226 research outputs found

    A Verifiable Secret Shuffle of Homomorphic Encryptions

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    We suggest an honest verifier zero-knowledge argument for the correctness of a shuffle of homomorphic encryptions. A shuffle consists of a rearrangement of the input ciphertexts and a re-encryption of them. One application of shuffles is to build mix-nets. Our scheme is more efficient than previous schemes in terms of both communication and computational complexity. Indeed, the HVZK argument has a size that is independent of the actual cryptosystem being used and will typically be smaller than the size of the shuffle itself. Moreover, our scheme is well suited for the use of multi-exponentiation techniques and batch-verification. Additionally, we suggest a more efficient honest verifier zero-knowledge argument for a commitment containing a permutation of a set of publicly known messages. We also suggest an honest verifier zero-knowledge argument for the correctness of a combined shuffle-and-decrypt operation that can be used in connection with decrypting mix-nets based on ElGamal encryption. All our honest verifier zero-knowledge arguments can be turned into honest verifier zero-knowledge proofs. We use homomorphic commitments as an essential part of our schemes. When the commitment scheme is statistically hiding we obtain statistical honest verifier zero-knowledge arguments, when the commitment scheme is statistically binding we obtain computational honest verifier zero-knowledge proofs

    Lattice-Based proof of a shuffle

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    In this paper we present the first fully post-quantum proof of a shuffle for RLWE encryption schemes. Shuffles are commonly used to construct mixing networks (mix-nets), a key element to ensure anonymity in many applications such as electronic voting systems. They should preserve anonymity even against an attack using quantum computers in order to guarantee long-term privacy. The proof presented in this paper is built over RLWE commitments which are perfectly binding and computationally hiding under the RLWE assumption, thus achieving security in a post-quantum scenario. Furthermore we provide a new definition for a secure mixing node (mix-node) and prove that our construction satisfies this definition.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Design of advanced primitives for secure multiparty computation : special shuffles and integer comparison

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    In modern cryptography, the problem of secure multiparty computation is about the cooperation between mutually distrusting parties computing a given function. Each party holds some private information that should remain secret as much as possible throughout the computation. A large body of research initiated in the early 1980's has shown that any computable function can be evaluated using secure multiparty computation. Though these feasibility results are general, their applicability in practical situations is rather unsatisfactory. This thesis concerns the study of two particular cryptographic primitives with focus on efficiency. The first primitive studied is a generalization of verifiable shuffles of homomorphic encryptions, where the shuffler is only allowed to apply a permutation from a restricted set of permutations. In this thesis, we consider shuffles using permutations from a k-fragile set, meaning that any k input-output correspondences uniquely identify a permutation within the set. We provide verifiable shuffles restricted to the set of all rotations (1-fragile), affine transformations (2-fragile), and Möbius transformations (3-fragile). Applications of these special shuffles include fragile mixing, electronic elections, secure function evaluation using scrambled circuits, and secure integer comparison. Two approaches for verifiable rotations are presented. On the one hand, we use properties of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) to express in a compact way that a rotation is applied in a shuffle. The solution is efficient, but imposes some mild restrictions on the parameters to allow DFT to work. On the other hand, we present a general solution that does not impose any parameter constraint and works on any homomorphic cryptosystem. These protocols for rotations are used to build efficient shuffling protocols for affine and Möbius transformations. The second primitive is secure integer comparison. In a general scenario, parties are given homomorphic encryptions of the bits of two integers and, after running a protocol, an encryption of a bit is produced, telling the result of the greater-than comparison of the two integers. This is a useful building block for higher-level protocols such as electronic voting, biometrics authentication or electronic auctions. A study of the relationship of other problems to integer comparison is given as well. We present two types of solutions for integer comparison. Firstly, we consider an arithmetic circuit yielding secure protocols within the framework for multiparty computation based on threshold homomorphic cryptosystems. Our circuit achieves a good balance between round and computational complexities, when compared to the similar solutions in the literature. The second type of solutions uses a intricate approach where different building blocks are used. A full analysis is made for the two-party case where efficiency of the resulting protocols compares favorably to other solutions and approaches

    Pseudo-Code Algorithms for Verifiable Re-Encryption Mix-Nets

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    Implementing the shuffle proof of a verifiable mix-net is one of the most challenging tasks in the implementation of an electronic voting system. For non-specialists, even if they are experienced software developers, this task is nearly impossible to fulfill without spending an enormous amount of resources into studying the necessary cryptographic theory. In this paper, we present one of the existing shuffle proofs in a condensed form and explain all the necessary technical details in corresponding pseudo-code algorithms. The goal of presenting the shuffle proof in this form is to make it accessible to a broader audience and to facilitate its implementation by non-specialists

    Shorter lattice-based zero-knowledge proofs for the correctness of a shuffle

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    In an electronic voting procedure, mixing networks are used to ensure anonymity of the casted votes. Each node of the network re-encrypts the input list of ciphertexts and randomly permutes it in a process named shuffle, and must prove (in zero-knowledge) that the process was applied honestly. To maintain security of such a process in a post-quantum scenario, new proofs are based on different mathematical assumptions, such as lattice-based problems. Nonetheless, the best lattice-based protocols to ensure verifiable shuffling have linear communication complexity on N, the number of shuffled ciphertexts. In this paper we propose the first sub-linear (on N) post-quantum zero-knowledge argument for the correctness of a shuffle, for which we have mainly used two ideas: arithmetic circuit satisfiability results from Baum et al. (CRYPTO'2018) and Beneš networks to model a permutation of N elements. The achieved communication complexity of our protocol with respect to N is O(v(N)log^2(N)), but we will also highlight its dependency on other important parameters of the underlying lattice ingredients.The work is partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci´on (MICINN), under Project PID2019-109379RB-I00 and by the European Union PROMETHEUS project (Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program, grant 780701). Authors thank Tjerand Silde for pointing out an incorrect set of parameters (Section 4.1) that we had proposed in a previous version of the manuscript.Postprint (author's final draft

    Verifying Privacy Preserving Combinatorial Auctions

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    Suppose you are competing in an online sealed bid auction for some goods. How do you know the auction result can be trusted? The auction site could be performing actions that support its own commercial interests by blocking certain bidders or even reporting incorrect winning prices. This problem is magnified when the auctioneer is an unknown party and the auctions are for high value items. The incentive for the auctioneer to cheat can be high as they could stand to make a significant profit by inflating winning prices or by being paid by a certain bidder to announce them the winner. Verification of auction results provides confidence in the auction result by making it computationally infeasible for an auction participant to cheat and not get caught. This thesis examines the construction of verifiable privacy preserving combinatorial auction protocols. Two verifiable privacy preserving combinatorial auction protocols are produced by extending existing auction protocols

    Blackbox Constructions from Mix-Nets

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    Mix-nets constructed from homomorphic cryptosystems can be generalized to process lists of ciphertexts as units and use different public keys for different parts of such lists. We present a number of blackbox constructions that enriches the set of operations provided by such mix-nets. The constructions are simple, fully practical, and eliminates the need for some specialized protocols
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