424 research outputs found

    Baseband analog front-end and digital back-end for reconfigurable multi-standard terminals

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    Multimedia applications are driving wireless network operators to add high-speed data services such as Edge (E-GPRS), WCDMA (UMTS) and WLAN (IEEE 802.11a,b,g) to the existing GSM network. This creates the need for multi-mode cellular handsets that support a wide range of communication standards, each with a different RF frequency, signal bandwidth, modulation scheme etc. This in turn generates several design challenges for the analog and digital building blocks of the physical layer. In addition to the above-mentioned protocols, mobile devices often include Bluetooth, GPS, FM-radio and TV services that can work concurrently with data and voice communication. Multi-mode, multi-band, and multi-standard mobile terminals must satisfy all these different requirements. Sharing and/or switching transceiver building blocks in these handsets is mandatory in order to extend battery life and/or reduce cost. Only adaptive circuits that are able to reconfigure themselves within the handover time can meet the design requirements of a single receiver or transmitter covering all the different standards while ensuring seamless inter-interoperability. This paper presents analog and digital base-band circuits that are able to support GSM (with Edge), WCDMA (UMTS), WLAN and Bluetooth using reconfigurable building blocks. The blocks can trade off power consumption for performance on the fly, depending on the standard to be supported and the required QoS (Quality of Service) leve

    Digital Background Self-Calibration Technique for Compensating Transition Offsets in Reference-less Flash ADCs

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    This Dissertation focusses on proving that background calibration using adaptive algorithms are low-cost, stable and effective methods for obtaining high accuracy in flash A/D converters. An integrated reference-less 3-bit flash ADC circuit has been successfully designed and taped out in UMC 180 nm CMOS technology in order to prove the efficiency of our proposed background calibration. References for ADC transitions have been virtually implemented built-in in the comparators dynamic-latch topology by a controlled mismatch added to each comparator input front-end. An external very simple DAC block (calibration bank) allows control the quantity of mismatch added in each comparator front-end and, therefore, compensate the offset of its effective transition with respect to the nominal value. In order to assist to the estimation of the offset of the prototype comparators, an auxiliary A/D converter with higher resolution and lower conversion speed than the flash ADC is used: a 6-bit capacitive-DAC SAR type. Special care in synchronization of analogue sampling instant in both ADCs has been taken into account. In this thesis, a criterion to identify the optimum parameters of the flash ADC design with adaptive background calibration has been set. With this criterion, the best choice for dynamic latch architecture, calibration bank resolution and flash ADC resolution are selected. The performance of the calibration algorithm have been tested, providing great programmability to the digital processor that implements the algorithm, allowing to choose the algorithm limits, accuracy and quantization errors in the arithmetic. Further, systematic controlled offset can be forced in the comparators of the flash ADC in order to have a more exhaustive test of calibration

    High-speed Time-interleaved Digital-to-Analog Converter (TI-DAC) for Self-Interference Cancellation Applications

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    Nowadays, the need for higher data-rate is constantly growing to enhance the quality of the daily communication services. The full-duplex (FD) communication is exemplary method doubling the data-rate compared to half-duplex one. However, part of the strong output signal of the transmitter interferes to the receiver-side because they share the same antenna with limited attenuation and, as a result, the receiver’s performance is corrupted. Hence, it is critical to remove the leakage signal from the receiver’s path by designing another block called self-interference cancellation (SIC). The main goal of this dissertation is to develop the SIC block embedded in the current-mode FD receivers. To this end, the regenerated cancellation current signal is fed to the inputs of the base-band filter and after the mixer of a (direct-conversion) current-mode FD receiver. Since the pattern of the transmitter (the digital signal generated by DSP) is known, a high-speed digital-to-Analog converter (DAC) with medium-resolution can perfectly suppress main part of the leakage on the receiver path. A capacitive DAC (CDAC) is chosen among the available solutions because it is compatible with advanced CMOS technology for high-speed application and the medium-resolution designs. Although the main application of the design is to perform the cancellation, it can also be employed as a stand-alone DAC in the Analog (I/Q) transmitter. The SIC circuitry includes a trans-impedance amplifier (TIA), two DACs, high-speed digital circuits, and built-in-self-test section (BIST). According to the available specification for full-duplex communication system, the resolution and working frequency of the CDAC are calculated (designed) equal to 10-bit (3 binary+ 2 binary + 5 thermometric) and 1GHz, respectively. In order to relax the design of the TIA (settling time of the DAC), the CDAC implements using 2-way time-interleaved (TI) manner (the effective SIC frequency equals 2GHz) without using any calibration technique. The CDAC is also developed with the split-capacitor technique to lower the negative effects of the conventional binary-weighted DAC. By adding one extra capacitor on the left-side of the split-capacitor, LSB-side, the value of the split-capacitor can be chosen as an integer value of the unit capacitor. As a result, it largely enhances the linearity of the CADC and cancellation performance. If the block works as a stand-alone DAC with non-TI mode, the digital input code representing a Sinus waveform with an amplitude 1dB less than full-scale and output frequency around 10.74MHz, chosen by coherent sampling rule, then the ENOB, SINAD, SFDR, and output signal are 9.4-bit, 58.2 dB, 68.4dBc, and -9dBV. The simulated value of the |DNL| (static linearity) is also less than 0.7. The similar simulation was done in the SIC mode while the capacitive-array woks in the TI mode and cancellation current is set to the full-scale. Hence, the amount of cancelling the SI signal at the output of the TIA, SNDR, SFDR, SNDRequ. equals 51.3dB, 15.1 dB, 24dBc, 66.4 dB. The designed SIC cannot work as a closed-loop design. The layout was optimally drawn in order to minimize non-linearity, the power-consumption of the decoders, and reduce the complexity of the DAC. By distributing the thermometric cells across the array and using symmetrical switching scheme, the DAC is less subjected to the linear and gradient effect of the oxide. Based on the post-layout simulation results, the deviation of the design after drawing the layout is studied. To compare the results of the schematic and post-layout designs, the exact conditions of simulation above (schematic simulations) are used. When the block works as a stand-alone CDAC, the ENOB, SINAD, SFDR are 8.5-bit, 52.6 dB, 61.3 dBc. The simulated value of the |DNL| (static linearity) is also limited to 1.3. Likewise, the SI signal at the output of the TIA, SNDR, SFDR, SNDRequ. are equal to 44dB, 11.7 dB, 19 dBc, 55.7 dB

    Oversampled analog-to-digital converter architectures based on pulse frequency modulation

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorThe purpose of this research work is providing new insights in the development of voltage-controlled oscillator based analog-to-digital converters (VCO-based ADCs). Time-encoding based ADCs have become of great interest to the designer community due to the possibility of implementing mostly digital circuits, which are well suited for current deep-submicron CMOS processes. Within this topic, VCO-based ADCs are one of the most promising candidates. VCO-based ADCs have typically been analyzed considering the output phase of the oscillator as a state variable, similar to the state variables considered in __ modulation loops. Although this assumption might take us to functional designs (as verified by literature), it does not take into account neither the oscillation parameters of the VCO nor the deterministic nature of quantization noise. To overcome this issue, we propose an interpretation of these type of systems based on the pulse frequency modulation (PFM) theory. This permits us to analytically calculate the quantization noise, in terms of the working parameters of the system. We also propose a linear model that applies to VCO-based systems. Thanks to it, we can determine the different error processes involved in the digitization of the input data, and the performance limitations which these processes direct to. A generic model for any order open-loop VCO-based ADCs is made based on the PFM theory. However, we will see that only the first-order case and a second order approximation can be implemented in practice. The PFM theory also allows us to propose novel approaches to both single-stage and multistage VCObased architectures. We describe open-loop architectures such as VCO-based architectures with digital precoding, PFM-based architectures that can be used as efficient ADCs or MASH architectures with optimal noise-transfer-function (NTF) zeros. We also make a first approach to the proposal and analysis of closed loop architectures. At the same time, we deal with one of the main limitations of VCOs (especially those built with ring oscillators), which is the non-linear voltage to- frequency relation. In this document, we describe two techniques mitigate this phenomenon. Firstly, we propose to use a pulse width modulator in front of the VCO. This way, there are only two possible oscillation states. Consequently, the oscillator works linearly. To validate the proposed technique, an experimental prototype was implemented in a 40-nm CMOS process. The chip showed noise problems that degraded the expected resolution, but allowed us to verify that the potential performance was close to the expected one. A potential signal-to-noise-distortion ratio (SNDR) equal to 56 dB was achieved in 20 MHz bandwidth, consuming 2.15 mW with an occupied area equal to 0.03 mm2. In comparison to other equivalent systems, the proposed architecture is simpler, while keeping similar power consumption and linearity properties. Secondly, we used a pulse frequency modulator to implement a second ADC. The proposed architecture is intrinsically linear and uses a digital delay line to increase the resolution of the converter. One experimental prototype was implemented in a 40-nm CMOS process using one of these architectures. Proper results were measured from this prototype. These results allowed us to verify that the PFM-based architecture could be used as an efficient ADC. The measured peak SNDR was equal to 53 dB in 20 MHz bandwidth, consuming 3.5 mW with an occupied area equal to 0.08 mm2. The architecture shows a great linearity, and in comparison to related work, it consumes less power and occupies similar area. In general, the theoretical analyses and the architectures proposed in the document are not restricted to any application. Nevertheless, in the case of the experimental chips, the specifications required for these converters were linked to communication applications (e.g. VDSL, VDSL2, or even G.fast), which means medium resolution (9-10 bits), high bandwidth (20 MHz), low power and low area.El propósito del trabajo presentado en este documento es aportar una nueva perspectiva para el diseño de convertidores analógico-digitales basados en osciladores controlados por tensión. Los convertidores analógico-digitales con codificación temporal han llamado la atención durante los últimos años de la comunidad de diseñadores debido a la posibilidad de implementarlos en su gran mayoría con circuitos digitales, los cuales son muy apropiados para los procesos de diseño manométricos. En este ámbito, los convertidores analógico-digitales basados en osciladores controlados por tensión son uno de los candidatos más prometedores. Los convertidores analógico-digitales basados en osciladores controlados por tensión han sido típicamente analizados considerando que la fase del oscilador es una variable de estado similar a las que se observan en los moduladores __. Aunque esta consideración puede llevarnos a diseños funcionales (como se puede apreciar en muchos artículos de la literatura), en ella no se tiene en cuenta ni los parámetros de oscilación ni la naturaleza determinística del ruido de cuantificación. Para solventar esta cuestión, en este documento se propone una interpretación alternativa de este tipo de sistemas haciendo uso de la teoría de la modulación por frecuencia de pulsos. Esto nos permite calcular de forma analítica las ecuaciones que modelan el ruido de cuantificación en función de los parámetros de oscilación. Se propone también un modelo lineal para el análisis de convertidores analógico-digitales basados en osciladores controlados por tensión. Este modelo permite determinar las diferentes fuentes de error que se producen durante el proceso de digitalización de los datos de entrada y las limitaciones que suponen. Un modelo genérico de convertidor de cualquier orden se propone con la ayuda de este modelo. Sin embargo, solo los casos de primer orden y una aproximación al caso de segundo orden se pueden implementar en la práctica. La teoría de la modulación por frecuencia de pulsos también permite nuevas perspectivas para la propuesta y el análisis tanto de arquitecturas de una sola etapa como de arquitecturas de varias etapas construidas con osciladores controlados por tensión. Se proponen y se describen arquitecturas en lazo abierto como son las basadas en osciladores controlador por tensión con moduladores digitales en la etapa de entrada, moduladores por frecuencia de pulsos que se utilizan como convertidores analógico-digitales eficientes o arquitecturas en cascada en las que se optimizan la distribución de los ceros en la función de transferencia del ruido. También se realiza una aproximación a la propuesta y el análisis de arquitecturas en lazo cerrado. Al mismo tiempo, se aborda una de las problemáticas más importantes de los osciladores controlados por tensión (especialmente en aquellos implementados mediante osciladores en anillo): la relación tensión-freculineal que presentan este tipo de circuitos. En el documento, se describen dos técnicas cuyo objetivo es mitigar esta limitación. La primera técnica de corrección se basa en el uso de un modulador por ancho de pulsos antes del oscilador controlado por tensión. De esta forma, solo existen dos estados de oscilación en el oscilador, se trabaja de forma lineal y no se genera distorsión en los datos de salida. La técnica se propone de forma teórica haciendo uso de la teoría desarrollada previamente. Para llevar a cabo la validación de la propuesta teórica se fabricó un prototipo experimental en un proceso CMOS de 40-nm. El chip mostró problemas de ruido que limitaban la resolución, sin embargo, nos permitió velicar que la resolución ideal que se podrá haber obtenido estaba muy cercana a la resolución esperada. Se obtuvo una potencial relación señal-(ruido-distorsión) igual a 56 dB en 20 MHz de ancho de banda, un consumo de 2.15 mW y un área igual a 0.03 mm2. En comparación con sistemas equivalentes, la arquitectura propuesta es más simple al mismo tiempo que se mantiene el consumo así como la linealidad. A continuación, se propone la implementación de un convertidor analógico digital mediante un modulador por frecuencia de pulsos. La arquitectura propuesta es intrínsecamente lineal y hace uso de una línea de retraso digital con el fin de mejorar la resolución del convertidor. Como parte del trabajo experimental, se fabricó otro chip en tecnología CMOS de 40 nm con dicha arquitectura, de la que se obtuvieron resultados notables. Estos resultados permitieron verificar que la arquitectura propuesta, en efecto, podrá emplearse como convertidor analógico-digital eficiente. La arquitectura consigue una relación real señal-(ruido-distorsión) igual a 53 dB en 20 MHz de ancho de banda, un consumo de 3.5 mW y un área igual a 0.08 mm2. Se obtiene una gran linealidad y, en comparación con arquitecturas equivalentes, el consumo es menor mientras que el área ocupada se mantiene similar. En general, las aportaciones propuestas en este documento se pueden aplicar a cualquier tipo de aplicación, independientemente de los requisitos de resolución, ancho de banda, consumo u área. Sin embargo, en el caso de los prototipos fabricados, las especificaciones se relacionan con el ámbito de las comunicaciones (VDSL, VDSL2, o incluso G.fast), en donde se requiere una resolución media (9-10 bits), alto ancho de banda (20 MHz), manteniendo bajo consumo y baja área ocupada.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y AutomáticaPresidente: Michael Peter Kennedy.- Secretario: Antonio Jesús López Martín.- Vocal: Jörg Hauptman

    Circuits and algorithms for pipelined ADCs in scaled CMOS technologies

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.MIT Barker Engineering Library copy: printed in pages.Also issued printed in pages.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 179-184).CMOS technology scaling is creating significant issues for analog circuit design. For example, reduced signal swing and device gain make it increasingly difficult to realize high-speed, high-gain feedback loops traditionally used in switched capacitor circuits. This research involves two complementary methods for addressing scaling issues. First is the development of two blind digital calibration techniques. Decision Boundary Gap Estimation (DBGE) removes static non-linearities and Chopper Offset Estimation (COE) nulls offsets in pipelined ADCs. Second is the development of circuits for a new architecture called zero-crossing based circuits (ZCBC) that is more amenable to scaling trends. To demonstrate these circuits and algorithms, two different ADCs were designed: an 8 bit, 200MS/s in TSMC 180nm technology, and a 12 bit, 50 MS/s in IBM 90nm technology. Together these techniques can be enabling technologies for both pipelined ADCs and general mixed signal design in deep sub-micron technologies.by Lane Gearle Brooks.Ph.D

    Analysis and design of low-power data converters

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    In a large number of applications the signal processing is done exploiting both analog and digital signal processing techniques. In the past digital and analog circuits were made on separate chip in order to limit the interference and other side effects, but the actual trend is to realize the whole elaboration chain on a single System on Chip (SoC). This choice is driven by different reasons such as the reduction of power consumption, less silicon area occupation on the chip and also reliability and repeatability. Commonly a large area in a SoC is occupied by digital circuits, then, usually a CMOS short-channel technological processes optimized to realize digital circuits is chosen to maximize the performance of the Digital Signal Proccessor (DSP). Opposite, the short-channel technology nodes do not represent the best choice for analog circuits. But in a large number of applications, the signals which are treated have analog nature (microphone, speaker, antenna, accelerometers, biopotential, etc.), then the input and output interfaces of the processing chip are analog/mixed-signal conversion circuits. Therefore in a single integrated circuit (IC) both digital and analog circuits can be found. This gives advantages in term of total size, cost and power consumption of the SoC. The specific characteristics of CMOS short-channel processes such as: • Low breakdown voltage (BV) gives a power supply limit (about 1.2 V). • High threshold voltage VTH (compared with the available voltage supply) fixed in order to limit the leakage power consumption in digital applications (of the order of 0.35 / 0.4V), puts a limit on the voltage dynamic, and creates many problems with the stacked topologies. • Threshold voltage dependent on the channel length VTH = f(L) (short channel effects). • Low value of the output resistance of the MOS (r0) and gm limited by speed saturation, both causes contribute to achieving a low intrinsic gain gmr0 = 20 to 26dB. • Mismatch which brings offset effects on analog circuits. make the design of high performance analog circuits very difficult. Realizing lowpower circuits is fundamental in different contexts, and for different reasons: lowering the power dissipation gives the capability to reduce the batteries size in mobile devices (laptops, smartphones, cameras, measuring instruments, etc.), increase the life of remote sensing devices, satellites, space probes, also allows the reduction of the size and weight of the heat sink. The reduction of power dissipation allows the realization of implantable biomedical devices that do not damage biological tissue. For this reason, the analysis and design of low power and high precision analog circuits is important in order to obtain high performance in technological processes that are not optimized for such applications. Different ways can be taken to reduce the effect of the problems related to the technology: • Circuital level: a circuit-level intervention is possible to solve a specific problem of the circuit (i.e. Techniques for bandwidth expansion, increase the gain, power reduction, etc.). • Digital calibration: it is the highest level to intervene, and generally going to correct the non-ideal structure through a digital processing, these aims are based on models of specific errors of the structure. • Definition of new paradigms. This work has focused the attention on a very useful mixed-signal circuit: the pipeline ADC. The pipeline ADCs are widely used for their energy efficiency in high-precision applications where a resolution of about 10-16 bits and sampling rates above hundreds of Mega-samples per second (telecommunication, radar, etc.) are needed. An introduction on the theory of pipeline ADC, its state of the art and the principal non-idealities that affect the energy efficiency and the accuracy of this kind of data converters are reported in Chapter 1. Special consideration is put on low-voltage low-power ADCs. In particular, for ADCs implemented in deep submicron technology nodes side effects called short channel effects exist opposed to older technology nodes where undesired effects are not present. An overview of the short channel effects and their consequences on design, and also power consuption reduction techniques, with particular emphasis on the specific techniques adopted in pipelined ADC are reported in Chapter 2. Moreover, another way may be undertaken to increase the accuracy and the efficiency of an ADC, this way is the digital calibration. In Chapter 3 an overview on digital calibration techniques, and furthermore a new calibration technique based on Volterra kernels are reported. In some specific applications, such as software defined radios or micropower sensor, some circuits should be reconfigurable to be suitable for different radio standard or process signals with different charateristics. One of this building blocks is the ADC that should be able to reconfigure the resolution and conversion frequency. A reconfigurable voltage-scalable ADC pipeline capable to adapt its voltage supply starting from the required conversion frequency was developed, and the results are reported in Chapter 4. In Chapter 5, a pipeline ADC based on a novel paradigm for the feedback loop and its theory is described

    Dynamic element matching techniques for data converters

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    Analog to digital converter (ADC) circuit component errors create nonuniform quantization code widths and create harmonic distortion in an ADC\u27s output. In this dissertation, two techniques for estimating an ADC\u27s output spectrum from the ADC\u27s transfer function are determined. These methods are compared to a symmetric power function and asymmetric power function approximations. Standard ADC performance metrics, such as SDR, SNDR, SNR, and SFDR, are also determined as a function of the ADC\u27s transfer function approximations. New dynamic element matching (DEM) flash ADCs are developed. An analysis of these DEM flash ADCs is developed and shows that these DEM algorithms improve an ADC\u27s performance. The analysis is also used to analyze several existing DEM ADC architectures; Digital to analog converter (DAC) circuit component errors create nonuniform quantization code widths and create harmonic distortion in a DAC\u27s output. In this dissertation, an exact relationship between a DAC\u27s integral nonlinearity (INL) and its output spectrum is determined. Using this relationship, standard DAC performance metrics, such as SDR, SNDR, SNR, and SFDR, are calculated from the DAC\u27s transfer function. Furthermore, an iterative method is developed which determines an arbitrary DAC\u27s transfer function from observed output magnitude spectra. An analysis of DEM techniques for DACs, including the determination of several suitable metrics by which DEM techniques can be compared, is derived. The performance of a given DEM technique is related to standard DAC performance metrics, such as SDR, SNDR, and SFDR. Conditions under which DEM techniques can guarantee zero average INL and render the distortion due to mismatched components as white noise are developed. Several DEM circuits proposed in the literature are shown to be equivalent and have hardware efficient implementations based on multistage interconnection networks. Example DEM circuit topologies and their hardware efficient VLSI implementations are also presented

    Nonlinear models and algorithms for RF systems digital calibration

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    Focusing on the receiving side of a communication system, the current trend in pushing the digital domain ever more closer to the antenna sets heavy constraints on the accuracy and linearity of the analog front-end and the conversion devices. Moreover, mixed-signal implementations of Systems-on-Chip using nanoscale CMOS processes result in an overall poorer analog performance and a reduced yield. To cope with the impairments of the low performance analog section in this "dirty RF" scenario, two solutions exist: designing more complex analog processing architectures or to identify the errors and correct them in the digital domain using DSP algorithms. In the latter, constraints in the analog circuits' precision can be offloaded to a digital signal processor. This thesis aims at the development of a methodology for the analysis, the modeling and the compensation of the analog impairments arising in different stages of a receiving chain using digital calibration techniques. Both single and multiple channel architectures are addressed exploiting the capability of the calibration algorithm to homogenize all the channels' responses of a multi-channel system in addition to the compensation of nonlinearities in each response. The systems targeted for the application of digital post compensation are a pipeline ADC, a digital-IF sub-sampling receiver and a 4-channel TI-ADC. The research focuses on post distortion methods using nonlinear dynamic models to approximate the post-inverse of the nonlinear system and to correct the distortions arising from static and dynamic errors. Volterra model is used due to its general approximation capabilities for the compensation of nonlinear systems with memory. Digital calibration is applied to a Sample and Hold and to a pipeline ADC simulated in the 45nm process, demonstrating high linearity improvement even with incomplete settling errors enabling the use of faster clock speeds. An extended model based on the baseband Volterra series is proposed and applied to the compensation of a digital-IF sub-sampling receiver. This architecture envisages frequency selectivity carried out at IF by an active band-pass CMOS filter causing in-band and out-of-band nonlinear distortions. The improved performance of the proposed model is demonstrated with circuital simulations of a 10th-order band pass filter, realized using a five-stage Gm-C Biquad cascade, and validated using out-of-sample sinusoidal and QAM signals. The same technique is extended to an array receiver with mismatched channels' responses showing that digital calibration can compensate the loss of directivity and enhance the overall system SFDR. An iterative backward pruning is applied to the Volterra models showing that complexity can be reduced without impacting linearity, obtaining state-of-the-art accuracy/complexity performance. Calibration of Time-Interleaved ADCs, widely used in RF-to-digital wideband receivers, is carried out developing ad hoc models because the steep discontinuities generated by the imperfect canceling of aliasing would require a huge number of terms in a polynomial approximation. A closed-form solution is derived for a 4-channel TI-ADC affected by gain errors and timing skews solving the perfect reconstruction equations. A background calibration technique is presented based on cyclo-stationary filter banks architecture. Convergence speed and accuracy of the recursive algorithm are discussed and complexity reduction techniques are applied

    Low-Power Slew-Rate Boosting Based 12-Bit Pipeline ADC Utilizing Forecasting Technique in the Sub-ADCS

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    The dissertation presents architecture and circuit solutions to improve the power efficiency of high-speed 12-bit pipelined ADCs in advanced CMOS technologies. First, the 4.5bit algorithmic pipelined front-end stage is proposed. It is shown that the algorithmic pipelined ADC requires a simpler sub-ADC and shows lower sensitivity to the Multiplying DAC (MDAC) errors and smaller area and power dissipation in comparison to the conventional multi-bit per stage pipelined ADC. Also, it is shown that the algorithmic pipelined architecture is more tolerant to capacitive mismatch for the same input-referred thermal noise than the conventional multi-bit per stage architecture. To take full advantage of these properties, a modified residue curve for the pipelined ADC is proposed. This concept introduces better linearity compared with the conventional residue curve of the pipelined ADC; this approach is particularly attractive for the digitization of signals with large peak to average ratio such as OFDM coded signals. Moreover, the minimum total required transconductance for the different architectures of the 12-bit pipelined ADC are computed. This helps the pipelined ADC designers to find the most power-efficient architecture between different topologies based on the same input-referred thermal noise. By employing this calculation, the most power efficient architecture for realizing the 12-bit pipelined ADC is selected. Then, a technique for slew-rate (SR) boosting in switched-capacitor circuits is proposed in the order to be utilized in the proposed 12-bit pipelined ADC. This technique makes use of a class-B auxiliary amplifier that generates a compensating current only when high slew-rate is demanded by large input signal. The proposed architecture employs simple circuitry to detect the need of injecting current at the output load by implementing a Pre-Amp followed by a class-B amplifier, embedded with a pre-defined hysteresis, in parallel with the main amplifier to boost its slew phase. The proposed solution requires small static power since it does not need high dc-current at the output stage of the main amplifier. The proposed technique is suitable for high-speed low-power multi-bit/stage pipelined ADC applications. Both transistor-level simulations and experimental results in TSMC 40nm technology reduces the slew-time for more than 45% and shorts the 1% settling time by 28% when used in a 4.5bit/stage pipelined ADC; power consumption increases by 20%. In addition, the technique of inactivating and disconnecting of the sub-ADC’s comparators by forecasting the sign of the sampled input voltage is proposed in the order to reduce the dynamic power consumption of the sub-ADCs in the proposed 12-bit pipelined ADC. This technique reduces the total dynamic power consumption more than 46%. The implemented 12-bit pipelined ADC achieves an SNDR/SFDR of 65.9/82.3 dB at low input frequencies and a 64.1/75.5 dB near Nyquist frequency while running at 500 MS/s. The pipelined ADC prototype occupies an active area of 0.9 mm^2 and consumes 18.16 mW from a 1.1 V supply, resulting in a figure of merit (FOM) of 22.4 and a 27.7 fJ/conversion-step at low-frequency and Nyquist frequency, respectively

    Low-Power Slew-Rate Boosting Based 12-Bit Pipeline ADC Utilizing Forecasting Technique in the Sub-ADCS

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    The dissertation presents architecture and circuit solutions to improve the power efficiency of high-speed 12-bit pipelined ADCs in advanced CMOS technologies. First, the 4.5bit algorithmic pipelined front-end stage is proposed. It is shown that the algorithmic pipelined ADC requires a simpler sub-ADC and shows lower sensitivity to the Multiplying DAC (MDAC) errors and smaller area and power dissipation in comparison to the conventional multi-bit per stage pipelined ADC. Also, it is shown that the algorithmic pipelined architecture is more tolerant to capacitive mismatch for the same input-referred thermal noise than the conventional multi-bit per stage architecture. To take full advantage of these properties, a modified residue curve for the pipelined ADC is proposed. This concept introduces better linearity compared with the conventional residue curve of the pipelined ADC; this approach is particularly attractive for the digitization of signals with large peak to average ratio such as OFDM coded signals. Moreover, the minimum total required transconductance for the different architectures of the 12-bit pipelined ADC are computed. This helps the pipelined ADC designers to find the most power-efficient architecture between different topologies based on the same input-referred thermal noise. By employing this calculation, the most power efficient architecture for realizing the 12-bit pipelined ADC is selected. Then, a technique for slew-rate (SR) boosting in switched-capacitor circuits is proposed in the order to be utilized in the proposed 12-bit pipelined ADC. This technique makes use of a class-B auxiliary amplifier that generates a compensating current only when high slew-rate is demanded by large input signal. The proposed architecture employs simple circuitry to detect the need of injecting current at the output load by implementing a Pre-Amp followed by a class-B amplifier, embedded with a pre-defined hysteresis, in parallel with the main amplifier to boost its slew phase. The proposed solution requires small static power since it does not need high dc-current at the output stage of the main amplifier. The proposed technique is suitable for high-speed low-power multi-bit/stage pipelined ADC applications. Both transistor-level simulations and experimental results in TSMC 40nm technology reduces the slew-time for more than 45% and shorts the 1% settling time by 28% when used in a 4.5bit/stage pipelined ADC; power consumption increases by 20%. In addition, the technique of inactivating and disconnecting of the sub-ADC’s comparators by forecasting the sign of the sampled input voltage is proposed in the order to reduce the dynamic power consumption of the sub-ADCs in the proposed 12-bit pipelined ADC. This technique reduces the total dynamic power consumption more than 46%. The implemented 12-bit pipelined ADC achieves an SNDR/SFDR of 65.9/82.3 dB at low input frequencies and a 64.1/75.5 dB near Nyquist frequency while running at 500 MS/s. The pipelined ADC prototype occupies an active area of 0.9 mm^2 and consumes 18.16 mW from a 1.1 V supply, resulting in a figure of merit (FOM) of 22.4 and a 27.7 fJ/conversion-step at low-frequency and Nyquist frequency, respectively