an innovative use of a DHT in building an overlay network. All these elements are designed for implementation on a resource constrained node and to be extensible to server environments, which is shown in a prototype implementation. This provides the basis for a new P2P holistic approach that will allow Wireless Sensor Networks and IoT to operate in a self-organising ad hoc manner in order to deliver the promise of IoT