7 research outputs found

    Tolerant, classical, strict

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    Membrane computing: traces, neural inspired models, controls

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    Membrane Computing:Traces, Neural Inspired Models, ControlsAutor: Armand-Mihai IonescuDirectores: Dr. Victor Mitrana (URV)Dr. Takashi Yokomori (Universidad Waseda, Japón)Resumen Castellano:El presente trabajo está dedicado a una área muy activa del cálculo natural (que intenta descubrir la odalidad en la cual la naturaleza calcula, especialmente al nivel biológico), es decir el cálculo con membranas, y más preciso, a los modelos de membranas inspirados de la funcionalidad biológica de la neurona.La disertación contribuye al área de cálculo con membranas en tres direcciones principales. Primero, introducimos una nueva manera de definir el resultado de una computación siguiendo los rastros de un objeto especificado dentro de una estructura celular o de una estructura neuronal. A continuación, nos acercamos al ámbito de la biología del cerebro, con el objetivo de obtener varias maneras de controlar la computación por medio de procesos que inhiben/de-inhiben. Tercero, introducimos e investigamos en detallo - aunque en una fase preliminar porque muchos aspectos tienen que ser clarificados - una clase de sistemas inspirados de la manera en la cual las neuronas cooperan por medio de spikes, pulsos eléctricos de formas idénticas.English summary:The present work is dedicated to a very active branch of natural computing (which tries to discover the way nature computes, especially at a biological level), namely membrane computing, more precisely, to those models of membrane systems mainly inspired from the functioning of the neural cell.The present dissertation contributes to membrane computing in three main directions. First, we introduce a new way of defining the result of a computation by means of following the traces of a specified object within a cell structure or a neural structure. Then, we get closer to the biology of the brain, considering various ways to control the computation by means of inhibiting/de-inhibiting processes. Third, we introduce and investigate in a great - though preliminary, as many issues remain to be clarified - detail a class of P systems inspired from the way neurons cooperate by means of spikes, electrical pulses of identical shapes

    Variable precision rough set theory decision support system: With an application to bank rating prediction

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    This dissertation considers, the Variable Precision Rough Sets (VPRS) model, and its development within a comprehensive software package (decision support system), incorporating methods of re sampling and classifier aggregation. The concept of /-reduct aggregation is introduced, as a novel approach to classifier aggregation within the VPRS framework. The software is applied to the credit rating prediction problem, in particularly, a full exposition of the prediction and classification of Fitch's Individual Bank Strength Ratings (FIBRs), to a number of banks from around the world is presented. The ethos of the developed software was to rely heavily on a simple 'point and click' interface, designed to make a VPRS analysis accessible to an analyst, who is not necessarily an expert in the field of VPRS or decision rule based systems. The development of the software has also benefited from consultations with managers from one of Europe's leading hedge funds, who gave valuable insight, advice and recommendations on what they considered as pertinent issues with regards to data mining, and what they would like to see from a modern data mining system. The elements within the developed software reflect each stage of the knowledge discovery process, namely, pre-processing, feature selection, data mining, interpretation and evaluation. The developed software encompasses three software packages, a pre-processing package incorporating some of the latest pre-processing and feature selection methods a VPRS data mining package, based on a novel "vein graph" interface, which presents the analyst with selectable /-reducts over the domain of / and a third more advanced VPRS data mining package, which essentially automates the vein graph interface for incorporation into a re-sampling environment, and also implements the introduced aggregated /-reduct, developed to optimise and stabilise the predictive accuracy of a set of decision rules induced from the aggregated /-reduct

    A Treatise on Rough Sets

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    This article presents some general remarks on rough sets and their place in general picture of research on vagueness and uncertainty -concepts of utmost interest, for many years, for philosophers, mathematicians, logicians and recently also for computer scientists and engineers particularly those working in such areas as AI, computational intelligence, intelligent systems, cognitive science, data mining and machine learning. Thus this article is intended to present some philosophical observations rather than to consider technical details or applications of rough set theory. Therefore we also refrain from presentation of many interesting applications and some generalizations of the theory