433 research outputs found

    A Universal Scheme for Transforming Binary Algorithms to Generate Random Bits from Loaded Dice

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    In this paper, we present a universal scheme for transforming an arbitrary algorithm for biased 2-face coins to generate random bits from the general source of an m-sided die, hence enabling the application of existing algorithms to general sources. In addition, we study approaches of efficiently generating a prescribed number of random bits from an arbitrary biased coin. This contrasts with most existing works, which typically assume that the number of coin tosses is fixed, and they generate a variable number of random bits.Comment: 2 columns, 10 page

    Putting artificial intelligence into wearable human-machine interfaces – towards a generic, self-improving controller

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    The standard approach to creating a machine learning based controller is to provide users with a number of gestures that they need to make; record multiple instances of each gesture using specific sensors; extract the relevant sensor data and pass it through a supervised learning algorithm until the algorithm can successfully identify the gestures; map each gesture to a control signal that performs a desired outcome. This approach is both inflexible and time consuming. The primary contribution of this research was to investigate a new approach to putting artificial intelligence into wearable human-machine interfaces by creating a Generic, Self-Improving Controller. It was shown to learn two user-defined static gestures with an accuracy of 100% in less than 10 samples per gesture; three in less than 20 samples per gesture; and four in less than 35 samples per gesture. Pre-defined dynamic gestures were more difficult to learn. It learnt two with an accuracy of 90% in less than 6,000 samples per gesture; and four with an accuracy of 70% after 50,000 samples per gesture. The research has resulted in a number of additional contributions: • The creation of a source-independent hardware data capture, processing, fusion and storage tool for standardising the capture and storage of historical copies of data captured from multiple different sensors. • An improved Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) algorithm for calculating orientation quaternions that is five orders of magnitude more precise. • The reformulation of the regularised TD learning algorithm; the reformulation of the TD learning algorithm applied the artificial neural network back-propagation algorithm; and the combination of the reformulations into a new, regularised TD learning algorithm applied to the artificial neural network back-propagation algorithm. • The creation of a Generic, Self-Improving Predictor that can use different learning algorithms and a Flexible Artificial Neural Network.Open Acces

    Notes on Randomized Algorithms

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    Lecture notes for the Yale Computer Science course CPSC 469/569 Randomized Algorithms. Suitable for use as a supplementary text for an introductory graduate or advanced undergraduate course on randomized algorithms. Discusses tools from probability theory, including random variables and expectations, union bound arguments, concentration bounds, applications of martingales and Markov chains, and the Lov\'asz Local Lemma. Algorithmic topics include analysis of classic randomized algorithms such as Quicksort and Hoare's FIND, randomized tree data structures, hashing, Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling, randomized approximate counting, derandomization, quantum computing, and some examples of randomized distributed algorithms

    An automated system for the classification and segmentation of brain tumours in MRI images based on the modified grey level co-occurrence matrix

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    The development of an automated system for the classification and segmentation of brain tumours in MRI scans remains challenging due to high variability and complexity of the brain tumours. Visual examination of MRI scans to diagnose brain tumours is the accepted standard. However due to the large number of MRI slices that are produced for each patient this is becoming a time consuming and slow process that is also prone to errors. This study explores an automated system for the classification and segmentation of brain tumours in MRI scans based on texture feature extraction. The research investigates an appropriate technique for feature extraction and development of a three-dimensional segmentation method. This was achieved by the investigation and integration of several image processing methods that are related to texture features and segmentation of MRI brain scans. First, the MRI brain scans were pre-processed by image enhancement, intensity normalization, background segmentation and correcting the mid-sagittal plane (MSP) of the brain for any possible skewness in the patient’s head. Second, the texture features were extracted using modified grey level co-occurrence matrix (MGLCM) from T2-weighted (T2-w) MRI slices and classified into normal and abnormal using multi-layer perceptron neural network (MLP). The texture feature extraction method starts from the standpoint that the human brain structure is approximately symmetric around the MSP of the brain. The extracted features measure the degree of symmetry between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which are used to detect the abnormalities in the brain. This will enable clinicians to reject the MRI brain scans of the patients who have normal brain quickly and focusing on those who have pathological brain features. Finally, the bounding 3D-boxes based genetic algorithm (BBBGA) was used to identify the location of the brain tumour and segments it automatically by using three-dimensional active contour without edge (3DACWE) method. The research was validated using two datasets; a real dataset that was collected from the MRI Unit in Al-Kadhimiya Teaching Hospital in Iraq in 2014 and the standard benchmark multimodal brain tumour segmentation (BRATS 2013) dataset. The experimental results on both datasets proved that the efficacy of the proposed system in the successful classification and segmentation of the brain tumours in MRI scans. The achieved classification accuracies were 97.8% for the collected dataset and 98.6% for the standard dataset. While the segmentation’s Dice scores were 89% for the collected dataset and 89.3% for the standard dataset
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