744 research outputs found

    Development of soft computing and applications in agricultural and biological engineering

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    Soft computing is a set of “inexact” computing techniques, which are able to model and analyze very complex problems. For these complex problems, more conventional methods have not been able to produce cost-effective, analytical, or complete solutions. Soft computing has been extensively studied and applied in the last three decades for scientific research and engineering computing. In agricultural and biological engineering, researchers and engineers have developed methods of fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms, decision trees, and support vector machines to study soil and water regimes related to crop growth, analyze the operation of food processing, and support decision-making in precision farming. This paper reviews the development of soft computing techniques. With the concepts and methods, applications of soft computing in the field of agricultural and biological engineering are presented, especially in the soil and water context for crop management and decision support in precision agriculture. The future of development and application of soft computing in agricultural and biological engineering is discussed

    Risk - adjusted rates of return for project appraisal

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    Incorporating risk assessment into public project appraisal makes sense when project risk is significantly correlated with uncertainty about national income. It is especially important in countries that specialize in particular agricultural or resource sectors. This report presents the following conclusions: (a) risk corrections can be substantial; (b) the intuition that risk is great for further investment in a crop or sector that constitutes a large part of a country's GNP is not invalid, but the effect may be offset by other forces in operation; (c) risk corrections can be negative because of a negative correlation between project return and GNP; (d) risk premia vary greatly across countries and sectors - so recognizing the risk correction needed for each project on its own merits makes more sense than including a common general risk premium in the rate of return required for all lending; (e) risk corrections are small for many sectors and countries - so efforts can be concentrated on the other categories, where the proposed treatment of risk makes a big difference; (f) risk affects investment projects in many different, subtle ways; and (g) resource requirements for this are not great.Environmental Economics&Policies,Health Economics&Finance,Banks&Banking Reform,Statistical&Mathematical Sciences,Crops&Crop Management Systems

    A Supply Response Model for Rice and Soybeans in the Mississippi Delta.

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    This study examines the economic sources of variation in the supply of rice and soybeans in the Mississippi Delta. As farmers alter their land allocations to various crops, they cause fluctuations in the supply of agricultural products. Traditional theory posits that acreage planted is a function of lagged prices, but does not explicitly recognize some technological constraints. One prevalent technological constraint is that the monocropping of particular crops results in a significant decrease in land productivity. The model in this study attempts to improve the specification of the technological constraint of declining soil productivity due to monocropping. Two different statistical methods were used to estimate the system of equations derived from the mathematical model. The empirical results depend upon the statistical technique. The technique involving the fewest restrictions on parameters supports the adjustment costs concept associated with the traditional models. When certain restrictions are placed on the parameters of the price process, which also appear in the decision rule, the results support the hypotheses of this study. The first hypothesis is that declining soil productivity plays a significant role in farmers\u27 land allocation decisions. The second hypothesis is that farmers optimally allocate their land in each time period

    Empirical measurement of credit rationing in agriculture: a methodological survey

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    Empirical analysis of rural credit market failure has been of key scientific and political interest in recent years. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of various methods for measuring credit rationing of farms employed in the literature. Furthermore, based on a common analytical framework entailing a formal model of a credit rationed farm household, the methods are subjected to a comparative evaluation of their specific strengths or shortcomings. Six approaches are distinguished: measurement of loan transaction costs, analysis of qualitative information collected in interviews, analysis of quantitative information collected in interviews by using the credit limit concept, analysis of spill-over effects with regard to secondary credit sources, econometric household modelling, and the econometric analysis of dynamic investment decisions. The first approach defines credit rationing as the impossibility to take a loan due to prohibitively high, measurable transaction costs on loan markets, which is a price rationing mechanism. All other approaches at least implicitly define credit rationing as a persistent private excess demand in terms of a quantity restriction. The six approaches are more or less closely linked to the neo-classical efficiency concept. An explicit comparison with a first-best solution is impossible in the first three approaches, since they essentially rely on a subjective assessment of borrowers access to credit, based on qualitative or quantitative indicators. The fifth and sixth approach allow a rigorous interpretation in the framework of neo-classical equilibrium theory. The fourth approach takes an intermediate position, since spill-over on segmented loan markets reveals a willingness to pay with regard to the supposedly less expensive but rationed primary source. Approaches are fairly data demanding in general, usually requiring specific data on loan transactions. Even so, most approaches are applicable to cross-sectional household data. Only dynamic modelling of investment decisions necessitates the availability of panel data, therefore restricting the applicability in low-income and transition countries. With the exception of the first, all methods surveyed might plausibly be used to empirically detect credit rationing. -- G E R M A N V E R S I O N: Die empirische Analyse von Marktversagen auf ländlichen Kreditmärkten ist in den vergangenen Jahren von hohem wissenschaftlichen und politischen Interesse gewesen. Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, einen Überblick über verschiedene in der Literatur angewandte Methoden zur Messung von Kreditrationierung zu geben. Auf der Grundlage eines gemeinsamen analytischen Bezugsrahmens werden die Methoden darüber hinaus einer vergleichenden Bewertung im Hinblick auf ihre Stärken und Schwächen unterzogen. Es werden sechs Vorgehensweisen unterschieden: die Messung von Kredittransaktionskosten, die Analyse von in Interviews gewonnenen qualitativen Informationen, die Analyse von in Interviews erhobenen quantitativen Information unter Rückgriff auf das Konzept des credit limits, die Analyse von Überschusseffekten im Hinblick auf sekundäre Kreditquellen, ökonometrische Haushaltsmodellierung sowie die ökonometrische Analyse von dynamischen Investitionsentscheidungen. Die erste Vorgehensweise versteht unter Kreditrationierung die Unmöglichkeit, einen Kredit zu erhalten aufgrund von prohibitiv hohen, messbaren Transaktionskosten auf Kreditmärkten. Es handelt sich hierbei um einen Mechanismus der Preisrationierung. Alle anderen Vorgehensweisen definieren Kreditrationierung zumindest implizit als andauernde Überschussnachfrage, folglich eine Mengenbeschränkung. Die sechs Vorgehensweisen sind mehr oder weniger eng mit dem neoklassischen Effizienzkonzept verbunden. Ein expliziter Vergleich mit einer first-best Lösung ist in den ersten drei Vorgehensweisen jedoch unmöglich, da sie auf einer subjektiven Einschätzung des Kreditzugangs beruhen. Die fünfte und sechste Methode erlauben hingegen eine strikte Interpretation im Rahmen der neoklassischen Gleichgewichtstheorie. Die vierte Vorgehensweise nimmt eine Zwischenstellung ein, da Überschusseffekte auf segmentierten Kreditmärkten eine Zahlungsbereitschaft im Hinblick auf die primäre, rationierte Kreditquelle implizieren. Die Methoden erfordern die Verfügbarkeit von geeigneten Datensätzen über Kredittransaktionen. Die meisten Ansätze können allerdings auf Querschnittsdaten angewendet werden. Lediglich die dynamische Modellierung von Investitionsentscheidungen erfordert Paneldaten und beschränkt daher die Einsatzmöglichkeit in Entwicklungs- und Transformationsländern. Mit Ausnahme des ersten können alle Ansätze auf plausible Weise für die empirische Untersuchung von Kreditrationierung eingesetzt werden.agricultural finance,credit rationing,quantitative analysis,micro-econometrics,Agrarfinanzierung,Kreditrationierung,quantitative Analyse,Mikroökonometrie

    Hydroeconomic Analysis of the Sustainable Use of Land and Water Resources under Droughts and Climate Change

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    El objetivo principal de la tesis es desarrollar un modelo hidroeconómico integrado de la cuenca del Ebro para el análisis de la política del agua. El modelo se utiliza para evaluar los impactos de las sequías y la escasez de agua en el contexto del cambio climático. Los resultados y las implicaciones políticas pueden utilizarse como guías para otras regiones semiáridas y áridas que enfrentan problemas similares de escasez de agua. Los resultados brindan información a las partes interesadas y los tomadores de decisiones sobre los impactos de las sequías y el cambio climático, y cómo las diferentes alternativas de gestión del agua podrían contribuir a abordar sus efectos. Se analiza la sostenibilidad del sistema hídrico del Ebro teniendo en cuenta la fiabilidad, resiliencia y vulnerabilidad del sector del riego, junto con la protección de los ecosistemas dependientes del agua.Los modelos matemáticos que reproducen las interacciones temporales y espaciales del uso del agua son la base del análisis hidroeconómico. Estos modelos optimizan y simulan los sistemas de agua para identificar las compensaciones en los usos del agua por sector y ubicación espacial. Se pueden examinar muchos problemas relacionados con el agua, como el crecimiento económico, el suministro de agua, la adaptación y mitigación del cambio climático, los daños por control de inundaciones o los caudales ambientales. La mejora de la resiliencia del sistema de agua, para reducir las pérdidas por escasez de agua, implica acciones que incluyen la expansión del almacenamiento de presas, la reutilización del agua, la desalinización del agua de mar, el precio del agua y el comercio del agua. El análisis hidroeconómico incorpora múltiples disciplinas como los procesos biofísicos, las actividades económicas o los ecosistemas acuáticos en un marco capaz de abordar las dimensiones temporales y espaciales del problema de la escasez de agua. En este sentido, el análisis hidroeconómico puede contribuir a resolver los problemas de escasez de agua, dando respuesta a las inquietudes sobre la gestión del agua.La investigación principal se muestra en tres capítulos (capítulos 2 a 4), donde se utiliza el análisis hidroeconómico para abordar el cambio climático y los problemas de gestión del agua. La cuenca del Ebro en España es nuestro caso de estudio, aunque los hallazgos podrían ser útiles para otras cuencas áridas y semiáridas con características económicas y climáticas similares. El estudio compara las alternativas de gestión del agua y su contribución a la sostenibilidad del sistema hídrico, logrando tanto la protección de la seguridad hídrica humana como la biodiversidad del ecosistema de los impactos de la escasez de agua, las sequías y el cambio climático. Los hallazgos en el Ebro podrían contribuir a los avances en la política del agua en cuencas de todo el mundo que enfrentan problemas de escasez de agua y empeoran la degradación de los ecosistemas, como las cuencas en la región mediterránea, el Medio Oriente y Asia Central, el suroeste de los Estados Unidos o Australia.El primer estudio del Capítulo 2, presenta el modelo hidroeconómico de la cuenca del Ebro. El modelo integrado vincula tres componentes: el componente hidrológico de forma reducida, el componente económico regional y el componente ambiental. El componente hidrológico de forma reducida se calibra mediante la inclusión de variables no observadas para cerrar el balance de masa entre los caudales estimados y observados. El componente económico regional está calibrado con programación matemática positiva (PMP), reproduciendo el uso de agua y suelo observado en condiciones de línea base. Este método supone que los agricultores maximizan los beneficios del uso del agua y la tierra, y se utilizan las condiciones de primer orden para la calibración. La restricción de caudal ambiental mínimo en la desembocadura del río representa el componente ambiental. El modelo se utiliza para analizar las distribuciones espaciales y sectoriales del agua en condiciones de sequía, comparando el instrumento económico de los mercados de agua con el instrumento institucional de cooperación de los actores. El cumplimiento de los caudales ambientales en la desembocadura del río se evalúa tomando diferentes prioridades para la asignación de agua entre las regiones aguas arriba y aguas abajo. Bajo políticas alternativas, el análisis identifica los impactos de sequías y escasez de agua, y su distribución entre regiones y sectores.En el Capítulo 3, se incluye el uso del agua por parte de los ecosistemas en el modelo hidroeconómico. Representar los beneficios de los ecosistemas requiere vincular la salud de los ecosistemas con las variaciones hidrológicas y también determinar el valor económico de los servicios ecosistémicos. La integración de los beneficios ambientales en el modelo hidroeconómico es el método para capturar las interacciones entre los beneficios privados (provistos por las actividades económicas) y los beneficios públicos (provistos por los ecosistemas). La simulación de la distribución del agua en condiciones de sequía se utiliza para evaluar políticas hídricas que combinan instrumentos económicos e institucionales.El componente ambiental del modelo vincula los beneficios que los ecosistemas brindan a la sociedad, el estado ambiental y los flujos de agua que sustentan el ecosistema acuático. La relación entre las condiciones ambientales y los caudales se establece y calibra mediante estudios previos sobre los procesos biofísicos involucrados.La Autoridad de la Cuenca del Ebro ha utilizado estos estudios para fijar los caudales ambientales mínimos en la cuenca.El componente ambiental incluye la representación del estado de salud y los consiguientes beneficios ambientales, cubriendo los principales tramos de la cuenca del río. Esta es una mejora significativa con respecto a la literatura hidroeconómica anterior, donde la representación ambiental se limita a ciertas partes y ubicaciones específicas de los ríos. La representación ambiental captura la interacción espacial entre las asignaciones de agua para actividades económicas y para los ecosistemas. El modelo hidroeconómico se ha utilizado para analizar las compensaciones entre los beneficios públicos y privados proporcionados por las actividades económicas y los ecosistemas. El análisis de las alternativas de gestión del agua contribuye a identificar las asignaciones de agua adecuadas que mantienen el sistema de agua en buen estado.El tercer estudio en el Capítulo 4 es una mejora del modelo hidroeconómico presentado en el Capítulo 2. El modelo hidroeconómico incluye la dimensión temporal, agregando aspectos dinámicos al modelo presentado en el Capítulo 2, y el paso de tiempo se ha cambiado de anual a mensual. Las principales represas de la cuenca están incluidas en el modelo, lo que permite la simulación y evaluación de alternativas de política hídrica a través de múltiples periodos de tiempo. La capacidad de las presas, los aportes de agua a la cuenca y la operación y evaporación de las presas son algunas de las variables que incorpora el modelo para representar las presas.La escala temporal del modelo hidroeconómico es mensual, promoviendo el análisis de una variedad de períodos de sequía, desde varios meses hasta varios años. El modelo hidroeconómico compara la sustentabilidad del sistema de agua bajo condiciones climáticas cambiantes. Como consecuencia del cambio climático, en zonas áridas y semiáridas, como la cuenca del Ebro, los episodios de sequía serán más intensos, frecuentes y prolongados. Por lo tanto, los impactos económicos y ambientales de las sequías se verán agravados en estas condiciones.Las simulaciones de cambio climático se basan en datos históricos, proyecciones de cambio climático y en un método avanzado de simulación de flujo de agua llamado Cópulas. Este método ajusta la distribución conjunta de dos meses consecutivos para capturar su interdependencia. La ventaja de este procedimiento es que puede generar flujos de corriente que replican las condiciones climáticas históricas y proyectadas con sequías más intensas y duraderas.La incertidumbre y el riesgo relacionados con la sequía y el cambio climático se identifican mediante las funciones de distribución acumulativa de la disponibilidad de agua y las pérdidas de beneficios. El análisis revela la exposición del sistema de agua a pérdidas, y luego se consideran políticas alternativas para reducir los impactos de las sequías y el cambio climático. Bajo estas políticas de gestión, se evalúa la confiabilidad, resiliencia y vulnerabilidad del sistema de agua para enfrentar la escasez de agua por el cambio climático.Esta tesis presenta algunas innovaciones metodológicas y empíricas sobre estudios previos sobre escasez de agua. El análisis hidroeconómico realizado aquí muestra la relevancia de la modelización integrada de los recursos hídricos para avanzar en la gestión sostenible a escala de cuenca. Los resultados sostenibles requieren información adecuada de los procesos complejos que subyacen al ciclo del agua en las cuencas, para una evaluación precisa de las compensaciones ambientales y económicas. La representación de los beneficios ambientales y de cambio climático realizada en esta investigación contribuye al fortalecimiento de la metodología de modelación hidroeconómica. Empíricamente, los resultados muestran la superioridad de la cooperación institucional para la gestión sostenible del agua, en relación con otras políticas como los mercados de agua o las inversiones en eficiencia del riego. La investigación informa sobre la contribución de las diferentes opciones de gestión del agua para reducir los riesgos de los impactos económicos y ambientales del cambio climático.The main objective of the thesis is developing an integrated hydroeconomic model of the Ebro basin for water policy analysis. The model is used to assess the impacts from droughts and water scarcity in the context of climate change. The results and policy implications can be used as guides for other semiarid and arid regions, facing similar water scarcity problems. The results provide information to stakeholders and decision makers on the impacts of droughts and climate change, and how different water management alternatives could contribute in addressing their effects. The sustainability of the Ebro water system is analyzed taking into account the reliability, resilience and vulnerability of the irrigation sector, together with the protection of water dependent ecosystems. Mathematical models that reproduce the temporal and spatial interactions of water use are the basis for hydroeconomic analysis. These models optimize and simulate water systems to identify trade-offs in water uses by sector and spatial location. Many water related problems can be examined, such as economic growth, water supply, climate change adaptation and mitigation, flood control damage or environmental flows. The enhancement of water system resilience, to reduce losses from water shortages, involves actions that include expanding dam storage, water reuse, seawater desalination, water pricing, and water trading. Hydro-economic analysis incorporates multiple disciplines such as biophysical processes, economic activities, or aquatic ecosystems in a framework capable of addressing the temporal and spatial dimensions of the water scarcity problem. In this regard, hydro-economic analysis can contribute to solve water scarcity problems, giving answers to water management concerns. The main investigation is displayed in three chapters (chapters 2 to 4), where hydroecomic analysis is used to address climate change and water management issues. The Ebro basin in Spain is our case of study, although findings could be useful for other arid and semi-arid basins with similar economic and climatic characteristics. The study compares water management alternatives and their contribution to the sustainability of the water system, by achieving both the protection human water security and ecosystem biodiversity from the impacts of water scarcity, droughts, and climate change. The findings in the Ebro could contribute to the water policy advancements in basins around the world facing water scarcity problems and worsening ecosystem degradation, such as basins in the Mediterranean region, the Middle East and Central Asia, Southwestern United States, or Australia. The first study in Chapter 2, presents the hydroeconomic model of the Ebro Basin. The integrated model links three components: the reduced form hydrological component, the regional economic component, and the environmental component. The reduced form hydrological component is calibrated by including non-observed variables to close the mass balance between estimated and observed stream flows. The economic regional component is calibrated with positive mathematical programming (PMP), reproducing the observed water and land use under baseline conditions. This method assumes that farmers maximize benefits from water and land use, and the first order conditions are used for calibration. The constraint of minimum environmental flow at the river mouth represents the environmental component. The model is used to analyze the spatial and sectoral distributions of water under drought conditions, comparing the economic instrument of water markets with the institutional instrument of stakeholders’ cooperation. Compliance with environmental flows in the river mouth is evaluated by taking different priorities for water allocation between upstream and downstream regions. Under alternative policies, the analysis identifies the impacts of droughts and water scarcity, and their distribution among regions and sectors. In Chapter 3, the use of water by ecosystems is included in the hydroeconomic model. Representing the benefits of ecosystems requires linking the health of ecosystems with hydrological variations, and also determining the economic value of the ecosystem services. The integration of environmental benefits into the hydroeconomic model is the method for capturing the interactions between private benefits (provided by economic activities) and public benefits (provided by ecosystems). The simulation of water distribution under drought conditions is used to evaluate water policies that combine economic and institutional instruments. The environmental component of the model links the benefits that ecosystems provided to society, the environmental status, and the stream flows that sustain the aquatic ecosystem. The relationship between environmental conditions and stream flows is established and calibrated by previous studies on the involved biophysical processes. The Ebro Basin Authority has used these studies to settle the minimum environmental flows in the basin. The environmental component includes the representation of health status and subsequent environmental benefits, covering the main sections of the river basin. This is an significant improvement over previous hydroeconomic literature, where the environmental representation is limited to certain parts and specific locations of rivers. The environmental representation captures the spatial interaction between water allocations for economic activities and for ecosystems. The hydroeconomic model has been used to analyze the trade-offs between private and public benefits provided by economic activities and ecosystems. The analysis of water management alternatives contributes to identify suitable water allocations that maintain the water system in good status. The third study in Chapter 4 is an enhancement of the hydroeconomic model presented in Chapter 2. The hydroeconomic model includes the temporal dimension, adding dynamic aspects to the model presented in Chapter 2, and the time step has been changed from yearly to montly. The main dams in the basin are included in the model, allowing the simulation and evaluation of water policy alternatives through multiple time periods. Dam capacity, water inflows into the basin, and dam operation and evaporation are some of the variables that incorporate the model to represent dams. The temporal scale of the hydroeconomic model is monthly, promoting the analysis of a variety of drought spells, from several months to multiple years. The hydroeconomic model compares the sustainability of the water system under changing climatic conditions. As a result of climate change, in arid and semi-arid areas, such as the Ebro basin, drought events will be more intense, frequent, and longer. Therefore, the economic and environmental impacts of droughts will be aggravated under these conditions. Climate change simulations rely on historic data, climate change projections, and on an advance method of water inflow simulation called Copulas. This method fits the joint distribution of two consecutive months to capture their interdependence. The advantage of this procedure is that it can generate stream flows that replicate historical and projected climatic conditions with long-lasting and more intense droughts. Uncertainty and risk related to drought and climate change are identified by the cumulative distribution functions of water availability and benefit losses. The analysis reveals the exposition of the water system to losses, and then alternative policies are considered for reducing the impacts of droughts and climate change. Under these management policies, the reliability, resilience, and vulnerability of the water system are evaluated to confront water scarcity from climate change. This thesis presents some methodological and empirical innovations over previous studies on water scarcity. The hydroeconomic analysis conducted here shows the relevance of the integrated modeling of water resources in order to advance sustainable management at basin scale. Sustainable outcomes require adequate information of the complex processes underlying the water cycle in basins, for an accurate assessment of the environmental and economic trade-offs. The representation of environmental benefits and climate change undertaken in this research contributes to the strengthening of the hydroeconomic modeling methodology. Empirically, the results show the superiority of institutional cooperation for sustainable water management, in relation to other policies such as water markets or investments in irrigation efficiency. The research informs about the contribution of different water management options in reducing the risks of economic and environmental impacts from climate change.<br /

    Plant analysis as a tool to determine crop nitrogen status

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    An effective plant nutrient management strategy optimises nitrogen (N) use efficiency for minimised environmental impact, while ensuring an optimum N status of the crop for good product quality and maximum growth. Soil or plant analysis can be used to evaluate the strategy; however the use of plant analysis for this purpose has been limited. One reason is lack of reliable reference values for the critical concentration needed for optimal growth. This study builds on theories that relate ontogenetic changes in the critical N concentration to changes in the relation between mass and surface area of the entire plant and of individual leaves. Through the establishment of critical N concentrations on the basis of these theories, some of the drawbacks hitherto experienced with plant analysis, such as difficulties in defining growth stage or plant part to sample, can be avoided. The aim of this thesis was to establish critical N concentrations for white cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L. f. alba D.C.) on the basis of these theories. Multi-N-rate and multi-harvest experiments were conducted in the field and in a climate chamber. The results showed that the critical N concentration declined at the same rate (-0.33) as the plant's leaf area ratio (leaf area divided by plant mass), which is in agreement with the 2/3-Power rule or "skin-core" hypothesis. The critical N concentration (% of DM) on a whole plant basis was estimated to 4.5 (W1.5 t ha-1), where W is weight per unit area of plant dry matter exclusive of roots. Moreover, it was concluded that the unshaded horizontally orientated leaves of cabbage can be used for leaf area based plant analysis of individual leaves. The critical N concentration of these leaves expressed on an area basis was found to be 3.7 g N m-2, while that for the whole plant N on a leaf area basis was 4.7 g N m-2. The ratio of these two critical concentrations, 0.8, was similar to the leaf N ratio (leaf N/whole plant N) of young plants before self shading occurs

    Water Resources Systems Planning and Management - Exercises

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    This 2005 version has been superseded by the 2017 edition of the book, which includes exercises with each chapter, available in full here: http://hdl.handle.net/1813/48159These are exercises associated with each chapter and software of the book: "Water Resources Systems Planning and Management". These exercises are designed to help individuals obtain a better understanding of the subject matter. Some exercises require the use of optimization modeling which can be accomplished by using the "Solver" option of Excel. The book uses the demo version of LINGO software that can be downloaded from "http://www.lindo.com"