11 research outputs found

    A Proof of Kirchhoff's First Law for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws on Networks

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    Networks are essential models in many applications such as information technology, chemistry, power systems, transportation, neuroscience, and social sciences. In light of such broad applicability, a general theory of dynamical systems on networks may capture shared concepts, and provide a setting for deriving abstract properties. To this end, we develop a calculus for networks modeled as abstract metric spaces and derive an analog of Kirchhoff's first law for hyperbolic conservation laws. In dynamical systems on networks, Kirchhoff's first law connects the study of abstract global objects, and that of a computationally-beneficial edgewise-Euclidean perspective by stating its equivalence. In particular, our results show that hyperbolic conservation laws on networks can be stated without explicit Kirchhoff-type boundary conditions.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    A macroscopic model for platooning in highway traffic

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    We consider a model describing the presence of a platoon of vehicles moving in the traffic flow. The model consists of a coupled PDE-ODE system describing the interaction between the platoon and the surrounding traffic flow. The scalar conservation law takes into account the main traffic evolution, while the ODEs describe the trajectories of the initial and final points of the platoon, whose length can vary in time. The presence of the platoon acts as a road capacity reduction, resulting in a space-time discontinuous flux function. We describe the solutions of Riemann problems and design a finite volume numerical scheme sharply capturing non-classical discontinuities. Some numerical tests are presented to show the effectiveness of the method

    A front tracking method for a strongly coupled PDE-ODE system with moving density constraints in traffic flow

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    International audienceIn this paper we introduce a numerical method for tracking a bus trajectory on a road network. The mathematical model taken into consideration is a strongly coupled PDE-ODE system: the PDE is a scalar hyperbolic conservation law describing the traffic flow while the ODE, that describes the bus trajectory, needs to be intended in a Carathéodory sense. The moving constraint is given by an inequality on the flux which accounts for the bottleneck created by the bus on the road. The finite volume algorithm uses a locally non-uniform moving mesh which tracks the bus position. Some numerical tests are shown to describe the behavior of the solution

    Multi set-point explicit model predictive control for nonlinear process systems

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    In this article, we introduce a novel framework for the design of multi set-point nonlinear explicit controllers for process systems engineering problems where the set-points are treated as uncertain parameters simultaneously with the initial state of the dynamical system at each sampling instance. To this end, an algorithm for a special class of multi-parametric nonlinear programming problems with uncertain parameters on the right-hand side of the constraints and the cost coefficients of the objective function is presented. The algorithm is based on computed algebra methods for symbolic manipulation that enable an analytical solution of the optimality conditions of the underlying multi-parametric nonlinear program. A notable property of the presented algorithm is the computation of exact, in general nonconvex, critical regions that results in potentially great computational savings through a reduction in the number of convex approximate critical regions

    Car path tracking in traffic flow networks with bounded buffers at junctions

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    This article deals with the modeling for an individual car path through a road network, where the dynamics is driven by a coupled system of ordinary and partial differential equations. The network is characterized by bounded buffers at junctions that allow for the interpretation of roundabouts or on-ramps while the traffic dynamics is based on first-order macroscopic equations of Lighthill-Whitham-Richards (LWR) type. Trajectories for single drivers are then influenced by the surrounding traffic and can be tracked by appropriate numerical algorithms. The computational experiments show how the modeling framework can be used as navigation device

    A macroscopic model for platooning in highway traffic

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    International audienceWe consider a model describing the presence of a platoon of vehicles moving in the traffic flow. The model consists of a coupled PDE-ODE system describing the interaction between the platoon and the surrounding traffic flow. The scalar conservation law takes into account the main traffic evolution, while the ODEs describe the trajectories of the initial and final points of the platoon, whose length can vary in time. The presence of the platoon acts as a road capacity reduction, resulting in a space-time discontinuous flux function. We describe the solutions of Riemann problems and design a finite volume numerical scheme sharply capturing non-classical discontinuities. Some numerical tests are presented to show the effectiveness of the method

    Control Problems for Conservation Laws with Traffic Applications

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    Conservation and balance laws on networks have been the subject of much research interest given their wide range of applications to real-world processes, particularly traffic flow. This open access monograph is the first to investigate different types of control problems for conservation laws that arise in the modeling of vehicular traffic. Four types of control problems are discussed - boundary, decentralized, distributed, and Lagrangian control - corresponding to, respectively, entrance points and tolls, traffic signals at junctions, variable speed limits, and the use of autonomy and communication. Because conservation laws are strictly connected to Hamilton-Jacobi equations, control of the latter is also considered. An appendix reviewing the general theory of initial-boundary value problems for balance laws is included, as well as an appendix illustrating the main concepts in the theory of conservation laws on networks

    Control Problems for Conservation Laws with Traffic Applications

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    Conservation and balance laws on networks have been the subject of much research interest given their wide range of applications to real-world processes, particularly traffic flow. This open access monograph is the first to investigate different types of control problems for conservation laws that arise in the modeling of vehicular traffic. Four types of control problems are discussed - boundary, decentralized, distributed, and Lagrangian control - corresponding to, respectively, entrance points and tolls, traffic signals at junctions, variable speed limits, and the use of autonomy and communication. Because conservation laws are strictly connected to Hamilton-Jacobi equations, control of the latter is also considered. An appendix reviewing the general theory of initial-boundary value problems for balance laws is included, as well as an appendix illustrating the main concepts in the theory of conservation laws on networks

    Lois de conservation pour la modélisation des mouvements de foule

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    In this thesis, we consider nonclassical problems brought out by the macroscopic modeling of pedestrian flow. The first model consists of a conservation law with a discontinuous flux, the second is a mixed hyperbolic-elliptic system of conservation laws and the last one is a nonlocal equation. In the first chapter, we use the Hughes model in one space-dimension to represent the evacuation of a corridor with two exits. The model couples a conservation law with discontinuous flux to an eikonal equation. We implement the wave front tracking scheme, treating explicitly the solution nonclassical behavior at the turning point, to provide a reference solution, which is used to numerically test the convergence of classical finite volume schemes. In the second chapter, we model the crossing of two groups of pedestrians walking in opposite directions with a system of conservation laws whose flux depends on the two densities. This system loses its hyperbolicity for certain density values. We assist to the rising of persistent but bounded oscillations, that lead us to the recast of the problem in the framework of measure-valued solutions. Finally we study a nonlocal model of pedestrian flow in two space-dimensions. The model consists of a conservation law whose flux depends on a convolution of the density. With this model, we solve an optimization problem for a room evacuation with a descent method, evaluating the impact of the explicit computation of the cost function gradient with the adjoint state method rather than approximating it with finite differences.Dans cette thèse, on considère plusieurs problèmes issus de la modélisation macroscopique des mouvements de foule. Le premier modèle consiste en une loi de conservation avec un flux discontinu, le second est un système mixte hyperbolique-elliptique et le dernier est une équation non-locale. D'abord, on utilise le modèle de Hughes une dimension pour décrire l'évacuation d'un couloir avec deux sorties. Ce modèle couple une loi de conservation avec un flux discontinu à une équation eikonale. On implémente la méthode de suivi de fronts, qui traite explicitement le comportement de la solution non-classique au point de rebroussement, afin d'obtenir des solutions de référence. Elles serviront à tester numériquement la convergence de schémas aux volumes finis classiques. Ensuite, on modélise le croisement de deux groupes marchant dans des directions opposées avec un système de lois de conservation mixte hyperbolique-elliptique dont le flux dépend des deux densités. Le système perd son hyperbolicité pour certainement valeurs de densité. On assiste à l'apparition d'oscillations persistantes mais bornées, ce qui conduit à la reformulation du problème associé dans le cadre des mesures de probabilités. Finalement, on étudie un modèle non-local de trafic piétonnier en deux dimensions. Le modèle consiste en une loi de conservation dont le flux dépend d'une convolution de la densité. Avec ce modèle, on résout un problème d'optimisation pour une évacuation d'une salle avec une méthode de descente, évaluant l'impact du calcul explicite du gradient de la fonction coût avec la méthode de l'état adjoint plutôt que son approximation par différences finies