3,051 research outputs found

    An overview of decision table literature 1982-1995.

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    This report gives an overview of the literature on decision tables over the past 15 years. As much as possible, for each reference, an author supplied abstract, a number of keywords and a classification are provided. In some cases own comments are added. The purpose of these comments is to show where, how and why decision tables are used. The literature is classified according to application area, theoretical versus practical character, year of publication, country or origin (not necessarily country of publication) and the language of the document. After a description of the scope of the interview, classification results and the classification by topic are presented. The main body of the paper is the ordered list of publications with abstract, classification and comments.

    On the connection of probabilistic model checking, planning, and learning for system verification

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    This thesis presents approaches using techniques from the model checking, planning, and learning community to make systems more reliable and perspicuous. First, two heuristic search and dynamic programming algorithms are adapted to be able to check extremal reachability probabilities, expected accumulated rewards, and their bounded versions, on general Markov decision processes (MDPs). Thereby, the problem space originally solvable by these algorithms is enlarged considerably. Correctness and optimality proofs for the adapted algorithms are given, and in a comprehensive case study on established benchmarks it is shown that the implementation, called Modysh, is competitive with state-of-the-art model checkers and even outperforms them on very large state spaces. Second, Deep Statistical Model Checking (DSMC) is introduced, usable for quality assessment and learning pipeline analysis of systems incorporating trained decision-making agents, like neural networks (NNs). The idea of DSMC is to use statistical model checking to assess NNs resolving nondeterminism in systems modeled as MDPs. The versatility of DSMC is exemplified in a number of case studies on Racetrack, an MDP benchmark designed for this purpose, flexibly modeling the autonomous driving challenge. In a comprehensive scalability study it is demonstrated that DSMC is a lightweight technique tackling the complexity of NN analysis in combination with the state space explosion problem.Diese Arbeit präsentiert Ansätze, die Techniken aus dem Model Checking, Planning und Learning Bereich verwenden, um Systeme verlässlicher und klarer verständlich zu machen. Zuerst werden zwei Algorithmen für heuristische Suche und dynamisches Programmieren angepasst, um Extremwerte für Erreichbarkeitswahrscheinlichkeiten, Erwartungswerte für Kosten und beschränkte Varianten davon, auf generellen Markov Entscheidungsprozessen (MDPs) zu untersuchen. Damit wird der Problemraum, der ursprünglich mit diesen Algorithmen gelöst wurde, deutlich erweitert. Korrektheits- und Optimalitätsbeweise für die angepassten Algorithmen werden gegeben und in einer umfassenden Fallstudie wird gezeigt, dass die Implementierung, namens Modysh, konkurrenzfähig mit den modernsten Model Checkern ist und deren Leistung auf sehr großen Zustandsräumen sogar übertrifft. Als Zweites wird Deep Statistical Model Checking (DSMC) für die Qualitätsbewertung und Lernanalyse von Systemen mit integrierten trainierten Entscheidungsgenten, wie z.B. neuronalen Netzen (NN), eingeführt. Die Idee von DSMC ist es, statistisches Model Checking zur Bewertung von NNs zu nutzen, die Nichtdeterminismus in Systemen, die als MDPs modelliert sind, auflösen. Die Vielseitigkeit des Ansatzes wird in mehreren Fallbeispielen auf Racetrack gezeigt, einer MDP Benchmark, die zu diesem Zweck entwickelt wurde und die Herausforderung des autonomen Fahrens flexibel modelliert. In einer umfassenden Skalierbarkeitsstudie wird demonstriert, dass DSMC eine leichtgewichtige Technik ist, die die Komplexität der NN-Analyse in Kombination mit dem State Space Explosion Problem bewältigt

    Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks - OMCO NET

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    The mini conference “Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks” focuses on advanced methods for search and optimisation applied to wireless communication networks. It is sponsored by Research & Enterprise Fund Southampton Solent University. The conference strives to widen knowledge on advanced search methods capable of optimisation of wireless communications networks. The aim is to provide a forum for exchange of recent knowledge, new ideas and trends in this progressive and challenging area. The conference will popularise new successful approaches on resolving hard tasks such as minimisation of transmit power, cooperative and optimal routing

    The 7th Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

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    Automated generation of geometrically-precise and semantically-informed virtual geographic environnements populated with spatially-reasoning agents

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    La Géo-Simulation Multi-Agent (GSMA) est un paradigme de modélisation et de simulation de phénomènes dynamiques dans une variété de domaines d'applications tels que le domaine du transport, le domaine des télécommunications, le domaine environnemental, etc. La GSMA est utilisée pour étudier et analyser des phénomènes qui mettent en jeu un grand nombre d'acteurs simulés (implémentés par des agents) qui évoluent et interagissent avec une représentation explicite de l'espace qu'on appelle Environnement Géographique Virtuel (EGV). Afin de pouvoir interagir avec son environnement géographique qui peut être dynamique, complexe et étendu (à grande échelle), un agent doit d'abord disposer d'une représentation détaillée de ce dernier. Les EGV classiques se limitent généralement à une représentation géométrique du monde réel laissant de côté les informations topologiques et sémantiques qui le caractérisent. Ceci a pour conséquence d'une part de produire des simulations multi-agents non plausibles, et, d'autre part, de réduire les capacités de raisonnement spatial des agents situés. La planification de chemin est un exemple typique de raisonnement spatial dont un agent pourrait avoir besoin dans une GSMA. Les approches classiques de planification de chemin se limitent à calculer un chemin qui lie deux positions situées dans l'espace et qui soit sans obstacle. Ces approches ne prennent pas en compte les caractéristiques de l'environnement (topologiques et sémantiques), ni celles des agents (types et capacités). Les agents situés ne possèdent donc pas de moyens leur permettant d'acquérir les connaissances nécessaires sur l'environnement virtuel pour pouvoir prendre une décision spatiale informée. Pour répondre à ces limites, nous proposons une nouvelle approche pour générer automatiquement des Environnements Géographiques Virtuels Informés (EGVI) en utilisant les données fournies par les Systèmes d'Information Géographique (SIG) enrichies par des informations sémantiques pour produire des GSMA précises et plus réalistes. De plus, nous présentons un algorithme de planification hiérarchique de chemin qui tire avantage de la description enrichie et optimisée de l'EGVI pour fournir aux agents un chemin qui tient compte à la fois des caractéristiques de leur environnement virtuel et de leurs types et capacités. Finalement, nous proposons une approche pour la gestion des connaissances sur l'environnement virtuel qui vise à supporter la prise de décision informée et le raisonnement spatial des agents situés

    Search-based Test Generation for Automated Driving Systems: From Perception to Control Logic

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    abstract: Automated driving systems are in an intensive research and development stage, and the companies developing these systems are targeting to deploy them on public roads in a very near future. Guaranteeing safe operation of these systems is crucial as they are planned to carry passengers and share the road with other vehicles and pedestrians. Yet, there is no agreed-upon approach on how and in what detail those systems should be tested. Different organizations have different testing approaches, and one common approach is to combine simulation-based testing with real-world driving. One of the expectations from fully-automated vehicles is never to cause an accident. However, an automated vehicle may not be able to avoid all collisions, e.g., the collisions caused by other road occupants. Hence, it is important for the system designers to understand the boundary case scenarios where an autonomous vehicle can no longer avoid a collision. Besides safety, there are other expectations from automated vehicles such as comfortable driving and minimal fuel consumption. All safety and functional expectations from an automated driving system should be captured with a set of system requirements. It is challenging to create requirements that are unambiguous and usable for the design, testing, and evaluation of automated driving systems. Another challenge is to define useful metrics for assessing the testing quality because in general, it is impossible to test every possible scenario. The goal of this dissertation is to formalize the theory for testing automated vehicles. Various methods for automatic test generation for automated-driving systems in simulation environments are presented and compared. The contributions presented in this dissertation include (i) new metrics that can be used to discover the boundary cases between safe and unsafe driving conditions, (ii) a new approach that combines combinatorial testing and optimization-guided test generation methods, (iii) approaches that utilize global optimization methods and random exploration to generate critical vehicle and pedestrian trajectories for testing purposes, (iv) a publicly-available simulation-based automated vehicle testing framework that enables application of the existing testing approaches in the literature, including the new approaches presented in this dissertation.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Engineering 201

    Augmenting Reinforcement Learning with Transformer-based Scene Representation Learning for Decision-making of Autonomous Driving

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    Decision-making for urban autonomous driving is challenging due to the stochastic nature of interactive traffic participants and the complexity of road structures. Although reinforcement learning (RL)-based decision-making scheme is promising to handle urban driving scenarios, it suffers from low sample efficiency and poor adaptability. In this paper, we propose Scene-Rep Transformer to improve the RL decision-making capabilities with better scene representation encoding and sequential predictive latent distillation. Specifically, a multi-stage Transformer (MST) encoder is constructed to model not only the interaction awareness between the ego vehicle and its neighbors but also intention awareness between the agents and their candidate routes. A sequential latent Transformer (SLT) with self-supervised learning objectives is employed to distill the future predictive information into the latent scene representation, in order to reduce the exploration space and speed up training. The final decision-making module based on soft actor-critic (SAC) takes as input the refined latent scene representation from the Scene-Rep Transformer and outputs driving actions. The framework is validated in five challenging simulated urban scenarios with dense traffic, and its performance is manifested quantitatively by the substantial improvements in data efficiency and performance in terms of success rate, safety, and efficiency. The qualitative results reveal that our framework is able to extract the intentions of neighbor agents to help make decisions and deliver more diversified driving behaviors
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