991 research outputs found

    Relaxed Operational Semantics of Concurrent Programming Languages

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    We propose a novel, operational framework to formally describe the semantics of concurrent programs running within the context of a relaxed memory model. Our framework features a "temporary store" where the memory operations issued by the threads are recorded, in program order. A memory model then specifies the conditions under which a pending operation from this sequence is allowed to be globally performed, possibly out of order. The memory model also involves a "write grain," accounting for architectures where a thread may read a write that is not yet globally visible. Our formal model is supported by a software simulator, allowing us to run litmus tests in our semantics.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2012, arXiv:1208.244

    An Approach to Splitting Atoms Safely Extended Abstract

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    AbstractThe intention of this paper is to make a contribution to (compositional) development methods for concurrent programs. The topics touched on include interference, atomicity, observability and granularity. The paper sets out some requirements for an approach to developing systems by “splitting atoms safely”

    A Separation Logic for Fictional Sequential Consistency

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    To improve performance, modern multiprocessors and pro- gramming languages typically implement relaxed memory models that do not require all processors/threads to observe memory operations in the same order. To relieve programmers from having to reason directly about these relaxed behaviors, languages often provide efficient synchro- nization primitives and concurrent data structures with stronger high- level guarantees about memory reorderings. For instance, locks usually ensure that when a thread acquires a lock, it can observe all memory operations of the releasing thread, prior to the release. When used cor- rectly, these synchronization primitives and data structures allow clients to recover a fiction of a sequentially consistent memory model. In this paper we propose a new proof system, iCAP-TSO, that captures this fiction formally, for a language with a TSO memory model. The logic supports reasoning about libraries that directly exploit the relaxed memory model to achieve maximum efficiency. When these libraries pro- vide sufficient guarantees, the logic hides the underlying complexity and admits standard separation logic rules for reasoning about their more high-level clients

    Clarifying and compiling C/C++ concurrency: from C++11 to POWER

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    The upcoming C and C++ revised standards add concurrency to the languages, for the first time, in the form of a subtle *relaxed memory model* (the *C++11 model*). This aims to permit compiler optimisation and to accommodate the differing relaxed-memory behaviours of mainstream multiprocessors, combining simple semantics for most code with high-performance *low-level atomics* for concurrency libraries. In this paper, we first establish two simpler but provably equivalent models for C++11, one for the full language and another for the subset without consume operations. Subsetting further to the fragment without low-level atomics, we identify a subtlety arising from atomic initialisation and prove that, under an additional condition, the model is equivalent to sequential consistency for race-free programs

    Composing Relaxed Transactions

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    As the classical transactional abstraction is sometimes considered too restrictive in leveraging parallelism, a lot of work has been devoted to devising relaxed transactional models with the goal of improving concurrency. Nevertheless, the quest for improving concurrency has somehow led to neglect one of the most appealing aspects of transactions: software composition, namely, the ability to develop pieces of software independently and compose them into applications that behave correctly in the face of concurrency. Indeed, a closer look at relaxed transactional models reveals that they do jeopardize composition, raising the fundamental question whether it is at all possible to devise such models while preserving composition. This paper shows that the answer is positive. We present outheritance, a necessary and sufficient condition for a (potentially relaxed) transactional memory to support composition. Basically, outheritance requires child transactions to pass their conflict information to their parent transaction, which in turn maintains this information until commit time. Concrete instantiations of this idea have been used before, classical transactions being the most prevalent example, but we believe to be the first to capture this as a general principle as well as to prove that it is, strictly speaking, equivalent to ensuring composition. We illustrate the benefits of outheritance using elastic transactions and show how they can satisfy outheritance and provide composition without hampering concurrency. We leverage this to present a new (transactional) Java package, a composable alternative to the concurrency package of the JDK, and evaluate efficiency through an implementation that speeds up state of the art software transactional memory implementations (TL2, LSA, SwissTM) by almost a factor of 3

    Global transaction support for workflow management systems: from formal specification to practical implementation

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    In this paper, we present an approach to global transaction management in workflow environments. The transaction mechanism is based on the well-known notion of compensation, but extended to deal with both arbitrary process structures to allow cycles in processes and safepoints to allow partial compensation of processes. We present a formal specification of the transaction model and transaction management algorithms in set and graph theory, providing clear, unambiguous transaction semantics. The specification is straightforwardly mapped to a modular architecture, the implementation of which is first applied in a testing environment, then in the prototype of a commercial workflow management system. The modular nature of the resulting system allows easy distribution using middleware technology. The path from abstract semantics specification to concrete, real-world implementation of a workflow transaction mechanism is thus covered in a complete and coherent fashion. As such, this paper provides a complete framework for the application of well-founded transactional workflows

    Verification of STM on relaxed memory models

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    Software transactional memories (STM) are described in the literature with assumptions of sequentially consistent program execution and atomicity of high level operations like read, write, and abort. However, in a realistic setting, processors use relaxed memory models to optimize hardware performance. Moreover, the atomicity of operations depends on the underlying hardware. This paper presents the first approach to verify STMs under relaxed memory models with atomicity of 32 bit loads and stores, and read-modify-write operations. We describe RML, a simple language for expressing concurrent programs. We develop a semantics of RML parametrized by a relaxed memory model. We then present our tool, FOIL, which takes as input the RML description of an STM algorithm restricted to two threads and two variables, and the description of a memory model, and automatically determines the locations of fences, which if inserted, ensure the correctness of the restricted STM algorithm under the given memory model. We use FOIL to verify DSTM, TL2, and McRT STM under the memory models of sequential consistency, total store order, partial store order, and relaxed memory order for two threads and two variables. Finally, we extend the verification results for DSTM and TL2 to an arbitrary number of threads and variables by manually proving that the structural properties of STMs are satisfied at the hardware level of atomicity under the considered relaxed memory models
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