1,332 research outputs found

    Temporal Segmentation of Surgical Sub-tasks through Deep Learning with Multiple Data Sources

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    Many tasks in robot-assisted surgeries (RAS) can be represented by finite-state machines (FSMs), where each state represents either an action (such as picking up a needle) or an observation (such as bleeding). A crucial step towards the automation of such surgical tasks is the temporal perception of the current surgical scene, which requires a real-time estimation of the states in the FSMs. The objective of this work is to estimate the current state of the surgical task based on the actions performed or events occurred as the task progresses. We propose Fusion-KVE, a unified surgical state estimation model that incorporates multiple data sources including the Kinematics, Vision, and system Events. Additionally, we examine the strengths and weaknesses of different state estimation models in segmenting states with different representative features or levels of granularity. We evaluate our model on the JHU-ISI Gesture and Skill Assessment Working Set (JIGSAWS), as well as a more complex dataset involving robotic intra-operative ultrasound (RIOUS) imaging, created using the da Vinci® Xi surgical system. Our model achieves a superior frame-wise state estimation accuracy up to 89.4%, which improves the state-of-the-art surgical state estimation models in both JIGSAWS suturing dataset and our RIOUS dataset

    Deep combination of radar with optical data for gesture recognition: role of attention in fusion architectures

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    Multimodal time series classification is an important aspect of human gesture recognition, in which limitations of individual sensors can be overcome by combining data from multiple modalities. In a deep learning pipeline, the attention mechanism further allows for a selective, contextual concentration on relevant features. However, while the standard attention mechanism is an effective tool when working with Natural Language Processing (NLP), it is not ideal when working with temporally- or spatially-sparse multi-modal data. In this paper, we present a novel attention mechanism, Multi-Modal Attention Preconditioning (MMAP). We first demonstrate that MMAP outperforms regular attention for the task of classification of modalities involving temporal and spatial sparsity and secondly investigate the impact of attention in the fusion of radar and optical data for gesture recognition via three specific modalities: dense spatiotemporal optical data, spatially sparse/temporally dense kinematic data, and sparse spatiotemporal radar data. We explore the effect of attention on early, intermediate, and late fusion architectures and compare eight different pipelines in terms of accuracy and their ability to preserve detection accuracy when modalities are missing. Results highlight fundamental differences between late and intermediate attention mechanisms in respect to the fusion of radar and optical data

    Continuous Action Recognition Based on Sequence Alignment

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    Continuous action recognition is more challenging than isolated recognition because classification and segmentation must be simultaneously carried out. We build on the well known dynamic time warping (DTW) framework and devise a novel visual alignment technique, namely dynamic frame warping (DFW), which performs isolated recognition based on per-frame representation of videos, and on aligning a test sequence with a model sequence. Moreover, we propose two extensions which enable to perform recognition concomitant with segmentation, namely one-pass DFW and two-pass DFW. These two methods have their roots in the domain of continuous recognition of speech and, to the best of our knowledge, their extension to continuous visual action recognition has been overlooked. We test and illustrate the proposed techniques with a recently released dataset (RAVEL) and with two public-domain datasets widely used in action recognition (Hollywood-1 and Hollywood-2). We also compare the performances of the proposed isolated and continuous recognition algorithms with several recently published methods

    A random forest approach to segmenting and classifying gestures

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    This thesis investigates a gesture segmentation and recognition scheme that employs a random forest classification model. A complete gesture recognition system should localize and classify each gesture from a given gesture vocabulary, within a continuous video stream. Thus, the system must determine the start and end points of each gesture in time, as well as accurately recognize the class label of each gesture. We propose a unified approach that performs the tasks of temporal segmentation and classification simultaneously. Our method trains a random forest classification model to recognize gestures from a given vocabulary, as presented in a training dataset of video plus 3D body joint locations, as well as out-of-vocabulary (non-gesture) instances. Given an input video stream, our trained model is applied to candidate gestures using sliding windows at multiple temporal scales. The class label with the highest classifier confidence is selected, and its corresponding scale is used to determine the segmentation boundaries in time. We evaluated our formulation in segmenting and recognizing gestures from two different benchmark datasets: the NATOPS dataset of 9,600 gesture instances from a vocabulary of 24 aircraft handling signals, and the CHALEARN dataset of 7,754 gesture instances from a vocabulary of 20 Italian communication gestures. The performance of our method compares favorably with state-of-the-art methods that employ Hidden Markov Models or Hidden Conditional Random Fields on the NATOPS dataset. We conclude with a discussion of the advantages of using our model