24,383 research outputs found

    A Visual Approach to Analysis of Stress Tensor Fields

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    We present a visual approach for the exploration of stress tensor fields. In contrast to common tensor visualization methods that only provide a single view to the tensor field, we pursue the idea of providing various perspectives onto the data in attribute and object space. Especially in the context of stress tensors, advanced tensor visualization methods have a young tradition. Thus, we propose a combination of visualization techniques domain experts are used to with statistical views of tensor attributes. The application of this concept to tensor fields was achieved by extending the notion of shape space. It provides an intuitive way of finding tensor invariants that represent relevant physical properties. Using brushing techniques, the user can select features in attribute space, which are mapped to displayable entities in a three-dimensional hybrid visualization in object space. Volume rendering serves as context, while glyphs encode the whole tensor information in focus regions. Tensorlines can be included to emphasize directionally coherent features in the tensor field. We show that the benefit of such a multi-perspective approach is manifold. Foremost, it provides easy access to the complexity of tensor data. Moreover, including well-known analysis tools, such as Mohr diagrams, users can familiarize themselves gradually with novel visualization methods. Finally, by employing a focus-driven hybrid rendering, we significantly reduce clutter, which was a major problem of other three-dimensional tensor visualization methods

    Continuum limit of amorphous elastic bodies: A finite-size study of low frequency harmonic vibrations

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    The approach of the elastic continuum limit in small amorphous bodies formed by weakly polydisperse Lennard-Jones beads is investigated in a systematic finite-size study. We show that classical continuum elasticity breaks down when the wavelength of the sollicitation is smaller than a characteristic length of approximately 30 molecular sizes. Due to this surprisingly large effect ensembles containing up to N=40,000 particles have been required in two dimensions to yield a convincing match with the classical continuum predictions for the eigenfrequency spectrum of disk-shaped aggregates and periodic bulk systems. The existence of an effective length scale \xi is confirmed by the analysis of the (non-gaussian) noisy part of the low frequency vibrational eigenmodes. Moreover, we relate it to the {\em non-affine} part of the displacement fields under imposed elongation and shear. Similar correlations (vortices) are indeed observed on distances up to \xi~30 particle sizes.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figures, 3 table

    Multi-scale statistics of turbulence motorized by active matter

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    A number of micro-scale biological flows are characterized by spatio-temporal chaos. These include dense suspensions of swimming bacteria, microtubule bundles driven by motor proteins, and dividing and migrating confluent layers of cells. A characteristic common to all of these systems is that they are laden with active matter, which transforms free energy in the fluid into kinetic energy. Because of collective effects, the active matter induces multi-scale flow motions that bear strong visual resemblance to turbulence. In this study, multi-scale statistical tools are employed to analyze direct numerical simulations (DNS) of periodic two- (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) active flows and compare them to classic turbulent flows. Statistical descriptions of the flows and their variations with activity levels are provided in physical and spectral spaces. A scale-dependent intermittency analysis is performed using wavelets. The results demonstrate fundamental differences between active and high-Reynolds number turbulence; for instance, the intermittency is smaller and less energetic in active flows, and the work of the active stress is spectrally exerted near the integral scales and dissipated mostly locally by viscosity, with convection playing a minor role in momentum transport across scales.Comment: Accepted in Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2017

    Computation and visualization of Casimir forces in arbitrary geometries: non-monotonic lateral forces and failure of proximity-force approximations

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    We present a method of computing Casimir forces for arbitrary geometries, with any desired accuracy, that can directly exploit the efficiency of standard numerical-electromagnetism techniques. Using the simplest possible finite-difference implementation of this approach, we obtain both agreement with past results for cylinder-plate geometries, and also present results for new geometries. In particular, we examine a piston-like problem involving two dielectric and metallic squares sliding between two metallic walls, in two and three dimensions, respectively, and demonstrate non-additive and non-monotonic changes in the force due to these lateral walls.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters. (Expected publication: Vol. 99 (8) 2007

    Traction force microscopy on soft elastic substrates: a guide to recent computational advances

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    The measurement of cellular traction forces on soft elastic substrates has become a standard tool for many labs working on mechanobiology. Here we review the basic principles and different variants of this approach. In general, the extraction of the substrate displacement field from image data and the reconstruction procedure for the forces are closely linked to each other and limited by the presence of experimental noise. We discuss different strategies to reconstruct cellular forces as they follow from the foundations of elasticity theory, including two- versus three-dimensional, inverse versus direct and linear versus non-linear approaches. We also discuss how biophysical models can improve force reconstruction and comment on practical issues like substrate preparation, image processing and the availability of software for traction force microscopy.Comment: Revtex, 29 pages, 3 PDF figures, 2 tables. BBA - Molecular Cell Research, online since 27 May 2015, special issue on mechanobiolog

    Determination of the characteristic directions of lossless linear optical elements

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    We show that the problem of finding the primary and secondary characteristic directions of a linear lossless optical element can be reformulated in terms of an eigenvalue problem related to the unimodular factor of the transfer matrix of the optical device. This formulation makes any actual computation of the characteristic directions amenable to pre-implemented numerical routines, thereby facilitating the decomposition of the transfer matrix into equivalent linear retarders and rotators according to the related Poincare equivalence theorem. The method is expected to be useful whenever the inverse problem of reconstruction of the internal state of a transparent medium from optical data obtained by tomographical methods is an issue.Comment: Replaced with extended version as published in JM

    A gravity derivation of the Tisza-Landau Model in AdS/CFT

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    We derive the fully backreacted bulk solution dual to a boundary superfluid with finite supercurrent density in AdS/CFT. The non-linear boundary hydrodynamical description of this solution is shown to be governed by a relativistic version of the Tisza-Landau two-fluid model to non-dissipative order. As previously noted, the phase transition can be both first order and second order, but in the strongly-backreacted regime at low charge q we find that the transition remains second order for all allowed fractions of superfluid density.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, 1 appendix; version published in PR
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