191,981 research outputs found

    Management of e-Resources in R amp; D Centers: A Case Study of the Information Center at NAL13;

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    The developments in information technology and their applications to library and information services have given new dimension to the entire spectrum of information management. The information generated is usually stored in four physical media: paper, film, optical, and magnetic disks. The e-document be it a book, journal, technical report, conference proceedings is portable; has random access to its contents; and the document can also be a multimedia object, in that it may contain not only text, but also graphics, drawings, photographs or video. Now we have the emergence of publications over the electronic networks and the activity took off in a big way following the invention of the World Wide Web. The Open Access movement is becoming the order of the day. More than 3000 journals are free on net for anybody to access. A number of Institutional repositories and e-Prints archives have thrown challenge to the publishing industry. Consortium approach through different pricing, management and licensing models is enabling the libraries to provide access to thousands of e- journals, e-books and other kinds of e-documents. The Information center at NAL with its state-of-the-art library has progressed a good deal in this direction by acquiring different kind of documents especially e-form, cataloguing amp; processing them appropriately, storing and giving access to its patrons not only in library premises, but on to the desk tops spread in three different campuses through laboratory LAN and also extending selected services through Internet for the benefit of any body from any part of the world. 13; Created and maintained by ICAST the Portal x2018;AeroInfox2019; (www.aeroinfo.org.in) serves as one window information search facility for Web sources in aerospace science and technology. This virtual library facilitates multiple approach to information seekers as the web sources are indexed and organised using different schemes of classification including NASA subject categories. Care is taken to cover Indian aerospace sources exhaustively. The ICAST site (www.icast.org.in), apart from giving detailed information about library sources including books, journals, E-journals, databases and technical reports makes available different search tools for its users. Other details like working hours, library rules, staff details, contact persons, etc are provided. One can submit an online query and suggest documents for acquisition using online forms provided. The Library Database (OPAC) is probably is single largest in the country with more than 3.25 lakh bibliographic records of books, technical reports, patents, standards, journals, etc. ICAST users can search International databases like Aerospace Database, NTIS, J-Gate, Medline, etc through campus LAN. Users can access more than 2500 full text journals covering titles published by Elsevier (ScienceDirect), ASME, AIAA, Springer, John Wiley, OUP, CUP, AMS, World Scientific, few Annual Series, etc. Created by ICAST an e-journals gateway with browse and search (alphabetical and subject wise) facility for titles provides access to more than 700 journals available free on the net. The Centre provides a number of web/e-mail based innovative information services including Journal Contents Service, News Clipping Service, Monthly Documents Additions Lists covering both Books and Technical Reports, Web Alert Service and Union Catalogue of Journals -CSIR and Aerospace Libraries, etc

    The role of Spanish health libraries in scientific publication

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    Health libraries have been established as publication support services. Despite its importance, there is currently no study about the services that these centers offer. The aim of this work is to understand the role that libraries play in institutional scientific publishing policies. The sample was taken from the National Catalogue of Hospitals, the list of libraries of the Catalogue of Periodicals in Spanish Health Sciences Libraries (c17) and the National Catalogue of Health Sciences Publications (CNCS). Subsequently, virtual health libraries have also been incorporated. From this list, a questionnaire about library staff and activities related to publication process was sent. We obtained a participation rate of 61.21%. The average number of technical personnel was 1.15 in virtual libraries and 0.81 in hospital libraries. The activities carried out have been: training activities (82.2%), counselling (90.1%), dissemination (30.7%) and evaluation (50.5%). The staff in libraries are insufficient. In many cases technicians assume an overwork of serving in both (virtual and hospital libraries). Most libraries offer training and research support services although there are differences between virtual and hospital ones. There is a relationship between the number of technicians and the publication support services

    Violência sexual masculina: uma revisão integrativa

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    The aim was to identify the studies carried out on sexual violence, with male victims, and an integrative review was carried out. Data were collected from the Virtual Health Library, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature, International Health Sciences Literature, Online Scientific Electronic Library and Nursing Database. The sample had three publications in the English language, after applying the descriptors used. It was identified that care for male victims of sexual violence is deficient, compared to female victims. Knowledge of this scenario is important, in the sense that health teams, especially nurses, are better prepared from a technical and emotional point of view to deal with this type of situation.Objetivou-se identificar os estudos realizados sobre violência sexual, tendo como vítimas pessoas do sexo masculino, sendo realizada uma revisão integrativa. Os dados foram coletados na Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde, Literatura Latino Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, Literatura Internacional em Ciências da Saúde, Biblioteca Eletrônica Científica On-line e Banco de Dados de Enfermagem. A amostra contou com três publicações no idioma inglês, após a aplicação dos descritores utilizados. Identificou-se que é deficiente o atendimento às vítimas de violência sexual do sexo masculino, comparando-se com as do sexo feminino. O conhecimento deste cenário é importante, no sentido de que as equipes de saúde, especialmente os enfermeiros, sejam melhores preparados do ponto de vista técnico e emocional para lidar com este tipo de situação

    Violência sexual masculina: uma revisão integrativa

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    The aim was to identify the studies carried out on sexual violence, with male victims, and an integrative review was carried out. Data were collected from the Virtual Health Library, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature, International Health Sciences Literature, Online Scientific Electronic Library and Nursing Database. The sample had three publications in the English language, after applying the descriptors used. It was identified that care for male victims of sexual violence is deficient, compared to female victims. Knowledge of this scenario is important, in the sense that health teams, especially nurses, are better prepared from a technical and emotional point of view to deal with this type of situation.Objetivou-se identificar os estudos realizados sobre violência sexual, tendo como vítimas pessoas do sexo masculino, sendo realizada uma revisão integrativa. Os dados foram coletados na Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde, Literatura Latino Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, Literatura Internacional em Ciências da Saúde, Biblioteca Eletrônica Científica On-line e Banco de Dados de Enfermagem. A amostra contou com três publicações no idioma inglês, após a aplicação dos descritores utilizados. Identificou-se que é deficiente o atendimento às vítimas de violência sexual do sexo masculino, comparando-se com as do sexo feminino. O conhecimento deste cenário é importante, no sentido de que as equipes de saúde, especialmente os enfermeiros, sejam melhores preparados do ponto de vista técnico e emocional para lidar com este tipo de situação

    India and South Asia in Germany : the world according to GNARP: prospects for transatlantic library partnership in the digital age ; 6th scientific symposium Frankfurt a. M.

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    Seit 2005 ist die Bibliothek des Südasien-Instituts in Kooperation mit der UB Heidelberg Trägerin des DFG-geförderten Sondersammelgebiets Südasien. Damit hat sie von der UB Tübingen ein traditionsreiches Sondersammelgebiet übernommen, dessen Geschichte bis ins Jahr 1949 zurückreicht. Der Vortrag wird zum Einen einen kurzen Überblick über den historischen Kontext des SSG Südasien geben und zum Anderen über Neuentwicklungen, wie z.B. die Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, die in den letzten zwei Jahren an der Bibliothek des Südasien-Instituts aufgebaut wurde. Vor diesem Hintergrund soll vor allem das Kooperationspotential im Bereich digitaler Informationsressourcen beleuchtet werden

    Establishing a resource center: A guide for organizations supporting community foundations

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    Maintaining a resource center such as a library is a central tasks of an association to serve its members, though one of the first to be neglected. WINGS-CF commissioned this guide to assist organizations supporting community foundations to review and organize their resource items, and to propose several classification systems / taxonomies

    Women’s sexual health from a cultural viewpoint

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    Objective: Get to know the topics approached in national publications on women’s sexual health and identify the cultural and social aspects envisaged. Method: Descriptive-analytical bibliographic review made in the Virtual Health Library database, using the following criteria: national publications from 2000 to 2011, full texts involving the female population. Twelve publications were analyzed through an integrative literature review. Results: The interface between women’s sexual health and the cultural aspects is reflected on the behavior, attitudes and lifestyles. The vulnerability to which women are exposed originate from several natures, represent several cultures and, sometimes, are crystallized by ongoing Sexually Transmitted Diseases, unwanted pregnancy and violence. Conclusion: By updating the knowledge on factors that interfere on the care of women’s sexual health, it is evident that a less technical and more emancipatory sexual health care approach is urgent

    Information and Communication Technologies as means for self-improvement at remote universities: the example of Urgench State University, Uzbekistan

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    This paper describes the research conducted at the Information Resource Center of Urgench State University, located in the Khorezm region of Uzbekistan, on the possibilities and challenges the students and lecturers face in their pursuit for self-improvement and self-education. The article discloses new qualitative approaches and IT methods in the teaching and educational processes in higher education of Central Asian countries in transition, the overall aim of which is to close the gap and shape the spiritual values of the young generation in the globalizing world. The framework conditions for this have been set by the Government of Uzbekistan through particular Decrees, aiming at the creation of e-education at universities and institutions throughout the country and specifically in the remote regions as to improve the access to regularly updated information, to motivate the use of IT in classes as well as to enhance the responsibility of the information services of universities for assuring the quality of research and teaching (pedagogical) activities of the lecturers. The research showed that the Internet can function inter alia as a controlling device when education is delivered through the web. Collection, analysis and preparation of educational-methodological materials on specific subjects and extracurricular activities require specific knowledge on IT and information literacy both in the teaching staff and the students