8 research outputs found

    TaaS: Commodity MPC via Triples-as-a-Service

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    We propose a mechanism for an m-party dishonest majority Multi-Party Computation (MPC) protocol to obtain the required pre-processing data (called Beaver Triples), from a subset of a set of cloud service providers; providing a form of TaaS (Triples-as-a-Service). The service providers used by the MPC computing parties can be selected dynamically at the point of the MPC computation being run, and the interaction between the MPC parties and the TaaS parties is via a single round of ommunication, logged on a public ledger. The TaaS is itself instantiated as an MPC protocol which produces the triples for a different access structure. Thus our protocol also acts as a translation mechanism between the secret sharing used by one MPC protocol and the other

    Masked Triples: Amortizing Multiplication Triples across Conditionals

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    A classic approach to MPC uses preprocessed multiplication triples to evaluate arbitrary Boolean circuits. If the target circuit features conditional branching, e.g. as the result of a IF program statement, then triples are wasted: one triple is consumed per AND gate, even if the output of the gate is entirely discarded by the circuit\u27s conditional behavior. In this work, we show that multiplication triples can be re-used across conditional branches. For a circuit with bb branches, each having nn AND gates, we need only a total of nn triples, rather than the typically required bnb\cdot n. Because preprocessing triples is often the most expensive step in protocols that use them, this significantly improves performance. Prior work similarly amortized oblivious transfers across branches in the classic GMW protocol (Heath et al., Asiacrypt 2020, [HKP20]). In addition to demonstrating conditional improvements are possible for a different class of protocols, we also concretely improve over [HKP20]: their maximum improvement is bounded by the topology of the circuit. Our protocol yields improvement independent of topology: we need triples proportional to the size of the program\u27s longest execution path, regardless of the structure of the program branches. We implemented our approach in C++. Our experiments show that we significantly improve over a naive protocol and over prior work: for a circuit with 1616 branches and in terms of total communication, we improved over naive by 12×12\times and over [HKP20] by an average of 2.6×2.6\times. Our protocol is secure against the semi-honest corruption of p1p-1 parties

    MP-SPDZ: A Versatile Framework for Multi-Party Computation

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    Multi-Protocol SPDZ (MP-SPDZ) is a fork of SPDZ-2 (Keller et al., CCS \u2713), an implementation of the multi-party computation (MPC) protocol called SPDZ (Damgård et al., Crypto \u2712). MP-SPDZ extends SPDZ-2 to 34 MPC protocol variants, all of which can be used with the same high-level programming interface based on Python. This considerably simplifies comparing the cost of different protocols and security models. The protocols cover all commonly used security models (honest/dishonest majority and semi-honest/malicious corruption) as well as computation of binary and arithmetic circuits (the latter modulo primes and powers of two). The underlying primitives employed include secret sharing, oblivious transfer, homomorphic encryption, and garbled circuits. The breadth of implemented protocols coupled with an accessible high-level interface makes it suitable to benchmark the cost of computation in various security models for researchers both with and without a background in secure computation This paper aims to outline the variety of protocols implemented and the design choices made in the development of MP-SPDZ as well as the capabilities of the programming interface

    Actively Secure Setup for SPDZ

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    We present an actively secure, practical protocol to generate the distributed secret keys needed in the SPDZ offline protocol. The resulting distribution of the public and secret keys is such that the associated SHE `noise\u27 analysis is the same as if the distributed keys were generated by a trusted setup. We implemented the presented protocol for distributed BGV key generation within the SCALE-MAMBA framework. Our method makes use of a new method for creating doubly (or even more) authenticated bits in different MPC engines, which has applications in other areas of MPC-based secure computation. We were able to generate keys for two parties and a plaintext size of 64 bits in around five minutes, and approximately eighteen minutes for a 128 bit prime

    Improved Primitives for MPC over Mixed Arithmetic-Binary Circuits

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    This work introduces novel techniques to improve the translation between arithmetic and binary data types in secure multi-party computation. We introduce a new approach to performing these conversions using what we call extended doubly-authenticated bits (edaBits), which correspond to shared integers in the arithmetic domain whose bit decomposition is shared in the binary domain. These can be used to considerably increase the efficiency of non-linear operations such as truncation, secure comparison and bit-decomposition. Our edaBits are similar to the daBits technique introduced by Rotaru et al. (Indocrypt 2019). However, we show that edaBits can be directly produced much more efficiently than daBits, with active security, while enabling the same benefits in higher-level applications. Our method for generating edaBits involves a novel cut-and-choose technique that may be of independent interest, and improves efficiency by exploiting natural, tamper-resilient properties of binary circuits that occur in our construction. We also show how edaBits can be applied to efficiently implement various non-linear protocols of interest, and we thoroughly analyze their correctness for both signed and unsigned integers. The results of this work can be applied to any corruption threshold, although they seem best suited to dishonest majority protocols such as SPDZ. We implement and benchmark our constructions, and experimentally verify that our technique yield a substantial increase in efficiency. EdaBits save in communication by a factor that lies between 22 and 6060 for secure comparisons with respect to a purely arithmetic approach, and between 2 and 25 with respect to using daBits. Improvements in throughput per second are slightly lower but still as high as a factor of 47. We also apply our novel machinery to the tasks of biometric matching and convolutional neural networks, obtaining a noticeable improvement as well

    Committed MPC - Maliciously Secure Multiparty Computation from Homomorphic Commitments

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    We present a new multiparty computation protocol secure against a static and malicious dishonest majority. Unlike most previous protocols that were based on working on MAC-ed secret shares, our approach is based on computations on homomorphic commitments to secret shares. Specifically we show how to realize MPC using any additively-homomorphic commitment scheme, even if such a scheme is an interactive two-party protocol. Our new approach enables us to do arithmetic computation over arbitrary finite fields. In addition, since our protocol computes over committed values, it can be readily composed within larger protocols, and can also be used for efficiently implementing committing OT or committed OT. This is done in two steps, each of independent interest: 1. Black-box extension of any (possibly interactive) two-party additively homomorphic commitment scheme to an additively homomorphic multiparty commitment scheme, only using coin-tossing and a “weak” equality evaluation functionality. 2. Realizing multiplication of multiparty commitments based on a lightweight preprocessing approach. Finally we show how to use the fully homomorphic commitments to compute any functionality securely in the presence of a malicious adversary corrupting any number of parties

    A Unified Approach to MPC with Preprocessing Using OT

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    SPDZ, TinyOT and MiniMAC are a family of MPC protocols based on secret sharing with MACs, where a preprocessing stage produces multiplication triples in a finite field. This work describes new protocols for generating multiplication triples in fields of characteristic two using OT extensions. Before this work, TinyOT, which works on binary circuits, was the only protocol in this family using OT extensions. Previous SPDZ protocols for triples in large finite fields require somewhat homomorphic encryption, which leads to very inefficient runtimes in practice, while no dedicated preprocessing protocol for MiniMAC (which operates on vectors of small field elements) was previously known. Since actively secure OT extensions can be performed very efficiently using only symmetric primitives, it is highly desirable to base MPC protocols on these rather than expensive public key primitives. We analyze the practical efficiency of our protocols, showing that they should all perform favorably compared with previous works; we estimate our protocol for SPDZ triples in F240\mathbb{F}_{2^{40}} will perform around 2 orders of magnitude faster than the best known previous protocol