10 research outputs found

    Resource management in cable access networks

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    Een kabelnetwerk is tegenwoordig niet meer alleen een medium waarover analoge TV-signalen vanuit een centraal punt, kopstation genaamd, naar de aangesloten huizen worden gestuurd. Sinds enkele jaren is het mogelijk om thuis data digitaal te versturen en te ontvangen. Deze data gaat via een kabelmodem thuis en het kopstation, dat in verbinding staat met andere netwerken. Op deze wijze zijn kabelnetwerken onderdeel geworden van het wereldwijde Internet en kunnen computers thuis hier mee verbonden worden. Door aan zo’n kopstation een digitaal videosysteem met duizenden films te koppelen, ontstaat er de mogelijkheid een video-op-verzoek dienst aan te bieden: Via de computer of zelfs de TV thuis kunnen films worden besteld en direct bekeken, of worden opgeslagen in de computer. Om dit te bewerkstelligen is meer nodig dan alleen een netwerk: Voor de transmissie van video data dient er zorg voor te worden gedragen dat deze zonder hinderende interrupties kan geschieden, omdat dergelijke gebeurtenissen door de gebruiker direct te zien zijn in de vorm van een stilstaand of zwart beeld. Verder is ook de reactiesnelheid van het systeem van belang voor het ondersteunen van operaties door de gebruiker, zoals het bestellen van een film, maar ook het vooruit- of terugspoelen, pauzeren, enzovoorts. Binnen deze context beschrijven en analyseren we in dit proefschrift zes problemen. Vier daarvan houden verband met de transmissie van data over het kabelnetwerk en de overige twee houden verband met het opslaan van video data op een harde schijf. In twee van de vier problemen uit de eerste categorie analyseren we de vertraging die data ondervindt wanneer die vanuit een modem wordt gestuurd naar het kopstation. Deze vertraging bepaalt met name de reactiesnelheid van het systeem. Karakteristiek voor dataverkeer in deze richting is dat pakketten van verschillende modems tegelijkertijd mogen worden verstuurd en daardoor verloren gaan. Met name de vereiste hertransmissies zorgen voor vertraging. Meer concreet beschouwen we een variant op het bekende ALOHA protocol, waarbij we uitgaan van een kanaalmodel dat afwijkt van het conventionele model. Het afwijkende model is van toepassing wanneer een modem een eerste contact probeert te leggen met het kopstation na te zijn opgestart. Met name na een stroomuitval, wanneer een groot aantal modems tegelijkertijd opnieuw opstart, kunnen de vertragingen aanzienlijk zijn. Daarnaast beschouwen we modems tijdens normale operatie en analyseren wij de verbetering in vertraging wanneer pakketten die vanuit ´e´en modem moeten worden verstuurd, worden verpakt in een groter pakket. In beide studies worden wiskundige resultaten vergeleken met simulaties die re¨ele situaties nabootsen. In de andere twee van de vier problemen richten wij ons op de transmissie van video data in de andere richting, namelijk van het kopstation naar de modems. Hierbij spelen stringente tijdsrestricties een voorname rol, zoals hierboven reeds is beschreven. Meer specifiek presenteren we een planningsalgoritme dat pakketten voor een aantal gebruikers op een kanaal zodanig na elkaar verstuurt dat de variatie in de vertraging die de verschillende pakketten ondervinden, minimaal is. Op deze wijze wordt zo goed mogelijk een continue stroom van data gerealiseerd die van belang is voor het probleemloos kunnen bekijken van een film. Daarnaast analyseren we een bestaand algoritme om een film via een aantal kanalen periodiek naar de aangesloten huizen te versturen. In dit geval ligt de nadruk op de wachttijd die een gebruiker ondervindt na het bestellen van een film. In deze analyse onderbouwen we een in het algoritme gebruikte heuristiek en brengen hierin verdere verbeteringen aan. Daarnaast bewijzen we dat het algoritme asymptotisch optimaal is, iets dat reeds langer werd aangenomen, maar nooit rigoreus bewezen was. Bij de laatste twee problemen, die verband houden met het opslaan van video data op een harde schijf, analyseren we hoe deze data zodanig kan worden opgeslagen dat die er nadien efficient van kan worden teruggelezen. In het ene probleem beschouwen we een bestaand planningsalgoritme om pakketten van verschillende videostromen naar een harde schijf te schrijven en passen dit aan om ervoor te zorgen dat het teruglezen van de stroom met bijvoorbeeld een andere pakketgrootte mogelijk wordt zonder daarbij de schijf onnodig te belasten. In het andere probleem analyseren we hoe we effectief gebruik kunnen maken van het gegeven dat data aan de buitenkant van de schijf sneller gelezen kan worden dan aan de binnenkant. We bewijzen dat het probleem van het zo efficient mogelijk opslaan van een gegeven aantal video files NPlastig is en presenteren een eenvoudige heuristiek die, hoewel voor bijzondere instanties een bewijsbaar slechte prestatie levert, in de praktijk in het algemeen goede prestaties levert. Hierbij maken we met name gebruik van het verschil in populariteit van de verschillende films

    Adaptive Resource Management Schemes for Web Services

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    Web cluster systems provide cost-effective solutions when scalable and reliable web services are required. However, as the number of servers in web cluster systems increase, web cluster systems incur long and unpredictable delays to manage servers. This study presents the efficient management schemes for web cluster systems. First of all, we propose an efficient request distribution scheme in web cluster systems. Distributor-based systems forward user requests to a balanced set of waiting servers in complete transparency to the users. The policy employed in forwarding requests from the frontend distributor to the backend servers plays an important role in the overall system performance. In this study, we present a proactive request distribution (ProRD) to provide an intelligent distribution at the distributor. Second, we propose the heuristic memory management schemes through a web prefetching scheme. For this study, we design a Double Prediction-by-Partial-Match Scheme (DPS) that can be adapted to the modern web frameworks. In addition, we present an Adaptive Rate Controller (ARC) to determine the prefetch rate depending on the memory status dynamically. For evaluating the prefetch gain in a server node, we implement an Apache module. Lastly, we design an adaptive web streaming system in wireless networks. The rapid growth of new wireless and mobile devices accessing the internet has contributed to a whole new level of heterogeneity in web streaming systems. Particularly, in-home networks have also increased in heterogeneity by using various devices such as laptops, cell phone and PDAs. In our study, a set-top box(STB) is the access pointer between the internet and a home network. We design an ActiveSTB which has a capability of buffering and quality adaptation based on the estimation for the available bandwidth in the wireless LAN

    Balancing Interactive Performance and Budgeted Resources in Mobile Computing.

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    In this dissertation, we explore the various limited resources involved in mobile applications --- battery energy, cellular data usage, and, critically, user attention --- and we devise principled methods for managing the tradeoffs involved in creating a good user experience. Building quality mobile applications requires developers to understand complex interactions between network usage, performance, and resource consumption. Because of this difficulty, developers commonly choose simple but suboptimal approaches that strictly prioritize performance or resource conservation. These extremes are symptoms of a lack of system-provided abstractions for managing the complexity inherent in managing performance/resource tradeoffs. By providing abstractions that help applications manage these tradeoffs, mobile systems can significantly improve user-visible performance without exhausting resource budgets. This dissertation explores three such abstractions in detail. We first present Intentional Networking, a system that provides synchronization primitives and intelligent scheduling for multi-network traffic. Next, we present Informed Mobile Prefetching, a system that helps applications decide when to prefetch data and how aggressively to spend limited battery energy and cellular data resources toward that end. Finally, we present Meatballs, a library that helps applications consider the cloudy nature of predictions when making decisions, selectively employing redundancy to mitigate uncertainty and provide more reliable performance. Overall, experiments show that these abstractions can significantly reduce interactive delay without overspending the available energy and data resources.PHDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108956/1/brettdh_1.pd

    On Providing Energy-efficient Data Transmission to Mobile Devices

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    The transformation from telephony to mobile Internet has fundamentally changed the way we interact with the world by delivering ubiquitous Internet access and reasonable cost of connectivity. The mobile networks and Internet services are supportive of each other and together drive a fast development of new services and the whole ecosystem. As a result, the number of mobile subscribers has skyrocketed to a magnitude of billions, and the volume of mobile traffic has boomed up to a scale no-one has seen before with exponential growth predictions. However, the opportunities and problems are both rising. Therefore, to enable sustainable growth of the mobile Internet and continued mobile service adaption, this thesis proposes solutions to ensure that the reduction of overall environmental presence and the level of QoE are mutually addressed by providing energy-efficient data transmission to mobile devices. It is important to understand the characteristics of power consumption of mobile data transmission to find opportunities to balance the energy consumption and the growth of mobile services and the data volumes. This research started with power consumption measurements of various radio interfaces and investigations of the trade-off between computation and communication of modern mobile devices. Power consumption models, state machines and the conditions for energy-efficient mobile data transmission were proposed to guide the development of energy-saving solutions. This research has then employed the defined guideline to optimise data transmission for energy-efficient mobile web access. Proxy-based solutions are presented in this thesis, utilising several strategies: bundling-enabled traffic shaping to optimise TCP behaviour over congested wireless links and keep the radio interface in low power consumption states as much as possible, offloading HTTP-object fetching to shorten the time of DNS lookups and web content downloading, and applying selective compression on HTTP payload to further reduce energy consumption of mobile data transmission. As a result, the solutions dramatically reduce the energy consumption of mobile web access and download time, yet maintain or even increase user experience

    Annotierte interaktive nichtlineare Videos - Software Suite, Download- und Cache-Management

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    Modern Web technology makes the dream of fully interactive and enriched video come true. Nowadays it is possible to organize videos in a non-linear way playing in a sequence unknown in advance. Furthermore, additional information can be added to the video, ranging from short descriptions to animated images and further videos. This affords an easy and efficient to use authoring tool which is capable of the management of the single media objects, as well as a clear arrangement of the links between the parts. Tools of this kind can be found rarely and do mostly not provide the full range of needed functions. While providing an interactive experience to the viewer in the Web player, parallel plot sequences and additional information lead to an increased download volume. This may cause pauses during playback while elements have to be downloaded which are displayed with the video. A good quality of experience for these videos with small waiting times and a playback without interruptions is desired. This work presents the SIVA Suite to create the previously described annotated interactive non-linear videos. We propose a video model for interactivity, non-linearity, and annotations, which is implemented in an XML format, an authoring tool, and a player. Video is the main medium, whereby different scenes are linked to a scene graph. Time controlled additional content called annotations, like text, images, audio files, or videos, is added to the scenes. The user is able to navigate in the scene graph by selecting a button at a button panel. Furthermore, other navigational elements like a table of contents or a keyword search are provided. Besides the SIVA Suite, this thesis presents algorithms and strategies for download and cache management to provide a good quality of experience while watching the annotated interactive non-linear videos. Therefor, we implemented a standard-independent player framework. Integrated into a simulation environment, the framework allows to evaluate algorithms and strategies for the calculation of start-up times, and the selection of elements to pre-fetch into and delete from the cache. Their interaction during the playback of non-linear video contents can be analyzed. The algorithms and strategies can be used to minimize interruptions in the video flow after user interactions. Our extensive evaluation showed that our techniques result in faster start-up times and lesser interruptions in the video flow than those of other players. Knowledge of the structure of an interactive non-linear video can be used to minimize the start-up time at the beginning of a video while minimizing an increase in the overall download volume.Moderne Web-Technologien lassen den Traum von voll interaktiven und bereicherten Videos wahr werden. Heutzutage ist es möglich, Videos in nicht-linearer Art und Weise zu organisieren, welche dann in einer vorher unbekannten Reihenfolge abgespielt werden können. Weiterhin können den Videos Zusatzinformationen in Form von kurzen Beschreibungen über animierte Bilder bis hin zu weiteren Videos hinzugefügt werden. Dies erfordert ein einfach und effizient zu bedienendes Autorenwerkzeug, das in der Lage ist, sowohl einzelne Medien-Objekte zu verwalten, als auch die Verbindungen zwischen den einzelnen Teilen klar darzustellen. Tools dieser Art sind selten und bieten meist nicht den vollen benötigten Funktionsumfang. Während dem Betrachter dieses interaktive Erlebnis im Web Player zur Verfügung gestellt wird, führen parallele Handlungsstränge und zusätzliche Inhalte zu einem erhöhten Download-Volumen. Dies kann zu Pausen während der Wiedergabe führen, in denen Elemente vom Server geladen werden müssen, welche mit dem Video angezeigt werden sollen. Ein gutes Benutzungserlebnis für solche Videos kann durch geringe Wartezeiten und eine unterbrechungsfreie Wiedergabe erreicht werden. Diese Arbeit stellt die SIVA Suite vor, mit der die zuvor beschriebenen annotierten interaktiven nicht-linearen Videos erstellt werden können. Wir bilden Interaktivität, Nichtlinearität und Annotationen in einem Video-Model ab. Dieses wird in unserem XML-Format, Autorentool und Player umgesetzt. Als Leitmedium werden hierbei Videos verwendet, welche aufgeteilt in Szenen zu einer Graphstruktur zusammengefügt werden können. Zeitlich gesteuerte zusätzliche Inhalte, sogenannte Annotationen, wie Texte, Bilder, Audio-Dateien und Videos, werden den Szenen hinzugefügt. Der Betrachter kann im Szenengraph navigieren, indem er in einem bereitgestellten Button-Panel eine Nachfolgeszene auswählt. Andere Navigationselemente sind ein Inhaltsverzeichnis sowie eine Suchfunktion. Neben der SIVA Suite beschreibt diese Arbeit Algorithmen und Strategien für Download und Cache Management, um eine gute Nutzungserfahrung während der Betrachtung der annotierten interaktiven nicht-linearen Videos zu bieten. Ein Webstandard-unabhängiges Playerframework erlaubt es, das Zusammenspiel von Algorithmen und Strategien zu evaluieren, welche für die Berechnung der Start-Zeitpunkte für die Wiedergabe, sowie die Auswahl von vorauszuladenden sowie zu löschenden Elemente verwendet werden. Ziel ist es, Unterbrechungen zu minimieren, wenn der Ablauf des Videos durch Benutzerinteraktion beeinflusst wird. Unsere umfassende Evaluation zeigte, dass es möglich ist, kürzere Startup-Zeiten und weniger Unterbrechungen mit unseren Strategien zu erreichen, als bei der Verwendung der Strategien anderer Player. Die Kenntnis der Struktur des interaktiven nicht-linearen Videos kann dazu verwendet werden, die Startzeit am Anfang der Szenen zu minimieren, während das Download-Volumen nicht erhöht wird

    Modeling and Evaluating Energy Performance of Smartphones

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    With advances in hardware miniaturization and wireless communication technologies even small portable wireless devices have much communication bandwidth and computing power. These devices include smartphones, tablet computers, and personal digital assistants. Users of these devices expect to run software applications that they usually have on their desktop computers as well as the new applications that are being developed for mobile devices. Web browsing, social networking, gaming, online multimedia playing, global positioning system based navigation, and accessing emails are examples of a few popular applications. Mobile versions of thousands of desktop applications are already available in mobile application markets, and consequently, the expected operational time of smartphones is rising rapidly. At the same time, the complexity of these applications is growing in terms of computation and communication needs, and there is a growing demand for energy in smartphones. However, unlike the exponential growth in computing and communication technologies, in terms of speed and packaging density, battery technology has not kept pace with the rapidly growing energy demand of these devices. Therefore, designers are faced with the need to enhance the battery life of smartphones. Knowledge of how energy is used and lost in the system components of the devices is vital to this end. With this view, we focus on modeling and evaluating the energy performance of smartphones in this thesis. We also propose techniques for enhancing the energy efficiency and functionality of smartphones. The detailed contributions of the thesis are as follows: (i) we present a nite state machine based model to estimate the energy cost of an application running on a smartphone, and provide practical approaches to extract model parameters; (ii) the concept of energy cost pro le is introduced to assess the impact of design decisions on energy cost at an early stage of software design; (iii) a generic architecture is proposed and implemented for enhancing the capabilities of smartphones by sharing resources; (iv) we have analyzed the Internet tra c of smartphones to observe the energy saving potentials, and have studied the implications on the existing energy saving techniques; and nally, (v) we have provided a methodology to select user level test cases for performing energy cost evaluation of applications. All of our concepts and proposed methodology have been validated with extensive measurements on a real test bench. Our work contributes to both theoretical understanding of energy e ciency of software applications and practical methodologies for evaluating energy e ciency. In summary, the results of this work can be used by application developers to make implementation level decisions that affect the energy efficiency of software applications on smartphones. In addition, this work leads to the design and implementation of energy e cient smartphones

    Advancing Operating Systems via Aspect-Oriented Programming

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    Operating system kernels are among the most complex pieces of software in existence to- day. Maintaining the kernel code and developing new functionality is increasingly compli- cated, since the amount of required features has risen significantly, leading to side ef fects that can be introduced inadvertedly by changing a piece of code that belongs to a completely dif ferent context. Software developers try to modularize their code base into separate functional units. Some of the functionality or “concerns” required in a kernel, however, does not fit into the given modularization structure; this code may then be spread over the code base and its implementation tangled with code implementing dif ferent concerns. These so-called “crosscutting concerns” are especially dif ficult to handle since a change in a crosscutting concern implies that all relevant locations spread throughout the code base have to be modified. Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) is an approach to handle crosscutting concerns by factoring them out into separate modules. The “advice” code contained in these modules is woven into the original code base according to a pointcut description, a set of interaction points (joinpoints) with the code base. To be used in operating systems, AOSD requires tool support for the prevalent procedu- ral programming style as well as support for weaving aspects. Many interactions in kernel code are dynamic, so in order to implement non-static behavior and improve performance, a dynamic weaver that deploys and undeploys aspects at system runtime is required. This thesis presents an extension of the “C” programming language to support AOSD. Based on this, two dynamic weaving toolkits – TOSKANA and TOSKANA-VM – are presented to permit dynamic aspect weaving in the monolithic NetBSD kernel as well as in a virtual- machine and microkernel-based Linux kernel running on top of L4. Based on TOSKANA, applications for this dynamic aspect technology are discussed and evaluated. The thesis closes with a view on an aspect-oriented kernel structure that maintains coherency and handles crosscutting concerns using dynamic aspects while enhancing de- velopment methods through the use of domain-specific programming languages

    Latency-driven replication for globally distributed systems

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    Steen, M.R. van [Promotor]Pierre, G.E.O. [Copromotor

    Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems on Chip 2010 - ReCoSoC\u2710 - May 17-19, 2010 Karlsruhe, Germany. (KIT Scientific Reports ; 7551)

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    ReCoSoC is intended to be a periodic annual meeting to expose and discuss gathered expertise as well as state of the art research around SoC related topics through plenary invited papers and posters. The workshop aims to provide a prospective view of tomorrow\u27s challenges in the multibillion transistor era, taking into account the emerging techniques and architectures exploring the synergy between flexible on-chip communication and system reconfigurability