559 research outputs found

    Software-based fault-tolerant routing algorithm in multidimensional networks

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    Massively parallel computing systems are being built with hundreds or thousands of components such as nodes, links, memories, and connectors. The failure of a component in such systems will not only reduce the computational power but also alter the network's topology. The software-based fault-tolerant routing algorithm is a popular routing to achieve fault-tolerance capability in networks. This algorithm is initially proposed only for two dimensional networks (Suh et al., 2000). Since, higher dimensional networks have been widely employed in many contemporary massively parallel systems; this paper proposes an approach to extend this routing scheme to these indispensable higher dimensional networks. Deadlock and livelock freedom and the performance of presented algorithm, have been investigated for networks with different dimensionality and various fault regions. Furthermore, performance results have been presented through simulation experiments

    A Switch Architecture for Real-Time Multimedia Communications

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    In this paper we present a switch that can be used to transfer multimedia type of trafJic. The switch provides a guaranteed throughput and a bounded latency. We focus on the design of a prototype Switching Element using the new technology opportunities being offered today. The architecture meets the multimedia requirements but still has a low complexity and needs a minimum amount of hardware. A main item of this paper will be the background of the architectural design decisions made. These include the interconnection topology, buffer organization, routing and scheduling. The implementation of the switching fabric with FPGAs, allows us to experiment with switching mode, routing strategy and scheduling policy in a multimedia environment. The witching elements are interconnected in a Kautz topology. Kautz graphs have interesting properties such as: a small diametec the degree is independent of the network size, the network is fault-tolerant and has a simple routing algorithm

    New Fault Tolerant Multicast Routing Techniques to Enhance Distributed-Memory Systems Performance

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    Distributed-memory systems are a key to achieve high performance computing and the most favorable architectures used in advanced research problems. Mesh connected multicomputer are one of the most popular architectures that have been implemented in many distributed-memory systems. These systems must support communication operations efficiently to achieve good performance. The wormhole switching technique has been widely used in design of distributed-memory systems in which the packet is divided into small flits. Also, the multicast communication has been widely used in distributed-memory systems which is one source node sends the same message to several destination nodes. Fault tolerance refers to the ability of the system to operate correctly in the presence of faults. Development of fault tolerant multicast routing algorithms in 2D mesh networks is an important issue. This dissertation presents, new fault tolerant multicast routing algorithms for distributed-memory systems performance using wormhole routed 2D mesh. These algorithms are described for fault tolerant routing in 2D mesh networks, but it can also be extended to other topologies. These algorithms are a combination of a unicast-based multicast algorithm and tree-based multicast algorithms. These algorithms works effectively for the most commonly encountered faults in mesh networks, f-rings, f-chains and concave fault regions. It is shown that the proposed routing algorithms are effective even in the presence of a large number of fault regions and large size of fault region. These algorithms are proved to be deadlock-free. Also, the problem of fault regions overlap is solved. Four essential performance metrics in mesh networks will be considered and calculated; also these algorithms are a limited-global-information-based multicasting which is a compromise of local-information-based approach and global-information-based approach. Data mining is used to validate the results and to enlarge the sample. The proposed new multicast routing techniques are used to enhance the performance of distributed-memory systems. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithms

    Self-stabilizing wormhole routing in hypercubes

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    Wormhole routing is an efficient technique used to communicate message packets between processors when they are not completely connected. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt at designing a self-stabilizing wormhole routing algorithm for hypercubes. Our first algorithm handles all types of faults except for node/link failures. This algorithm achieves optimality in terms of routing path length by following only the preferred dimensions. In an n-dimensional hypercube, those dimensions in which source and destination address bits differ are called preferred dimensions. Our second algorithm handles topological changes. We propose an efficient scheme of rerouting flits in case of node/link failures. Similar to the first algorithm, this algorithm also tries to follow preferred dimensions if they are nonfaulty at the time of transmitting the flits. However, due to topological faults it is necessary to take non-preferred dimensions resulting in suboptimality of path selection. Formal proof of correctness for both solutions is given. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

    A general analytical model of adaptive wormhole routing in k-ary n-cubes

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    Several analytical models of fully adaptive routing have recently been proposed for k-ary n-cubes and hypercube networks under the uniform traffic pattern. Although,hypercube is a special case of k-ary n-cubes topology, the modeling approach for hypercube is more accurate than karyn-cubes due to its simpler structure. This paper proposes a general analytical model to predict message latency in wormhole-routed k-ary n-cubes with fully adaptive routing that uses a similar modeling approach to hypercube. The analysis focuses Duato's fully adaptive routing algorithm [12], which is widely accepted as the most general algorithm for achieving adaptivity in wormhole-routed networks while allowing for an efficient router implementation. The proposed model is general enough that it can be used for hypercube and other fully adaptive routing algorithms
