18,607 research outputs found

    Application Software, Domain-Specific Languages, and Language Design Assistants

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    While application software does the real work, domain-specific languages (DSLs) are tools to help produce it efficiently, and language design assistants in turn are meta-tools to help produce DSLs quickly. DSLs are already in wide use (HTML for web pages, Excel macros for spreadsheet applications, VHDL for hardware design, ...), but many more will be needed for both new as well as existing application domains. Language design assistants to help develop them currently exist only in the basic form of language development systems. After a quick look at domain-specific languages, and especially their relationship to application libraries, we survey existing language development systems and give an outline of future language design assistants.Comment: To be presented at SSGRR 2000, L'Aquila, Ital

    Tree-oriented interactive processing with an application to theorem-proving, appendix E

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    The concept of unstructured structure editing and ted, an editor for unstructured trees, is described. Ted is used to manipulate hierarchies of information in an unrestricted manner. The tool was implemented and applied to the problem of organizing formal proofs. As a proof management tool, it maintains the validity of a proof and its constituent lemmas independently from the methods used to validate the proof. It includes an adaptable interface which may be used to invoke theorem provers and other aids to proof construction. Using ted, a user may construct, maintain, and verify formal proofs using a variety of theorem provers, proof checkers, and formatters

    Z Unification Tools in Generic Formaliser

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    We describe some prototype tools for performing unification (i.e. deriving the least common refinement) of simple Z specifications. The techniques used are those described in http://alethea.ukc.ac.uk/Dept/Computing/Research/NDS/consistency/cccfpsiZ.html on viewpoint specification in Z; the tools have been implemented in Generic http://public.logica.com/formaliser (a product of Logica UK Limited). UKC Computing Laboratory technical report 10-97. The prototype tools themselves (in the form of Generic Formaliser grammars) will be made available later

    An 00 visual language definition approach supporting multiple views

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    The formal approach to visual language definition is to use graph grammars and/or graph transformation techniques. These techniques focus on specifying the syntax and manipulation rules of the concrete representation. This paper presents a constraint and object-oriented approach to defining visual languages that uses UML and OCL as a definition language. Visual language definitions specify a mapping between concrete and abstract models of possible visual sentences, which carl subsequently be used to determine if instances of each model "validly" express each other. This technique supports many:many mappings between concrete and abstract model instances, and supports the implementation of functionality that requires feedback from the abstract domain to the concrete

    From nominal to higher-order rewriting and back again

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    We present a translation function from nominal rewriting systems (NRSs) to combinatory reduction systems (CRSs), transforming closed nominal rules and ground nominal terms to CRSs rules and terms, respectively, while preserving the rewriting relation. We also provide a reduction-preserving translation in the other direction, from CRSs to NRSs, improving over a previously defined translation. These tools, together with existing translations between CRSs and other higher-order rewriting formalisms, open up the path for a transfer of results between higher-order and nominal rewriting. In particular, techniques and properties of the rewriting relation, such as termination, can be exported from one formalism to the other.Comment: 41 pages, journa

    Drawing OWL 2 ontologies with Eddy the editor

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    In this paper we introduce Eddy, a new open-source tool for the graphical editing of OWL~2 ontologies. Eddy is specifically designed for creating ontologies in Graphol, a completely visual ontology language that is equivalent to OWL~2. Thus, in Eddy ontologies are easily drawn as diagrams, rather than written as sets of formulas, as commonly happens in popular ontology design and engineering environments. This makes Eddy particularly suited for usage by people who are more familiar with diagramatic languages for conceptual modeling rather than with typical ontology formalisms, as is often required in non-academic and industrial contexts. Eddy provides intuitive functionalities for specifying Graphol diagrams, guarantees their syntactic correctness, and allows for exporting them in standard OWL 2 syntax. A user evaluation study we conducted shows that Eddy is perceived as an easy and intuitive tool for ontology specification
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