1,609 research outputs found

    A Universal Slope Set for 1-Bend Planar Drawings

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    We describe a set of Delta-1 slopes that are universal for 1-bend planar drawings of planar graphs of maximum degree Delta>=4; this establishes a new upper bound of Delta-1 on the 1-bend planar slope number. By universal we mean that every planar graph of degree Delta has a planar drawing with at most one bend per edge and such that the slopes of the segments forming the edges belong to the given set of slopes. This improves over previous results in two ways: Firstly, the best previously known upper bound for the 1-bend planar slope number was 3/2(Delta-1) (the known lower bound being 3/4(Delta-1)); secondly, all the known algorithms to construct 1-bend planar drawings with O(Delta) slopes use a different set of slopes for each graph and can have bad angular resolution, while our algorithm uses a universal set of slopes, which also guarantees that the minimum angle between any two edges incident to a vertex is pi/(Delta-1)

    Drawings of Planar Graphs with Few Slopes and Segments

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    We study straight-line drawings of planar graphs with few segments and few slopes. Optimal results are obtained for all trees. Tight bounds are obtained for outerplanar graphs, 2-trees, and planar 3-trees. We prove that every 3-connected plane graph on nn vertices has a plane drawing with at most 5/2n{5/2}n segments and at most 2n2n slopes. We prove that every cubic 3-connected plane graph has a plane drawing with three slopes (and three bends on the outerface). In a companion paper, drawings of non-planar graphs with few slopes are also considered.Comment: This paper is submitted to a journal. A preliminary version appeared as "Really Straight Graph Drawings" in the Graph Drawing 2004 conference. See http://arxiv.org/math/0606446 for a companion pape

    β\beta-Stars or On Extending a Drawing of a Connected Subgraph

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    We consider the problem of extending the drawing of a subgraph of a given plane graph to a drawing of the entire graph using straight-line and polyline edges. We define the notion of star complexity of a polygon and show that a drawing ΓH\Gamma_H of an induced connected subgraph HH can be extended with at most min{h/2,β+log2(h)+1}\min\{ h/2, \beta + \log_2(h) + 1\} bends per edge, where β\beta is the largest star complexity of a face of ΓH\Gamma_H and hh is the size of the largest face of HH. This result significantly improves the previously known upper bound of 72V(H)72|V(H)| [5] for the case where HH is connected. We also show that our bound is worst case optimal up to a small additive constant. Additionally, we provide an indication of complexity of the problem of testing whether a star-shaped inner face can be extended to a straight-line drawing of the graph; this is in contrast to the fact that the same problem is solvable in linear time for the case of star-shaped outer face [9] and convex inner face [13].Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2018

    Upward planar drawings with two slopes

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    In an upward planar 2-slope drawing of a digraph, edges are drawn as straight-line segments in the upward direction without crossings using only two different slopes. We investigate whether a given upward planar digraph admits such a drawing and, if so, how to construct it. For the fixed embedding scenario, we give a simple characterisation and a linear-time construction by adopting algorithms from orthogonal drawings. For the variable embedding scenario, we describe a linear-time algorithm for single-source digraphs, a quartic-time algorithm for series-parallel digraphs, and a fixed-parameter tractable algorithm for general digraphs. For the latter two classes, we make use of SPQR-trees and the notion of upward spirality. As an application of this drawing style, we show how to draw an upward planar phylogenetic network with two slopes such that all leaves lie on a horizontal line

    On 1-bend Upward Point-set Embeddings of stst-digraphs

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    We study the upward point-set embeddability of digraphs on one-sided convex point sets with at most 1 bend per edge. We provide an algorithm to compute a 1-bend upward point-set embedding of outerplanar stst-digraphs on arbitrary one-sided convex point sets. We complement this result by proving that for every n18n \geq 18 there exists a 22-outerplanar stst-digraph GG with nn vertices and a one-sided convex point set SS so that GG does not admit a 1-bend upward point-set embedding on SS

    Extending Orthogonal Planar Graph Drawings Is Fixed-Parameter Tractable

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    The task of finding an extension to a given partial drawing of a graph while adhering to constraints on the representation has been extensively studied in the literature, with well-known results providing efficient algorithms for fundamental representations such as planar and beyond-planar topological drawings. In this paper, we consider the extension problem for bend-minimal orthogonal drawings of planar graphs, which is among the most fundamental geometric graph drawing representations. While the problem was known to be NP-hard, it is natural to consider the case where only a small part of the graph is still to be drawn. Here, we establish the fixed-parameter tractability of the problem when parameterized by the size of the missing subgraph. Our algorithm is based on multiple novel ingredients which intertwine geometric and combinatorial arguments. These include the identification of a new graph representation of bend-equivalent regions for vertex placement in the plane, establishing a bound on the treewidth of this auxiliary graph, and a global point-grid that allows us to discretize the possible placement of bends and vertices into locally bounded subgrids for each of the above regions