161,812 research outputs found

    Parent Know How : telephone helplines and innovation fund strands evaluation

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    The influence of angry customer outbursts on service providers’ facial displays and affective states

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    This article explores the existence and extent of emotional contagion, as measured by facial displays and reported affective states, in a service failure event. Using video vignettes of customers complaining about a service failure as stimulus material, the authors measured the facial displays and affective states of service providers as proxies for emotional contagion. Following a two-step approach, service providers’ facial expressions were first recorded and assessed, revealing that service providers’ facial displays matched those of the angry consumer. Second, a mixed ANOVA revealed service providers reported stronger negative affective states after exposure to an angry complaint than prior to exposure. The results demonstrated that during a complaint situation, angry outbursts by consumers can initiate the emotional contagion process, and service providers are susceptible to “catch” consumer anger through emotional contagion. Implications for complaint management and future research are discussed

    Exploring Patient Satisfaction among Transgender and Non-Binary Identified Healthcare Users: The Role of Microaggressions and Inclusive Healthcare Settings

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    Patient satisfaction is an important indicator of quality of healthcare delivery. Transgender and non-binary (TGNB) people regularly report experiencing discrimination when in healthcare settings and few TGNB-inclusive services are available. Researchers have not examined how discrimination and access to TGNB-inclusive services are associated with patient satisfaction among TGNB healthcare users. Among a convenience sample of TGNB people (n = 146) from Canada and the United States, I examined the relationship between patient satisfaction, experiencing microaggressions from primary healthcare providers, and receiving care in a TGNB-inclusive healthcare setting. The results from a multivariable linear regression suggest that experiencing microaggressions is negatively associated with patient satisfaction while obtaining services from an inclusive healthcare setting is positively associated with satisfaction. These findings emphasize the importance of preparing healthcare providers to engage in inclusive practice with TGNB healthcare users, especially in terms of avoiding microaggressions. They also highlight the importance of creating TGNB-inclusive healthcare settings in fostering patient satisfaction. Researchers, medical professionals, and others working towards health equity, should consider the implications of these findings when developing solutions to improve healthcare access and patient satisfaction

    Designing a smooth service experience: Finding the balance between online and offline service

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    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, kuinka digitaalisen ja analogisen palvelun voi paremmin yhdistää kokonaispalveluksi niin, että asiakas saa mahdollisimman sujuvan palvelukokemuksen. Tutkimuksen aihe nousee Tunteesta arvoa palvelulle –hankkeesta, jossa toteutettiin palvelumuotoilun kehitysprojekteja yhdessä viiden yrityksen kanssa. Niistä useammassa konseptien osana oli digitaalinen palvelu, mutta haasteeksi nousi digitaalisen kanavan yhdistäminen analogiseen, eli fyysisessä tilassa tapahtuvaan palveluun. Nykypäivänä digitaalisten palveluiden yleisyys on kasvanut ja ihmiset ovat yhä tottuneempia käyttämään digitaalisia kanavia osana palvelukokonaisuutta. Toisaalta käyttäjät ovat myös tietoisia digitaalisten kanavien tarjoamista mahdollisuuksista ja siten heidän odotuksensa ja vaatimuksensa palvelua kohtaan kasvavat. Eri palvelukanavien välillä on kuitenkin havaittavissa eroavaisuuksia ja siten yhtenäisen ja sujuvan palvelukokemuksen syntyminen asiakkaalle on vaikeaa. Asiakkaan tarpeiden ja odotusten sekä yrityksen tavoitteiden huomioiden palvelupolun luomisessa mahdollistavat palvelun sujuvan etenemisen palvelukanavien välillä. Tässä on laadullisessa tutkimuksessa tutkimusaineisto on kerätty puolistrukturoituina teemahaastatteluina. Tutkimusaineisto on analysoitu teemoittelemalla ja tutkimuksen löydökset vastaavat kysymyksiin, miten sujuva palvelukokemus muotoillaan palvelumuotoilun menetelmin, ja miten digitaalisia ja analogisia palvelukanavia tasapainotetaan palvelupolussa. Tutkimuksen tuloksen muodostaa seitsemästä osasta koostuva työkalu, jonka tarkoituksena on toimia palvelun muotoilun ja kehittämisen tukena.While working as a research assistant in Value through Emotion research project at University of Lapland and doing service design projects with several companies, I noticed that there is a challenge in designing a service that combines online and offline service channels. Nowadays the trend is to have an online service, such as service application, as a part of the overall service path, but there is often a gap between the online and offline elements of the service in regards of the communication and the quality of service delivery. The customers are more and more used to digital service channels and they are aware of the possibilities that online channels can provide. Therefore the customers have high expectations about the service delivery. Designing a service that keeps the continuity throughout the service despite the form of delivery channel would be a solution for providing the customer a smooth service experience. In this research I study how a smooth service experience can be built using service design methods. I also study how the balance between online and offline service channels can be found in the overall service path. The research data of partly structured theme interviews are analysed by qualitative research methods. As a result for this case study I present a toolkit with seven templates that can be used as a guideline and support in the service design process when combining online and offline service elements as a smooth service experience

    Skills conditionality – government response to the consultation

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