116 research outputs found

    Multi-Attention Mechanism Fusion for Fine-Grained Image Classification

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    In recent years, image classification has developed to the fine-grained level, which has become a new research hotspot. Compared with the traditional image classification task, the fine-grained image classification task has small difficulties due to the influence of image shooting scenes. So focus on mechanism has been widely used in fine-grained image classification problems, but the traditional attention focus on mechanism has the characteristics of first positioning and after processing, the model needs to run step by step and the attention focus on method is single. To further improve the performance of deep convolutional neural networks on the fine-grained image classification task, this paper studies the end-to-end weakly supervised fine-grained image classification model with multiple attention mechanism fusion. In this paper, a fine-grained image deep convolutional network model embedded with four attention focusing mechanisms, they are including: class activation mapping CAM attention focusing method, channel attention CA focusing method, spatial attention SA focusing method and channel spatial confusion attention and CSCA focusing method. On the fine-grained image classification dataset CUB-200-2011, Stanford-dogs, Stanford-cars, the results show that the four attention focusing methods can focus on local features and improve the performance of convolutional network classification performance, among which the channel spatial confusion attention focus method is the most significant improvement in the model classification performance

    Improved determination of the optimum maturity of maize based on Alexnet

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    The increase in the number of humans and animals, particularly livestock in Sub-Sahara Africa without a correspondent increase in land resources has led to shortages, and consequently metamorphose into unhealthy clashes between farmers and herders. The unpredictable changes in climatic conditions in recent times and human activities has also contributed to deforestation and desertification. The maize plant is being considered to mitigate for the shortage by the application of Computational Intelligence technique and image processing in the determination of the optimum maturity of the maize. There are different varieties of maize that are quite suitable for different climatic conditions in Sub-Saharan Africa. In this paper, the optimum maturity of SAMMAZ 17 variety of maize seedling is selected due to its high resilient to drought, striga condition and its good composition of nutrients. The maturity is determined by the application of Alexnet on 3000 samples of maize comb captured at different maturity stages cultivated in the same farm land. The network gave an accuracy of 72.44%. The result obtained showed a 4.44% improvement over an earlier result obtained by the use of Resnet-50. The finding is a window of opportunity for improvement in the determination of the optimum maturity of maize

    Automatic Detection of Citrus Fruit and Leaves Diseases Using Deep Neural Network Model

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    Citrus fruit diseases are the major cause of extreme citrus fruit yield declines. As a result, designing an automated detection system for citrus plant diseases is important. Deep learning methods have recently obtained promising results in a number of artificial intelligence issues, leading us to apply them to the challenge of recognizing citrus fruit and leaf diseases. In this paper, an integrated approach is used to suggest a convolutional neural networks (CNNs) model. The proposed CNN model is intended to differentiate healthy fruits and leaves from fruits/leaves with common citrus diseases such as Black spot, canker, scab, greening, and Melanose. The proposed CNN model extracts complementary discriminative features by integrating multiple layers. The CNN model was checked against many state-of-the-art deep learning models on the Citrus and PlantVillage datasets. The experimental results indicate that the CNN Model outperforms the competitors on a number of measurement metrics. The CNN Model has a test accuracy of 94.55 percent, making it a valuable decision support tool for farmers looking to classify citrus fruit/leaf diseases

    A deep learning-based mobile app system for visual identification of tomato plant disease

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    Tomato is one of many horticulture crops in Indonesia which plays a vital role in supplying public food needs. However, tomato is a very susceptible plant to pests and diseases caused by bacteria and fungus. The infected diseases should be isolated as soon as it was detected. Therefore, developing a reliable and fast system is essential for controlling tomato pests and diseases. The deep learning-based application can help to speed up the identification of tomato disease as it can perform direct identification from the image. In this research, EfficientNetB0 was implemented to perform multi-class tomato plant disease classification. The model was then deployed to an android-based application using machine learning (ML) kit library. The proposed system obtained satisfactory results, reaching an average accuracy of 91.4%

    An advanced deep learning models-based plant disease detection: A review of recent research

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    Plants play a crucial role in supplying food globally. Various environmental factors lead to plant diseases which results in significant production losses. However, manual detection of plant diseases is a time-consuming and error-prone process. It can be an unreliable method of identifying and preventing the spread of plant diseases. Adopting advanced technologies such as Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) can help to overcome these challenges by enabling early identification of plant diseases. In this paper, the recent advancements in the use of ML and DL techniques for the identification of plant diseases are explored. The research focuses on publications between 2015 and 2022, and the experiments discussed in this study demonstrate the effectiveness of using these techniques in improving the accuracy and efficiency of plant disease detection. This study also addresses the challenges and limitations associated with using ML and DL for plant disease identification, such as issues with data availability, imaging quality, and the differentiation between healthy and diseased plants. The research provides valuable insights for plant disease detection researchers, practitioners, and industry professionals by offering solutions to these challenges and limitations, providing a comprehensive understanding of the current state of research in this field, highlighting the benefits and limitations of these methods, and proposing potential solutions to overcome the challenges of their implementation

    Towards Robust Plant Disease Diagnosis with Hard-sample Re-mining Strategy

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    With rich annotation information, object detection-based automated plant disease diagnosis systems (e.g., YOLO-based systems) often provide advantages over classification-based systems (e.g., EfficientNet-based), such as the ability to detect disease locations and superior classification performance. One drawback of these detection systems is dealing with unannotated healthy data with no real symptoms present. In practice, healthy plant data appear to be very similar to many disease data. Thus, those models often produce mis-detected boxes on healthy images. In addition, labeling new data for detection models is typically time-consuming. Hard-sample mining (HSM) is a common technique for re-training a model by using the mis-detected boxes as new training samples. However, blindly selecting an arbitrary amount of hard-sample for re-training will result in the degradation of diagnostic performance for other diseases due to the high similarity between disease and healthy data. In this paper, we propose a simple but effective training strategy called hard-sample re-mining (HSReM), which is designed to enhance the diagnostic performance of healthy data and simultaneously improve the performance of disease data by strategically selecting hard-sample training images at an appropriate level. Experiments based on two practical in-field eight-class cucumber and ten-class tomato datasets (42.7K and 35.6K images) show that our HSReM training strategy leads to a substantial improvement in the overall diagnostic performance on large-scale unseen data. Specifically, the object detection model trained using the HSReM strategy not only achieved superior results as compared to the classification-based state-of-the-art EfficientNetV2-Large model and the original object detection model, but also outperformed the model using the HSM strategy

    FR-ResNet s for Insect Pest Recognition

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    Insect pests are one of the main threats to the commercially important crops. An effective insect pest recognition method can avoid economic losses. In this paper, we proposed a new and simple structure based on the original residual block and named as feature reuse residual block which combines feature from the input signal of a residual block with the residual signal. In each feature reuse residual block, it enhances the capacity of representation by learning half and reuse half feature. By stacking the feature reuse residual block, we obtained the feature reuse residual network (FR-ResNet) and evaluated the performance on IP102 benchmark dataset. The experimental results showed that FR-ResNet can achieve significant performance improvement in terms of insect pest classification. Moreover, to demonstrate the adaptive of our approach, we applied it to various kinds of residual networks, including ResNet, Pre-ResNet, and WRN, and we tested the performance on a series of benchmark datasets: CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and SVHN. The experimental results showed that the performance can be improved obviously than original networks. Based on these experiments on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, SVHN, and IP102 benchmark datasets, it demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach

    An Efficient Deep Learning-based approach for Recognizing Agricultural Pests in the Wild

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    One of the biggest challenges that the farmers go through is to fight insect pests during agricultural product yields. The problem can be solved easily and avoid economic losses by taking timely preventive measures. This requires identifying insect pests in an easy and effective manner. Most of the insect species have similarities between them. Without proper help from the agriculturist academician it is very challenging for the farmers to identify the crop pests accurately. To address this issue we have done extensive experiments considering different methods to find out the best method among all. This paper presents a detailed overview of the experiments done on mainly a robust dataset named IP102 including transfer learning with finetuning, attention mechanism and custom architecture. Some example from another dataset D0 is also shown to show robustness of our experimented techniques

    A synthetic wheat l-system to accurately detect and visualise wheat head anomalies

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    Greater knowledge of wheat crop phenology and growth and improvements in measurement are beneficial to wheat agronomy and productivity. This is constrained by a lack of public plant datasets. Collecting plant data is expensive and time consuming and methods to augment this with synthetic data could address this issue. This paper describes a cost-effective and accurate Synthetic Wheat dataset which has been created by a novel L-system, based on technological advances in cameras and deep learning. The dataset images have been automatically created, categorised, masked and labelled, and used to successfully train a synthetic neural network. This network has been shown to accurately recognise wheat in pasture images taken from the Global Wheat dataset, which provides for the ongoing interest in the phenotyping of wheat characteristics around the world. The proven Mask R-CNN and Detectron2 frameworks have been used, and the created network is based on the public COCO format. The research question is “How can L-system knowledge be used to create an accurate synthetic wheat dataset and to make cost-effective wheat crop measurements?”
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