19 research outputs found

    A Unified Method for Improving PRF Bounds for a Class of Blockcipher based MACs

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    This paper provides a unified framework for {\em improving} \PRF(pseudorandom function) advantages of several popular MACs (message authentication codes) based on a blockcipher modeled as \tx{RP} (random permutation). In many known MACs, the inputs of the underlying blockcipher are defined to be some deterministic affine functions of previously computed outputs of the blockcipher. Keeping the similarity in mind, we introduce a class of \tx{ADE}s (affine domain extensions) and a wide subclass of \tx{SADE}s (secure \tx{ADE}) containing \mathcal{C} = \{ \tx{CBC-MAC},\ \tx{GCBC}^*,\ \tx{OMAC},\ \tx{PMAC} \}. We define a parameter N(t,q)N(t,q) for each domain extension and show that all \tx{SADE}s have \PRF advantages O(tq/2n+N(t,q)/2n)O(tq/2^n + N(t,q)/2^n) where tt is the total number of blockcipher computations needed for all qq queries. We prove that \PRF advantage of any \tx{SADE} is O(t2/2n)O(t^2/2^n) by showing that N(t,q)N(t,q) is always at most (t2){t \choose 2}. We provide a better estimate O(tq)O(tq) of N(t,q)N(t,q) for all members of C\mathcal{C} and hence these MACs have {\em improved advantages O(tq/2n)O(tq / 2^n)}. Our proposed bounds for \tx{CBC-MAC} and \tx{GCBC}^* are better than previous best known bounds

    Blockcipher-based MACs: Beyond the Birthday Bound without Message Length

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    We present blockcipher-based MACs (Message Authentication Codes) that have beyond the birthday bound security without message length in the sense of PRF (Pseudo-Random Function) security. Achieving such security is important in constructing MACs using blockciphers with short block sizes (e.g., 64 bit). Luykx et al. (FSE2016) proposed LightMAC, the first blockcipher-based MAC with such security and a variant of PMAC, where for each nn-bit blockcipher call, an mm-bit counter and an (n−m)(n-m)-bit message block are input. By the presence of counters, LightMAC becomes a secure PRF up to O(2n/2)O(2^{n/2}) tagging queries. Iwata and Minematsu (TOSC2016, Issue1) proposed F_t, a keyed hash function-based MAC, where a message is input to tt keyed hash functions (the hash function is performed tt times) and the tt outputs are input to the xor of tt keyed blockciphers. Using the LightMAC\u27s hash function, F_t becomes a secure PRF up to O(2tn/(t+1))O(2^{t n/(t+1)}) tagging queries. However, for each message block of (n−m)(n-m) bits, it requires tt blockcipher calls. In this paper, we improve F_t so that a blockcipher is performed only once for each message block of (n−m)(n-m) bits. We prove that our MACs with t≤7t \leq 7 are secure PRFs up to O(2tn/(t+1))O(2^{t n/(t+1)}) tagging queries. Hence, our MACs with t≤7t \leq 7 are more efficient than F_t while keeping the same level of PRF-security

    Key-Reduced Variants of 3kf9 with Beyond-Birthday-Bound Security

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    3kf9 is a three-key CBC-type MAC that enhances the standardized integrity algorithm f9 (3GPP-MAC). It has beyond-birthday-bound security and is expected to be a possible candidate in constrained environments when instantiated with lightweight blockciphers. Two variants 2kf9 and 1kf9 were proposed to reduce key size for efficiency, but recently, Leurent et al. (CRYPTO\u2718) and Shen et al. (CRYPTO\u2721) pointed out critical flaws on these two variants and invalidated their security proofs with birthday-bound attacks. In this work, we revisit previous constructions of key-reduced variants of 3kf9 and analyze what went wrong in security analyzes. Interestingly, we find that a single doubling at the end can not only fix 2kf9 to go beyond the birthday bound, but also help 1kf9 to go beyond the birthday bound. We then propose two new key-reduced variants of 3kf9, called n2kf9 and n1kf9. By leveraging previous attempts, we prove that n2kf9 is secure up to 2^{2n/3} queries, and prove that n1kf9 is secure up to 2^{2n/3} queries when the message space is prefix-free. We also provide beyond-birthday analysis of n2kf9 in the multi-user setting. Note that compared to EMAC and CBC-MAC, the additional cost to provide a higher security guarantee is expected to be minimal for n2kf9 and n1kf9. It only requires one additional blockcipher call and one doubling

    On the Optimality of Non-Linear Computations of Length-Preserving Encryption Schemes

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    It is well known that three and four rounds of balanced Feistel cipher or Luby-Rackoff (LR) encryption for two blocks messages are pseudorandom permutation (PRP) and strong pseudorandom permutation (SPRP) respectively. A {\bf block} is nn-bit long for some positive integer nn and a (possibly keyed) {\bf block-function} is a nonlinear function mapping all blocks to themselves, e.g. blockcipher. XLS (eXtended Latin Square) with three blockcipher calls was claimed to be SPRP and later which is shown to be wrong. Motivating with these observations, we consider the following questions in this paper: {\em What is the minimum number of invocations of block-functions required to achieve PRP or SPRP security over ℓ\ell blocks inputs}? To answer this question, we consider all those length-preserving encryption schemes, called {\bf linear encryption mode}, for which only nonlinear operations are block-functions. Here, we prove the following results for these encryption schemes: (1) At least 2ℓ2\ell (or 2ℓ−12\ell-1) invocations of block-functions are required to achieve SPRP (or PRP respectively). These bounds are also tight. (2) To achieve the above bound for PRP over ℓ>1\ell > 1 blocks, either we need at least two keys or it can not be {\em inverse-free} (i.e., need to apply the inverses of block-functions in the decryption). In particular, we show that a single-keyed block-function based, inverse-free PRP needs 2ℓ2\ell invocations. (3) We show that 3-round LR using a single-keyed pseudorandom function (PRF) is PRP if we xor a block of input by a masking key

    The Exact Security of PMAC with Three Powering-Up Masks

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    PMAC is a rate-1, parallelizable, block-cipher-based message authentication code (MAC), proposed by Black and Rogaway (EUROCRYPT 2002). Improving the security bound is a main research topic for PMAC. In particular, showing a tight bound is the primary goal of the research, since Luykx et al.\u27s paper (EUROCRYPT 2016). Regarding the pseudo-random-function (PRF) security of PMAC, a collision of the hash function, or the difference between a random permutation and a random function offers the lower bound Ω(q2/2n)\Omega(q^2/2^n) for qq queries and the block cipher size nn. Regarding the MAC security (unforgeability), a hash collision for MAC queries, or guessing a tag offers the lower bound Ω(qm2/2n+qv/2n)\Omega(q_m^2/2^n + q_v/2^n) for qmq_m MAC queries and qvq_v verification queries (forgery attempts). The tight upper bound of the PRF-security O(q2/2n)O(q^2/2^n) of PMAC was given by Gaž et el. (ToSC 2017, Issue 1), but their proof requires a 4-wise independent masking scheme that uses 4 nn-bit random values. Open problems from their work are: (1) find a masking scheme with three or less random values with which PMAC has the tight upper bound for PRF-security; (2) find a masking scheme with which PMAC has the tight upper bound for MAC-security. In this paper, we consider PMAC with three powering-up masks that uses three random values for the masking scheme. We show that the PMAC has the tight upper bound O(q2/2n)O(q^2/2^n) for PRF-security, which answers the open problem (1), and the tight upper bound O(qm2/2n+qv/2n)O(q_m^2/2^n + q_v/2^n) for MAC-security, which answers the open problem (2). Note that these results deal with two-key PMAC, thus showing tight upper bounds of PMACs with single-key and/or with two (or one) powering-up masks are open problems

    IST Austria Thesis

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    In this thesis we discuss the exact security of message authentications codes HMAC , NMAC , and PMAC . NMAC is a mode of operation which turns a fixed input-length keyed hash function f into a variable input-length function. A practical single-key variant of NMAC called HMAC is a very popular and widely deployed message authentication code (MAC). PMAC is a block-cipher based mode of operation, which also happens to be the most famous fully parallel MAC. NMAC was introduced by Bellare, Canetti and Krawczyk Crypto’96, who proved it to be a secure pseudorandom function (PRF), and thus also a MAC, under two assumptions. Unfortunately, for many instantiations of HMAC one of them has been found to be wrong. To restore the provable guarantees for NMAC , Bellare [Crypto’06] showed its security without this assumption. PMAC was introduced by Black and Rogaway at Eurocrypt 2002. If instantiated with a pseudorandom permutation over n -bit strings, PMAC constitutes a provably secure variable input-length PRF. For adversaries making q queries, each of length at most ` (in n -bit blocks), and of total length σ ≤ q` , the original paper proves an upper bound on the distinguishing advantage of O ( σ 2 / 2 n ), while the currently best bound is O ( qσ/ 2 n ). In this work we show that this bound is tight by giving an attack with advantage Ω( q 2 `/ 2 n ). In the PMAC construction one initially XORs a mask to every message block, where the mask for the i th block is computed as τ i := γ i · L , where L is a (secret) random value, and γ i is the i -th codeword of the Gray code. Our attack applies more generally to any sequence of γ i ’s which contains a large coset of a subgroup of GF (2 n ). As for NMAC , our first contribution is a simpler and uniform proof: If f is an ε -secure PRF (against q queries) and a δ - non-adaptively secure PRF (against q queries), then NMAC f is an ( ε + `qδ )-secure PRF against q queries of length at most ` blocks each. We also show that this ε + `qδ bound is basically tight by constructing an f for which an attack with advantage `qδ exists. Moreover, we analyze the PRF-security of a modification of NMAC called NI by An and Bellare that avoids the constant rekeying on multi-block messages in NMAC and allows for an information-theoretic analysis. We carry out such an analysis, obtaining a tight `q 2 / 2 c bound for this step, improving over the trivial bound of ` 2 q 2 / 2 c . Finally, we investigate, if the security of PMAC can be further improved by using τ i ’s that are k -wise independent, for k > 1 (the original has k = 1). We observe that the security of PMAC will not increase in general if k = 2, and then prove that the security increases to O ( q 2 / 2 n ), if the k = 4. Due to simple extension attacks, this is the best bound one can hope for, using any distribution on the masks. Whether k = 3 is already sufficient to get this level of security is left as an open problem. Keywords: Message authentication codes, Pseudorandom functions, HMAC, PMAC

    The Exact Security of PMAC

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    PMAC is a simple and parallel block-cipher mode of operation, which was introduced by Black and Rogaway at Eurocrypt 2002. If instantiated with a (pseudo)random permutation over n-bit strings, PMAC constitutes a provably secure variable input-length (pseudo)random function. For adversaries making q queries, each of length at most l (in n-bit blocks), and of total length σ ≤ ql, the original paper proves an upper bound on the distinguishing advantage of Ο(σ2/2n), while the currently best bound is Ο (qσ/2n).In this work we show that this bound is tight by giving an attack with advantage Ω (q2l/2n). In the PMAC construction one initially XORs a mask to every message block, where the mask for the ith block is computed as τi := γi·L, where L is a (secret) random value, and γi is the i-th codeword of the Gray code. Our attack applies more generally to any sequence of γi’s which contains a large coset of a subgroup of GF(2n). We then investigate if the security of PMAC can be further improved by using τi’s that are k-wise independent, for k > 1 (the original distribution is only 1-wise independent). We observe that the security of PMAC will not increase in general, even if the masks are chosen from a 2-wise independent distribution, and then prove that the security increases to O(q<2/2n), if the τi are 4-wise independent. Due to simple extension attacks, this is the best bound one can hope for, using any distribution on the masks. Whether 3-wise independence is already sufficient to get this level of security is left as an open problem

    The QARMAv2 Family of Tweakable Block Ciphers

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    We introduce the QARMAv2 family of tweakable block ciphers. It is a redesign of QARMA (from FSE 2017) to improve its security bounds and allow for longer tweaks, while keeping similar latency and area. The wider tweak input caters to both specific use cases and the design of modes of operation with higher security bounds. This is achieved through new key and tweak schedules, revised S-Box and linear layer choices, and a more comprehensive security analysis. QARMAv2 offers competitive latency and area in fully unrolled hardware implementations. Some of our results may be of independent interest. These include: new MILP models of certain classes of diffusion matrices; the comparative analysis of a full reflection cipher against an iterative half-cipher; our boomerang attack framework; and an improved approach to doubling the width of a block cipher

    Fallen Sanctuary: A Higher-Order and Leakage-Resilient Rekeying Scheme

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    This paper presents a provably secure, higher-order, and leakage-resilient (LR) rekeying scheme named LR Rekeying with Random oracle Repetition (LR4), along with a quantitative security evaluation methodology. Many existing LR cryptographies are based on a concept of leveled implementation, which still essentially require a leak-free sanctuary (i.e., differential power analysis (DPA)-resistant component(s)) for some parts. In addition, although several LR pseudorandom functions (PRFs) based on only bounded DPA-resistant components have been developed, their validity and effectiveness for rekeying usage still need to be determined. In contrast, LR4 is formally proven under a leakage model that captures the practical goal of side-channel attack (SCA) protection (e.g., masking with a practical order) and assumes no unbounded DPA-resistant sanctuary. This proof suggests that LR4 resists exponential invocations (up to the birthday bound of key size) without using any unbounded leak-free component, which is the first of its kind. Moreover, we present a quantitative SCA success rate evaluation methodology for LR4 that combines the bounded leakage models for LR cryptography and a state-of-the-art information-theoretical SCA evaluation method. We validate its soundness and effectiveness as a DPA countermeasure through a numerical evaluation; that is, the number of secure calls of a symmetric primitive increases exponentially by increasing a security parameter under practical conditions