8 research outputs found

    Systems of Systems with Security

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    In this report we present two case studies with Systems of Systems modelling. One model illustrates how Cryptographic parameter consistency can be checked using VDMPP for a System of Systems uses encryption to enforce Digital Right Management. The other model shows how a new formalism (CML) tailored specifically to Systems of Systems can express Multi-Party Computation protocol. The idea of using Canetti simulation proofs from Multi-Party computation as a model for refinement of models in CML is presented. Our goal is modest. We do not aim at proving security through refinement but to assists modellers/developers in maintaining security properties during refinement of a concept to designs

    Unifying Theories of Reactive Design Contracts

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    Design-by-contract is an important technique for model-based design in which a composite system is specified by a collection of contracts that specify the behavioural assumptions and guarantees of each component. In this paper, we describe a unifying theory for reactive design contracts that provides the basis for modelling and verification of reactive systems. We provide a language for expression and composition of contracts that is supported by a rich calculational theory. In contrast with other semantic models in the literature, our theory of contracts allow us to specify both the evolution of state variables and the permissible interactions with the environment. Moreover, our model of interaction is abstract, and supports, for instance, discrete time, continuous time, and hybrid computational models. Being based in Unifying Theories of Programming (UTP), our theory can be composed with further computational theories to support semantics for multi-paradigm languages. Practical reasoning support is provided via our proof framework, Isabelle/UTP, including a proof tactic that reduces a conjecture about a reactive program to three predicates, symbolically characterising its assumptions and guarantees about intermediate and final observations. This allows us to verify programs with a large or infinite state space. Our work advances the state-of-the-art in semantics for reactive languages, description of their contractual specifications, and compositional verification

    Angelic Processes for CSP via the UTP

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    Demonic and angelic nondeterminism play fundamental roles as abstraction mechanisms for formal modelling. In contrast with its demonic counterpart, in an angelic choice failure is avoided whenever possible. Although it has been extensively studied in refinement calculi, in the context of process algebras, and of the Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) algebra for refinement, in particular, it has been elusive. We show here that a semantics for an extended version of CSP that includes both demonic and angelic choice can be provided using Hoare and He's Unifying Theories of Programming (UTP). Since CSP is given semantics in the UTP via reactive designs (pre and postcondition pairs) we have developed a theory of angelic designs and a conservative extension of the CSP theory using reactive angelic designs. To characterise angelic nondeterminism appropriately in an algebra of processes, however, a notion of divergence that can undo the history of events needs to be considered. Taking this view, we present a model for CSP where angelic choice completely avoids divergence just like in the refinement calculi for sequential programs

    Unifying Semantic Foundations for Automated Verification Tools in Isabelle/UTP

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    The growing complexity and diversity of models used for engineering dependable systems implies that a variety of formal methods, across differing abstractions, paradigms, and presentations, must be integrated. Such an integration requires unified semantic foundations for the various notations, and co-ordination of a variety of automated verification tools. The contribution of this paper is Isabelle/UTP, an implementation of Hoare and He’s Unifying Theories of Programming, a framework for unification of formal semantics. Isabelle/UTP permits the mechanisation of computational theories for diverse paradigms, and their use in constructing formalised semantics. These can be further applied in the development of verification tools, harnessing Isabelle’s proof automation facilities. Several layers of mathematical foundations are developed, including lenses to model variables and state spaces as algebraic objects, alphabetised predicates and relations to model programs, algebraic and axiomatic semantics, proof tools for Hoare logic and refinement calculus, and UTP theories to encode computational paradigms

    A strategy to verify the code generation from concurrent and state-rich circus specifications to executable code

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    The use of Automatic Code Generators for Formal Methods not only minimizes efforts on the implementation of Software Systems, but also reduces the chance of existing errors on the execution of such Systems. These tools, however, can themselves have faults on their source codes that may cause errors on the generation of Software Systems, and thus verification of such tools is encouraged. This PhD thesis aims at creating and developing a strategy to verify the code generation from the Circus formal method to Java Code. The interest in Circus comes from the fact that it allows the specification of concurrent and state-rich aspects of a System in a straightforward manner. The code generation envisaged to be verified is performed by JCircus, a tool that translates a large subset of Circus to Java code that implements the JCSP API. The strategy of verification consists on the following steps: (1) extension of Woodcock’s Operational Semantics to Circus processes and proof that it is sound with respect to the Denotational Semantics of Circus in the Unifying Theories of Programming (UTP), that is a framework that allows proof and unification of different theories; (2) development and implementation of a strategy that refinement-checks the code generated by JCircus, through a toolchain that encompasses (2.1) a Labelled Predicate Transition System (LPTS) Generator for Circus and (2.2) a Model Generator that inputs (I) a LPTS and (II) the code generated by JCircus, and generates a model (that uses the Java Pathfinder code model-checker) that refinement-checks the code generated by JCircus. Combined with coverage-based techniques on the source code of JCircus, we envisage improving the reliability of the Code Generation from Circus to Java.O uso de Geradores Automáticos de Código para Métodos Formais não apenas minimiza esforços na implementação de Sistemas de Software, como também reduz a chance da existência de erros na execução destes Sistemas. Estas ferramentas, no entanto, podem ter faltas em seus códigos-fonte que causam erros na geração dos Sistemas de Software, e então a verificação de tais ferramentas é encorajada. Esta tese de Doutorado visa criar e desenvolver uma estratégia para verificar JCircus, um Gerador Automático de Código de um amplo sub-conjunto de Circus para Java. O interesse em Circus vem do fato de que ele permite a especificação dos aspectos concorrentes e de estado de um Sistema de maneira direta. A estratégia de verificação consiste nos seguintes passos: (1) extensão da Semântica Operacional de Woodcock e prova de que ela é sólida com respeito à Semântica Denotacional existente de Circus na Teoria Unificada de Programação (UTP), que é um framework que permite prova e unificação entre diferentes teorias; (2) desenvolvimento e implementação de uma estratégia que verifica o refinamento do código gerado por JCircus, através de uma toolchain que engloba um Gerador de Sistema de Transições Rotuladas com Predicado (LPTS) para Circus e um Gerador de Modelos que aceita como entrada (I) o LPTS e (II) o código gerado por JCircus, e gera um modelo em Java Pathfinder que verifica o refinamento do código gerado por JCircus. Através da aplicação do passo (2) combinada com técnicas baseadas em cobertura no código fonte de JCircus, nós visamos aumentar a confiabilidade do código gerado de Circus para Java