4 research outputs found

    A Virtual Kitchen for Cognitive Rehabilitation of Alzheimer Patients

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    This article presents an innovative interactive tool that has been designed and developed in the context of the preventive treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. This tool allows simulating different cooking tasks that the patient has to perform with the computer mouse. The virtual environment is visualized on a simple computer screen. Gradual assistance is provided to the patient so that he/she trains and learns to perform the tasks requested. In order for the training to be relevant and effective, no errors are allowed by the system

    Dispositif d’accompagnement en réalité virtuelle pour adultes autistes dyscommunicants

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    Malgré les injonctions institutionnelles, les personnes handicapées demeurent peu engagées dans des processus inclusifs au cœur de la cité. Ainsi, comment faciliter l’évolution du contexte de vie de jeunes adultes autistes résidant en institution, vers un habitat inclusif partagé en milieu urbain ? Il s’agit d’un enjeu sociétal et éthique de pleine participation citoyenne. Nous présentons ici un dispositif spécifique d’accompagnement, en recherche collaborative, en appui sur des systèmes innovants de réalité virtuelle, visant le développement d’interactions, de l’autonomie et du pouvoir d’agir de personnes autistes dyscommunicantes. En effet, si la littérature montre que les outils numériques peuvent favoriser la disponibilité cognitive et stimuler l’engagement d’individus autistes, comment permettre leur participation effective et étayer leurs apprentissages via des capsules de réalité virtuelle ? Les résultats, en preuves anthropologiques, s’inscrivent dans le cadre de la théorie de l’activité.Despite institutional injunctions, people with disabilities remain little involved in inclusive processes at the heart of the city. In this sense, how can we facilitate the evolution of the living context of young adults with autism residing in institutions towards an inclusive shared habitat in an urban environment; a societal and ethical issue of full citizen participation? In collaborative research, we present here a specific support system, via innovative virtual reality systems, aiming at the development of interactions, autonomy and the power to act of dyscommunicating autistic people. Indeed, if the literature shows that digital tools can promote the cognitive availability and stimulate the engagement of autistic individuals, how can we allow their effective participation and support their learning via virtual reality capsules? The results, in anthropological evidence, fall within the framework of activity theory

    Immersive Storymaking : An Emerging Art Form for Virtual Reality Learning Environments

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    Virtual Reality (VR) technologies are moving stories from non-participatory to participatory formats through the effects of immersion, interaction, presence and agency. The study’s thesis therefore is that the shifting storytelling paradigm from teller-listener to participant-builder requires a new art form that includes a grammar of making. The study presents the concept of storymaking as this emerging art form. The first objective was to develop a conceptual framework for a storymaking practice, and secondly to implement this framework to determine if it satisfied the need for a new paradigm. To do this, the works of key narrative theorists such as Aristotle (2016) and interactive narrative practitioners such as Louchart and Aylett (2005) were referenced in defining a story and making grammar that resulted in the Storymaking Framework. This Framework was then applied to the creation of a 360° VR experience on traditional Trinidad Carnival characters. The method of autoethnography captured important lessons from this practical exercise through researcher-as-instrument. However, to determine the relevance of storymaking, a small group of nine participants (6 students pursuing Caribbean Studies, 2 administrators and 1 teacher) evaluated the experience. The results from pre- and post-experience surveys revealed that the experience did in fact contribute to significant levels of immersion, interaction and presence in participants. Eight participants felt immersed; all nine participants felt sure they were moving through the experience on their own and all participants indicated that they had learned something new from being a part of the narrative. This study therefore pinpointed that the key factor that justified the need for the new storymaking art form was the embodiment of the participant in the story. The inclusion of a participant moved a story from artefact to process, facilitated by narrative and technical elements for an emotional connection to the story and memory making

    A Virtual Kitchen for Cognitive Rehabilitation of Alzheimer Patients

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    International audienceThis article presents an innovative interactive tool that has been designed and developed in the context of the preventive treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. This tool allows simulating different cooking tasks that the patient has to perform with the computer mouse. The virtual environment is visualized on a simple computer screen. Gradual assistance is provided to the patient so that he/she trains and learns to perform the tasks requested. In order for the training to be relevant and effective, no errors are allowed by the system