277 research outputs found

    POPLMark reloaded: Mechanizing proofs by logical relations

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    We propose a new collection of benchmark problems in mechanizing the metatheory of programming languages, in order to compare and push the state of the art of proof assistants. In particular, we focus on proofs using logical relations (LRs) and propose establishing strong normalization of a simply typed calculus with a proof by Kripke-style LRs as a benchmark. We give a modern view of this well-understood problem by formulating our LR on well-typed terms. Using this case study, we share some of the lessons learned tackling this problem in different dependently typed proof environments. In particular, we consider the mechanization in Beluga, a proof environment that supports higher-order abstract syntax encodings and contrast it to the development and strategies used in general-purpose proof assistants such as Coq and Agda. The goal of this paper is to engage the community in discussions on what support in proof environments is needed to truly bring mechanized metatheory to the masses and engage said community in the crafting of future benchmarks

    Elaboration in Dependent Type Theory

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    To be usable in practice, interactive theorem provers need to provide convenient and efficient means of writing expressions, definitions, and proofs. This involves inferring information that is often left implicit in an ordinary mathematical text, and resolving ambiguities in mathematical expressions. We refer to the process of passing from a quasi-formal and partially-specified expression to a completely precise formal one as elaboration. We describe an elaboration algorithm for dependent type theory that has been implemented in the Lean theorem prover. Lean's elaborator supports higher-order unification, type class inference, ad hoc overloading, insertion of coercions, the use of tactics, and the computational reduction of terms. The interactions between these components are subtle and complex, and the elaboration algorithm has been carefully designed to balance efficiency and usability. We describe the central design goals, and the means by which they are achieved

    Approximate Normalization for Gradual Dependent Types

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    Dependent types help programmers write highly reliable code. However, this reliability comes at a cost: it can be challenging to write new prototypes in (or migrate old code to) dependently-typed programming languages. Gradual typing makes static type disciplines more flexible, so an appropriate notion of gradual dependent types could fruitfully lower this cost. However, dependent types raise unique challenges for gradual typing. Dependent typechecking involves the execution of program code, but gradually-typed code can signal runtime type errors or diverge. These runtime errors threaten the soundness guarantees that make dependent types so attractive, while divergence spoils the type-driven programming experience. This paper presents GDTL, a gradual dependently-typed language that emphasizes pragmatic dependently-typed programming. GDTL fully embeds both an untyped and dependently-typed language, and allows for smooth transitions between the two. In addition to gradual types we introduce gradual terms , which allow the user to be imprecise in type indices and to omit proof terms; runtime checks ensure type safety . To account for nontermination and failure, we distinguish between compile-time normalization and run-time execution: compile-time normalization is approximate but total, while runtime execution is exact , but may fail or diverge. We prove that GDTL has decidable typechecking and satisfies all the expected properties of gradual languages. In particular, GDTL satisfies the static and dynamic gradual guarantees: reducing type precision preserves typedness, and altering type precision does not change program behavior outside of dynamic type failures. To prove these properties, we were led to establish a novel normalization gradual guarantee that captures the monotonicity of approximate normalization with respect to imprecision

    A tutorial introduction to quantum circuit programming in dependently typed Proto-Quipper

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    We introduce dependently typed Proto-Quipper, or Proto-Quipper-D for short, an experimental quantum circuit programming language with linear dependent types. We give several examples to illustrate how linear dependent types can help in the construction of correct quantum circuits. Specifically, we show how dependent types enable programming families of circuits, and how dependent types solve the problem of type-safe uncomputation of garbage qubits. We also discuss other language features along the way.Comment: Added a section on related work and a paragraph explaining qubit initialization and terminatio

    A Simple Solution to Type Specialization

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    Partial evaluation specializes terms, but traditionally thisspecialization does not apply to the type of these terms. As a result, specializing, e.g., an interpreter written in a typed language, which requires a "universal" type to encode expressible values, yields residual programs with type tags all over. Neil Jones has stated that getting rid of these type tags was an open problem, despite possible solutions such as Torben Mogensen's "constructor specialization." To solve this problem, John Hughes has proposed a new paradigm for partial evaluation, "Type Specialization," based on type inference instead of being based on symbolic interpretation. Type Specialization is very elegant in principle but it also appears non-trivial in practice. Stating the problem in terms of types instead of in terms of type encodings suggests a very simple type-directed solution, namely, to use a projection from the universal type to the specific type of the residual program. Standard partial evaluation then yields a residual programwithout type tags, simply and efficiently

    Experimental Evaluation of Formal Software Development Using Dependently Typed Languages

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    We will evaluate three dependently typed languages, and their supporting tools and libraries, by implementing the same tasks in each language. One task will demonstrate the basic dependent type support of each language, the other task will show how to do basic imperative programming combined with theorem proving, to ensure both resource safety and functional correctness.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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