13 research outputs found

    Artificial Intelligence in the Aviation Manufacturing Process for Complex Assemblies and Components

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    Aviation manufacturing is at the leading edge of technology with materials, designs and processes where automation is not only integral; but complex systems require more advanced systems to produce and verify processes. Critical Infrastructure theory is now used to protect systems and equipment from external software infections and cybersecurity techniques add an extra layer of protection. In this research, it is argued that Artificial Intelligence can reduce these risks and allow complex processes to be less exposed to the threat of external problems, internal errors or mistakes in operation

    Facilitating Conflict Resolution of Models for Automated Enterprise Architecture Documentation

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    Enterprise Architecture (EA) management relies on solid and up-to-date information about the current state of an EA. In current practices the manual collection of information is prevailing resulting in an error-prone, time-consuming, and expensive task. Recent research efforts seek to automate this task by integrating existing information sources in the organization to optimize the EA documentation process. While automation of EA documentation enables many advantages, the transformation of the collected information to an EA model remains an unresolved challenge since it cannot be automated completely. In particular, conflicts resulting from partial transformations require involvement of EA Stakeholders possibly not having a technical background. In this paper we propose an approach for the conflict resolution facilitating our long-term goal of automated EA documentation. We illustrate our approach using a productive Enterprise Service Bus from a leading organization of the fashion industry and evaluate our approach with expert interviews

    The Enterprise Architecture Analysis Tool – Support for the Predictive, Probabilistic Architecture Modeling Framework

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    The business of contemporary organizations is heavily dependent on information systems. Business processes and IT are interwoven and numerous technologies are in use. How the involved systems affect each other or impact the organizations’ business domain is often uncertain, thus decision-making regarding information technology is challenging. Enterprise architecture (EA) is a holistic, model-based management approach. Many of the available EA software tools focus on documenting and have limited analysis capabilities. In this article, a tool for EA analysis is presented, supporting the analysis of properties such as business fit, security, and interoperability. The tool is implemented to support the Predictive, Probabilistic Architecture Modeling Framework to specify and apply assessment frameworks for performing property analysis on EA models

    Automating Enterprise Architecture Documentation using an Enterprise Service Bus

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    Currently the documentation of Enterprise Architectures (EA) requires manual collection of data resulting in an error prone, expensive, and time consuming process. Recent approaches seek to automate and improve EA documentation by employing the productive system environment of organizations. In this paper, we investigate a specific Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) considered as the nervous system of an enterprise interconnecting business applications and processes as an information source. We evaluate the degree of coverage to which data of a productive system can be used for EA documentation. A vendor-specific ESB data model is reverse-engineered and transformation rules for three representative EA information models are derived. These transformation rules are employed to perform automated model transformations making the first step towards an automated EA documentation. We evaluate our approach using a productive ESB system from a leading enterprise of the fashion industry

    Enterprise Architecture Documentation: Current Practices and Future Directions

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    Over the past decade Enterprise Architecture (EA) management matured to a discipline commonly perceived as a strategic advantage. Among others, EA management helps to identify and realize cost saving potentials in organizations. EA initiatives commonly start by documenting the status-quo of the EA. The respective management discipline analyzes this so-called current state and derives intermediate planned states heading towards a desired target state of the architecture. Several EA frameworks describe this process in theory. However, during practical application, organizations struggle with documenting the EA and lack concrete guidance during the process. To underline our observations and confirm our hypotheses, we conducted a survey among 140 EA practitioners to analyze issues organizations face while documenting the EA and keeping the documentation up to date. In this paper we present results on current practices, challenges, and automation techniques for EA documentation in a descriptive manner

    Automated Modeling with Abstraction for Enterprise Architecture (AMA4EA):Business Process Model Automation in an Industry 4.0 Laboratory

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    The transformation towards the Industry 4.0 paradigm requires companies to manage large amounts of data. This poses serious challenges with regard to how effectively to handle data and extract value from it. The state-of-the-art research of Enterprise Architecture (EA) provides limited knowledge on addressing this challenge. In this article, the Automated Modeling with Abstraction for Enterprise Architecture (AMA4EA) method is proposed and demonstrated. An abstraction hierarchy is introduced by AMA4EA to support companies to automatically abstract data from enterprise systems to concepts, then to automatically create an EA model. AMA4EA was demonstrated at an Industry 4.0 laboratory. The demonstration showed that AMA4EA could abstract detailed data from the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system and Manufacturing Execution System (MES) to be relevant for a business process model that provided a useful and simplified visualization of production process data. The model communicated the detailed business data in an easily understandable way to stakeholders. AMA4EA is an innovative and novel method that contributes new knowledge to EA research. The demonstration provides sufficient evidence that AMA4EA is useful and applicable in the Industry 4.0 environment

    Business Capability Mining - Opportunities and Challenges

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    Business capability models are widely used in enterprise architecture management to generate an abstract overview of an organization’s business activities to reach its business objectives. The creation and maintenance of these models are associated with a huge manual workload. Research provides insights into opportunities for automated modeling of enterprise architecture models. However, most models address the application and technology layer and leave the business layer largely unexplored. Particularly, no research has been conducted on the automated generation of business capability models. This research paper uses 19 semi-structured expert interviews to identify possible automated modeling opportunities of business capabilities and related challenges and to jointly develop a business capability mining approach. This research benefit both, practice and research, by describing a situation-based business capability mining approach and identifying appropriate implementation scenarios

    Informacijos saugos valdymo karkasas smulkiam ir vidutiniam verslui

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    Information security is one of the concerns any organization or person faces. The list of new threats appears, and information security management mechanisms have to be established and continuously updated to be able to fight against possible security issues. To be up to date with existing information technology threats and prevention, protection, maintenance possibilities, more significant organizations establish positions or even departments, to be responsible for the information security management. However, small and medium enterprise (SME) does not have enough capacities. Therefore, the information security management situation in SMEs is fragmented and needs improvement. In this thesis, the problem of information security management in the small and medium enterprise is analyzed. It aims to simplify the information security management process in the small and medium enterprise by proposing concentrated information and tools in information security management framework. Existence of an information security framework could motivate SME to use it in practice and lead to an increase of SME security level. The dissertation consists of an introduction, four main chapters and general conclusions. The first chapter introduces the problem of information security management and its’ automation. Moreover, state-of-the-art frameworks for information security management in SME are analyzed and compared. The second chapter proposes a novel information security management framework and guidelines on its adoption. The framework is designed based on existing methodologies and frameworks. A need for a model for security evaluation based on the organization’s management structure noticed in chapter two; therefore, new probability theory-based model for organizations information flow security level estimation presented in chapter three. The fourth chapter presents the validation of proposed security evaluation models by showing results of a case study and experts ranking of the same situations. The multi-criteria analysis was executed to evaluate the ISMF suitability to be applied in a small and medium enterprise. In this chapter, we also analyze the opinion of information technology employees in an SME on newly proposed information security management framework as well as a new model for information security level estimation. The thesis is summarized by the general conclusions which confirm the need of newly proposed framework and associated tools as well as its suitability to be used in SME to increase the understanding of current information security threat situation.Dissertatio