325 research outputs found

    Modalities, Cohesion, and Information Flow

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    It is informally understood that the purpose of modal type constructors in programming calculi is to control the flow of information between types. In order to lend rigorous support to this idea, we study the category of classified sets, a variant of a denotational semantics for information flow proposed by Abadi et al. We use classified sets to prove multiple noninterference theorems for modalities of a monadic and comonadic flavour. The common machinery behind our theorems stems from the the fact that classified sets are a (weak) model of Lawvere's theory of axiomatic cohesion. In the process, we show how cohesion can be used for reasoning about multi-modal settings. This leads to the conclusion that cohesion is a particularly useful setting for the study of both information flow, but also modalities in type theory and programming languages at large

    A Temporal Logic for Hyperproperties

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    Hyperproperties, as introduced by Clarkson and Schneider, characterize the correctness of a computer program as a condition on its set of computation paths. Standard temporal logics can only refer to a single path at a time, and therefore cannot express many hyperproperties of interest, including noninterference and other important properties in security and coding theory. In this paper, we investigate an extension of temporal logic with explicit path variables. We show that the quantification over paths naturally subsumes other extensions of temporal logic with operators for information flow and knowledge. The model checking problem for temporal logic with path quantification is decidable. For alternation depth 1, the complexity is PSPACE in the length of the formula and NLOGSPACE in the size of the system, as for linear-time temporal logic

    Combining behavioural types with security analysis

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    Today's software systems are highly distributed and interconnected, and they increasingly rely on communication to achieve their goals; due to their societal importance, security and trustworthiness are crucial aspects for the correctness of these systems. Behavioural types, which extend data types by describing also the structured behaviour of programs, are a widely studied approach to the enforcement of correctness properties in communicating systems. This paper offers a unified overview of proposals based on behavioural types which are aimed at the analysis of security properties

    Hidden-Markov Program Algebra with iteration

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    We use Hidden Markov Models to motivate a quantitative compositional semantics for noninterference-based security with iteration, including a refinement- or "implements" relation that compares two programs with respect to their information leakage; and we propose a program algebra for source-level reasoning about such programs, in particular as a means of establishing that an "implementation" program leaks no more than its "specification" program. This joins two themes: we extend our earlier work, having iteration but only qualitative, by making it quantitative; and we extend our earlier quantitative work by including iteration. We advocate stepwise refinement and source-level program algebra, both as conceptual reasoning tools and as targets for automated assistance. A selection of algebraic laws is given to support this view in the case of quantitative noninterference; and it is demonstrated on a simple iterated password-guessing attack

    Fine-grained Information Flow for Concurrent Computation

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    03411 Abstracts Collection -- Language Based Security

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    From October 5th to 10th 2003,the Dagstuhl Seminar 03411 ``Language Based security\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar are put together in this paper

    Logical Relations for Session-Typed Concurrency

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    Program equivalence is the fulcrum for reasoning about and proving properties of programs. For noninterference, for example, program equivalence up to the secrecy level of an observer is shown. A powerful enabler for such proofs are logical relations. Logical relations only recently were adopted for session types -- but exclusively for terminating languages. This paper scales logical relations to general recursive session types. It develops a logical relation for progress-sensitive noninterference (PSNI) for intuitionistic linear logic session types (ILLST), tackling the challenges non-termination and concurrency pose, and shows that logical equivalence is sound and complete with regard to closure of weak bisimilarity under parallel composition, using a biorthogonality argument. A distinguishing feature of the logical relation is its stratification with an observation index (as opposed to a step or unfolding index), a crucial shift to make the logical relation closed under parallel composition in a concurrent setting. To demonstrate practicality of the logical relation, the paper develops an information flow control (IFC) refinement type system for ILLST, with support of secrecy-polymorphic processes, and shows that well-typed programs are self-related by the logical relation and thus enjoy PSNI. The refinement type system has been implemented in a type checker, featuring local security theories to support secrecy-polymorphic processes.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2208.1374

    Noninterference Analysis of Reversible Systems: An Approach Based on Branching Bisimilarity

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    The theory of noninterference supports the analysis and the execution of secure computations in multi-level security systems. Classical equivalence-based approaches to noninterference mainly rely on weak bisimulation semantics. We show that this approach is not sufficient to identify potential covert channels in the presence of reversible computations. As illustrated via a database management system example, the activation of backward computations may trigger information flows that are not observable when proceeding in the standard forward direction. To capture the effects of back and forth computations, it is necessary to switch to a more expressive semantics that, in an interleaving framework, has been proven to be branching bisimilarity in a previous work by De Nicola, Montanari, and Vaandrager. In this paper we investigate a taxonomy of noninterference properties based on branching bisimilarity along with their preservation and compositionality features, then we compare it with the classical hierarchy based on weak bisimilarity
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