4 research outputs found

    An Efficient Partial-Order Characterization of Admissible Actions for Real-Time Scheduling of Sporadic Tasks

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    In many scheduling problems involving tasks with multiple deadlines, there is typically a large degree of flexibility in determining which tasks to serve at each time step. Given a cost function it is often possible to cast a scheduling problem as an optimization problem to obtain the most suitable schedule. However, in several applications, especially when the schedule has to be computed in-line or periodically adjusted, the cost function may not be completely known a priori but only partially. For example, in some applications only the cost of the current allocation of resources to the tasks could be available. Under this scenario, a sensible approach is to optimally allocate resources without compromising the schedulability of the tasks. This work follows this approach by introducing a notion of partial ordering on the set of feasible schedules. This partial ordering is particularly useful to characterize which allocations of resources at the current time preserve the feasibility of the problem in the future. This enables the realization of fast algorithms for real-time scheduling. The model and algorithm presented can be utilized in different applications such as electric vehicle charging, cloud computing and advertising on websites. [1

    A unified framework for the scheduling of guaranteed targeted display advertising under reach and frequency requirements

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    Motivated by recent trends in online advertising and advancements made by online publishers, we consider a new form of contract that allows advertisers to specify the number of unique individuals that should see their ad (reach) and the minimum number of times each individual should be exposed (frequency). We develop an optimization framework that aims for minimal under-delivery and proper spread of each campaign over its targeted demographics. As well, we introduce a pattern-based delivery mechanism that allows us to integrate a variety of interesting features into a website's ad allocation optimization problem that have not been possible before. For example, our approach allows publishers to implement any desired pacing of ads over time at the user level or control the number of competing brands seen by each individual. We develop a two-phase algorithm that employs column generation in a hierarchical scheme with three parallelizable components. Numerical tests with real industry data show that our algorithm produces high-quality solutions and has promising run-time and scalability. Several extensions of the model are presented, e.g., to account for multiple ad positions on the webpage or randomness in the website visitors' arrivalprocess